The Official Zimmerman Trial Verdict Thread

What are your Initial Thoughts on the Guilt or Innocence of George Zimmerman?

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His violation was stalking someone and shooting him dead. He did not do what law enforcement instructed him to do. They told him to stay in his car for a reason. Because he is not a cop and it's not his job.

Show some proof that "they told him to stay in is car."

The 911 Operator does not have that authority. It was a suggestion, not an order.

While true, the 911 dispatcher never even told him to stay in his car. The suggestion was "we don't need you to do that" in response to hearing that Zimmerman was following Martin.
Sadly in some communities and towns, there are a disproportionate amount of blacks who commit crimes in certain areas, and is it all due to the economics that exist within these areas sadly enough? Otherwise take Chicago for one example am I right on that one ? Why did the dispatcher want to know whether or not the person was black or white or what ever when asked Zimmerman this question ? Otherwise was it just to alert the dispatched police of who they would be looking for by skin color and clothes worn when they got there on the scene ? Is this OK to do or just not right in some peoples eyes or thinking when asking for this info?

Some would argue that when these things are asked, it then sets up the profile of a person in which could be construed as race profiling later on, but this would mainly be the case with them if that person was wrongfully accused or profiled in the event the person was found to be innocent.

Now how do you not answer these questions when asked, if It is learned that these questions do play a role in the assessment of, and by a need for the police to understand the identity of a suspect in which is to be looked for when reported on, what do you do ? Now in the other cases where Zimmerman reported suspects or criminal activity, how many was he right on, and how many was he wrong on in the aftermath of his reporting these things ? Anyone know ? How many times was he asked the identity of the suspects in which he would be calling in on, as is found within each call made ? Was Zimmerman desensitized due to the area in which he lived in, where as he was bombarded with the knowledge of criminal activity in which was possibly being perpetrated in large part by black people in the area, otherwise as far as he was privy to such info and/or experiences in which he was exposed to in these areas ? If so does this make Zimmerman a racist or a desensitized watchmen, wherefore he began to think that black people were more apt to be suspect in the area he was a watchmen in, and more so than any other race because of the stats in which were in large part a sad commentary for the area in which he became a watchmen in ?

I'm just trying to figure out what drove him to be what people are trying to label him as, yet that's only if he was what they want to label him as or rather he was not, and so if he was not, then I wonder if they are wrong about him in all of this confusion in which this nation is going through now.

I wonder how many kids "no_limit_nigga" tutored in his spare time. This nonsense of painting Martin as a racist is exactly what makes the race baiters horrendous.
For every George Zimmerman who DOES care enough to mentor two young black kids...there are a thousand people who talk a good game but never back it up.

His father tried to convince people of that. Wouldn't his father say anything possible to set his son free?

George Zimmerman Parents' New Website Decries Threats, Says Son Is No Racist - ABC News

Robert Zimmerman writes that his son grew up with black children in his house -- and George Zimmerman's grandmother babysat for them.

It also mentions that George Zimmerman insisted on mentoring two young black children.

"When George's mother ask why he had to travel to such a dangerous area to mentor children, George's reply was 'Mom, I really love these kids and if I don't go, they won't have anyone,'" Robert Zimmerman writes. "To this day, George is very saddened that he will most likely never see these children again."
Following the video former lead investigator for the Sanford Police, Christopher Serino testimony was most enlightening:

When asked at the end of the day by defense attorney Mark O'Mara about his suggestion to Zimmerman that there was a strong chance that there would be videotape of the incident, Serino said Zimmerman was happy about the possibility.

"I believe his words were, 'thank god. I was hoping somebody would have videotaped it."


That was compelling. The Police tried to trick Zimmerman and instead he says "thank god"
To make a long story short. There are many of us who may have chose to handle the situation differently. That is OUR choice. Zimmerman made HIS choice and chose to do things well within the law. If you don't like the law and think that it should be changed then that's fine. But don't claim that someone is guilty if they acted within the letter of the law.
Actually, the first crime was when Zimmerman left his vehicle and followed Trayvon up into the backyards of the complex.

Sorry...............but he'd followed Trayvon for quite a while, as well as quite a ways up the backyards.

If Zimmerman lived on that row, I may be able to see a connection, but if he didn't, he's nothing more than a wanna be cop who fucked up and killed an innocent teen.

