The Official Zimmerman Trial Verdict Thread

What are your Initial Thoughts on the Guilt or Innocence of George Zimmerman?

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Child? At 17 you can be tried as an adult. At 17 you can join the US military, why, because you can handle the rigors of war. What male at 17 likes to be called a boy? We all know what the jury did not hear. The kind of life TM was living. You can be as naive as you want, but be real. GZ is not even white, he is half Hispanic. Get real. Be true to yourselves and stop making up crap. Fight club, smoking weed, trying to buy a blunt wrapper the night of his homicide. You still want to call him a child, you are kidding yourself.

Oh Canada!

Yeah. Nuttin' to do with Bernie's clusterfuck summation.

I just thought we could use a little beauty to counteract the ugliness of Bernie's efforts.

I have no idea who she is but she trumps the Bernster and the bald headed screeching has been washed away.
Hop on a plane to Albuquerque if you want chili or Omaha if you want a steak. Cincinnati does have decent corn dogs, as I remember.

whispering--go to the Varsity in Atlanta--chili dog, onion rings and frosty orange

greasy--someone is sure to mention that but good.

Flying Biscuit--more vegetarian options and nouveau Southern food

lol--one of my favorite places no longer exists--pure fried fare--catfish, hush puppies, french fries and the salad dressing was tangy--similar to an oil based Russian dressing. They brought baskets and baskets of piping hot little catfish--the best kind. My grandfather had a hollow leg and he could eat a lot of catfish.

If you want good fish, there's this little place in downtown Cincinnati called Alabamas. Man o man it's really good.

For ribs, everyone in the Cincinnati area swears by Montgomery Inn, but that stuff isn't good. The best ribs I've ever had was from this guys basement over in St. Bernard. He had these 3 smokers going and 5 grills for whatever you wanted and it was cheap too. Illegal, but cheap, lol. You could also grab yourself some "Corn" if that was your thing. The "Corn" came from Indiana and Kentucky.

By "Corn" I'm talking about grain alchohol.

Moonshine--lol. Thunder, Thunder Road--do you know that song?

I like fish--fried, broiled--whichever way. Lately I have been baking catfish --coated with lemon, dill and panko crumbs--pretty tasty.

Ribs--love them, too. M'Lears--if you are headed south toward Macon--that was always one of the local favorites. I drove north --headed toward the mountains and found a very tasty dive/diner--that was an exciting day. I think I could find it again. I like to do that just drive and find little places to eat--like Guy Fieri. lol

Boiled peanuts--I could eat a bushel. They are best--green peanuts--late summer and early fall. Best from a large cast iron pot at a roadside stand--but we do them in the pressure cooker and they are gone before they cool.
IlarMeilyr said:
(3) A person who is not engaged in an unlawful activity and who is attacked in any other place where he or she has a right to be has no duty to retreat and has the right to stand his or her ground and meet force with force, including deadly force if he or

This excerpt applies to MARTIN. He was not engaged in unlawful activity and was apparently either attacked or afraid of imminent attack by GZ. Martin had no duty to retreat and had the right to stand his ground and meet force with force, including deadly force. You dumb ass one dimensional buffoon. You cannot even grasp the fact that Trayvon did not have to wait to be attacked by his STALKER. What ever he did he stood his ground when an unknown threat triggered alarms in his head to make him believe he was in danger. If the prosecution didn't use that in court then he/she is as inept in their thinking as you are. The other possibility is that there is a good old boy thing going on here and that the case is being purposefully blown.

JQPubic is a douche. There is no "apparently" in TM being attacked. He clearly was not.

He WAS followed and he might have felt that he was thus in some danger. But that has no connection to "stand your ground." It didn't give him the right to attack GZ, which clearly IS what happened.

Following is STILL not "stalking" no matter how often retards like JQPubic try to dishonestly make that claim.

And I PREDICTED that some lolberal asshole would eventually make the ridiculous claim that the case was being thrown.


Not surprising that a moron like JQPubic would so quickly comply. :lmao: What a tool he is. Fucking douche bag JQPubic, a new laughingstock even amongst the lolberal crew of simpleton jerkoffs.

How many people have no problem living next to a "child killer"?

Regardless of the controversy, George Zimmerman killed what the law considers a "child". I suspect George will probably walk.

How many of his supporters would want him to actually live next door?

What if you have teenage children? Would you have any concern that he might kill one of them? If not, why not?

If he shot and killed Martin, what would keep him from doing the same to someone else's child?

If he did, would you still support him?
If somehow the killer, George Zimmerman, gets off Scot free, he's going to immediately start on the NRA circuit. He'll be a RW hero inviting to speak at all their events. He may even get hired by FOXNEWS.

He'll be rich.

That's how they treat their criminals that get away...they prop them up. Google Darryl Issa. He's nothing but a small-time crook that got away.

No he won't. Some thought Dan White was going to be a "right wing" star because he killed a gay guy and only went to prison for a few years. But when he got out, no one wanted him anywhere near their families and he was chased from communities that supported him. He eventually committed suicide.

These right wingers on this thread are morons. Look at what these dumbfucks write. Looking at Trevon's mother and father, the kid seemed pretty normal. Even President Bush was arrested for drunk driving and no right winger is calling him names for it. Mitt Romney coerced 5 big guys to hold down on screaming and frightened kid so Mitt could assault him. These right wingers that it was hilarious because it's been reported the kid was gay. These are just some dirty and racist right wingers. And they know they are. Pretending to deny it is just for "show". They know what they are.
How many people have no problem living next to a "child killer"?

