The Official Zimmerman Trial Verdict Thread

What are your Initial Thoughts on the Guilt or Innocence of George Zimmerman?

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Plea schmea. He needs DP in a bad way.

Holy crap they added 648 more charges bringing the charge total to 977

two counts of aggravated murder under a fetal homicide law over allegations he forced Knight to miscarry, could potentially carry a death sentence if prosecutors choose to pursue it.

Ariel Castro pleaded not guilty on Wednesday to charges that he kidnapped three women and raped them for more than a decade before they escaped earlier this year. His attorneys hope to settle the case with a plea agreement, but if not the case will go to trial beginning in early August.

Cleveland kidnapping case: Castro attorneys seek plea bargain -
All the speculation in the world don't me nothing.

Correct way to view trial: TM punched GZ in the nose ( assault = criminal offence ). TM forced GZ to the ground, and started to bang his head on the sidewalk ( life threatening ) GZ shot TM in self defence. GZ found not guilty. Case closed.

I don't remember any black or liberal cocern when OJ was found not guilty in a particularly brutal premeditated double homicide?

You don't remember all those White people rioting after that verdict?
Give me a quick synopsis of the cannibal trial. Drawing a blank.

I'll google it......
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Give me a quick synopsis of the cannibal trial. Drawing a blank.

The one I posted above may start in August if prosecution goes for dp - that's the monster that had the girls kidnapped in OH for years.

The cannibal I think is sometime in 2014

Careful, this is hideous. Makes JoJo look like a saint. Ok. I take that back.

The killer captured the whole sick scene on video, and that wound up on a website on May 26 called, which purports to be “dedicated to ensuring the general public is aware of the reality of the world out there so everyone can make educated decisions that affect their well being and the well being of their families,” but is clearly a forum for the kind of peeping toms who get off on watching people do awful shit to each other. The video’s title: “1 Lunatic 1 Ice Pick.”

Police only found out about this grisly killing when Jun’s body parts started showing up at the offices of Canada’s major political parties. A severed foot arrived at the headquarters of the country’s Conservative Party in Ottawa Tuesday morning; postal workers intercepted a severed hand at the Ottawa Postal Terminal later that day, en route to the offices of the Liberal Party; and a janitor found the torso in a Montreal garbage dump near Magnotta’s apartment. Perhaps the killer had run out of stamps, by that point.

Canada?s 'Cannibal Killer:' Early Reports Warned About Luka Magnotta - The Daily Beast
I have a theory on what happened, myself, but I have no delusions that a jury should take my theory based on its lack of reaching the reasonable doubt standard.

I think George was a bit of a busy body, partly justifiably because of the break ins and such, and partly because of his apparent nature.

I think he truly thought Trayvon was acting funny.

I think Trayvon became interested as well, as George would seem to him, to be acting funny.

I think that Trayvon stuck around the in-between of those two rows of houses.

I think George approached him and they had a few words, perhaps an argument.

I think George might have showed his waistband.

I think Trayvon got testy, and punched George in his face. As George then began to try to unholster, Trayvon took him down. George didn't have both hands free to stop the takedown, as he'd be well equipped to do with 18mos of mma training. Trayvon was then on top trying to get control of George from getting to his gun. George was solely focused on getting to his gun, which is why Trayvon had no marks on him.

I think that Trayvon was the one yelling for help, as he tried to control George from getting to his gun.

The rest is history.

You forgot about George having his head repeatedly smashed into the pavement. But don't let that deter you from your delusion.:cuckoo::cuckoo:
Why is the Zimmerman case devided so sharply along partisan lines? With only a very few exceptions the lefties here believe GZ is guilty and the conservatives wait until the trial is over. I couldn't understand why, since GZ isn't white, the lefties were so ready to string him up.

Moments ago, it hit me.

It's only partially about race. True, if TM was white or hispanic, no one would care, but race isn't the real reason they want GZ to fry. It's guns.

GZ defended himself with a gun and a black man is dead. They cannot stand the thought that GZ might have legally used a gun to defend himself. It's about guns, and self-defense and even Stand-Your-Ground.

If GZ is convicted, they can use this case to revive their efforts to take away our rights and that is THE issue.

The left never ever cares about right and wrong, they only care about winning.
This case is another way for the left to utilize it's divide and conquer tactics.

Give me a quick synopsis of the cannibal trial. Drawing a blank.

The one I posted above may start in August if prosecution goes for dp - that's the monster that had the girls kidnapped in OH for years.

The cannibal I think is sometime in 2014

Careful, this is hideous. Makes JoJo look like a saint. Ok. I take that back.

