The Official Zimmerman Trial Verdict Thread

What are your Initial Thoughts on the Guilt or Innocence of George Zimmerman?

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So now with the Zimmerman verdict, it is legal to kill someone in any fight outside your home? There are lots of fights and could be more if this is the mentality. Now you can choke someone to death and keep punching them until they're surely dead. Just as long as you have a broken nose, a few scratches or light injuries.

What part of the concept that someone doesn't have the right to commit assault and battery on another person, don't you get? If you do commit assault and're breaking the law. If you do...the person you're attacking is within their rights to use deadly force if they believe that they are in danger of great bodily harm or death.

Trayvon sucker punched Zimmerman. Then he climbed on top of him while Zimmerman was on the ground and continued to attack him. That isn't someone who's thrown a single punch to register their displeasure...that's someone who appears intent on causing serious harm to the man they are sitting on. This is one of the most clear cut cases of self defense I've ever seen actually. There is a reason why Angela Corey didn't take it to a Grand Jury and that reason is that the Grand Jury most likely wouldn't have found enough evidence of a crime being committed to take it to trial. That's how BAD this Prosecution's case WAS!

The fighting injuries on both sides could be consistent with just about any old fight, and we don't know for a fact who started the fight. We never will.

Are you saying it's ok to get in a fight and allow a few light injuries knowing all along that you were going to kill the person you're fighting with? Because you had a gun or because you know you really have the superior fighting ability and aren't going to stop, when you got the person down on the cement and will just keep punching, not stopping when the person is losing consciousness?

You've never been in a real fight, have you, Quick? That shot Zimmerman took to the nose would have been seriously painful. Are you now making the claim that Zimmerman "allowed" Martin to sucker punch him and slam his head on the cement so that he had an excuse to pull his gun and kill the teenager? Is that REALLY the story you want to go with?

Common sense tells you who started the fight. It's the guy without any injuries EXCEPT for the gunshot. If you'd been in some fights you'd know how that works.
When they notice and/or observe some creepy man following them?

Obviously they shouldn't exist, because no matter what, ***** like Zimmerman will insist on murdering them.

Hey, Nooms, I don't know how it works in that civilization backwater you call a country, but here in the US, when someone is tried and acquitted, we pretty much consider that they DIDN'T commit murder.

Oh, and when it's proven by trial evidence that someone was killed NOT for "just existing", but for actually assaulting the other person, we consider it good manners to actually NOTICE that the evidence exists and stop talking like a brainless asshat who has no idea what just happened.

Thought you might like to know how things are done in the center of the universe, just in case you ever get a chance to visit.
Zimmerman may have kept his blows less than full-strength, knowing he had the gun.

That is one of the stupidest things I've yet heard on here, Quick! Seriously...get a grip. The two men had a confrontation and Martin suckered Zimmerman in the face. It happens thousands of times every night all around the world. The next thing you'll be telling us is that Zimmerman hit Martin in the fist with his face to make it LOOK like Martin attacked him. :cuckoo:
Zimmerman may have kept his blows less than full-strength, knowing he had the gun.

That is one of the stupidest things I've yet heard on here, Quick! Seriously...get a grip. The two men had a confrontation and Martin suckered Zimmerman in the face. It happens thousands of times every night all around the world. The next thing you'll be telling us is that Zimmerman hit Martin in the fist with his face to make it LOOK like Martin attacked him. :cuckoo:

Fights happen for many reasons. To insinuate that is ok or legal to use that as an excuse to kill someone is the stupidity.
Angela Corey?s Checkered Past | National Review Online

So, in skipping past the grand jury, Angela Corey, hereto forward known as hag, omitted the evidence that TM was beating GZ as she skipped past the grand jury. That is a false affidavit and grounds for disbarment according to the well respected Harvard Law professor, Alan Dershowitz.

In June 2012, Alan Dershowitz, a well-known defense attorney who has been a professor at Harvard Law School for nearly half a century, criticized Corey for her affidavit in the Zimmerman case. Making use of a quirk of Florida law that gives prosecutors, for any case except first-degree murder, the option of filing an affidavit with the judge instead of going to a grand jury, Corey filed an affidavit that, according to Dershowitz, “willfully and deliberately omitted” crucial exculpatory evidence: namely, that Trayvon Martin was beating George Zimmerman bloody at the time of the fatal gunshot. So Corey avoided a grand jury, where her case likely would not have held water, and then withheld evidence in her affidavit to the judge. “It was a perjurious affidavit,” Dershowitz tells me, and that comes with serious consequences: “Submitting a false affidavit is grounds for disbarment.”

