The Official Zimmerman Trial Verdict Thread

What are your Initial Thoughts on the Guilt or Innocence of George Zimmerman?

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Can anyone explain why there is a secrecy about the identity of jurors?

I was under the impression that serving jury duty is a civil obligation and having served jury duty is something to be proud of.

Yet, time after time, I see jurors hiding behind anonymity. Are they ashamed? Are they afraid? Is their identity protected/hidden under some law? If so, why?

Jurors are not public officials and in high profile cases it opens them up to all sorts of scrutiny. It would also be another reason not to serve on a jury.

I've sat on a jury..and while it was a great's not something I initially wanted to do.

I admit, I never was a juror, but I wasted several days of my time and the time of the company I worked for, form while sitting there, waiting to be rejected.

As soon as a juror is selected, he/she is a public figure, just as the judge, the lawyers for the prosecution and the defense are. If that is intolerable, let all the trials be totally behind closed doors. Let there be no freedom of reporting.

After all, if jurors can be stalked, so can lawyers and judges.

That's incorrect.

Jurors are private citizens. I agree with the juror system, by the way, and think that all citizens have an obligation to perform services that enable the justice system we are privileged to have.

Making it more difficult to be a juror, would hurt that.

Unless we want to change our jurors into professionals, they should remain anonymous.
All to often, shit happens. Stand your ground, at least to the extent it is now, seems to leave open to much potential for shit to happen. Trevon shouldn't have been there, but that's what people often do, take shortcuts. Zimmerman shouldn't have been that close to him... just observe and report, but all to often, that's what people do.

We have a legal system and, for better or worse, we accept what produces and move on. If we think it can be improved, we improve it. I wasn't on the jury, the jury members were on the jury. My opinion is just another opinion, their opinion is the verdict. So their decision is the final word.
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I prefaced my theory with the fact that i dont think there was enough evidence to support it in a court of law, and still caught flack. The people who are emotional about this should just sit down. I understand George miht be telling the COMPLETE truth. The only doubt in my mind is that its too convenient that he was heading Trayvons way simply for an address, and also rather weird that Trayvon saw the gun from the position George said he was in, and lastly weird that he didnt fight back with his fists. It also doesnt make sense to just out of the blue start swinging one someone like he said Trayvon did.... But again, i think the verdict was the correct and fair one.
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Can anyone explain why there is a secrecy about the identity of jurors?

I was under the impression that serving jury duty is a civil obligation and having served jury duty is something to be proud of.

Yet, time after time, I see jurors hiding behind anonymity. Are they ashamed? Are they afraid? Is their identity protected/hidden under some law? If so, why?

Really? Do you REALLY need this explained to you? If you do, do you REALLY want the public to know you don't know the answer??
This notion that it was Stand Your Ground law that led to Trayvon Martin's death is absurd. That teenager is dead today because he chose to start a fight with someone and that someone had a gun. You don't start fights with strangers out on the street. You call the Police from the cell phone that EVERYONE carries with them 24/7 these days and report the problem.
Yes, if I would have gotten away from the creepy azz cracka (Trayvon's words according to his gal friend), I would have certainly not have went back to ask him anything, but rather I would have been adamant to turn his cracka azz into the law as quickly as possible, and to do it from a safe place. You are right (especially these days), that you don't confront people out in the dark on a stormy night not knowing who they are or if they are carrying or not, not unless maybe you are carrying also, so if you get somewhere safe, then you do the right thing afterwards if did not know who this person was, and worse that he was creepy on top of all that.
There are millions of nuts, clinically fucked up people, with guns in America. That's why.

Based on the posts by you in various forums, you are obviously a liberal/Democrat.

So, your reference to "millions of nuts, clinically fucked up people, with guns in America" implies that those who threaten the jurors are those law-abiding citizens who believe and honor the Second Amendment.

Would they be those who live in the home town of the President and use those guns with great pleasure and abandon? Those whose spokesmen rally them to demonstrate, to dissent and heaven knows what else?

I am socially liberal and fiscally rational as well as a registered Democrat.

Do you know what gun violence costs to local communities, annually?

"Between 2005 and 2009, youth gun violence cost society about $234 million in San Mateo County. And local governments spend $57,000 to $856,000 per firearm crime"

Link: Officials Reveal High Cost of Youth Gun Violence - Government - San Mateo, CA Patch

I have no objection to those who legally own guns and honor that right; I completely reject the NRA and it's foolish policy preventing any efforts to regulate the ownership, possession or custody and control of guns.

You carefully ignore how many lives have been saved and how much property was not lost because of guns.

Typical short-sighted liberal.
Maybe its because they put murdering thugs behind bars, and the associates of said murdering thug may be a bit peeved by it.

Thank you.

Obviously, in this particular case no "murderous thug" was put behind bars, but I get your point about revenge.

