The Official Zimmerman Trial Verdict Thread

What are your Initial Thoughts on the Guilt or Innocence of George Zimmerman?

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Man you guys are like scorpions.

Didn't you see her after the verdict was read?

She was happy.

That's the outcome she wanted. She's a conservative republican, and she wanted Zimmerman cut loose.

^ Angela Corey torpedoed the case.

Of course she did. She intentionally acted in a way that she would lose her law license and ability to earn a living.

Acquittal excuses:

Zimmerman's still a racist.

Trayvon is an angel.

Still guilty in my book, because Obama said so.

well the good news is that deedee

is going to get some schooling out of this
On Monday night, one of the jurors in the George Zimmerman trial offered shocking insight into how the group of six women reached its decision to acquit the defendant of all charges in the murder of 17-year-old Trayvon Martin.

In an interview with CNN’s Anderson Cooper, Juror B-37 — who initially planned to write a book about the trial — revealed that the jurors considered Florida’s Stand Your Ground law in reaching their verdict, appeared to strongly sympathize with the defendant, and felt that race played no factor in the incident. Below are Juror B-37′s most surprising revelations:

1. Martin was responsible for his own death.

2. Juror felt just as sorry for Zimmerman.

3. Zimmerman should continue to serve as a neighborhood watchman because he has learned his lesson about going too far.

4. Verdict hinged on “Stand Your Ground” law, even though Zimmerman did not use it in his defense.

5. Zimmerman was only guilty of using poor judgment and was “egged” on to follow Martin by the 9/11 operator.

6. Race played absolutely no factor in Zimmerman’s profiling of Martin.

7. Zimmerman’s history of reporting black men to the police and his decision to follow Martin played no role in the verdict.

DETAILS: 7 Mind Blowing Moments From Zimmerman Juror B37's First Interview - Transcripts

Each time I read this interview - the more bizarre it sounds.

Is it any wonder this murderer walked away a free man? Nothing to be done now, she should just shut up. Either that or show her face maybe that will get her to shut it.
On Monday night, one of the jurors in the George Zimmerman trial offered shocking insight into how the group of six women reached its decision to acquit the defendant of all charges in the murder of 17-year-old Trayvon Martin.

In an interview with CNN’s Anderson Cooper, Juror B-37 — who initially planned to write a book about the trial — revealed that the jurors considered Florida’s Stand Your Ground law in reaching their verdict, appeared to strongly sympathize with the defendant, and felt that race played no factor in the incident. Below are Juror B-37′s most surprising revelations:

1. Martin was responsible for his own death.

2. Juror felt just as sorry for Zimmerman.

3. Zimmerman should continue to serve as a neighborhood watchman because he has learned his lesson about going too far.

4. Verdict hinged on “Stand Your Ground” law, even though Zimmerman did not use it in his defense.

5. Zimmerman was only guilty of using poor judgment and was “egged” on to follow Martin by the 9/11 operator.

6. Race played absolutely no factor in Zimmerman’s profiling of Martin.

7. Zimmerman’s history of reporting black men to the police and his decision to follow Martin played no role in the verdict.

DETAILS: 7 Mind Blowing Moments From Zimmerman Juror B37's First Interview - Transcripts

Each time I read this interview - the more bizarre it sounds.

Trayvon was not responsible for his death - Zimmerman was. Trayvon didn't shoot and kill himself.
and on and on and on it goes..

Oj Simpson ANYONE?

My gawd you people act like NO ONE has ever gotten off on a murder trail..

now it's obsessing OVER THIS ONE
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There is nothing nice to say about eric holder. He had no case and never did. Now he can move on to hand wringing over how the law has to be changed.

Come on democrats, make eliminating self defense an issue in the 2014 election.

self defense after angrily stalking someone at night and in the rain should be a crime.

Adding 'angrily' and 'stalking' in an attempt to cloud over the evidence that is in place.. pitiful even for you, asshole
and on and on and on it goes..

Oj Simpson ANYONE?