After hag learned of Dershowitz's stellar legal opinion, she did this:

Harvard Law School’s dean’s office received a phone call. When the dean refused to pick up, Angela Corey spent a half hour demanding of an office-of-communications employee that Dershowitz be fired. According to Dershowitz, Corey threatened to sue Harvard, to try to get him disbarred, and also to sue him for slander and libel. Corey also told the communications employee that she had assigned a state investigator — an employee of the State of Florida, that is — to investigate Dershowitz. “That’s an abuse of office right there,” Dershowitz says.

Hag's propensity to seek revenge is chronicled in the article.

And apparently, hag has a history of overcharging and withholding evidence.

What happened in the weeks and months that followed was instructive. Dershowitz says that he was flooded with correspondence from people telling him that this is Corey’s well-known M.O. He says numerous sources — lawyers who had sparred with Corey in the courtroom, lawyers who had worked with and for her, and even multiple judges — informed him that Corey has a history of vigorously attacking any and all who criticize her. But it’s worse than that: Correspondents told him that Corey has a history of overcharging and withholding evidence.
The Zimmerman trial is a clear case of the former and a probable case of the latter. Zimmerman was charged with second-degree murder, also known as “depraved mind” murder. The case law for that charge, an attorney who has worked in criminal prosecution outside Florida tells me, is near-unanimous: It almost never applies to one-on-one encounters. Second-degree murder is the madman who fires indiscriminately into a crowd or unlocks the lions’ cage at the zoo. “Nothing in the facts of this case approaches that.” Which Angela Corey, a veteran prosecutor, should have known, and a grand jury would have told her. In fact, both the initial police investigation and the original state attorney in charge of the case had determined exactly that: There was no evidence of any crime, much less second-degree murder

Dershowitz further slammed hag's attempt to add 3rd degree murder and manslaughter charges during the trial.

Still, by the end of the case it was clear that the jury was unlikely to convict Zimmerman of second-degree murder; hence the prosecution’s addition of a manslaughter charge — as well as its attempt to add a charge for third-degree murder by way of child abuse — after the trial had closed. “In 50 years of practice I’ve never seen anything like it,” says Dershowitz. It’s a permissible maneuver, but as a matter of professional ethics it’s a low blow.

And hag's characterization of Zimmerman as a 'murderer' after he had been found not guilty:

Corey’s post-trial performance has been less than admirable as well. Asked in a prime-time interview with HLN how she would describe George Zimmerman, Corey responded, “Murderer.” Attorneys who spoke with me called her refusal to acknowledge the validity of the jury’s verdict everything from “disgusting” to “disgraceful.”

And apparently, Florida law grants hag a sort of (temporary) political immunity though:

But will Corey ever be disciplined for prosecutorial abuses? It’s unlikely. State attorneys cannot be brought before the bar while they remain in office. Complaints can be filed against Corey, but they will be deferred until she is no longer state attorney. The governor can remove her from office, but otherwise her position — and her license — are safe.

And further regarding hag's penchant for revenge:

Meanwhile, those who speak out against her continue to be mistreated. Ben Kruidbos (pronounced CRIED-boss), the IT director at Corey’s state-attorney office, was fired last week — one month after testifying during the Zimmerman trial that Corey had withheld from defense attorneys evidence obtained from Trayvon Martin’s cell phone. Corey’s office contends that Kruidbos was fired for poor job performance and for leaking personnel records. The termination notice delivered to Kruidbos last Friday read: “You have proven to be completely untrustworthy. Because of your deliberate, wilful and unscrupulous actions, you can never again be trusted to step foot in this office.” Less than two months before this letter, Kruidbos had received a raise for “meritorious performance.”
What part of the concept that someone doesn't have the right to commit assault and battery on another person, don't you get? If you do commit assault and're breaking the law. If you do...the person you're attacking is within their rights to use deadly force if they believe that they are in danger of great bodily harm or death.

Trayvon sucker punched Zimmerman. Then he climbed on top of him while Zimmerman was on the ground and continued to attack him. That isn't someone who's thrown a single punch to register their displeasure...that's someone who appears intent on causing serious harm to the man they are sitting on. This is one of the most clear cut cases of self defense I've ever seen actually. There is a reason why Angela Corey didn't take it to a Grand Jury and that reason is that the Grand Jury most likely wouldn't have found enough evidence of a crime being committed to take it to trial. That's how BAD this Prosecution's case WAS!

