The Official Zimmerman Trial Verdict Thread

What are your Initial Thoughts on the Guilt or Innocence of George Zimmerman?

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Zimmerman has a dishonorable track record.

Has he been convicted of any crime?

One can be dishonorable without having actually been convicted of a crime. BTW, Zimmerman and his wife both lied to a judge (under oath) about money and passports.

True, one need not be convicted of a crime to be dishonorable. Perhaps if he had merely stolen jewelry, engaged in drug abuse, gotten multiple suspensions from school and had been kicked out of his home by his mom you'd see Zimmerman in a more human light. Also, the prosecutor lied in his closing. Should we disregard all of his statements then too?
The reason Sanford florida is a shit hole is because of thugs like Trayvon. The parents fucked up with raising the bastard so he thought he could go around beating up people.

These communities will be disadvantaged until they can clean up their mess...Trayvon is part of that mess.
None of that Happy Hor$e$hit matters at all, in connection with the Murder case.

All the Defense need do is to establish Reasonable Doubt of GZ's guilt.

And, hell, the DA's office did a bang-up job of that before the Defense team even got started.

Any so-called track-record of lies will NOT be factored into the jury's decision because it is non sequitur to whether Reasonable Doubt exists.

Gotta love that provision of our criminal justice system, eh?
Z should have stopped the truck when he was told to do so and stayed in the truck. IF TM came up to the truck, Z should have identified himself and asked if he was staying there. Common sense.
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Zimmerman's proven lies to a judge make all his other statements very questionable.

Then it's good we have eye witness testimony and forensic evidence, not to mention pictures of his injuries to confirm his statements

So many made up their minds before the evidence was laid out. When I first heard about this, I had the impression that some big bully white guy cornered some child and murdered him in cold blood. Then I read about the facts and was on the fence. Now that the trial has laid out all evidence, I think the prosecution just bowed to public pressure from black leaders, the Obama administration and their supporters. It just isn't that cut and dried.

It's all about the evidence and nothing more. If the facts support Zimmerman's statement, that amounts to reasonable doubt and they have to let him go. The prosecution did not meet the standard of proof required for murder. It's clear why they want to suddenly reduce the charges, but Zimmerman's lawyers didn't address manslaughter or defend against that. I think they are hellbent to send him to jail on something. If they now reduce charges, that is an admission that they deliberately overcharged in this first place and the proof of that is in the gross lack of evidence to support their claim. They didn't follow the evidence to come to a conclusion, they acted under pressure and tried to get by with a flimsy case.

There have been plenty of liars in this case. The story put out initially was a lie.

Now we have a judge speaking out at this point in an attempt to sway public opinion. That will help ensure riots if Zimmerman walks due to lack of evidence for the crime of murder. The judge's poor judgment isn't helping an already explosive situation.

Z should have stopped the truck when he was told to do so and stayed in the truck. IF TM came up to the truck, Z should have identified himself and asked if he was living there.

This is a case of self defense. Understand? Zimmerman evidence shows that he should be not guility.

He had every right to walk up to Trayvon...May not be wise as Trayvon was a street thug but that doesn't charge this fact.
For a minute there, it looked like Trayvon Martin might avoid the kind of horseshit thunderstorm that tends to accompany the shooting deaths of unarmed African-Americans. It seemed like everyone agreed that the police had fucked up. Fox News had only one segment on the killing in the weeks following. Not even white racists wanted to defend Martin's killer, George Zimmerman: when I wrote about the case last week, the worst response I got was from one particularly dedicated nutcase, who set up a Twitter account to harass me for not properly specifying that Zimmerman is Hispanic.

But the horseshit is raining down now, helped along by a desperate Sanford Police Department doing everything it can to make Martin look like he deserved to die, and by the champion point-missers of the internet right wing, who hardly need convincing that a 17-year-old black kid was up to no good.

You can see it in the incompetent and widely-circulated "investigations" into Martin's social media presence and in the sudden rise in concern among your Facebook friends over black-on-white crime. You can see it in the faux-naïve concern trolling of the National Review and Business Insider, or on the Drudge Report, where for the second day in a row notorious race hustler Matt Drudge is pimping headlines about "new details" and "multiple suspensions," accompanied by a photo of Martin, baby-faced, mugging for the camera, sparkling grill in his mouth. And you can see it outside the bodega on your way to the subway, on the front page of today's New York Post, which reads "TRAYVON HOODWINK: Tragedy hijacked by race hustlers."

More: Your Guide to the Idiotic Racist Backlash Against Trayvon Martin
Then it's good we have eye witness testimony and forensic evidence, not to mention pictures of his injuries to confirm his statements

So many made up their minds before the evidence was laid out. When I first heard about this, I had the impression that some big bully white guy cornered some child and murdered him in cold blood. Then I read about the facts and was on the fence. Now that the trial has laid out all evidence, I think the prosecution just bowed to public pressure from black leaders, the Obama administration and their supporters. It just isn't that cut and dried.