My gawd you people act like NO ONE has ever gotten off on a murder trail..

now it's obsessing OVER THIS ONE

Yes, OJ, Casey Anthony and this Zimmerman asshole. The three have been compared many times and it is because all the juries got it wrong and all three are now free to kill again.

It's disgusting and hard to stop saying it.
The thing with that juror is that it's a classic case of a person who is unable to empathize with what it's like to have your kid harassed or persecuted simply because of racial profiling.

When I go to Canada for my work, I just don't see black men in suits being pulled over and persecuted by police like I do here. Not even speeding or anything. Probably just stopped them because they can't believe a black man is actually successful.

That juror and the others felt sorry for the weird ass stranger who follows your kid for no good reason. That's her thinking at work.
The thing with that juror is that it's a classic case of a person who is unable to empathize with what it's like to have your kid harassed or persecuted simply because of racial profiling.

When I go to Canada for my work, I just don't see black men in suits being pulled over and persecuted by police like I do here. Not even speeding or anything. Probably just stopped them because they can't believe a black man is actually successful.

That juror and the others felt sorry for the weird ass stranger who follows your kid for no good reason. That's her thinking at work.

well people are entitled to feel how they see things, but how funny according to you it is they who has the problem and NOT YOU for judging THEM because they don't see it the way YOU DO
When they notice and/or observe some creepy man following them?

Well for starters, that person in the hoodie, should avoid standing in a neighbor's yard and looking through the window. That's the first step to not being suspected of being a delinquent. Just a thought. But, you want to leave that part out Angela Corey style.
and on and on and on it goes..

Oj Simpson ANYONE?

My gawd you people act like NO ONE has ever gotten off on a murder trail..

now it's obsessing OVER THIS ONE

Yes, OJ, Casey Anthony and this Zimmerman asshole. The three have been compared many times and it is because all the juries got it wrong and all three are now free to kill again.

It's disgusting and hard to stop saying it.

come on, it's not like these people you mentioned are serial frggen killers..for crying out loud with the dramatic do some of you get through life? you're so emotionally involved in a murder trial of people YOU DON'T' even know.
Interesting that four jurors have distanced themselves from her comments. You would think they'd support her point of view, but they don't, so that makes me wonder a little...
with this type of hate seen here for a juror who the hell would want to serve on jury duty..
Following the video former lead investigator for the Sanford Police, Christopher Serino testimony was most enlightening:

When asked at the end of the day by defense attorney Mark O'Mara about his suggestion to Zimmerman that there was a strong chance that there would be videotape of the incident, Serino said Zimmerman was happy about the possibility.

"I believe his words were, 'thank god. I was hoping somebody would have videotaped it."


That was compelling. The Police tried to trick Zimmerman and instead he says "thank god"

That wasn't compelling! As the self appointed Neighbor hood Watch dog Z likely knew there were no video cameras in that area and that, due to the swiftness of the incident and the darkened location, any witnesses would not have video taped it either. He gambled or was coached with a brilliant response to a rehearsed question!
Well, Andrea Sneiderman is just a manipulative bitch. I want to watch it because she was so expressive and combative when she was on the stand in her lover's trial. Unfortch we will probably not be treated to another performance since this will be her trial and she probably won't take the stand.

Also, I happened to be watching the livestream when her BFF testified, basically against her by saying the friend believed Andrea was having an affair with Neuman, something Andrea has always denied despite overwhelming evidence. During the BFF's testimony, Andrea was watching in the gallery and when she got off the stand and walked down to leave the courtroom Andrea stood up and gave her a full mouth too long Mafia kiss, right there in the aisle of the courtroom. I nearly fell off my seat! After that Andrea was banned from the proceedings.

There's a still shot of it here, at the 2:00 mark. Let me just tell you I have never seen anything like it in all my many, many years of trial watching.

Justice for Rusty Sneiderman - YouTube

Not sure how the prosecution is going to get her on all the charges, especially the murder charge. Ample proof she destroyed texts and emails and lied under oath, those will stick. But not sure what they think they can prove but I want to find out.


i know absolutely nothing about this case

will wildabouttrial cover it

or some other non editorialized site cover it

is there or are there any court documents
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