The fighting injuries on both sides could be consistent with just about any old fight, and we don't know for a fact who started the fight. We never will.

Are you saying it's ok to get in a fight and allow a few light injuries knowing all along that you were going to kill the person you're fighting with? Because you had a gun or because you know you really have the superior fighting ability and aren't going to stop, when you got the person down on the cement and will just keep punching, not stopping when the person is losing consciousness?

You've never been in a real fight, have you, Quick? That shot Zimmerman took to the nose would have been seriously painful. Are you now making the claim that Zimmerman "allowed" Martin to sucker punch him and slam his head on the cement so that he had an excuse to pull his gun and kill the teenager? Is that REALLY the story you want to go with?

Common sense tells you who started the fight. It's the guy without any injuries EXCEPT for the gunshot. If you'd been in some fights you'd know how that works.

We're supposed to use "common sense" to figure out who started the fight? :badgrin:
When they notice and/or observe some creepy man following them?

Obviously they shouldn't exist, because no matter what, ***** like Zimmerman will insist on murdering them.

Don't worry, Noomi, I have a feeling Zimmerman is going to get what's coming to him. Call it Karma, call it justice, call it whatever you want to call it. He's going to get his.

Zimmerman got what he had coming to him: an acquittal.

But thank you for clarifying that you are a member of the ghetto trash culture that taught Trayvon the behavior that got him killed. I guess we should all just be grateful that ignorant trash isn't as good at planning and executing revenge as it is at mindless displays of aggression. Otherwise, your impotent, teeth-gnashing threats MIGHT matter to someone.
"...I just gave you some of the reasons."

A quick clarification... who is likely to be the target of the civil suit?
Sanford police. City of Sanford...

Yes... I agree... I could see this happening, based upon the reasons you gave.

Earlier, my brain was stuck on Civil Action against GZ himself, and, of course, those reasons would not signify in any action against GZ. Perhaps you or someone else had referenced 'Sanford' earlier and I just missed it. If so, I'll take the hit. My bad.

"...Perhaps GZ..."

I don't see that happening - at least not successfully - but one never knows.

I hear what you're saying about OJ but the FBI Report seems adequate defense.
You know what I find appalling? That so many people are so callous about a kid getting shot to death because he didn't know exactly the right way to handle a situation. He was a kid, barely turned 17.

But he was a black kid, wasn't he? And I know without a doubt that's why so many of you just don't give a fuck about what happened to him.

You've profiled him in your minds just as Zimmerman profiled him on the streets that night. It MUST have been his fault. Those kind, they always cause trouble.

You know what I find appalling? That he "didn't know exactly the right way to handle the situation". I knew, "When a stranger follows you, run home or get help" when I was in elementary school. It's not exactly rocket magic.

But he was a black kid, wasn't he? And I know without a doubt that's why you assume he was too stupid to know what I knew in the third grade, and why you think he deserves sympathy for acting like a violent, aggressive lowlife instead of a sane, civilized human being.

You've profiled him in your mind as "black, therefore stupid and incapable of doing better", just as you've profiled Zimmerman as "white, therefore guilty". It MUST have been someone else's fault. Those kind, it's ALWAYS about their race.
Let me ask you how your parents would have reacted to your being suspended for the third time? Would you have been let out of the house to wander about the neighborhood? That NEVER would have happened in my home. I would have been SO grounded. No friends, no phone, no TV, no LIFE!!! So what did the Martin parents do with Trayvon? He was still smoking pot. He was out of the house by himself at night. Still yakking non stop on his phone. What was the price that Trayvon was paying for his transgressions. That he wasn't in school? He already had been suspended once for skipping school so much. So not having to go is punishment to a kid that doesn't want to be there? Come on...that's not parenting.

Shitty parents = shitty kids

That's not always true.
Angela Corey should go to jail for withholding exculpatory evidence.

Man you guys are like scorpions.

Didn't you see her after the verdict was read?

She was happy.

That's the outcome she wanted. She's a conservative republican, and she wanted Zimmerman cut loose.

^ Angela Corey torpedoed the case.

Of course she did. She intentionally acted in a way that she would lose her law license and ability to earn a living.
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