The Official Zimmerman Trial Verdict Thread

What are your Initial Thoughts on the Guilt or Innocence of George Zimmerman?

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"...I just gave you some of the reasons."

A quick clarification... who is likely to be the target of the civil suit?
Sanford police. City of Sanford. Perhaps GZ.

Remember, OJ was found not guilty yet was found in the civil suit to be responsible for the deaths. No reason to think GZ is off the hook.

Much different set of circumstances. While it is easier to get a decision that goes against Zimmerman in civil court, I don't see it happening. In fact, I see things getting very ugly for the parents of Trayvon Martin and their son will be exposed for the thug he was rather than this sweet boy the media tried to sell us on. Last of all, Zimmerman might even counter sue. As it is, Zimmerman is likely to have many lawsuits going on. I'm just waiting for the lawsuit against Angela Corey and the state of Florida for malicious prosecution.
He should have just left him the hell alone. That's what police are for. Had he done what 911 told him, nobody would have been shot and no one would have shot someone.

You know what's really sad about this, SB? If Trayon hadn't started that fight with the sucker punch the Police would have been there in a matter of minutes and nothing would have happened. They would have explained that Zimmerman was part of the Neighborhood Watch group and Martin would have explained that he was visiting his father's girlfriend. This didn't HAVE to happen. It did because someone chose to escalate things to violence. The jury looked at injuries to both men and decided who that person was. That was simple common sense...something that is sorely lacking from folks like you.

Self-defense works both ways. Stand your ground works both ways.

In spite of what you and the liberal mainstream media keep saying, this case has NOTHING TO DO with Stand Your Ground. This was basic Self Defense.

Now.... Perhaps you believe, that we shouldn't have laws which allow us to defend ourselves when attacked? FINE! Lobby your state and local government to pass such laws. But for now, civilized society disagrees with you, and we feel that people SHOULD have that right.

Self-defense works both ways. Stand your ground works both ways.

In spite of what you and the liberal mainstream media keep saying, this case has NOTHING TO DO with Stand Your Ground. This was basic Self Defense.

Now.... Perhaps you believe, that we shouldn't have laws which allow us to defend ourselves when attacked? FINE! Lobby your state and local government to pass such laws. But for now, civilized society disagrees with you, and we feel that people SHOULD have that right.

Therefore, Trayvon should have been armed. Last man standing.
USA Today had a front page article in today's paper about how the Trayvon Martin killing pointed up the need to repeal "Stand Your Ground". I read the whole thing with amazement since "Stand Your Ground" had ZERO to do with this case. It was simple self defense and would have been argued as that in all the States that have "Stand Your Ground" law as well as those that don't. Why? Because what took place that night was a classic example of when it is legal to use deadly force against an attacker. That would have been the case no matter WHAT State you were in.
Hi everyone here! This is my first post on the forum and just joined. :redface:

I'm a Zimmerman fanatic although I haven't followed the case for several months. I thought I might read through the posts ITT.

I'm rooting for the Trayvon side btw.

Welcome! Regardless of who side you are on, we love to hear your arguments. What do you think is the most important facts of this case?

Wow, thanks. :tongue: I'm on the spot already.

I was hoping to do a lot of reading to refresh my memory of it all, there is so much.

Anyhow, I know it is unpopular, but I think the original analysis of GZ saying "coons" is near the top. It is very obvious to me he did say it. The difference between him being a definite racist saying such an inflammatory remark and "Well we don't know for sure" is a lot.

Of course, I have always been so thoroughly emotionally invested in Martin/Zimmerman because I believe people should be free to roam around without being controlled, stopped, finagled or questioned. Life is difficult enough without having to worry about people like Zimmy.

GZ's post-arrest troubles come to mind. He lied about where the donations were going and how much money he got. Stuff like that?
Zimmy! LOL

Self-defense works both ways. Stand your ground works both ways.

In spite of what you and the liberal mainstream media keep saying, this case has NOTHING TO DO with Stand Your Ground. This was basic Self Defense.

Now.... Perhaps you believe, that we shouldn't have laws which allow us to defend ourselves when attacked? FINE! Lobby your state and local government to pass such laws. But for now, civilized society disagrees with you, and we feel that people SHOULD have that right.

The REASON that people want the right to carry a concealed weapon is because of what happened in Sanford, Florida that night...someone coming out of the dark to assault you. It's why I carry and will continue to do so.
Was Martin darting in and out of people's yards? Was he peeping into windows? Was he fiddling with garage doors? Was he testing door knobs to the house to check for unlocked doors? Was he trying to steal cars? Was he smuggling windchimes from porches? Was he hiding in bushes up next to the houses? No he was not. He was walking home. So what. My son walks home all the time late at night. Hope some gun toting self appointed "neighborhood watch guy" doesn't have a trigger finger and a gun.
The Stand Your Ground law that gained notoriety in the wake of Trayvon Martin’s shooting became central to the case again last week, when written instructions advised the jury that found shooter George Zimmerman not guilty to take the law’s central provision into account.

