The Official Zimmerman Trial Verdict Thread

What are your Initial Thoughts on the Guilt or Innocence of George Zimmerman?

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The prosecution was motivated by anger and political expediency rather than justice. There was no Grand Jury as is usual in a major felony case and it is alleged that the prosecution illegally withheld information critical to the defense. There was no way that the prosecution could ever prove that Zimmerman intentionally killed Martin so the murder 2nd charge was way out of bounds. The prosecution actually admitted that murder 2nd was unwarranted when they tried to reduce the charge at the end of the trial. Instead of a congressional investigation aimed at Zimmerman they should investigate the conduct of the prosecution.
Next year we have to do the Canadian cannibal trial.

THERE's some drama right there.

I will practice my Canadian--around the 4th of July when people were making the red, white and blue cakes--someone made one with a maple leaf in the center. That was something.

'tasty court water'--still loling about that. Moments I will never forget.

O'Mara wins for style--no doubt about that. He had a light suit last night, the perfect shirt and a paisley tie.

The fashion of the participants and commentators. I don't care for 'Sunny', CNN analyst--cannot fault her wardrobe. A particularly nice necklace last night--turquoise stones, pendants.

What are you wearing--always important. Greta seems 'not to care' that much. Certain I saw some of the same outfits she wore during the Natalee Holloway case. Pretty much the same hair style. Thick hair--I envy her.
Wow.....Ann Coulter hits it out of the park again!

She summarizes, coalesces, concentrates....and says what many are thinking!


2. Black liberals keep bemoaning the danger to their own teenage sons after the "not guilty" verdict in George Zimmerman's murder trial. To avoid what happened to Trayvon Martin, their boys need only follow this advice:
Don't walk up to a stranger and punch him, ground-and-pound him, MMA-style, and repeatedly smash his head against the pavement.

3. .... the evidence overwhelmingly showed that Trayvon committed the first (and only) crime that night by assaulting Zimmerman. Instead, the race agitators are sticking with the original story peddled by the media, ... that Zimmerman had stalked a young black child and shot him dead just for being black and wearing a hoodie.

4. Dozens of these hair-on-fire racism stories are retold in my book, Mugged: Racial Demagoguery from the Seventies to Obama.....Whenever a much-celebrated claim of racism turned out to be false -- ....There would never be a clippable story admitting that the media's harrumphing had been in error:
Attention, readers! That story we've been howling about for several months turned out to be a complete fraud.

5. A little time would pass, and then we'd get an all-new, excited "America is still racist" media campaign.

6. The case most like George Zimmerman's is the Edmund Perry case. In 1985, Perry, a black teenager from Harlem who had just graduated from Phillips Exeter Academy, mugged a guy who turned out to be an undercover cop. He got shot and a few hours later was dead.

a. ....the media rushed out with a story about Officer Lee Van Houten being a trigger-happy, racist cop. When that turned out to be false, The New York Times ....We had such high hopes for that one. Damn!

b. An article in The Village Voice explained: "[L]ike so many other victims in this city," Perry was "just too black for his own good."

7. Luckily for the policeman, Perry had mugged him in a well-lit hospital parking lot. Twenty-three witnesses backed the officer's story in testimony to the grand jury.

8. As I wrote in "Mugged": "God help Officer Van Houten if he had been mugged someplace other than a hospital parking lot with plenty of witnesses." Such as, for example, a dark pathway in The Retreat at Twin Lakes. There weren't 23 witnesses backing Zimmerman's story, only about a half-dozen. But, as with Van Houten, the evidence overwhelmingly corroborated Zimmerman's story.

9. When the facts were unknown, the cop was a racist. When it turned out Perry had mugged the cop, it was no one's fault, but a problem of "violence," "confusion" and "two worlds" colliding. ....

10. Van Houten said he was jumped, knocked to the ground, punched and kicked by Edmund Perry. Grand jury witnesses backed his story. Isn't it possible that Van Houten saw Perry as a threat for reasons other than "just because he is black"? "
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The prosecution was motivated by anger and political expediency rather than justice. There was no Grand Jury as is usual in a major felony case and it is alleged that the prosecution illegally withheld information critical to the defense. There was no way that the prosecution could ever prove that Zimmerman intentionally killed Martin so the murder 2nd charge was way out of bounds. The prosecution actually admitted that murder 2nd was unwarranted when they tried to reduce the charge at the end of the trial. Instead of a congressional investigation aimed at Zimmerman they should investigate the conduct of the prosecution.