So, perhaps the jurors' desire to be anonymous - seeing the political power of those who are capable to harm them - is justified.

Seems like the only ones that MAY threaten the lives and livelihoods of the jurors in this particular case are those who are doing their best (worst??) to foment riots, those who can not be respectful of existing law and the justice system, those who will NEVER be happy as long as there is a single white (or "White Hispanic) person is alive.

The only ones who are peeved are the race-hustling poverty pimps, like Al Sharpton, Eric Holder, Jesse Jackson and the One who would love to have Trayvon Martin as his son.

I see by this post that you hate the black race and in particular those African Americans who have a voice; inferred from this you must be a right wing Republican and a scared little bunny rabbit who covets guns. See how that works?

"Race" the argument of choice for the lazy mind.
I don't recall a trial where any of that was proven. Can you give us a link? You can't give GZ the benefit of the doubt and then claim with certainty that the other stuff happened either. The best you can say is "we'll never know" or you're committing the same sort of speculation as the other side.

Evidence suggests thats exactly how it went down.

Evidence suggested a lot of things. Who was told to stop following TM? Who was armed with a gun? The bottom line is, like GZ's guilt, none of the stuff you're claiming was proven either.
The jury has summarily ruled. They don't need to explain to anyone why, or how they reached it. You need to accept it. I hated the verdict in the OJ double murder case, but I had to accept it. GZ can not be tried again for the same charge.

All of you who support TM now; hold contempt for Justice. GZ is NOT GUILTY!

All the inscrutable particulars are criminally moot.
Yuck. Yet another psycho sicko.

Trial set for September 2014 in Canada. I doubt we'll get it here, right? What possesses these murderers to slice and dice up their victims, then mail various body parts all over town? Fascinating, those dismemberers.

That article mentions a term DDE has used..."one off"...since she's into criminal profiling you know. LOL It's a term referring to those psychos who are so far off they are basically unprofilable. There's no predicting patterns when it comes to heinous acts like dismemberment, cannibalism, etc. since they are, thankfully, fairly rare. Glad he made a video and they caught him!

PS Why don't these sickos leave the animals alone? Hate that more than I can say.
I don't recall a trial where any of that was proven. Can you give us a link? You can't give GZ the benefit of the doubt and then claim with certainty that the other stuff happened either. The best you can say is "we'll never know" or you're committing the same sort of speculation as the other side.

Evidence suggests thats exactly how it went down.

Evidence suggested a lot of things. Who was told to stop following TM? Who was armed with a gun? The bottom line is, like GZ's guilt, none of the stuff you're claiming was proven either.

Evidence suggested that GZ was defending himself. GZ was "told" to do anything. There's a difference between an order and a suggestion. I would advise you to read a dictionary in the future.
[You racists go stick this up your craw!] :evil:

The leftist media does their best to demonize this young man and make him out to be a racist. The following story shows the truth. Here's an excerpt:

"In the Zimmerman household, relatives, friends, neighbors and classmates were certainly a diverse, wholly accepted mix." He describes his son's prom date as "a lovely young lady ... They were an attractive couple. No one ever even considered the fact that George was Hispanic and the young lady happened to be black."

Read more @ The Truth About George Zimmerman - Atlas Shrugs
Stand your ground was not a part of Zimmerman's defense. He relied entirely on the laws of self defense.

What happened is exactly what the jury concluded.

Trayvon Martin was innocently walking home. He saw some short, chubby creepy ass cracker and though he could take him, teach him a lesson, beat him up. Martin profiled Zimmerman as an easy victim.

George Zimmerman saw a tall young man, he had no reason to know how old Trayvon Martin was. The guy was acting suspiciously, like many others have who committed crimes in that neighborhood. No doubt Zimmerman profiled Trayvon Martin, but not racially, the profile was behaviorally based. He called the police. He tried to keep the guy in sight. He lost him and went back to his car. Martin acted on his profile and jumped Zimmerman. As they were rolling around on the ground, Martin, who had the upperhand already became aware of the gun and said "You're gonna die tonight muthafucka". Coupled with Martin having already thrown the first punch, Zimmerman was put in fear of his life.

If there were some way of impressing young men, including young black men, that it is not safe to attack strangers because there is no way to know who is armed and who is not, it would go a long way to reducing gun violence.
Following the video former lead investigator for the Sanford Police, Christopher Serino testimony was most enlightening:

When asked at the end of the day by defense attorney Mark O'Mara about his suggestion to Zimmerman that there was a strong chance that there would be videotape of the incident, Serino said Zimmerman was happy about the possibility.

"I believe his words were, 'thank god. I was hoping somebody would have videotaped it."