Why Stand Your Ground Is Central To George Zimmerman's Case After All

In an interview on CNN’s Anderson Cooper 360 Monday night, an anonymous juror said the panel that found George Zimmerman not guilty considered Florida’s Stand Your Ground law in its deliberations. Earlier reports suggested the notorious law that authorizes the unfettered use of deadly force in self-defense was not applied to the case, because Zimmerman’s lawyers opted not to request a Stand Your Ground hearing. But as ThinkProgress explained in a post earlier today, the jury instructions contained the law’s key provision and instructed jurors that self-defense meant Zimmerman was entitled to “stand his ground” with “no duty to retreat.”

The juror’s interview with Anderson Cooper Monday night confirms that the jury not only considered this language in their deliberations, but that their decision hinged in part on the Stand Your Ground Law:

Zimmerman Juror Says Panel Considered Stand Your Ground In Deliberations: 'He Had A Right To Defend Himself'
Gee, a Think Progress article?

This was NEVER about Stand Your Ground...the Defense argued this as Self Defense and would have done so if Stand Your Ground never existed.

What we're now seeing is another example of the Obama Administration's not letting a crisis be wasted. They want stricter gun control laws and can't get them through Congress so they're using things like the Trayvon Martin killing to chip away at things like Stand Your Ground. What's astounding is that in the city with probably the strictest gun control laws in existence (Chicago) murders are out of control but Obama and his crew ignore that and plot to take away gun rights from law abiding Americans.
I find it odd that if someone was pinned to the ground, getting pummeled, fearing for their life, how do they have the coordination and chance to reach into their pants, jacket or shirt pocket and yank out a gun. How would their hands get a chance to do that if they are being beaten to death. Unless it was already in his hand. If so, moot issue.
So the police took LONGER to get there, because a physical fight broke out? Had NO FIGHT occurred, police would have responded FASTER? That makes no sense.
Someone coming up to you sporting a gun at night with no one else anywhere near wouldn't concern you?

Not really. Should it?

I don't tend to give people a reason to shoot me. Not to mention I know enough to try to persuade them to not point it at me if they for some reason started aiming it at me.

The last thing I would do is punch a guy with a gun. And if I was going to punch a guy with a gun, my first priority would be to take it out of his hand, not pound him onto the ground. Probably dodge to the side pushing the gun away, kicking his knee out from under him and controlling the firearm so if it fires it either goes away from me or at him.

Sorry, but if Zimmerman is flashing a gun at Trayvon, it doesn't make sense to attack him. Which Trayvon was clearly doing based on the eye witness and forensic evidence.

Do you normally fear people walking up to you with a gun?

Sorry, but you're not getting anywhere trying to prove who started the fight. You can't take one argument and then build your case on top of it.

I was answering your question and inviting you to think about what you are actually suggesting. Please provide any evidence whatsoever that Zimmerman started the fight. That's your problem. There isn't any. The forensic evidence, the eye witness evidence, heck even Trayvons gf indicate Trayvon started the fight.
George Zimmerman waived his right to a Stand Your Ground immunity hearing, Lakhota. The Defense didn't argue Stand Your Ground at all. It was in the jury instructions because the jury has to be informed that by law someone doesn't HAVE to retreat before using deadly force if they feel in threat of losing their lives or suffering great bodily harm. That is the ONLY way that law came into this case. The outcome of the decision had nothing to do with Stand Your Ground. George Zimmerman would have been found just as not guilty if Stand Your Ground didn't exist.
have we all noticed how now this has turned in to a a repeal the stand your ground law???? Even though stand your ground had nothing to do with this case???? So the true agenda is shown....The KKK Democrats dont care about Trayvon they just want to use his death to get rid of a law that gives everyone more freedom.

Stand your ground was covered in the jury instructions. So I think it played a part in the deliberations of the jury.
I find it odd that if someone was pinned to the ground, getting pummeled, fearing for their life, how do they have the coordination and chance to reach into their pants, jacket or shirt pocket and yank out a gun. How would their hands get a chance to do that if they are being beaten to death. Unless it was already in his hand. If so, moot issue.

How much "coordination" does it take to take a gun out of it's holster? You reach for it and you pull it. Does it become harder when someone is sitting on top of you beating your head against the ground? Without question but it's amazing what people can do when they fear for their lives.

You can't seem to make up your mind, moment Zimmerman's injuries are minor...then you're making the case that because he's being "beaten to death" he wouldn't physically be able to get his gun out? And then you wonder why the jury didn't buy the Prosecution's version of events? They were almost as confused as yours.
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