Once again, with all due respect, find me a Florida law that says you can't follow someone while reporting their location to police. And, let's say that hypothetically Zimmerman approached Martin and asked him what he was doing in the neighborhood. Find me a law that says you can't verbally ask someone a question. Martin didn't break any laws either until he started to beat the shit out of Zimmerman. Fact of the matter is that however you slice the pie, Zimmerman is not guilty of anything. You can't play the domino theory to say that if Zimmerman stayed in his car this wouldn't have happened. Had Martin not been expelled from school for drug possession and fighting he wouldn't have been in that neighborhood living with his father.

Well not necessarily. The domino effect can be used to convince a jury if one is only being charged with manslaughter. The culpable negligence is a definite possibility.

I'm talking about this specific case though. Even manslaughter doesn't apply because GZ intended to shoot Martin when he pulled his gun in self defense. Now IF GZ was trying to fire a warning shot and killed him before anything happened; yeah I could see where it would be necessary. Or if GZs firearm accidently discharged I could also see it. However, in this specific case, you can't say that the legal things he did caused the death of TM when, in fact, TMs illegal act of assault and battery is what caused ultimately caused it.

I will admit, though, that the actions of both of these guys put them in the situation...
8 calls out of 46 mentioned someone black.

46 Calls - The Daily Beast
Sadly in some communities and towns, there are a disproportionate amount of blacks who commit crimes in certain areas, and is it all due to the economics that exist within these areas sadly enough? Otherwise take Chicago for one example am I right on that one ? Why did the dispatcher want to know whether or not the person was black or white or what ever when asked Zimmerman this question ? Otherwise was it just to alert the dispatched police of who they would be looking for by skin color and clothes worn when they got there on the scene ? Is this OK to do or just not right in some peoples eyes or thinking when asking for this info?

Some would argue that when these things are asked, it then sets up the profile of a person in which could be construed as race profiling later on, but this would mainly be the case with them if that person was wrongfully accused or profiled in the event the person was found to be innocent.

Now how do you not answer these questions when asked, if It is learned that these questions do play a role in the assessment of, and by a need for the police to understand the identity of a suspect in which is to be looked for when reported on, what do you do ? Now in the other cases where Zimmerman reported suspects or criminal activity, how many was he right on, and how many was he wrong on in the aftermath of his reporting these things ? Anyone know ? How many times was he asked the identity of the suspects in which he would be calling in on, as is found within each call made ? Was Zimmerman desensitized due to the area in which he lived in, where as he was bombarded with the knowledge of criminal activity in which was possibly being perpetrated in large part by black people in the area, otherwise as far as he was privy to such info and/or experiences in which he was exposed to in these areas ? If so does this make Zimmerman a racist or a desensitized watchmen, wherefore he began to think that black people were more apt to be suspect in the area he was a watchmen in, and more so than any other race because of the stats in which were in large part a sad commentary for the area in which he became a watchmen in ?

I'm just trying to figure out what drove him to be what people are trying to label him as, yet that's only if he was what they want to label him as or rather he was not, and so if he was not, then I wonder if they are wrong about him in all of this confusion in which this nation is going through now.

I wonder how many kids "no_limit_nigga" tutored in his spare time. This nonsense of painting Martin as a racist is exactly what makes the race baiters horrendous.
You meant trying to paint Z as a racist right, and not Martin instead ?
For every George Zimmerman who DOES care enough to mentor two young black kids...there are a thousand people who talk a good game but never back it up.

His father tried to convince people of that. Wouldn't his father say anything possible to set his son free?

George Zimmerman Parents' New Website Decries Threats, Says Son Is No Racist - ABC News

Robert Zimmerman writes that his son grew up with black children in his house -- and George Zimmerman's grandmother babysat for them.

It also mentions that George Zimmerman insisted on mentoring two young black children.

"When George's mother ask why he had to travel to such a dangerous area to mentor children, George's reply was 'Mom, I really love these kids and if I don't go, they won't have anyone,'" Robert Zimmerman writes. "To this day, George is very saddened that he will most likely never see these children again."
You want Zimmerman to be a racist so bad, you just can't stand it can you ?
So now with the Zimmerman verdict, it is legal to kill someone in any fight outside your home? There are lots of fights and could be more if this is the mentality. Now you can choke someone to death and keep punching them until they're surely dead. Just as long as you have a broken nose, a few scratches or light injuries.
For every George Zimmerman who DOES care enough to mentor two young black kids...there are a thousand people who talk a good game but never back it up.

His father tried to convince people of that. Wouldn't his father say anything possible to set his son free?

