The Official Zimmerman Trial Verdict Thread

What are your Initial Thoughts on the Guilt or Innocence of George Zimmerman?

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Next week we will have a verdict or a hung jury. All if us will have to accept they jury's decision. Let's hope that all remain calm and common sense prevails.
Manslaughter- TEN YEARS!!

Funny thing here, because I actually believe Zimmerman is most likely guilty of manslaughter, but I do not support, in any way, his conviction. The prosecution had a choice from the beginning to charge Zimmerman with involuntary manslaughter. They chose second degree murder. Now that they know they have no chance of getting a conviction for second degree murder, they ask the judge to allow jurors to consider a lesser charge. What a crock of shit. Their case was predicated on a second degree murder charge. They did not prove their case. Case over.

One last thing in defense of Zimmerman; despite the fact that I can't stand the guy, there is some solid evidence that he showed no malice toward Travon Martin, and that proof comes in the fact that he only fired one shot. That shot was fired after he was being beaten. To what degree, we will never know, but the fact is that Martin did beat on him based on the scars he had on his face and head. Only one shot fired, and absolutely zero solid evidence showing he acted with any malice whatsoever.

If for any reason he is convicted, I can only hope to God that such a conviction would be overturned. Our justice system requires proof of guilt and that proof must come without any reasonable doubt. No matter what is done with this case, there is more than reasonable doubt, therefore there can be no conviction.

People need to read the shit out of this post! More than once
On that dark and rainy night:

1. What did Martin do wrong?

2. What did Zimmerman do wrong?

1. Walk back behind a Bush and choose to jump Zimmerman.
2. Be stupid enough to walk towards a black thug:eek:

I looked for bushes when Z was walking the LE telling his story. I didn't see any. The only plant life I saw were very young twig like trees.

You know Matthew, you are very worked up about this case. You need to calm down.
Yes, GZ is a thug and a liar, and race has nothing to do with it. TM was a wannabee thug as well.

The only thing that will matter is how the jury will decide, and race will have nothing to do with it.
BLACK THUGS LIKE TRAYVON MARTIN DON"T PROPERLY RESPECT THE LAW EITHER. ASSHOLE. Want to know why Sanford florida has one of the highest crime rates in this nation.

Fuck you Lakota. You can piss off and take a flying leap you bastard!:evil::evil::evil::evil:

Why, did Trayvon also lie to a judge?
I have watched many trials and it is common to include lesser charges in the jury instructions. This is not an uncommon act for a judge to do.

I do have faith in the judicial system. With everything surrounding this case, and everything that has happened, an appeal may be fruitful. Just let everything work themselves out.
whispering--go to the Varsity in Atlanta--chili dog, onion rings and frosty orange

greasy--someone is sure to mention that but good.

Flying Biscuit--more vegetarian options and nouveau Southern food

lol--one of my favorite places no longer exists--pure fried fare--catfish, hush puppies, french fries and the salad dressing was tangy--similar to an oil based Russian dressing. They brought baskets and baskets of piping hot little catfish--the best kind. My grandfather had a hollow leg and he could eat a lot of catfish.

If you want good fish, there's this little place in downtown Cincinnati called Alabamas. Man o man it's really good.

For ribs, everyone in the Cincinnati area swears by Montgomery Inn, but that stuff isn't good. The best ribs I've ever had was from this guys basement over in St. Bernard. He had these 3 smokers going and 5 grills for whatever you wanted and it was cheap too. Illegal, but cheap, lol. You could also grab yourself some "Corn" if that was your thing. The "Corn" came from Indiana and Kentucky.

By "Corn" I'm talking about grain alchohol.

Moonshine--lol. Thunder, Thunder Road--do you know that song?

I like fish--fried, broiled--whichever way. Lately I have been baking catfish --coated with lemon, dill and panko crumbs--pretty tasty.

Ribs--love them, too. M'Lears--if you are headed south toward Macon--that was always one of the local favorites. I drove north --headed toward the mountains and found a very tasty dive/diner--that was an exciting day. I think I could find it again. I like to do that just drive and find little places to eat--like Guy Fieri. lol

Boiled peanuts--I could eat a bushel. They are best--green peanuts--late summer and early fall. Best from a large cast iron pot at a roadside stand--but we do them in the pressure cooker and they are gone before they cool.

I have all the peanuts I could ever want right over my back fence. 325 acres. They turn them over in mid November and let them dry for a week or so before running the combines. It takes 4 combines about 6 hours to pick them up and truck them away. For over a week, there are enough peanuts laying in the field to fill 20 tractor trailers. I think he harvested about 1,200 tons or a bit over $1/2 million worth.
Whatever in the world do year-old stories (in the OP) about Zimmermann's former bull$hitting have to do with whether or not he's guilty of anything but self-defense in the Murder Trial currently underway?

The answer, of course, is: nothing.

And none of that is going to factor into the deliberations of the sequestered jury, either.

All the Defense needs is 'Reasonable Doubt'.

And the Prosecution itself has supplied plenty of that, in case ya'll haven't noticed.

Does anyone else smell a good ol' fashioned "Not Guilty" verdict just around the corner?
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There is evidence. Zimmernan's own statement. If you want to say it isn't reliable you will need to provide counter evidence. And tehre is none.
Tracy Martin was put on the stand as Trayvon's father. Everyone assumes he is Trayvon's father. But no one has produced a DNA test that proves that. Capiche?

