The Official Zimmerman Trial Verdict Thread

What are your Initial Thoughts on the Guilt or Innocence of George Zimmerman?

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So according to your theory, Trayvon saw Zimmerman's gun and decided to attack him.

So the true killer is Darwinism

Someone coming up to you sporting a gun at night with no one else anywhere near wouldn't concern you?

Not really. Should it?

I don't tend to give people a reason to shoot me. Not to mention I know enough to try to persuade them to not point it at me if they for some reason started aiming it at me.

The last thing I would do is punch a guy with a gun. And if I was going to punch a guy with a gun, my first priority would be to take it out of his hand, not pound him onto the ground. Probably dodge to the side pushing the gun away, kicking his knee out from under him and controlling the firearm so if it fires it either goes away from me or at him.

Sorry, but if Zimmerman is flashing a gun at Trayvon, it doesn't make sense to attack him. Which Trayvon was clearly doing based on the eye witness and forensic evidence.

Do you normally fear people walking up to you with a gun?

Sorry, but you're not getting anywhere trying to prove who started the fight. You can't take one argument and then build your case on top of it.
Gun free zones should work, right?

Not the worst idea ever; making all gun crimes a federal crime (no parole) would be good; use a gun to commit a crime you're going away for 20 years minimum. Just for starters.

Not the worst idea ever

In the top 5.

making all gun crimes a federal crime (no parole) would be good; use a gun to commit a crime you're going away for 20 years minimum.

We'll need more prisons. Jesse and Al will be mad at you too.

I will just have to live with their anger.
She sounds racist to me. Her attempts at "rationalizing" her acquittal of Zimmerman seem to have backfired from what I've seen and heard. I heard she cancelled her book deal. I believe she had an "agenda" from the very beginning - including during jury selection. Her husband is an attorney, and I believe she really WANTED on that jury. I believe her mind was made up BEFORE the trial. Plus, 4 of the other jurors have said she doesn't speak for them.

Also, I'd really like to know if she LIED during jury selection.
Who started the fight was never resolved, and you can't provide a link where it shows the matter has been resolved. You're welcome to try.

That's why we suggest common sense:

No injuries to Trayvon but the gun shot and the bruises to his knuckles from hitting Zimmerman.

Hmmm Now 1 person has wounds consistant with a fight. The other doesn't. Who could have possibly started the fight?

Zimmerman didn't have to cause injuries if he first showed the gun to Trayvon. He could have shown it to him whether he pulled it or not. GZ could have also pulled it before the fight started.

Only one problem with that scenario...Trayvon is on the phone with Rachel Jenteal before the fight started. You really believe that Zimmerman pulled his gun and showed it to Martin but Martin didn't mention it? :cuckoo: None of your stuff here makes sense, Quick! It's like saying that aliens "could" have killed Ron Goldman and Nicole Brown. Yeah, they "could" have but you'd have to be an idiot to really buy that scenario. It's something that's referred to as "Occam's Razor"...which basically means that most times the simplest explanation is usually the correct one.
You've never been in a real fight, have you, Quick? That shot Zimmerman took to the nose would have been seriously painful. Are you now making the claim that Zimmerman "allowed" Martin to sucker punch him and slam his head on the cement so that he had an excuse to pull his gun and kill the teenager? Is that REALLY the story you want to go with?

Common sense tells you who started the fight. It's the guy without any injuries EXCEPT for the gunshot. If you'd been in some fights you'd know how that works.

We're supposed to use "common sense" to figure out who started the fight? :badgrin:

The fight does not always start with the first punch.

OK...I'll bite...when DOES a fight start if not with the first blow?
One of the basic "rules of the road" that all my kids learn at a young age...

Don't cut across people's yards, on't look into windows, and don't skulk about. People think you're up to no good...and they're generally right.
Yes he was. Everybody knows he was, everybody knows that he was in a stupid "Imma no limit nigga" mode, he was bragging about beating people up, getting in trouble with his school and his mom, smoking and probably selling weed, and moving illegal guns at some point.

Everybody knows that...and you still want to pretend he was an innocent little kid waltzing along without a care in the world...

Fuck you. When people attack other people, they can expect a bullet. Good riddance.

It doesn't matter what he was like at school, it matters what he was doing on the night he was killed. George didn't know his history, so don't use that against the boy.
He didn't deserve to die because he got suspended a few times.

Sigh, he didn't die because he got suspended a few times. He died because he chose to walk BACK from the condo he was staying at and start a fight with someone that he racially profiled as a "Cracker".

