The Official Zimmerman Trial Verdict Thread

What are your Initial Thoughts on the Guilt or Innocence of George Zimmerman?

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Let me explain something. I'm "Old School".

That means I believe in God, that a man should be Head of Household, that your word MEANS something, that God blessed America, ....



When you're "Old School", you believe that two men fighting should be settled with their fists! You don't get in a "FISTfight", ...

Get your ass whipped....

And THEN....


ESPECIALLY, when YOU started the fight!!!!!!!!!(if there was a fight)

That's a




To people from the "Old School"!


That's where I was going. If he didn't have a fractured skull or a life or death injury, the gun had no business being taken out.

^ Absurd.

Tell you what.

Volunteer for an experiment: Allow some guy who has more physical strength than you possess to break your nose and then get on top of you while you are on the pavement on your back. Then, just for shits and grins, permit that person to pound your noggin into the pavement so hard that you are left with several open wounds on the back of your head. Then imagine that the pounding is sufficiently forceful to leave you with the impression that you are about to be rendered unconscious.

If you happened to have a gun on you at that moment and especially if you felt that maybe the guy doing the pounding on you was about to grab that gun, would you maybe, possibly, consider your life to be in immediate peril?

Or would you calmly reflect and say to yourself, "Self. Be honest here. It's not like your skull is getting fractured. This aint so bad. Yes. I think I'd best refrain from the use of deadly physical force lest someone adjudge me to be unreasonable."
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On the other hand...the QUESTION is also whether trayvon was acting in self defense when he asked what the problem was and GZ reached for the side of his hip that his gun was on.

No. That's not a question at the trial. We will never know if he even observed Zimmerman allegedly reaching for a phone.

And HIS state of mind is NOT at all in issue.

No. Trayvon has no claim of self defense. He's not on trial for anything. And the jury will be instructed NOT to engage in speculation. Legally, it makes NO difference what Trayvon may have thought or guessed or believed. The ONLY valid legal questions for the jury to determine in that regard are: what did Zimmerman believe and whether or not that belief was "reasonable."

To me this is the nuts of this case...who acted in self defense first? Arguments can be made for this point in the trial a little objectivity would be nice on both sides.

To you? Your questions are not the legal issue that the jury will get instructed on.

There is nothing to be "objective" about. YOUR idle questions are entirely beside the point.

The SOLE questions revolve around what Zimmerman believed and whether or not such beliefs were objectively and subjectively reasonable under the circumstances (as the jury finds those circumstances to have been).

I the sole questions revolve around what Zimmerman believed were reasonable, he's out of luck, for his statements on the 911 call demonstrate just how neurotic and paranoid the man really is...

“Zimmerman: Somethings wrong with him. Yup, he's coming to check me out, he's got
something in his hands, I don't know what his deal is…”

“These assholes they always get away”

“Shit he's running”

“The back entrance...fucking…”

Not one of those things address the actual question.

Thank GOD in Heaven that dopes like you can be screened out before you could sit on any person's jury.
PJ H27 - I really wish this man would be selected.

He's brutally honest, hasn't tried to hide anything, has told Bernie his opinion and hasn't swayed from it.

Time for Bernie to stop questioning this one. He is letting his anger at this juror show. Judge has sustained a question he's asked the PJ.
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The truth about Tetanus:
A) In 30 years, the doctor never heard of anyone who had a vaccine in their lifetime getting Tetanus.
B) Everyone gets one with their immunizations, so unless you're 1 in a zillion, boosters are redundant.
C) Tetanus shots hurt.
D) They make you wait 1/2 hour after to see if you're going to blow up.
E) Watching an episode of "Messiest House in America" in the UC underscores the reason we don't have cable.
PJ H27 - I really wish this man would be selected.

He's brutally honest, hasn't tried to hide anything, has told Bernie his opinion and hasn't swayed from it.

Time for Bernie to stop questioning this one. He is letting his anger at this juror show. Judge has sustained a question he's asked the PJ.

What else happened? Anybody good?
Like this juror...he just thru mr sharpton under the bus...said his protest wasnt necessary and hes right. We need to know facts and evidence...not the color of the skin of the two involved.
Let me explain something. I'm "Old School".

That means I believe in God, that a man should be Head of Household, that your word MEANS something, that God blessed America, ....



When you're "Old School", you believe that two men fighting should be settled with their fists! You don't get in a "FISTfight", ...

Get your ass whipped....

And THEN....


ESPECIALLY, when YOU started the fight!!!!!!!!!(if there was a fight)

That's a




To people from the "Old School"!


