The Official Zimmerman Trial Verdict Thread

What are your Initial Thoughts on the Guilt or Innocence of George Zimmerman?

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I prefaced my theory with the fact that i dont think there was enough evidence to support it in a court of law, and still caught flack. The people who are emotional about this should just sit down. I understand George miht be telling the COMPLETE truth. The only doubt in my mind is that its too convenient that he was heading Trayvons way simply for an address, and also rather weird that Trayvon saw the gun from the position George said he was in, and lastly weird that he didnt fight back with his fists. It also doesnt make sense to just out of the blue start swinging one someone like he said Trayvon did.... But again, i think the verdict was the correct and fair one.

There was one witness that thought the cries sounded like a 'young man'--then whimpers.

I cannot be certain about the cries for help--no one seems to be certain. The Viet Nam medic would be the best qualified it seems.

Which film director will undertake this project? We will then only see through his 'prism'.

His parents and Hollywood A list--I assume Michael Moore, perhaps Susan Sarandon--the activists will join with others to change SYG. That is the way things are done here.

In Russia, an opponent of Putin's has been found guilty of I don't know what. He said that is how it is here--don't oppose if you aren't ready to go to jail.

Worse elsewhere.
I have a theory on what happened, myself, but I have no delusions that a jury should take my theory based on its lack of reaching the reasonable doubt standard.

I think George was a bit of a busy body, partly justifiably because of the break ins and such, and partly because of his apparent nature.

I think he truly thought Trayvon was acting funny.

I think Trayvon became interested as well, as George would seem to him, to be acting funny.

I think that Trayvon stuck around the in-between of those two rows of houses.

I think George approached him and they had a few words, perhaps an argument.

I think George might have showed his waistband.

I think Trayvon got testy, and punched George in his face. As George then began to try to unholster, Trayvon took him down. George didn't have both hands free to stop the takedown, as he'd be well equipped to do with 18mos of mma training. Trayvon was then on top trying to get control of George from getting to his gun. George was solely focused on getting to his gun, which is why Trayvon had no marks on him.

I think that Trayvon was the one yelling for help, as he tried to control George from getting to his gun.

The rest is history.

I seriously doubt Trayvon was the one yelling for help.
Evidence suggested a lot of things. Who was told to stop following TM? Who was armed with a gun? The bottom line is, like GZ's guilt, none of the stuff you're claiming was proven either.
The jury has summarily ruled. They don't need to explain to anyone why, or how they reached it. You need to accept it. I hated the verdict in the OJ double murder case, but I had to accept it. GZ can not be tried again for the same charge.

All of you who support TM now; hold contempt for Justice. GZ is NOT GUILTY!

All the inscrutable particulars are criminally moot.

I was just talking about the people who say with authority "TM did this" or "TM did that". When did he get his trial? The fact that GZ was found not-guilty, doesn't make TM guilty.

Yes it does. They decided TM struck GZ first. That is a crime. That had to be proven or self defense wouldnt apply .
I have a theory on what happened, myself, but I have no delusions that a jury should take my theory based on its lack of reaching the reasonable doubt standard.

I think George was a bit of a busy body, partly justifiably because of the break ins and such, and partly because of his apparent nature.

I think he truly thought Trayvon was acting funny.

I think Trayvon became interested as well, as George would seem to him, to be acting funny.

I think that Trayvon stuck around the in-between of those two rows of houses.

I think George approached him and they had a few words, perhaps an argument.

I think George might have showed his waistband.

I think Trayvon got testy, and punched George in his face. As George then began to try to unholster, Trayvon took him down. George didn't have both hands free to stop the takedown, as he'd be well equipped to do with 18mos of mma training. Trayvon was then on top trying to get control of George from getting to his gun. George was solely focused on getting to his gun, which is why Trayvon had no marks on him.

I think that Trayvon was the one yelling for help, as he tried to control George from getting to his gun.

The rest is history.
Pure speculation on your part and the people that had the MOST FACTS i.e. the jury didn't have to deal with speculation.
Fact: Zimmerman had abrasions... Martin none.
Fact: Zimmerman was on the bottom per the "PROSECUTION'S witness!
I dont know [MENTION=4301]boedicca[/MENTION] , seems plausible to me to scream for help in a scuffle where the other party is tryi g to use their gun....i get doubting it....but "seriously doubting" is bizarre cuz theres no way to really tell and both had probable reasons for screaming.
I don't recall a trial where any of that was proven. Can you give us a link? You can't give GZ the benefit of the doubt and then claim with certainty that the other stuff happened either. The best you can say is "we'll never know" or you're committing the same sort of speculation as the other side.