There is a reason why you never heard about Trayvon Martin the person, Noomi. The Prosecution avoided that like the plague. Now if you can give me an idea why they would have done that then I'm all ears. I submit to you that Martin's character was never introduced by the Prosecution because he has serious "issues". It's the reason that the Prosecution tried to hide the contents of Trayvon's phone from the Defense. They didn't want the pictures getting out of him with the gold grill, hand gun, pot plants and fist full of cash. You didn't hear about Trayvon's job because he didn't have one...yet he had money to buy do the math.
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That's why we suggest common sense:

No injuries to Trayvon but the gun shot and the bruises to his knuckles from hitting Zimmerman.

Hmmm Now 1 person has wounds consistant with a fight. The other doesn't. Who could have possibly started the fight?

Zimmerman didn't have to cause injuries if he first showed the gun to Trayvon. He could have shown it to him whether he pulled it or not. GZ could have also pulled it before the fight started.

Only one problem with that scenario...Trayvon is on the phone with Rachel Jenteal before the fight started. You really believe that Zimmerman pulled his gun and showed it to Martin but Martin didn't mention it? :cuckoo: None of your stuff here makes sense, Quick! It's like saying that aliens "could" have killed Ron Goldman and Nicole Brown. Yeah, they "could" have but you'd have to be an idiot to really buy that scenario. It's something that's referred to as "Occam's Razor"...which basically means that most times the simplest explanation is usually the correct one.

Like GZ is going to continue to talk on his phone when he sees a gun. A simple reaction would be to stare at a person showing you a gun and go from there.

You also didn't hear about the tweets of him bragging about beating people up during his strolls.

Not kids that he had a beef with. Random people.
He should have just left him the hell alone. That's what police are for. Had he done what 911 told him, nobody would have been shot and no one would have shot someone.
Yes he was. Everybody knows he was, everybody knows that he was in a stupid "Imma no limit nigga" mode, he was bragging about beating people up, getting in trouble with his school and his mom, smoking and probably selling weed, and moving illegal guns at some point.

Everybody knows that...and you still want to pretend he was an innocent little kid waltzing along without a care in the world...

Fuck you. When people attack other people, they can expect a bullet. Good riddance.

It doesn't matter what he was like at school, it matters what he was doing on the night he was killed. George didn't know his history, so don't use that against the boy.
He didn't deserve to die because he got suspended a few times.

You are absolutely right, it doesn't matter that he was a troubled teen, who had been kicked out of school for fighting and drugs. But it also doesn't matter he had purchased Skittles and ice tea, or was wearing a hoodie, and it doesn't matter what he was doing that night before he was shot. All that matters, is what he was doing at the moment he was shot.

At that moment, he was bashing another man's head into the pavement. "MMA Ground and Pound style" according to the only eyewitness. So going by your logic, it would have been perfectly acceptable to you, if Zimmerman, the first time he approached Martin, had grabbed him and started pounding his head into the pavement, instead of calling 911?
It's being reported by the Los Angeles Times. The article states that ""It's a very tough, tough case to sell" because of the lack of witnesses and "In most of these [hate crime] cases, you have someone who had made racial statements or you have a group who goes looking to attack a person based on their race." The FBI ruled that there was no evidence that George Zimmerman acted out of racial bias.

George Zimmerman unlikely to face federal charges -

WASHINGTON — George Zimmerman is unlikely to face federal charges for killing black teenager Trayvon Martin because it would be difficult to prove he acted out of racial bias, Justice Department officials said Tuesday.

federal prosecution of Zimmerman would require clear evidence that he set out to attack the unarmed Martin because he was black.

So far, prosecutors have not shown evidence that Zimmerman acted out of racial bias.

Yea, this is a big "Duh" moment. They looked at it, but they know there is no case to be made. Attempting to would only prove them to be on a witch hunt. While there are many people who are upset with this verdict, the vast majority know it was the correct verdict.
He should have just left him the hell alone. That's what police are for. Had he done what 911 told him, nobody would have been shot and no one would have shot someone.

Following someone isn't what caused that shot to be fired. The reason that George Zimmerman pulled his weapon and fired one shot killing Trayvon Martin is that Martin made a decision to walk BACK from the condo he was staying at and start a fight with the man he described as a "Cracker".

Your reasoning is like saying someone wouldn't have been raped if they'd just had the good sense to stay home so the rape is therefore THEIR fault.

Self-defense works both ways. Stand your ground works both ways.
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