The killer captured the whole sick scene on video, and that wound up on a website on May 26 called, which purports to be “dedicated to ensuring the general public is aware of the reality of the world out there so everyone can make educated decisions that affect their well being and the well being of their families,” but is clearly a forum for the kind of peeping toms who get off on watching people do awful shit to each other. The video’s title: “1 Lunatic 1 Ice Pick.”

Police only found out about this grisly killing when Jun’s body parts started showing up at the offices of Canada’s major political parties. A severed foot arrived at the headquarters of the country’s Conservative Party in Ottawa Tuesday morning; postal workers intercepted a severed hand at the Ottawa Postal Terminal later that day, en route to the offices of the Liberal Party; and a janitor found the torso in a Montreal garbage dump near Magnotta’s apartment. Perhaps the killer had run out of stamps, by that point.

Canada?s 'Cannibal Killer:' Early Reports Warned About Luka Magnotta - The Daily Beast

Ok...reading...sounds ICK already.
to try to analyze from audio tapes if the punch sounded like it went from left to right or right to left.

more witnesses thought right to left, iirc. why/how they thought this?

listening to the tapes of the Lauer 911 call--screams for help--I still can't say.

Angela Corey is convinced that since they stopped after the gunshot --it was Trayvon. Could just as easily been GZ. no further help needed.

I wouldn't want to be the guy who shot the teenagers over loud music--first degree murder charges for him and his reputation is checkered or worse--Angela Corey and one of her teams is handling that. Unless they can have it moved or something--I'd say he will be found guilty.

The moral --for me--be on my way.

Football season around here--lots of cars playing loud music. Almost every day--waiting in traffic--cars playing loud music. If I am not in the mood --I roll my windows up, hope the light changes. lol--Difficult to intimidate others with 'The River'--oldies station.
Give me a quick synopsis of the cannibal trial. Drawing a blank.

The one I posted above may start in August if prosecution goes for dp - that's the monster that had the girls kidnapped in OH for years.

The cannibal I think is sometime in 2014

Careful, this is hideous. Makes JoJo look like a saint. Ok. I take that back.

The killer captured the whole sick scene on video, and that wound up on a website on May 26 called, which purports to be “dedicated to ensuring the general public is aware of the reality of the world out there so everyone can make educated decisions that affect their well being and the well being of their families,” but is clearly a forum for the kind of peeping toms who get off on watching people do awful shit to each other. The video’s title: “1 Lunatic 1 Ice Pick.”

Police only found out about this grisly killing when Jun’s body parts started showing up at the offices of Canada’s major political parties. A severed foot arrived at the headquarters of the country’s Conservative Party in Ottawa Tuesday morning; postal workers intercepted a severed hand at the Ottawa Postal Terminal later that day, en route to the offices of the Liberal Party; and a janitor found the torso in a Montreal garbage dump near Magnotta’s apartment. Perhaps the killer had run out of stamps, by that point.

Canada?s 'Cannibal Killer:' Early Reports Warned About Luka Magnotta - The Daily Beast

Ok...reading...sounds ICK already.

I did not post the paragraph above of what the video was. Brace yourself.

So you think they'll be showing that in court?
All the speculation in the world don't me nothing.

Correct way to view trial: TM punched GZ in the nose ( assault = criminal offence ). TM forced GZ to the ground, and started to bang his head on the sidewalk ( life threatening ) GZ shot TM in self defence. GZ found not guilty.

I don't recall a trial where any of that was proven. Can you give us a link? You can't give GZ the benefit of the doubt and then claim with certainty that the other stuff happened either. The best you can say is "we'll never know" or you're committing the same sort of speculation as the other side.
Neither the prosecution n'or any of you have enough evidence to convict George Zimmerman of Murder beyond a reasonable doubt.

Just because you feel it went down a certain way, or it's what your gut tells you or whatever else - the evidence you have to work with still allows for the possibility that George felt he was in imminent danger of dying. Simply the allowance of that POSSIBILITY, means there is a DOUBT of guilt, that exists, based on the evidence. There is also NO sufficient evidence of who approached who, physically, first. If you think that there is, you need to learn what evidence means. Since the 9/11 call does not lead up to the encounter, all you have is speculation & George's word. You can't use speculation in Court to put a man away for life, and you don't even need George's word after that.

Onto the race discussion - it is beyond ridiculous. I do my great fair share of beating down racism where I see it, but this time - you know, it's really hard to watch such dishonesty. Race is not even involved in this case, yet here we are having a nation-wide discussion about it based on pure conjecture. It's really disgusting, to me.

You may speculate that George thought Trayvon was suspicious because of his color, but you don't have any convincing evidence of that unless you're kidding yourself. There was a proven rash of burglaries in the neighborhood, and a kid was cutting through people's side yards. That's not suspicious enough for a neighborhood watchman to place a call? Gated communities are for folks who are very serious about theirs and their family's safety. I'd call his suspicion - based on the burglaries - warranted, even though hindsight would have been 20/20. But to make the stretch to say it was "because he was black," is based on...............nothing. George's life shows that he was not a racist. If you don't know what I mean, you haven't really looked into it before forming your opinion. More disgust.