It is standard practice to introduce lesser before jury instruction. It's not an admittance of anything, it's the standard.

Other than that, yea they didn't have a case this was a completely ridiculous trial. I work from home and had the thing running the entire time. Their case was almost PURELY conjecture.
Can someone 'just say'?

Is there any credibility to the idea that floats about--GZ somehow attacked TM first?

I cannot picture this. Hardly astute enough.

In fact I am only now somewhat clearer about--TM was at his father's fiancee's condo and went back to the T. Was GZ walking back to his truck?

Still don't know. Will never know.

Those that believe he lied--just lay it out.

Until then--no more to be said.
Pimps create prostitutes. That's where their money comes from. If willing prostitutes can't be found, then they use unwilling ones.
Can someone 'just say'?

Is there any credibility to the idea that floats about--GZ somehow attacked TM first?

I cannot picture this. Hardly astute enough.

In fact I am only now somewhat clearer about--TM was at his father's fiancee's condo and went back to the T. Was GZ walking back to his truck?

Still don't know. Will never know.

Those that believe he lied--just lay it out.

Until then--no more to be said.

I base my impression of you on your comments here. You state we should be able to target jurors...for the purpose of *congratulating* them. Yet you seem incapable of understanding that anonymity protects them from those who would do them harm.

Or bribe them.

Either way, you're dismissed as a simpleton.

I don't know about you, but I never approached a person that distinguished themselves with any intention but congratulations. If you think that I would approach a juror with killing in my mind, it speaks about YOUR intentions to them harm.

Only a true simpleton would think about bribing a juror after the juror has rendered a verdict. And of course, only a simpleton would thank a post that she negged with considerable prejudice.

I am not dismissing you as a simpleton or otherwise, because your ilk always must hav the last word, so have at it!

My *ilk* lol.

I'm sorry you don't understand the language or the rule of the law. I'm sure it makes things difficult for you.

I did not say you were interested in killing anyone and I certainly never said you wanted to target anyone for assassination, you nitwit. I said the anonymity of jurors is maintained for their safety and the integrity of the trial. You did not say that you were only talking about post-trial jury anonymity, and prevention of jury tampering is one of the primary reasons jurors are sequestered, and their identities protected. The other primary reason is to protect their lives, and their families.

It isn't rocket science.

Glad to see that your unforgiving, judgmental and mistaken opinion that I wanted to kill jurors is softening.

If you had really looked at the OP you would have seen the QUESTIONS.

Now, that you are on your way to redemption, there just a few more steps:

1. Refrain from name-calling. It only diminishes you.
2. In the future, read an OP prior to responding.
3. Answer a question with an ANSWER.

Seeing your deafening silence I would like to add another point that would make you a genuine debater:

4. Abandon your paranoia and be willing to receive personal messages which would reply to your negging a post or an OP by someone you disagree with.

Definition of the word "SPINE": First, koshergirl must show she has one.
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Can anyone explain why there is a secrecy about the identity of jurors?

I was under the impression that serving jury duty is a civil obligation and having served jury duty is something to be proud of.

Yet, time after time, I see jurors hiding behind anonymity. Are they ashamed? Are they afraid? Is their identity protected/hidden under some law? If so, why?

Jurors are not public officials and in high profile cases it opens them up to all sorts of scrutiny. It would also be another reason not to serve on a jury.

I've sat on a jury..and while it was a great's not something I initially wanted to do.
Follow up: What do you think of Stephanie and CrusaderFrank?

Two morons desperate for attention, IMO.

As for B-37 I agree with Lakhota, she had an agenda going in, and that agenda had nothing to do with trying to determine the truth.

It is a safe bet that you would sing a different tune if the verdict had been more to your liking.

I think not. Whenever a juror brings attention upon themselves I would be suspicious of the motives. The fact that four members of the jury have distanced themselves from her speaks volumes. Note I have not and will not comment on any of the other jurors who have not sought profit or other benefits from doing their civic duty.


ALL the people who were supposed to KNOW, distanced themselves from Galileo, who had the courage to say that the Earth is not the center of the Universe. All the people who were supposed to KNOW, said that nothing heavier than air could ever fly. All the people who were supposed to be for civil rights opposed Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.