Regardless of the controversy, George Zimmerman killed what the law considers a "child". I suspect George will probably walk.

How many of his supporters would want him to actually live next door?

What if you have teenage children? Would you have any concern that he might kill one of them? If not, why not?

If he shot and killed Martin, what would keep him from doing the same to someone else's child?

If he did, would you still support him?

In any crime a case could be made that he is an adult.

Many 17 year olds are tried by the law as adults. Not sure of your point.
Only idiots and people who have an agenda ever mention stand your ground in reference to this case.

I will leave it to history to judge the fact that having an agenda actually requires intelligence.

In other words, you can't backup your frivolous statements...

You want me to post links to prove something that has not happened? If this is actually about stand your ground you should be able to bring up all the instances that the defense brought it up, and how the state has worked very hard to prove them wrong. Since that has not happened, I see no need to refute it.

Why would the defense bring up SYG when their client was the one breaking the law by profiling, stalking and murdering an innocent kid? GZ was the aggressor. The bogus Neighborhood Watch angle was just a ruse so GZ could act like a cop with a big gun.
Are you confused as to who the criminal was here? Just because GZ had duped the SPD and the community with his phony NHW shit, that deception didn't give him any more of a right to do the things he did that night. Thats why cops and security guards wear identifiable uniforms; so people can have some semblance of an assurance that when they are approached, followed, whatever, it is one of the good guys doing it! NHW, according to the National Sheriffs Association that sanctions the REAL organization, does not condone any of the behavior exhibited by GZ on the night he killed Martin!

The prosecution should be using SYG to justify Martin's actions.
In other words, you can't backup your frivolous statements...

You want me to post links to prove something that has not happened? If this is actually about stand your ground you should be able to bring up all the instances that the defense brought it up, and how the state has worked very hard to prove them wrong. Since that has not happened, I see no need to refute it.

Why would the defense bring up SYG when their client was the one breaking the law by profiling, stalking and murdering an innocent kid? GZ was the aggressor. The bogus Neighborhood Watch angle was just a ruse so GZ could act like a cop with a big gun.
Are you confused as to who the criminal was here? Just because GZ had duped the SPD and the community with his phony NHW shit, that deception didn't give him any more of a right to do the things he did that night. Thats why cops and security guards wear identifiable uniforms; so people can have some semblance of an assurance that when they are approached, followed, whatever, it is one of the good guys doing it! NHW, according to the National Sheriffs Association that sanctions the REAL organization, does not condone any of the behavior exhibited by GZ on the night he killed Martin!

The prosecution should be using SYG to justify Martin's actions.

They couldn't you simpleton.

TM was the initial aggressor. He provoked the violence, you stupid plodding moron.
IlarMeilyr said:
(3) A person who is not engaged in an unlawful activity and who is attacked in any other place where he or she has a right to be has no duty to retreat and has the right to stand his or her ground and meet force with force, including deadly force if he or

This excerpt applies to MARTIN. He was not engaged in unlawful activity and was apparently either attacked or afraid of imminent attack by GZ. Martin had no duty to retreat and had the right to stand his ground and meet force with force, including deadly force. You dumb ass one dimensional buffoon. You cannot even grasp the fact that Trayvon did not have to wait to be attacked by his STALKER. What ever he did he stood his ground when an unknown threat triggered alarms in his head to make him believe he was in danger. If the prosecution didn't use that in court then he/she is as inept in their thinking as you are. The other possibility is that there is a good old boy thing going on here and that the case is being purposefully blown.

Unless you are willing to call every single witness that testified for the state a liar Martin attacked Zimmerman, which is illegal.

No, the liar is YOU! Every single witness for the STATE did NOT testify that Martin attacked Z. In fact NO one has testified to that; and, since GZ refused to take the stand, not even he has testified to that! But, as I said above, even if Martin hit Z first he had every right to do so if he thought Z was a threat to him... He didn't have to wait until an apparent stalker did something to him first. That would have been really stupid!
In other words, you can't backup your frivolous statements...

You want me to post links to prove something that has not happened? If this is actually about stand your ground you should be able to bring up all the instances that the defense brought it up, and how the state has worked very hard to prove them wrong. Since that has not happened, I see no need to refute it.

Why would the defense bring up SYG when their client was the one breaking the law by profiling, stalking and murdering an innocent kid? GZ was the aggressor. The bogus Neighborhood Watch angle was just a ruse so GZ could act like a cop with a big gun.
Are you confused as to who the criminal was here? Just because GZ had duped the SPD and the community with his phony NHW shit, that deception didn't give him any more of a right to do the things he did that night. Thats why cops and security guards wear identifiable uniforms; so people can have some semblance of an assurance that when they are approached, followed, whatever, it is one of the good guys doing it! NHW, according to the National Sheriffs Association that sanctions the REAL organization, does not condone any of the behavior exhibited by GZ on the night he killed Martin!

The prosecution should be using SYG to justify Martin's actions.

Why would the defense bring up stand your ground?

Gee, I don't know. Maybe, just maybe, because if the defense doesn't bring it up, no one else will because it applies only to defending yourself against a murder or assault charge. The only time it has been mentioned at all is during the questioning of Zimmerman's professor when the prosecution asked if it was mentioned during the class.

Feel free to post some more stupid drivel that proves you are not even reading the stories about the tiral, yet somehow know that the prosecution is doing anyway.
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