George Zimmerman Parents' New Website Decries Threats, Says Son Is No Racist - ABC News

Robert Zimmerman writes that his son grew up with black children in his house -- and George Zimmerman's grandmother babysat for them.

It also mentions that George Zimmerman insisted on mentoring two young black children.

"When George's mother ask why he had to travel to such a dangerous area to mentor children, George's reply was 'Mom, I really love these kids and if I don't go, they won't have anyone,'" Robert Zimmerman writes. "To this day, George is very saddened that he will most likely never see these children again."
You want Zimmerman to be a racist so bad, you just can't stand it can you ?

I'm not going to buy wholesale just hearsay.
So now with the Zimmerman verdict, it is legal to kill someone in any fight outside your home? There are lots of fights and could be more if this is the mentality. Now you can choke someone to death and keep punching them until they're surely dead. Just as long as you have a broken nose, a few scratches or light injuries.

What part of the concept that someone doesn't have the right to commit assault and battery on another person, don't you get? If you do commit assault and're breaking the law. If you do...the person you're attacking is within their rights to use deadly force if they believe that they are in danger of great bodily harm or death.

Trayvon sucker punched Zimmerman. Then he climbed on top of him while Zimmerman was on the ground and continued to attack him. That isn't someone who's thrown a single punch to register their displeasure...that's someone who appears intent on causing serious harm to the man they are sitting on. This is one of the most clear cut cases of self defense I've ever seen actually. There is a reason why Angela Corey didn't take it to a Grand Jury and that reason is that the Grand Jury most likely wouldn't have found enough evidence of a crime being committed to take it to trial. That's how BAD this Prosecution's case WAS!
Yes he was. Everybody knows he was, everybody knows that he was in a stupid "Imma no limit nigga" mode, he was bragging about beating people up, getting in trouble with his school and his mom, smoking and probably selling weed, and moving illegal guns at some point.

Everybody knows that...and you still want to pretend he was an innocent little kid waltzing along without a care in the world...

Fuck you. When people attack other people, they can expect a bullet. Good riddance.
So now with the Zimmerman verdict, it is legal to kill someone in any fight outside your home? There are lots of fights and could be more if this is the mentality. Now you can choke someone to death and keep punching them until they're surely dead. Just as long as you have a broken nose, a few scratches or light injuries.

What part of the concept that someone doesn't have the right to commit assault and battery on another person, don't you get? If you do commit assault and're breaking the law. If you do...the person you're attacking is within their rights to use deadly force if they believe that they are in danger of great bodily harm or death.

Trayvon sucker punched Zimmerman. Then he climbed on top of him while Zimmerman was on the ground and continued to attack him. That isn't someone who's thrown a single punch to register their displeasure...that's someone who appears intent on causing serious harm to the man they are sitting on. This is one of the most clear cut cases of self defense I've ever seen actually. There is a reason why Angela Corey didn't take it to a Grand Jury and that reason is that the Grand Jury most likely wouldn't have found enough evidence of a crime being committed to take it to trial. That's how BAD this Prosecution's case WAS!

The fighting injuries on both sides could be consistent with just about any old fight, and we don't know for a fact who started the fight. We never will.

Are you saying it's ok to get in a fight and allow a few light injuries knowing all along that you were going to kill the person you're fighting with? Because you had a gun or because you know you really have the superior fighting ability and aren't going to stop, when you got the person down on the cement and will just keep punching, not stopping when the person is losing consciousness?
Yes he was. Everybody knows he was, everybody knows that he was in a stupid "Imma no limit nigga" mode, he was bragging about beating people up, getting in trouble with his school and his mom, smoking and probably selling weed, and moving illegal guns at some point.

Everybody knows that...and you still want to pretend he was an innocent little kid waltzing along without a care in the world...

Fuck you. When people attack other people, they can expect a bullet. Good riddance.

It doesn't matter what he was like at school, it matters what he was doing on the night he was killed. George didn't know his history, so don't use that against the boy.
He didn't deserve to die because he got suspended a few times.
Do you really think so?

If (1) the guy was acquitted of Murder charges and (2) the jury refused to consider Manslaughter and (3) the FBI Report says that he did not commit a race-related hate-crime, then...

I'm having a little difficulty understanding the possible basis for such a civil suit...


...Sanford police didn't drug test GZ, yet drug tested Trayvon's dead body...

If that can be considered an Inconsistency, then, the blame falls upon Law Enforcement officials and not Zimmerman, yes?



"...They treated GZ as a totally innocent person, and even almost as a colleague the night of the shooting..."