It's all about the evidence and nothing more. If the facts support Zimmerman's statement, that amounts to reasonable doubt and they have to let him go. The prosecution did not meet the standard of proof required for murder. It's clear why they want to suddenly reduce the charges, but Zimmerman's lawyers didn't address manslaughter or defend against that. I think they are hellbent to send him to jail on something. If they now reduce charges, that is an admission that they deliberately overcharged in this first place and the proof of that is in the gross lack of evidence to support their claim. They didn't follow the evidence to come to a conclusion, they acted under pressure and tried to get by with a flimsy case.

There have been plenty of liars in this case. The story put out initially was a lie.

Now we have a judge speaking out at this point in an attempt to sway public opinion. That will help ensure riots if Zimmerman walks due to lack of evidence for the crime of murder. The judge's poor judgment isn't helping an already explosive situation.


I missed the judge speaking out. What did she say?
On that dark and rainy night:

1. What did Martin do wrong?

2. What did Zimmerman do wrong?

1. Walk back behind a Bush and choose to jump Zimmerman.
2. Be stupid enough to walk towards a black thug:eek:

I looked for bushes when Z was walking the LE telling his story. I didn't see any. The only plant life I saw were very young twig like trees.

You know Matthew, you are very worked up about this case. You need to calm down.

Ok..let's address the bushes thing. How many people here can honestly say they have NEVER used a phrase that was close to what they wanted to convey but used the wrong terms?
Especially after adrenaline is pumping like crazy.
"He jumped out of the bushes" meant "He appeared out of the dark". Bushes, tree, patio wall...whatthefuckever. Point is, he jumped out of darkness and began wailing on Zimmerman.

Now. Get your stones and start tossing them, those who have NEVER done that. Ever.
And I hope zimmerman DOES walk. And then walk right out of that area and out of the USA and heads to Mexico along with his family. He will no longer be safe here, unfortunately.

Why would the defense bring up stand your ground?

Gee, I don't know. Maybe, just maybe, because if the defense doesn't bring it up, no one else will because it applies only to defending yourself against a murder or assault charge. The only time it has been mentioned at all is during the questioning of Zimmerman's professor when the prosecution asked if it was mentioned during the class.

Well golly gee, hasn't GZ been claiming that TM assaulted him from the start? SO why would Martin assault GZ for no reason? First off, Z spotted TM walking back from the store and was parked ahead of him partially blocking the sidewalk. TM had to walk around the vehicle to get by... Something happened in the ensuing moments that caused Martin to run. He in fact ran past the sidewalk that would have led to the front door of the apt in which he was staying. GZ gave chase and , according to later publicly aired conversations, he lost sight of Martin. In a re-enactment of the confrontation GZ said Martin re-appeared near him as he was returning to his truck. GZ did not say Martin hit him. He says he either stumbled and fell or was pushed and fell to the ground. After he fell, he said Martin jumped on top of him. The re-enactment was not consistent with an earlier statement by GZ where he indicated that he and Martin spoke to each other before the fight. In that earlier statement Z said Martin asked him what was his problem? Z responded with "I don't have a problem." According to Z, TM responded with " You do now," and according to Z, Martin hit him. TWO different stories from the same guy!

Damn, you really are stupid.

Stand your ground only applies if you are in public, kill someone, and had a chance to get away. Since Zimmerman was on his back on the ground he did not have a chance to run away.

They just showed the reenactment today, and Zimmerman said what you just said he didn't say.


Well I am certainly not as stupid as YOU! The Florida statute concerning SYG has been posted and excerpted ad nauseum. Read it and be man enough to apologize when you discover how dumb you have been!

Florida Justifiable homicide statute chapt 776 said:
(3) A person who is not engaged in an unlawful activity and who is attacked in any other place where he or she has a right to be has no duty to retreat and has the right to stand his or her ground and meet force with force, including deadly force if he or she reasonably believes it is necessary to do so to prevent death or great bodily harm to himself or herself or another or to prevent the commission of a forcible felony.

Ands just in case you missed it the first time, don't tell me shit about the statute applying to Zimmerman. Read my proposed application and weep:

"This excerpt applies to MARTIN. He was not engaged in unlawful activity and was apparently either attacked or afraid of imminent attack by GZ. Martin had no duty to retreat and had the right to stand his ground and meet force with force, including deadly force. You dumb ass one dimensional buffoon. You cannot even grasp the fact that Trayvon did not have to wait to be attacked by his STALKER. What ever he did he stood his ground when an unknown threat triggered alarms in his head to make him believe he was in danger. If the prosecution didn't use that in court then he/she is as inept in their thinking as you are. The other possibility is that there is a good old boy thing going on here and that the case is being purposefully blown"
1. Walk back behind a Bush and choose to jump Zimmerman.
2. Be stupid enough to walk towards a black thug:eek:

I looked for bushes when Z was walking the LE telling his story. I didn't see any. The only plant life I saw were very young twig like trees.

You know Matthew, you are very worked up about this case. You need to calm down.