Evidence suggests thats exactly how it went down.

Evidence suggested a lot of things. Who was told to stop following TM? Who was armed with a gun? The bottom line is, like GZ's guilt, none of the stuff you're claiming was proven either.

By the way.. your signature statement "I've been Ayn Randed nearly branded Communist 'cause I'm left-handed"
You would also be considered "unclean" by the Muslims as they wipe their butts with their left hands! NO TP.. just their fingers are you aware of that???
I have a theory on what happened, myself, but I have no delusions that a jury should take my theory based on its lack of reaching the reasonable doubt standard.

I think George was a bit of a busy body, partly justifiably because of the break ins and such, and partly because of his apparent nature.

I think he truly thought Trayvon was acting funny.

I think Trayvon became interested as well, as George would seem to him, to be acting funny.

I think that Trayvon stuck around the in-between of those two rows of houses.

I think George approached him and they had a few words, perhaps an argument.

I think George might have showed his waistband.

I think Trayvon got testy, and punched George in his face. As George then began to try to unholster, Trayvon took him down. George didn't have both hands free to stop the takedown, as he'd be well equipped to do with 18mos of mma training. Trayvon was then on top trying to get control of George from getting to his gun. George was solely focused on getting to his gun, which is why Trayvon had no marks on him.

I think that Trayvon was the one yelling for help, as he tried to control George from getting to his gun.

The rest is history.

I seriously doubt Trayvon was the one yelling for help.

deep pain--that is all I could identify. GZ spoke once that I know of in court--there were tapes--absolutely no way to infer much from that. I didn't hear any clips of TM's voice.

I would have thought that the FBI or 'Quantico' some entity--had voice analysis equipment--maybe not available unless the crime is extraordinary.

The forensic analyses of the gun shot and the shirt--very impressive. Down to a thread--it seems.
The prosecution was motivated by anger and political expediency rather than justice. There was no Grand Jury as is usual in a major felony case and it is alleged that the prosecution illegally withheld information critical to the defense. There was no way that the prosecution could ever prove that Zimmerman intentionally killed Martin so the murder 2nd charge was way out of bounds. The prosecution actually admitted that murder 2nd was unwarranted when they tried to reduce the charge at the end of the trial. Instead of a congressional investigation aimed at Zimmerman they should investigate the conduct of the prosecution.

It is standard practice to introduce lesser before jury instruction. It's not an admittance of anything, it's the standard.

Other than that, yea they didn't have a case this was a completely ridiculous trial. I work from home and had the thing running the entire time. Their case was almost PURELY conjecture.

I beg to differ. No way is it standard practice for the prosecution to suddenly consider a lesser verdict at the end of the trial unless it was agreed to at the beginning. It proves that the prosecution was incompetent and perhaps so politically motivated that it forgot the basic rules.
Healthmyths....a lot of georges story is speculation as well...such as who confronted who. Theres no evidence to suggest who started it....who approached who..........only one guy had marks on him in a forty plus second brawl. That suggests to me that george wasnt fighting back but reaching for gun. The jury had to acquit due to LACK OF EVIDENCE TO FIND GUILTY...thats a big difference than totally believing george was being 100
I have a theory on what happened, myself, but I have no delusions that a jury should take my theory based on its lack of reaching the reasonable doubt standard.

I think George was a bit of a busy body, partly justifiably because of the break ins and such, and partly because of his apparent nature.

I think he truly thought Trayvon was acting funny.

I think Trayvon became interested as well, as George would seem to him, to be acting funny.

I think that Trayvon stuck around the in-between of those two rows of houses.

I think George approached him and they had a few words, perhaps an argument.

I think George might have showed his waistband.

I think Trayvon got testy, and punched George in his face. As George then began to try to unholster, Trayvon took him down. George didn't have both hands free to stop the takedown, as he'd be well equipped to do with 18mos of mma training. Trayvon was then on top trying to get control of George from getting to his gun. George was solely focused on getting to his gun, which is why Trayvon had no marks on him.

I think that Trayvon was the one yelling for help, as he tried to control George from getting to his gun.

The rest is history.

I doubt very seriously that Trayvon attacked a man knowing that her was armed.The evidence trickling out now strongly suggest that Trayvon thought George was gay so he got was going to play "whoop azz" with him.
C'mon it and let us know if it's incriminating.

It's all in the name of case research, you know. :shock:

That smilie is my favorite.

LAUGHING OUT LOUD at "let us know if it's incriminating".

I'm wondering what the defense's schtick is going to be... Well his lover was calling him names and domestically insulting him and forced him to do it.

