The Official Zimmerman Trial Verdict Thread

What are your Initial Thoughts on the Guilt or Innocence of George Zimmerman?

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Juror B37 has her own opinion? WTF! Is that even allowed? Progressives aren't allowed that, why is she?
Following the video former lead investigator for the Sanford Police, Christopher Serino testimony was most enlightening:

When asked at the end of the day by defense attorney Mark O'Mara about his suggestion to Zimmerman that there was a strong chance that there would be videotape of the incident, Serino said Zimmerman was happy about the possibility.

"I believe his words were, 'thank god. I was hoping somebody would have videotaped it."


That was compelling. The Police tried to trick Zimmerman and instead he says "thank god"

That wasn't compelling! As the self appointed Neighbor hood Watch dog Z likely knew there were no video cameras in that area and that, due to the swiftness of the incident and the darkened location, any witnesses would not have video taped it either. He gambled or was coached with a brilliant response to a rehearsed question!

the lead investigator didnt say caught on video camera

he said the video was caught on martins cell phone
Juror B37 has her own opinion? WTF! Is that even allowed? Progressives aren't allowed that, why is she?

no kidding...and these same people wonder why people are out rioting...THEY might as well have a hand in it

so tolerant aren't they?

and on and on and on it goes..

Oj Simpson ANYONE?

My gawd you people act like NO ONE has ever gotten off on a murder trail..

now it's obsessing OVER THIS ONE

Yes, OJ, Casey Anthony and this Zimmerman asshole. The three have been compared many times and it is because all the juries got it wrong and all three are now free to kill again.

It's disgusting and hard to stop saying it.

I'll have to give you that one, he is an asshole.......a registered democrat that voted for osama twice, tutored black kids with school, defended a homeless black man against the police(the idiot he helped, came out against him in favor of the jerk MMA wannabe martin), took a black girl to prom.... the FBI has interviewed 36 people and all said that Zimmerman doesn't have a racist bone in his body, what an asshole he is. After all of the threats to he and his family from black people, you would think he would be smart enough to judge them for judging him but he is just to much of an asshole to do that.
and on and on and on it goes..

Oj Simpson ANYONE?

My gawd you people act like NO ONE has ever gotten off on a murder trail..

now it's obsessing OVER THIS ONE

Yes, OJ, Casey Anthony and this Zimmerman asshole. The three have been compared many times and it is because all the juries got it wrong and all three are now free to kill again.

It's disgusting and hard to stop saying it.

come on, it's not like these people you mentioned are serial frggen killers..for crying out loud with the dramatic do some of you get through life? you're so emotionally involved in a murder trial of people YOU DON'T' even know.

They could be serial killers, whoda thunk they'd do it once. One to her little baby, one to a wife who he beat up on a regular basis, one to a kid in the dark of night and the first thing they did after he gets off is give him the gun back.
Yes, OJ, Casey Anthony and this Zimmerman asshole. The three have been compared many times and it is because all the juries got it wrong and all three are now free to kill again.

It's disgusting and hard to stop saying it.

come on, it's not like these people you mentioned are serial frggen killers..for crying out loud with the dramatic do some of you get through life? you're so emotionally involved in a murder trial of people YOU DON'T' even know.

They could be serial killers, whoda thunk they'd do it once. One to her little baby, one to a wife who he beat up on a regular basis, one to a kid in the dark of night and the first thing they did after he gets off is give him the gun back.

oh Sarah sarah...

It's going to get 10 degrees hotter? Link?
Spending trillions to only get 9.8 degrees hotter is going to help?

Flat Earth Todd, even a couple of degrees will be devastating.

And spendng money is a good thing. It puts people to work. Letting the rich hoard it is the problem.

Flat Earth Todd, even a couple of degrees will be devastating.

What about a couple of degrees cooler?

And spendng money is a good thing. It puts people to work.

How many were put to work by the money spent on Solyndra?
How many will be thrown out of work by higher taxes? By more idiotic regulations?

How much do you feel we need to spend to stop this awful AGW you fear?
Spell it out.

We had our greatest prosperity when the top marginal tax rate was 93%. Under that commie Eisenhower.

Not doing anything about Global Warming will cost us more. We for instance spend ten times as much on air-conditioning than we did 20 years ago.
Yes, OJ, Casey Anthony and this Zimmerman asshole. The three have been compared many times and it is because all the juries got it wrong and all three are now free to kill again.

It's disgusting and hard to stop saying it.

come on, it's not like these people you mentioned are serial frggen killers..for crying out loud with the dramatic do some of you get through life? you're so emotionally involved in a murder trial of people YOU DON'T' even know.

They could be serial killers, whoda thunk they'd do it once. One to her little baby, one to a wife who he beat up on a regular basis, one to a kid in the dark of night and the first thing they did after he gets off is give him the gun back.

You don't automatically lose all your possessions simple because you were on trial.
I think they are all human like the rest of you..maybe not as perfect as some of you believe YOU ARE...LOL
and on and on and on it goes..

Oj Simpson ANYONE?

My gawd you people act like NO ONE has ever gotten off on a murder trail..

now it's obsessing OVER THIS ONE

Yes, OJ, Casey Anthony and this Zimmerman asshole. The three have been compared many times and it is because all the juries got it wrong and all three are now free to kill again.

It's disgusting and hard to stop saying it.

I'll have to give you that one, he is an asshole.......a registered democrat that voted for osama twice, tutored black kids with school, defended a homeless black man against the police(the idiot he helped, came out against him in favor of the jerk MMA wannabe martin), took a black girl to prom.... the FBI has interviewed 36 people and all said that Zimmerman doesn't have a racist bone in his body, what an asshole he is. After all of the threats to he and his family from black people, you would think he would be smart enough to judge them for judging him but he is just to much of an asshole to do that.

We know that he and his wife are liars. Perjury about the money that was donated. Hope she goes to jail at least.
Yes, OJ, Casey Anthony and this Zimmerman asshole. The three have been compared many times and it is because all the juries got it wrong and all three are now free to kill again.

It's disgusting and hard to stop saying it.

I'll have to give you that one, he is an asshole.......a registered democrat that voted for osama twice, tutored black kids with school, defended a homeless black man against the police(the idiot he helped, came out against him in favor of the jerk MMA wannabe martin), took a black girl to prom.... the FBI has interviewed 36 people and all said that Zimmerman doesn't have a racist bone in his body, what an asshole he is. After all of the threats to he and his family from black people, you would think he would be smart enough to judge them for judging him but he is just to much of an asshole to do that.

We know that he and his wife are liars. Perjury about the money that was donated. Hope she goes to jail at least.

man, you are a vindictive little thing..DID YOU READ what sitarro posted? are you really like this in life?
Zimmerman may have kept his blows less than full-strength, knowing he had the gun.
Kidding right ? What planet are you from again(?), because it sure isn't from this one... Have you ever been in a fight ? People are killed everyday from getting into fights, even some come back after the fight, to premeditatedly after the heat of the circumstances (not enough cool down period) or from their pride being hurt beyond repair according to them, to murder someone after they escaped from a fight, so until you understand that the fight is only half of the usual event in which causes tempers to flare way out of control, then you cannot understand what happened in this situation. Who knows what angst was built up in Trayvon because of his troubles in life, and whether or not he was going to take that angst out on someone finally, and that Zimmerman may have felt that he was in a situation where he knew there was more to this fight than met the eye. Hey if you want to speculate to try and find answers, then so can everyone else in a take off of your speculating, but remember it's only speculation, and that doesn't cut it in a court of law.
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