Too bad I can't give you double rep.
Can anyone explain why there is a secrecy about the identity of jurors?

I was under the impression that serving jury duty is a civil obligation and having served jury duty is something to be proud of.

Yet, time after time, I see jurors hiding behind anonymity. Are they ashamed? Are they afraid? Is their identity protected/hidden under some law? If so, why?

Jurors are not public officials and in high profile cases it opens them up to all sorts of scrutiny. It would also be another reason not to serve on a jury.

I've sat on a jury..and while it was a great's not something I initially wanted to do.

I admit, I never was a juror, but I wasted several days of my time and the time of the company I worked for, form while sitting there, waiting to be rejected.

As soon as a juror is selected, he/she is a public figure, just as the judge, the lawyers for the prosecution and the defense are. If that is intolerable, let all the trials be totally behind closed doors. Let there be no freedom of reporting.

After all, if jurors can be stalked, so can lawyers and judges.
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I have a theory on what happened, myself, but I have no delusions that a jury should take my theory based on its lack of reaching the reasonable doubt standard.

I think George was a bit of a busy body, partly justifiably because of the break ins and such, and partly because of his apparent nature.

I think he truly thought Trayvon was acting funny.

I think Trayvon became interested as well, as George would seem to him, to be acting funny.

I think that Trayvon stuck around the in-between of those two rows of houses.

I think George approached him and they had a few words, perhaps an argument.

I think George might have showed his waistband.

I think Trayvon got testy, and punched George in his face. As George then began to try to unholster, Trayvon took him down. George didn't have both hands free to stop the takedown, as he'd be well equipped to do with 18mos of mma training. Trayvon was then on top trying to get control of George from getting to his gun. George was solely focused on getting to his gun, which is why Trayvon had no marks on him.

I think that Trayvon was the one yelling for help, as he tried to control George from getting to his gun.

The rest is history.

Well then I would have had to neg rep you for this complete fantasy.

(But I never ever neg rep)
I have a theory on what happened, myself, but I have no delusions that a jury should take my theory based on its lack of reaching the reasonable doubt standard.

I think George was a bit of a busy body, partly justifiably because of the break ins and such, and partly because of his apparent nature.

I think he truly thought Trayvon was acting funny.

I think Trayvon became interested as well, as George would seem to him, to be acting funny.

I think that Trayvon stuck around the in-between of those two rows of houses.

I think George approached him and they had a few words, perhaps an argument.

I think George might have showed his waistband.

I think Trayvon got testy, and punched George in his face. As George then began to try to unholster, Trayvon took him down. George didn't have both hands free to stop the takedown, as he'd be well equipped to do with 18mos of mma training. Trayvon was then on top trying to get control of George from getting to his gun. George was solely focused on getting to his gun, which is why Trayvon had no marks on him.

I think that Trayvon was the one yelling for help, as he tried to control George from getting to his gun.

The rest is history.

Well then I would have had to neg rep you for this complete fantasy.

(But I never ever neg rep)

But I do. ;)
Little known fact:

When the Sanford Police came to investigate the incident originally, one of the officers lied to Zimmerman to see his reaction. He said: "You know we have the whole thing on a security video, so we know if you are lying." Zimmerman's response was relief, he stated;"Thank God!"

Zimmerman was telling the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth.
All the speculation in the world don't me nothing.

Correct way to view trial: TM punched GZ in the nose ( assault = criminal offence ). TM forced GZ to the ground, and started to bang his head on the sidewalk ( life threatening ) GZ shot TM in self defence. GZ found not guilty.

I don't recall a trial where any of that was proven. Can you give us a link? You can't give GZ the benefit of the doubt and then claim with certainty that the other stuff happened either. The best you can say is "we'll never know" or you're committing the same sort of speculation as the other side.

Evidence suggests thats exactly how it went down.
All the speculation in the world don't me nothing.

Correct way to view trial: TM punched GZ in the nose ( assault = criminal offence ). TM forced GZ to the ground, and started to bang his head on the sidewalk ( life threatening ) GZ shot TM in self defence. GZ found not guilty.

I don't recall a trial where any of that was proven. Can you give us a link? You can't give GZ the benefit of the doubt and then claim with certainty that the other stuff happened either. The best you can say is "we'll never know" or you're committing the same sort of speculation as the other side.

Evidence suggests thats exactly how it went down.

Evidence suggested a lot of things. Who was told to stop following TM? Who was armed with a gun? The bottom line is, like GZ's guilt, none of the stuff you're claiming was proven either.
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