I thought that might convince Rat to watch. :)

They have to go with the mentally insane schtick, right? I mean.......maybe he could go for the "It was a horror movie audition simulation. I didn't know it was a REAL knife" defense. ???

Mentally insane? Not by a long shot. This guy knew what he was doing was wrong, but did it anyway for the sheer thrill and pleasure he gets from it. He's as sane as Ted Bundy and many other serial killers.
I don't think this thread will get much traction longknife... It doesn't fit the left's, NAACP's, or Holder's agenda on painting Zimmerman as a racist.

This is my favorite though;
George Zimmerman voted and campaigned for Obama.

I have a feeling the Dems have lost his vote...
Give me a quick synopsis of the cannibal trial. Drawing a blank.

The one I posted above may start in August if prosecution goes for dp - that's the monster that had the girls kidnapped in OH for years.

The cannibal I think is sometime in 2014

Careful, this is hideous. Makes JoJo look like a saint. Ok. I take that back.

The killer captured the whole sick scene on video, and that wound up on a website on May 26 called, which purports to be “dedicated to ensuring the general public is aware of the reality of the world out there so everyone can make educated decisions that affect their well being and the well being of their families,” but is clearly a forum for the kind of peeping toms who get off on watching people do awful shit to each other. The video’s title: “1 Lunatic 1 Ice Pick.”

Police only found out about this grisly killing when Jun’s body parts started showing up at the offices of Canada’s major political parties. A severed foot arrived at the headquarters of the country’s Conservative Party in Ottawa Tuesday morning; postal workers intercepted a severed hand at the Ottawa Postal Terminal later that day, en route to the offices of the Liberal Party; and a janitor found the torso in a Montreal garbage dump near Magnotta’s apartment. Perhaps the killer had run out of stamps, by that point.

Canada?s 'Cannibal Killer:' Early Reports Warned About Luka Magnotta - The Daily Beast

Think I'll skip this one testarosa :puke:

Hello I am here but not for long unfortunately I have to work. Working my ass off so I can have tomorrow off.

I am definitely gonna watch the Andrea Sneiderman trial since I watched the Hemy Neuman trial. Looking forward to it.

This one on the other hand could be an interesting one to watch animallover. Missed out on the Hemy Neuman trial so will have to play catch up...
Give me a quick synopsis of the cannibal trial. Drawing a blank.

The one I posted above may start in August if prosecution goes for dp - that's the monster that had the girls kidnapped in OH for years.

The cannibal I think is sometime in 2014

Careful, this is hideous. Makes JoJo look like a saint. Ok. I take that back.

The killer captured the whole sick scene on video, and that wound up on a website on May 26 called, which purports to be “dedicated to ensuring the general public is aware of the reality of the world out there so everyone can make educated decisions that affect their well being and the well being of their families,” but is clearly a forum for the kind of peeping toms who get off on watching people do awful shit to each other. The video’s title: “1 Lunatic 1 Ice Pick.”

Police only found out about this grisly killing when Jun’s body parts started showing up at the offices of Canada’s major political parties. A severed foot arrived at the headquarters of the country’s Conservative Party in Ottawa Tuesday morning; postal workers intercepted a severed hand at the Ottawa Postal Terminal later that day, en route to the offices of the Liberal Party; and a janitor found the torso in a Montreal garbage dump near Magnotta’s apartment. Perhaps the killer had run out of stamps, by that point.

Canada?s 'Cannibal Killer:' Early Reports Warned About Luka Magnotta - The Daily Beast

Think I'll skip this one testarosa :puke:

Hello I am here but not for long unfortunately I have to work. Working my ass off so I can have tomorrow off.

I am definitely gonna watch the Andrea Sneiderman trial since I watched the Hemy Neuman trial. Looking forward to it.

This one on the other hand could be an interesting one to watch animallover. Missed out on the Hemy Neuman trial so will have to play catch up...

Nate! Did you throw that rock off your head?
Even the O.J. prosecution, comes in second to the Zimmerman prosecution. While the O.J. prosecution may have been blindsided by the "N" word they didn't whine about it on public TV. The state of Fla should consider disbarment proceedings after it was found the prosecution withheld evidence that they were bound by law to give to the defense. The prosecution bypassed the Grand Jury in their anger and political frustration and they should have known that they could never convict Zimmerman of the intentional death of Martin but they were angry and the Obama administration told them they had a winner with 2nd degree murder. The pathetic prosecution tried reduce the charges at the end of the trial but it was too late. To add insult to injury the arrogant prosecution team went on TV and told America that they still thought the defendant was guilty after he was found not guilty. This has to be some sort of ethics violation in itself.
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