Montreal Cognitive Test.


Man, you're one dude who should NOT let his fingers do the talking.
Tiny keyboard, big fingers.
Then release the audio of the deposition.

Why fight it?

If Biden has a photographic memory for details, release the audio and let us hear it for ourselves.

Why hide it?

Why allow Garland to be held in contempt to bar it's release?

Shouldn't it be a boone to Biden? A tribute to his photographic memory?

Or perhaps...just perhaps... you're completely full of shit.
The full transcript has been released.
You might want to start at 3:40

The full transcript has been released.
You might want to start at 3:40

Where's the recording?

What does Biden have to hide if the the paragon of mental acuity?

Release the recording of the deposition.

Let's hear Biden's responses from his own lips.

What are you afraid of?
Let me ask you two honest questions about this.

And I want you to be 100% honest...not politically expedient honest, but actually honest.

1) Should European NATO aligned countries have Troops on the ground in Ukraine?

2) Should the US put Troops on the ground in Ukraine?

If the answer to these questions is "No", then Putin is, and always was, going to win.

Some of us understood that reality far earlier than others.
I'm don't know enough so I'm not sure if NATO should have troops there.
I'm don't think we should have American troops there at this time.
How do you know it will take American troops to defeat Putin?
If Biden wasn't incompetent, he would have to answer for willingly stealing and sharing classified documents.
Hur specifically said he didn't find Biden to be incompetent, and that his report didn't indicate that he was.
see videos above
Joe is gone, deal with it.
You are certainly allowed to believe that. You got any updates on that Jade Helm thing, or those investigators trump sent to Hawaii? What about those FEMA prisons? I haven't heard an update on them recently.
Where's the recording?

What does Biden have to hide if the the paragon of mental acuity?

Release the recording of the deposition.

Let's hear Biden's responses from his own lips.

What are you afraid of?
Why bother helping you on a fishing trip? We all know you are experts of taking things out of context.
That particular test is free to download from the internet. Does anyone actually believe trump took it without looking at it first?

Man, you're one dude who should NOT let his fingers do the talking.
You mean a simple typo confuses you that much? Typos happen. You can whine like a little bitch or get over such an unimportant thing. Your call.
Trump has talked a lot about the cognitive test he took. He often mentions how hard the test was, and how he ACED it. Seems that test was the Montreal Cognitive Test, that can be downloaded for free. Does this look like a real brain twister? Are you now as impressed with his test taking abilities as he wants you to be?
View attachment 963479
Would give Biden a lot of problem

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