That was compelling. The Police tried to trick Zimmerman and instead he says "thank god"

That wasn't compelling! As the self appointed Neighbor hood Watch dog Z likely knew there were no video cameras in that area and that, due to the swiftness of the incident and the darkened location, any witnesses would not have video taped it either. He gambled or was coached with a brilliant response to a rehearsed question!

Sure! From the time of the incident to the time of the interview he had contacted his lawyer and was advised what to say in case the question was asked.

Do you actually believe the bullshit you spew?!?!?
Evidence suggests thats exactly how it went down.

Evidence suggested a lot of things. Who was told to stop following TM? Who was armed with a gun? The bottom line is, like GZ's guilt, none of the stuff you're claiming was proven either.
The jury has summarily ruled. They don't need to explain to anyone why, or how they reached it. You need to accept it. I hated the verdict in the OJ double murder case, but I had to accept it. GZ can not be tried again for the same charge.

All of you who support TM now; hold contempt for Justice. GZ is NOT GUILTY!

All the inscrutable particulars are criminally moot.

I was just talking about the people who say with authority "TM did this" or "TM did that". When did he get his trial? The fact that GZ was found not-guilty, doesn't make TM guilty.
Actually, the first crime was when Zimmerman left his vehicle and followed Trayvon up into the backyards of the complex.

Sorry...............but he'd followed Trayvon for quite a while, as well as quite a ways up the backyards.

If Zimmerman lived on that row, I may be able to see a connection, but if he didn't, he's nothing more than a wanna be cop who fucked up and killed an innocent teen.

Actually, the first crime was when Zimmerman left his vehicle and followed Trayvon up into the backyards of the complex.

Following someone isn't a crime. Even if the guy you're following is black.

he's nothing more than a wanna be cop who fucked up and killed an innocent teen.

An innocent teen who was beating on him.

You're right.................following someone isn't a crime here in the U.S.

However....................if you follow me in a vehicle and then decide to follow me for around 100 yards, I'm gonna think that you're going to do harm to me and I WILL confront you.

Would I be considered bad if you said racist crap to me while following me and I decided to kick your ass?

Quick many of YOU people would allow someone to follow you in a vehicle, jump out and start following you down the street, without asking what the fuck they were following you for?

I live in a pretty decent place, but if you follow me down the block after tracking me in a vehicle, I'm gonna ask you why you're there. If you can't provide a decent response, my response may be to attack.

Trayvon was murdered and Zimmerman needs to go to jail. Sorry, but the 911 operator told him "we don't need you to do that" when he said he was going to follow him.

Zimmerman should have stayed in his vehicle, going out of it lost him the "stand your ground" defense.

Oh brother. Another internet tough guy!

You attack someone you go to jail moron!!

The 911 operator isn't a cop and has no authority. Besides GZ said "ok" when advised not to follow and you have zero evidence that he continued to follow TM as a matter of fact at that point in time GZ had already lost sight of TM so he couldn't follow him even if he wanted to you stupid ass!
Yuck. Yet another psycho sicko.

Trial set for September 2014 in Canada. I doubt we'll get it here, right? What possesses these murderers to slice and dice up their victims, then mail various body parts all over town? Fascinating, those dismemberers.

That article mentions a term DDE has used..."one off"...since she's into criminal profiling you know. LOL It's a term referring to those psychos who are so far off they are basically unprofilable. There's no predicting patterns when it comes to heinous acts like dismemberment, cannibalism, etc. since they are, thankfully, fairly rare. Glad he made a video and they caught him!

PS Why don't these sickos leave the animals alone? Hate that more than I can say.

I love DDE's psycho expertise.

The defense asked and was granted a media ban for the M1 hearing, but not for the trial (yet) Canada does do media in the court and streaming as they don't allow the public to come into the courtroom.

There was just a cop cannibal case too.

Ask DDE what the deal is with all the cannibals. lol
Next year we have to do the Canadian cannibal trial.

THERE's some drama right there.

I will practice my Canadian--around the 4th of July when people were making the red, white and blue cakes--someone made one with a maple leaf in the center. That was something.

'tasty court water'--still loling about that. Moments I will never forget.

O'Mara wins for style--no doubt about that. He had a light suit last night, the perfect shirt and a paisley tie.

The fashion of the participants and commentators. I don't care for 'Sunny', CNN analyst--cannot fault her wardrobe. A particularly nice necklace last night--turquoise stones, pendants.

What are you wearing--always important. Greta seems 'not to care' that much. Certain I saw some of the same outfits she wore during the Natalee Holloway case. Pretty much the same hair style. Thick hair--I envy her.

We'll get Rat on the Canadian thing and the cannibal graphics.


Geez, now ya want Canadian, eh? Ya better roll out a bunch of Molson and back bacon if ya want me to dig out the toque, eh.

Aww criminy, I don't even want to think aboot the cannibal ting, eh. I was horrified watching the rat eating scenes in Battlefield Earth, ya know.
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