"...GZ profiled and stalked their son."

This is not proven at-law, and the FBI Report gave no indication of hate-crime -caliber behaviors

There may, indeed, be sufficient cause for action in a civil court, but I haven't seen it cited yet.

I just gave you some of the reasons.
He was NOT suspended for drug possession and fighting. He was suspended for writing "WTF" (3 letters) on a locker. Period. That is the only reason he was suspended: graffitti. He also had an EMPTY baggie in his book bag with traces of pot in it: he was not 'in possession of drugs.' And fighting was no where mentioned in the reason for his suspension. I guess this is how rumors start: a lot of untruths spread around and expanded upon. Go back and read the facts. His suspension was for one thing and one thing only: writing 3 letters, WTF, on a locker. That's vandalism, yes, but it is also something at least 1/3 of the kids in any given public school do: they write on lockers, on school desks, on the tables in the cafeteria, on the bathroom walls, etc. Oh the horror: a kid got suspended for graffitti. He must be a thug and a gangbanger and deserve to die. Society saved from a future criminal.

The suspension has nothing to do with that night and Trayvon had every right to visit his father and going to public store to buy snacks. And you can not tell the Martin's how to raise their child. If his parents dcided he best spend his suspension time when his dad then that is their decision.

George was there when Trayvon got there. You have no conception of walking and taking alternatwe routes. The four minute was him walking back home , George was there before Trayvon got there. Rachel's phone call tells you Trayvon just got there and was suprised too see George there.

The wholr thing would not have happend if Zimmerman staid in his car and that 911 oerpator out to be fired for egging him on. He tell Ziimerman to not follow him ,. then says were is he now? TThe 911 oporator should toatly be fired for that.

WTF? Did you even read my post? I'm not criticizing the way the Martin's raised their kid. What I said was people using the domino theory, AS YOU JUST HAVE TO ASSERT ZIMMERMAN'S GUILT, don't stop and think that Martin's own actions put him in that situtuation as well.

1. He was suspended from school for fighting and drug possesion
. Had he been a better student he would not have been suspended and would have likely still been at his mothers house. Had Martin used his 4:00 minutes wisely to call the police and or run home, instead of returning to confront Zimmerman, he might still be alive as well.

I'm not asserting anything other than the fact that if you're going to use GZs prior LEGAL decisions before the shooting to say he's guilty of murder than you need to us TMs prior LEGAL and eventually ILLEGAL behavior to put him in a situation to be shot. Because let's face it, the first criminal act during this incident was when TM punched GZ in the nose.

No matter how you all want to slice the pie, the courts, the law, and the jury has already proven that GZ was innocent and he was justified. So as many little tidbit of opinion that you want to throw out there to assert GZs guilt, the facts, the evidence and the witness testimony ALL stomp your opinions into the ground.

He was NOT suspended for drug possession and fighting. He was suspended for writing "WTF" (3 letters) on a locker. Period. That is the only reason he was suspended: graffiti. He also had an EMPTY baggie in his book bag with traces of pot in it: he was not 'in possession of drugs.' And fighting was no where mentioned in the reason for his suspension. I guess this is how rumors start: a lot of untruths spread around and expanded upon. Go back and read the facts. His suspension was for one thing and one thing only: writing 3 letters, WTF, on a locker. That's vandalism, yes, but it is also something at least 1/3 of the kids in any given public school do: they write on lockers, on school desks, on the tables in the cafeteria, on the bathroom walls, etc. Oh the horror: a kid got suspended for graffiti. He must be a thug and a gangbanger and deserve to die. And a teenager who smokes pot? OMG he must be a real villain! Society saved from a future criminal.

Zimmerman and Zimmerman only is responsible for the death of an innocent, unarmed person. He was the Neighborhood Watch person, the one responsible for what happened. He set up the situation in which a young person died. Zimmerman should not have carried a concealed weapon. He SHOULD have identified himself to Trayvon. He never should have gotten out of his car. He and he alone is responsible for the death of an innocent, unarmed civilian who had every right to be where he was and doing what he was doing. Hope what happened to him doesn't happen to you: but it could.

As well, Zimmerman has not been found innocent or justified. He has been found not guilty based upon the way a certain legal statute is written and interpreted. That does not mean he is innocent of anything, and it certainly does not prove in any way that he was justified.

Blaming the victim is completely pathetic and unscrupulous. How anyone who is being intellectually and morally honest can do so is beyond comprehension.

Thank you! :)
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