That's where I was going. If he didn't have a fractured skull or a life or death injury, the gun had no business being taken out.

^ Absurd.

Tell you what.

Volunteer for an experiment: Allow some guy who has more physical strength than you possess to break your nose and then get on top of you while you are on the pavement on your back. Then, just for shits and grins, permit that person to pound your noggin into the pavement so hard that you are left with several open wounds on the back of your head. Then imagine that the pounding is sufficiently forceful to leave you with the impression that you are about to be rendered unconscious.

If you happened to have a gun on you at that moment and especially if you felt that maybe the guy doing the pounding on you was about to grab that gun, would you maybe, possibly, consider your life to be in immediate peril?

Or would you calmly reflect and say to yourself, "Self. Be honest here. It's not like your skull is getting fractured. This aint so bad. Yes. I think I'd best refrain from the use of deadly physical force lest someone adjudge me to be unreasonable."

The severity of an injury has nothing to do with a claim of self defense. We've already covered that several pages back, but the point of "self defense" is to NOT get injured, lol. We had a whole shoot you, hit you with my big rock thing regarding "injuries".

I'm agreeing with you IlarMeilyr and screwing up the quotey thing again.
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If Z is acquitted it will encourage vigilantism. This was not the intention or the purpose of the stand your ground law.

Z's defense is a stretch of the law and of his imagination.

I absolutely positively disagree with that statement.

This was a single incident. I disagree with that as much as the entire race issue being rammed down the throat of and put on the back of this single event.

I said nothing about race. I was talking vigilantism.

I think you make a very good point.
PJ H27 - I really wish this man would be selected.

He's brutally honest, hasn't tried to hide anything, has told Bernie his opinion and hasn't swayed from it.

Time for Bernie to stop questioning this one. He is letting his anger at this juror show. Judge has sustained a question he's asked the PJ.

What else happened? Anybody good?

I left for lunch and just got back.
Like this juror...he just thru mr sharpton under the bus...said his protest wasnt necessary and hes right. We need to know facts and evidence...not the color of the skin of the two involved.

Which one is this? H27 basically said the same.
I think Zimmerman should have taken a self defense class. He was older than tray...weighed more than tray...but was rendered completely defenseless to the point of using a gun? The more I look at Mr Z, the more I see a person that was scared and panicked...the police werent there to save him, so he pulled his gun.
I think Zimmerman should have taken a self defense class. He was older than tray...weighed more than tray...but was rendered completely defenseless to the point of using a gun? The more I look at Mr Z, the more I see a person that was scared and panicked...the police werent there to save him, so he pulled his gun.

I don't think he weighed more than TM when it happened. Z was actually small when it happened, smaller than TM in my opinion.
The truth about Tetanus:
A) In 30 years, the doctor never heard of anyone who had a vaccine in their lifetime getting Tetanus.
B) Everyone gets one with their immunizations, so unless you're 1 in a zillion, boosters are redundant.
C) Tetanus shots hurt.
D) They make you wait 1/2 hour after to see if you're going to blow up.
E) Watching an episode of "Messiest House in America" in the UC underscores the reason we don't have cable.

Is this the doctors report? How does that foot look and feel today?
The truth about Tetanus:
A) In 30 years, the doctor never heard of anyone who had a vaccine in their lifetime getting Tetanus.
B) Everyone gets one with their immunizations, so unless you're 1 in a zillion, boosters are redundant.
C) Tetanus shots hurt.
D) They make you wait 1/2 hour after to see if you're going to blow up.
E) Watching an episode of "Messiest House in America" in the UC underscores the reason we don't have cable.

Is this the doctors report? How does that foot look and feel today?

No that's my report.

Better, thanks.
I don't know if you watched the beginning of the Frye hearing on voice the week before last, but the prosecution's expert was.... would be a huge mistake for the prosecution to use, he was that bad. Defense experts Dr. Frenchie and US Government Classified Guy were remarkably knowledgeable "expert" experts, if they are any example of what this next one will be like, the defense has it going on with their experts.
On the potential jurors, they have 32 of the 40 the judge wants for general voir dire.

Getting there.
I think Zimmerman should have taken a self defense class. He was older than tray...weighed more than tray...but was rendered completely defenseless to the point of using a gun? The more I look at Mr Z, the more I see a person that was scared and panicked...the police werent there to save him, so he pulled his gun.

I don't think he weighed more than TM when it happened. Z was actually small when it happened, smaller than TM in my opinion.

Martin Autopsy Report = 158 lbs

Zimmerman Weight on Police Report = 200 lbs

Zimmerman Weight the Next Day @ Doctors Office = 204 lbs

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