The fact that she had to back off speaks volumes of those who had the intention of besmirch her.
Can anyone explain why there is a secrecy about the identity of jurors?

I was under the impression that serving jury duty is a civil obligation and having served jury duty is something to be proud of.

Yet, time after time, I see jurors hiding behind anonymity. Are they ashamed? Are they afraid? Is their identity protected/hidden under some law? If so, why?

Jurors are not public officials and in high profile cases it opens them up to all sorts of scrutiny. It would also be another reason not to serve on a jury.

I've sat on a jury..and while it was a great's not something I initially wanted to do.

Thanks for your HONEST answer and opinion.
So What Should A Young Black Male/Female In A Hoodie Or Not Do?

they should not do much of anything in a hoodie...but I would most caution against door to door sales,jogging,driving, walking and sitting...oh ya and never wear it in your own home.. someone looking through the window might think you broke in

Wearing a hoodie isn't what got Trayvon Martin shot that night. Wearing the hoodie and appearing to look in people's windows is only what led to the Police being called. Trayvon Martin was shot because he attacked someone. You want to "caution" young black males/females on something? Caution them that resorting to physical violence when it isn't called for can lead to tragic consequences. If Trayvon had simply waited another few minutes this entire situation would have been straightened out. George Zimmerman would have known who Trayvon Martin was...he would have known who George Zimmerman was. Trayvon would have continued back to the condo...George would have continued on to go shopping. Someone was killed that night because they thought being followed at a distance by someone was reason enough to attack that person and give them a beating.
All the speculation in the world don't me nothing.

Correct way to view trial: TM punched GZ in the nose ( assault = criminal offence ). TM forced GZ to the ground, and started to bang his head on the sidewalk ( life threatening ) GZ shot TM in self defence. GZ found not guilty. Case closed.

I don't remember any black or liberal cocern when OJ was found not guilty in a particularly brutal premeditated double homicide?
This notion that it was Stand Your Ground law that led to Trayvon Martin's death is absurd. That teenager is dead today because he chose to start a fight with someone and that someone had a gun. You don't start fights with strangers out on the street. You call the Police from the cell phone that EVERYONE carries with them 24/7 these days and report the problem.
Granny says, "Dat's right - lissen up ya lil' punk hoodies...
CDC Study: Use of Firearms For Self-Defense is ‘Important Crime Deterrent’
July 17, 2013 -– “Self-defense can be an important crime deterrent,”says a new report by the Centers for Disease Control (CDC). The $10 million study was commissioned by President Barack Obama as part of 23 executive orders he signed in January.
“Studies that directly assessed the effect of actual defensive uses of guns (i.e., incidents in which a gun was ‘used’ by the crime victim in the sense of attacking or threatening an offender) have found consistently lower injury rates among gun-using crime victims compared with victims who used other self-protective strategies,” the CDC study, entitled “Priorities For Research to Reduce the Threat of Firearm-Related Violence,” states. The report, which notes that “ violent crimes, including homicides specifically, have declined in the past five years,” also pointed out that “some firearm violence results in death, but most does not.” In fact, the CDC report said, most incidents involving the discharge of firearms do not result in a fatality. “In 2010, incidents in the U.S. involving firearms injured or killed more than 105,000 Americans, of which there were twice as many nonfatal firearm-related injuries (73,505) than deaths.”

The White House unveiled a plan in January that included orders to the CDC to “conduct research on the causes and prevention of gun violence.” According to the White House report, “Research on gun violence is not advocacy; it is critical public health research that gives all Americans information they need.” The Institute of Medicine and the National Research Council released the results of their research through the CDC last month. Researchers compiled data from previous studies in order to guide future research on gun violence, noting that “almost all national survey estimates indicate that defensive gun uses by victims are at least as common as offensive uses by criminals, with estimates of annual uses ranging from about 500,000 to more than 3 million per year.” “Most felons report obtaining the majority of their firearms from informal sources,” adds the report, while “stolen guns account for only a small percentage of guns used by convicted criminals.”

