Montreal Cognitive Test.

Not sure how trump might do that with his poo filled brain.
What we think as political views has consequences in many ways. Our wealth is given away from political decisions. Near 200 billion dollars to Ukraine so far. This while there are massive accusations of hate and racism domestically looking for resources on top of the massive resources we spend now.
What we think as political views has consequences in many ways. Our wealth is given away from political decisions. Near 200 billion dollars to Ukraine so far. This while there are massive accusations of hate and racism domestically looking for resources on top of the massive resources we spend now.
It will cost more if we allow Putin to win.
Tell us, where does tRump stand on these issues

Against cross dressing men in girls bathrooms.
Against stupid unnecessary wars.
Against Big Tech censorship.
Against open borders and human trafficking.
Against shipping jobs to China.
Against defund the police madness.
Against rigged elections.
Against abortion-on-demand.
Against $5 gas.
Against sky high inflation.
Against Climate Hoax nonsense.

He stands agains all your insane policies.
Trump has talked a lot about the cognitive test he took. He often mentions how hard the test was, and how he ACED it. Seems that test was the Montreal Cognitive Test, that can be downloaded for free. Does this look like a real brain twister? Are you now as impressed with his test taking abilities as he wants you to be?
View attachment 963479

Jumping right on the Official Talking Points. But still not very convincing. I hope they don't pay you much.
Ask Ronny Johnson how Trump aced it.
I'm 10 years younger than Trump. I forget the names of actors, movies, athletes, all the time. So do my contemporaries.

I'm more concerned with this. "He was the White House doctor, and he said I was the healthiest president, he feels, in history. So I liked him very much."

Indicating he surrounds himself with people who flatter him. Who lie to him. Who aren't there to tell him about things as they are. They're there to tell him what he wants to hear. Prez's need to be told the truth so they can make fact based decisions. Trump has no interest in the truth because it is often so unflattering.
Jumping right on the Official Talking Points. But still not very convincing. I hope they don't pay you much.
Talking points? That is the actual test he brags about so often. Does it look hard to you?
Then release the audio of the deposition.

Why fight it?

If Biden has a photographic memory for details, release the audio and let us hear it for ourselves.

Why hide it?

Why allow Garland to be held in contempt to bar it's release?

Shouldn't it be a boone to Biden? A tribute to his photographic memory?

Or perhaps...just perhaps... you're completely full of shit.
Then release the audio of the deposition.

Why fight it?

If Biden has a photographic memory for details, release the audio and let us hear it for ourselves.

Why hide it?

Why allow Garland to be held in contempt to bar it's release?

Shouldn't it be a boone to Biden? A tribute to his photographic memory?

Or perhaps...just perhaps... you're completely full of shit.
P.S.- When Bannon claimed executive privilege and was held in contempt of Congress...he was prosecuted and is going to prison.

Garland...not so much.

Two tiered banana republic justice system strikes again.

I think we've found the actual authoritarians...and the actual threats to democracy.
P.S.- When Bannon claimed executive privilege and was held in contempt of Congress...he was prosecuted and is going to prison.

Garland...not so much.

Two tiered banana republic justice system strikes again.

I think we've found the actual authoritarians...and the actual threats to democracy.
How about Jim Jordan?
P.S.- When Bannon claimed executive privilege and was held in contempt of Congress...he was prosecuted and is going to prison.

Garland...not so much.

Two tiered banana republic justice system strikes again.

I think we've found the actual authoritarians...and the actual threats to democracy.


P.P.S.- We've been through this joke of Justice Department bullshit before... When AG Holder was held in contempt during the Obama Administration.

Holder was held in contempt for refusing to release the 'Fast and Furious" gun-walking information to Congress. He wasn't prosecuted either, and the lawsuit drug on for years.

It will cost more if we allow Putin to win.
Let me ask you two honest questions about this.

And I want you to be 100% honest...not politically expedient honest, but actually honest.

1) Should European NATO aligned countries have Troops on the ground in Ukraine?

2) Should the US put Troops on the ground in Ukraine?

If the answer to these questions is "No", then Putin is, and always was, going to win.

Some of us understood that reality far earlier than others.

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