The Official Zimmerman Trial Verdict Thread

What are your Initial Thoughts on the Guilt or Innocence of George Zimmerman?

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Yet, as you so eloquently DIDN'T point out. If self defense applied to Murder 2, it should also apply to manslaughter. If Murder 2 was debunked based on that premise, so should manslaughter.

Common sense. You have none.
I hope Zimmerman fries.

He's said too many lies, and he's trying to cover his tracks.

If the jury is too stupid to convict him, I hope that Karma comes back to visit them as well.
I hope Zimmerman fries.

He's said too many lies, and he's trying to cover his tracks.

If the jury is too stupid to convict him, I hope that Karma comes back to visit them as well.

I pretty much agree. I think he should do some very serious time. He is a murderer. He took that kid's life for NO GOOD REASON. No good reason at all. He never should have had a gun. This is exactly the kind of situation that points out why America needs strong gun control laws. Private citizens should not be walking around with concealed hand guns, loaded and ready to shoot and kill. The bastard never even identified himself to Trayvon as neighborhood watch. It's just unbelieveable that people think what he did is okay. Wait 'till they get in such a situation and some gun nut blows them away because he thinks their behavior is 'suspect.' Anyone of us could end up like Trayvon because a gun nut just drooling and wetting himself to take the opportunity to be Matt Dillon or Wyat Earp!
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The Prosecution has admitted that they didn't prove their overcharged allegations that Zimmerman is guilty of 2nd degree murder, so they are now asking the Judge to include lesser charges in an attempt to get any kind of conviction to appease the Black population and prevent riots.

I have never heard of this happening before. It must have... but I have never heard of it. Usually the Prosecutors will string together groups of charges knowing that each one increases their chances of a conviction if they fail on their primary charge.

All I can say is I hope that the Judge refuses to do it, or if she does, it is tossed on appeals. It's not the Judge's job to help the Prosecutors to get a conviction which is what will look like if she agrees to this.

called it.

Kinda shocked they are not charging him for wearing a disguise in public. After all, he was walking while white.

Having done some research, it is "normal", in Florida, for a prosecutor to be able to pile on lesser charges at the end of the trial. Judges normally approve it

I didn't know that.

IMHO, that is wrong. The Prosecution should have to prove what they charge, not charge what they hope they proved.

The mob used to take people down there to kill them, b/c in FL, no body, no murder. So I can see how it would end up going overboard.
Do you believe that if you're attacked you have the right to defend yourself? Let's say someone is bashing your head into the ground does that give you a right to use "deadly" force(gun, knife, etc) in order to save your own life.

If you are attacked without provecation, yes. If you are say following someone and they felt threatened and encountered you, no.
He followed him with a gun. That is all that matters.

You told me earlier that if not for SYG laws, you'd vote not guilty.

You change your mind?

Have they done away with the SYG law?


But you said "He followed him with a gun. That is all that matters".

That is not consistent with your previous argument where the SYG law was the basis for your opinion of guilt.

So again, did you change your mind?
If you are claiming that Martin was standing his ground you have to start by proving that Zimmerman attacked Martin. Can you do that?
He followed him with a gun. That is all that matters.

And a flashlight. He was stalking that kid.

Which is another interesting part of Zimmerman's story.

Because, he contends it wasn't working. So he brought a non-functioning flashlight into a very dark area to check for addresses.

And didn't make sure it was working when he got out of his truck.

One can be dishonorable without having actually been convicted of a crime. BTW, Zimmerman and his wife both lied to a judge (under oath) about money and passports.

You've lied much more often. Maybe not under oath, but then i dont think you should have to take an oath to tell the truth.

Please do the Christian thing and tell me when and where I've lied.

A lie is when you know that you aren't telling the truth. If you're simply repeating a lie and don't know it you're not exactly lying.

I think you're repeating a media fabrication. Once the Obama Administration got involved nothing that the media reported could be trusted. Any reputable media source should be ashamed to be linked to the White House.
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He lied in the bond hearing. True story.

It isn't in evidence, doesn't mean it didn't happen.

Respectfully, let me appeal to your reason and common sense.
He was in jail with death threats in a prison population of majority blacks.
If you would not have lied to get out of jail under those same circumstances then you are not so swift.
Lying at bond hearings about finances is as common as you cheating on your taxes.
Doesn't make it right but that holds little to no credibility in a court case.
No offense.

So first you say he didn't lie then you admit he did. As I said, you can't make this stuff up.

His wife filled out the form. It was ruled not relevant to the trial.
Practice up on your "do you want fries with that?" routine.
The real world is too complicated for you.
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