That is the dumbest thing you have ever said. And let's face it, you have said some pretty dumb things. I almost feel sorry for you.

I always feel sorry for idiots who have nothing productive to say. And you, well, if I was paid a thousand bucks for all of unproductive posts you made, I would need a freaking job.

Says the guy with 6k posts in 4 months. Get a life.
Re DD:

Are you freaking kidding me? She lies and it's everyone else's fault. Oh looky! Al's back!

MSNBC's Al Sharpton spoke today with Rod Vereen, the attorney representing Rachel Jeantel, a key witness for the state in the murder trial of George Zimmerman. Sharpton noted how the defense attorneys went out of their way to discredit her testimony, and brought up some of the vicious attacks on Jeantel during and following her two days in the courtroom. Immediately following the interview, Sharpton condemned the attacks on her that "have been nothing short of offensive to any American.Vereen explained that because Jeantel is still under subpoena, she cannot talk to anyone about her testimony, but said that "her body language tells me that she's happy that it's over with." Sharpton brought up how the defense "tried to discredit Rachel" by grilling her about initially lying over why she didn't attend Trayvon Martin's funeral. Sharpton found her explanation, that she felt guilty about being the last person who spoke to him before he died, "pretty reasonable to me.Vereen explained his client never wanted to be dragged into the spotlight over this, but now the credibility of a teenage girl has become the topic of national discussion. Sharpton asked Vereen if Jeantel is aware of the attacks on her in the media and online. Vereen said he recommended she avoid social media, because if she's called back to testify, the negative criticism could influence her. He also slammed the media for nitpicking her "stumbling," saying that witnesses will always have "inconsistencies in statements," but that does not always mean they're lying.Sharpton concluded the segment with a swift condemnation of the attacks on Jeantel's character.The attacks that I've heard on Rachel Jeantel have been nothing short of offensive to any American that wants to see young people... to do the right thing and come forward. No matter what happens in this trial, if people come forward, they ought not be ridiculed. They ought not be in any way given the kind of treatment that this young lady was given... To castigate her, to characterize her, to stereotype her, and use all kind of attacks, I think, is something that does an injustice to the criminal justice system."

Al Sharpton Talks With Rachel Jeantel's Lawyer,Condemns 'Offensive' Stereotyping Of Her In The Media - YouTube

The funeral thing was a bit of a stretch, after all if Florida had Early Funeraling or Absentee Funeraling, DD probably been able to participate.

I think I made up a new word.

Is it the bias I have developed watching this trial or is the Prosecution really being unlovable and unattractive in this closing argument? I am being strongly unconvinced by his argument and somewhat put off by his demeanor.

Tweet of the day for you:

>>Moving the riots from Sanford to DC would be so much more convenient for the DOJ riot organizers

Does anyone watching this still believe in the justice system?

No wonder so many poor blacks are in prison.

The prosecutors lie, twist the facts, ignore the law, take evidence and testimony out of context, connive, cheat, ambush...and we call this the "justice" system???

What a joke...

I was hauled up in class one night for saying something critical about public defenders, so I won't go there on this post because I was informed by the prof that most public defenders will be a better advocate than the lawyer who stops defending you because you violate "Rule number 1" the first time you are late on your payment. Zimmerman would not have had such good representation were it not for people who contributed to his defense. I didn't contribute to it, but I would contribute to his 'get out of the country' fund for him and his family if there is one WHEN he is found to be NOT guilty.

I wonder how his father and his uncle will fare.

Another thing I wonder--why is there no talk of a foundation for Trayvon? It seems like that is what is done now to honor the memory of a victim. Maybe there is and I have had my head in the sand.

There are some good lawyers in FL --to be a fly on the wall when this case is discussed in private quarters. That would be interesting.

I believe there was some sort of foundation established shortly after the incident. I read about it in some of the links posted many pages back. I also remember reading that the family used the account for their personal expenses. I believe that was about the time that AS and JJ were doing marches.
Call me hard- hearted but Sybrina did not raise lil Trayvon ( lil Trayvon was raised by the next woman Tracy took up with). I learned in all my reading that she actually spent not a lot of time with him.
While I have some sympathy for them, had they been better parents to him, he may still be around.
That is the dumbest thing you have ever said. And let's face it, you have said some pretty dumb things. I almost feel sorry for you.

I always feel sorry for idiots who have nothing productive to say. And you, well, if I was paid a thousand bucks for all of unproductive posts you made, I would need a freaking job.

Says the guy with 6k posts in 4 months. Get a life.

At least he can think through the evidence. Unlike fools like you that want to give blacks a double standard to beat people up without self defense.

Bite me bitch!:evil:
Yes, GZ is a thug and a liar, and race has nothing to do with it. TM was a wannabee thug as well.

The only thing that will matter is how the jury will decide, and race will have nothing to do with it.

Calling him a thug and a liar, yet you don't even know him. All you know about him is what you've heard on the news. Seriously, Jake?
I always feel sorry for idiots who have nothing productive to say. And you, well, if I was paid a thousand bucks for all of unproductive posts you made, I would need a freaking job.

Says the guy with 6k posts in 4 months. Get a life.

At least he can think through the evidence. Unlike fools like you that want to give blacks a double standard to beat people up without self defense.

I want to do no such thing. His mind was made up long ago. The fact that you and he continue to take Zimmerman's statements as fact tell me all I need to know.
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