Ok..let's address the bushes thing. How many people here can honestly say they have NEVER used a phrase that was close to what they wanted to convey but used the wrong terms?
Especially after adrenaline is pumping like crazy.
"He jumped out of the bushes" meant "He appeared out of the dark". Bushes, tree, patio wall...whatthefuckever. Point is, he jumped out of darkness and began wailing on Zimmerman.

Now. Get your stones and start tossing them, those who have NEVER done that. Ever.

Oh, Just6 came out of the night... okay.
Yes, GZ is a thug and a liar, and race has nothing to do with it. TM was a wannabee thug as well.

The only thing that will matter is how the jury will decide, and race will have nothing to do with it.

Calling him a thug and a liar, yet you don't even know him. All you know about him is what you've heard on the news. Seriously, Jake?

Seriously, TK, the behavior is clear about GZ. I am not thrilled with TM either.

I think all this yelling on race by both sides is stupid.

The jury will do its duty, and we are going to have to live with it.
You have the right to use deadly force if the other person is using deadly, even if you began it.

But . . . if the jury concludes GZ had no reason to believe his life was in danger, then they will find that he unlawfully killed TM.

In other words, getting an ass whipping is not justification for killing.
Z should have stopped the truck when he was told to do so and stayed in the truck. IF TM came up to the truck, Z should have identified himself and asked if he was staying there. Common sense.

One problem. He wasn't in the truck when he was told to stop. There's a hole in that assertion right there. According to Zimmerman, Martin did circle the truck, before walking off towards the site of his death. Zimmerman then rode a little bit further down the road only to lose him. So he gets out of the truck (in conversation with Gary Knoffke, 911 Dispatcher) while being told to "let them know if anything happens" begins (note the key word BEGINS) to look for Martin and starts to run, to which Knoffke inquires "are you following him?" "Yes" Zimmerman replies. "Okay we don't need you to do that" Knoffke suggested. "OK" Zimmerman conceded. So as he begins returning to his vehicle, he is surprised by Martin, asking "You got a problem, homie?" To which Zimmerman responds, "No I don't have a problem." "Well you do now!" Martin exhorts. He knocks Zimmerman to the ground and leaps atop him, straddling him and leaving him helpless to blows. Before too long, Zimmerman tries to move away only to reveal his firearm, to which the teenager spots the firearm, and utters "you're going to die tonight, motherfucker!" As he continued to beat Zimmerman, Zimmerman finally decides to pull his Kal Tec Double Action 9mm handgun, and shoot the 17 year old dead to in self defense.

So, what common sense tells you to lie there and get beaten senseless? None. What common sense tells you that Zimmerman was following or profiling him? Absolutely none. Sure, he could have made himself more clear, but he had no way to communicate with this kid. It was an actual verbal conversation which lead to this whole incident, which in and of itself isn't illegal. None of these things he did or didn't do were or are remotely illegal.
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Yes, GZ is a thug and a liar, and race has nothing to do with it. TM was a wannabee thug as well.

The only thing that will matter is how the jury will decide, and race will have nothing to do with it.

Calling him a thug and a liar, yet you don't even know him. All you know about him is what you've heard on the news. Seriously, Jake?

Seriously, TK, the behavior is clear about GZ. I am not thrilled with TM either.

I think all this yelling on race by both sides is stupid.

The jury will do its duty, and we are going to have to live with it.

Nobody is thrilled about this, Jake. Nobody is thrilled when someone loses their life in this way. But I cannot have you assuming such things about GZ. Don't believe all of the nonsense you hear on the MSM. Only one side chose to insert race into this issue, that being those on the left.

And that last line is insightful. No matter what they rule, we will be made to live with it, unless the appeals court overturns it.
Apparently Mertex's comprehension challenges extend to recognizing sarcasm too, but whatcha gonna do? :dunno:
There's a thin line between sarcasm and bigotry. I don't think you fool anyone.

That's what was aired on a tape. That you don't want to admit it is because most racist claim denial when confronted.
But nobody ever said pusillanimity and ignorance are mutually exclusive. :lol:
Bigotry and ignorance go hand in hand, as you have so positively proven.:badgrin:

Are you basing this opinion on the supposed 'fucking coons' comment? Or was there something else in Zimmerman's 911 call which equates to him saying blacks always get away?

I'm honestly curious. I haven't paid enough attention to this case to know exactly what was in the 911 call, but I was under the impression that the 'fucking coons' phrase was pretty well debunked.

Of course those that support GZ will never admit he said what he said, and have come up with lame alternatives. You'll have to decide for yourself, and based on his other comments and previous calls to 911, it's pretty obvious that is what he said.

[ame=]DIAGNOSTIC: George Zimmerman Clearly says "Fucking Coons" Before Killing Trayvon Martin - YouTube[/ame]
You have the right to use deadly force if the other person is using deadly, even if you began it.

But . . . if the jury concludes GZ had no reason to believe his life was in danger, then they will find that he unlawfully killed TM.

In other words, getting an ass whipping is not justification for killing.

Oh I see. So if someone beats you to within an inch of your life, and you have no training or prior knowledge of how to fight back, what else are you to do? Succumb to your attacker?
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