Researchers also found that the majority of firearm deaths are from suicide, not homicide. “Between the years 2000 and 2010, firearm-related suicides significantly outnumbered homicides for all age groups, annually accounting for 61 percent of the more than 335,600 people who died from firearm-related violence in the United States.” African American males are most affected by firearm-related violence, with “32 per 100,000” deaths. Risk factors and predictors of violence include income inequality, “diminished economic opportunities . . . high levels of family disruption” and “low levels of community participation.” The report expresses uncertainty about gun control measures, stating that “whether gun restrictions reduce firearm-related violence is an unresolved issue,” and that there is no evidence “that passage of right-to-carry laws decrease or increase violence crime.” It also stated that proposed “gun turn-in programs are ineffective.”

Instead, researchers proposed gun safety technologies such as “external locking devices and biometric systems” to reduce firearm-related deaths. “I thought it was very telling that this report focused so heavily on . . . futuristic technology that’s not been brought to the market in any kind of reliable form that consumers have any interest in,” John Frazer, director of research and information at the National Rifle Association (NRA), told These “smart gun” technologies are “designed to prevent misuse, to prevent either accidents or crimes committed with stolen guns,” Frazer noted. “Obviously it wouldn’t have any effect on crimes committed with a gun purchased by the criminal. It obviously wouldn’t have any effect on suicides by people who bought the guns themselves.” However, “it could have a huge burden on self-defense rights of law-abiding people if they’re forced to use an unproven technology.”

The ridiculous Trayvon Martin case

It’s a failure of US judicial system. It failed to help the weak side people.

When it says Zimmerman is not guilty to kill Trayvon Martin, then what Trayvon was? He became an attacker – a threat to other’s life. That’s how a court to turn an innocent man to be a potential life threatener. An unarmed teen on his way to his relative’s house. He now was believed to be a threaten to other’s life. The other one, though proved having original bad will against Trayvon and finally killed him, became victim.

It indicates that any law abiding citizens should be obedient to unreasonable search (followed, monitored, provoked…). Or he would be killed, if the provoker announced that his life has been threatened.

This case also would encourage people to use guns in argument because dead people losing their voice in the case.

Gotta love how you people who have no knowledge of the law or of the facts in the case and come here to make a public spectacle of your ignorance.

Justice WAS served when GZ was acquitted of any wrong doing. Just because you, in your abject ignorance, don't agree with it changes nothing.
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Next year we have to do the Canadian cannibal trial.

THERE's some drama right there.

I will practice my Canadian--around the 4th of July when people were making the red, white and blue cakes--someone made one with a maple leaf in the center. That was something.

'tasty court water'--still loling about that. Moments I will never forget.

O'Mara wins for style--no doubt about that. He had a light suit last night, the perfect shirt and a paisley tie.

The fashion of the participants and commentators. I don't care for 'Sunny', CNN analyst--cannot fault her wardrobe. A particularly nice necklace last night--turquoise stones, pendants.

What are you wearing--always important. Greta seems 'not to care' that much. Certain I saw some of the same outfits she wore during the Natalee Holloway case. Pretty much the same hair style. Thick hair--I envy her.

We'll get Rat on the Canadian thing and the cannibal graphics.

I have a theory on what happened, myself, but I have no delusions that a jury should take my theory based on its lack of reaching the reasonable doubt standard.

I think George was a bit of a busy body, partly justifiably because of the break ins and such, and partly because of his apparent nature.

I think he truly thought Trayvon was acting funny.

I think Trayvon became interested as well, as George would seem to him, to be acting funny.

I think that Trayvon stuck around the in-between of those two rows of houses.

I think George approached him and they had a few words, perhaps an argument.

I think George might have showed his waistband.

I think Trayvon got testy, and punched George in his face. As George then began to try to unholster, Trayvon took him down. George didn't have both hands free to stop the takedown, as he'd be well equipped to do with 18mos of mma training. Trayvon was then on top trying to get control of George from getting to his gun. George was solely focused on getting to his gun, which is why Trayvon had no marks on him.

I think that Trayvon was the one yelling for help, as he tried to control George from getting to his gun.

The rest is history.

No, this is how it happened.
George saw Trayvon and wanted him to settle an argument George was having with his wife's best friend, who is black. George asked Trayvon whether he didnt think West Coast rap and the Notorious BIG was superior to East Coast rap. Trayvon was a devotee of East Coast rap and their disagreement became violent and Trayvon punched George, who was reaching for his iPod to demonstrate his taste in music.

That's at least as verifiable as anything you wrote.
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