The Official Zimmerman Trial Verdict Thread

What are your Initial Thoughts on the Guilt or Innocence of George Zimmerman?

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An African American is far more likely to be harmed by someone of their own race, than by a violent Racist. In fact, Whites harming Blacks is a very rare thing these days. Hordes of rabid evil KKK White Folk running around, is a myth promoted by the usual suspects. This Race-Baiting stuff really is very sad.
It's actually an eye opener to many young folks who didn't think this stuff could be like this in the world in which they are creating.

Well, SURPRISE, surprise, surprise, as spoken in the words of PFC Gomer Pile.

It really is very sad. If anything, the facts show African Americans should actually fear their own race the most. Whites harming Blacks has become very rare in this country. That's the reality.

Wow. In this country whites owned blacks. Now this? Damn.
it's actually an eye opener to many young folks who didn't think this stuff could be like this in the world in which they are creating.

Well, surprise, surprise, surprise, as spoken in the words of pfc gomer pile.

it really is very sad. If anything, the facts show african americans should actually fear their own race the most. Whites harming blacks has become very rare in this country. That's the reality.

wow. In this country whites owned blacks. Now this? Damn.

Zimmerman may have kept his blows less than full-strength, knowing he had the gun.
Kidding right ? What planet are you from again(?), because it sure isn't from this one... Have you ever been in a fight ? People are killed everyday from getting into fights, even some come back after the fight, to premeditatedly after the heat of the circumstances (not enough cool down period) or from their pride being hurt beyond repair according to them, to murder someone after they escaped from a fight, so until you understand that the fight is only half of the usual event in which causes tempers to flare way out of control, then you cannot understand what happened in this situation. Who knows what angst was built up in Trayvon because of his troubles in life, and whether or not he was going to take that angst out on someone finally, and that Zimmerman may have felt that he was in a situation where he knew there was more to this fight than met the eye. Hey if you want to speculate to try and find answers, then so can everyone else in a take off of your speculating, but remember it's only speculation, and that doesn't cut it in a court of law.

Zimmerman verdict exonerates vigilantes - Opinion - The Boston Globe

Vigilantes' license to kill

THE EXONERATION of George Zimmerman cemented America as the land of the free and the home of the paranoid. Vigilantism was not merely vetted by a six-woman jury in Sanford, Fla. It was lifted to an exalted status where the overzealous can put themselves above the police with fatal consequences — and no consequence. ...

That dude hit me! Look I got a scratch. It's time to start (half) punching back, sucker!

If someone who is in a fight does so half-heartedly and doesn't cause injuries, it could easily be because they know they'll get the final blows or have a gun ready in a second's notice like Zimmerman to shoot to kill.
Zimmerman: Screaming In 911 Call ?Doesn?t Even Sound Like Me? [Audio] | Axiom Amnesia

Recording #6 – Timestamp 16:54

(9-1-1 Call Starts)

Serino: You hear that voice in the background?

Zimmerman: No, Sir.

(Starts call over)

Serino: That’s you.

(Call continues)

Serino: You hear yourself?

Zimmerman: That doesn’t even sound like me.

Wow, this is the smoking gun that proves Zimmerman guilty and thanks to Marc for posting it. The detective plays the tape of the screaming @16:50, and Zimmerman himself denies it was himself screaming. If you had been screaming for your life, it is easily beyond a reasonable doubt that you would remember you screamed in that way, without having to somehow have to go through some process to recognize it. Bam!

That means it's proven that Trayvon was screaming, and therefore there is no argument that GZ should have feared for his life, since the screams show obviously that GZ was the one in absolute control.

That has nothing to do with the presumption of innocence and the written law for 245 years in this country THAT THE DEFENDANT HAS TO PROVE NOTHING.
Please tell us oh wise one how that proves each and every element of the PROSECUTION'S case.
When will you mental midgets go and read THE LAW AND THE UNITED STATES CONSTITUTION on the rights of the accused and the burden of proof that is on the government?
That in no way has anything to do with the government's entire burden of proof in this case.
This notion that it was Stand Your Ground law that led to Trayvon Martin's death is absurd. That teenager is dead today because he chose to start a fight with someone and that someone had a gun. You don't start fights with strangers out on the street. You call the Police from the cell phone that EVERYONE carries with them 24/7 these days and report the problem.

With the girl friend's interview on Piers Morgan the other night it appears that Trayvon had a hatred of gays as she stated she told Trayvon to "get away from that rapist" and Trayvon was very upset with that comment.
Appears that Trayvon attacked Zimmerman because he hates gay folks.
The liberal will always look the other way in support of their bogus agendas even when it contradicts previous stances.
The Quadruple standard.
Zimmerman's records show that he does have an aggressive personality.
George Zimmerman has been accused of domestic violence, tussling with a police officer and for over-speeding.
In 2005, Zimmerman was arrested and charged with "resisting officer with violence" and "battery of law enforcement officer." Both these felonies are considered third-degree. Due to his desperate attempts, the charges were reduced to "resisting officer without violence" and then the only remaining charge was also completely waived off when he entered an alcohol education program.

George Zimmerman's criminal records revealed
Zimmerman: Screaming In 911 Call ?Doesn?t Even Sound Like Me? [Audio] | Axiom Amnesia

Recording #6 – Timestamp 16:54

(9-1-1 Call Starts)

Serino: You hear that voice in the background?

Zimmerman: No, Sir.

(Starts call over)

Serino: That’s you.

(Call continues)

Serino: You hear yourself?

Zimmerman: That doesn’t even sound like me.

Wow, this is the smoking gun that proves Zimmerman guilty and thanks to Marc for posting it. The detective plays the tape of the screaming @16:50, and Zimmerman himself denies it was himself screaming. If you had been screaming for your life, it is easily beyond a reasonable doubt that you would remember you screamed in that way, without having to somehow have to go through some process to recognize it. Bam!

That means it's proven that Trayvon was screaming, and therefore there is no argument that GZ should have feared for his life, since the screams show obviously that GZ was the one in absolute control.

That has nothing to do with the presumption of innocence and the written law for 245 years in this country THAT THE DEFENDANT HAS TO PROVE NOTHING.
Please tell us oh wise one how that proves each and every element of the PROSECUTION'S case.
When will you mental midgets go and read THE LAW AND THE UNITED STATES CONSTITUTION on the rights of the accused and the burden of proof that is on the government?
That in no way has anything to do with the government's entire burden of proof in this case.

It appears you are admitting that George admitted he didn't scream. I don't know what other conclusion can be made, when presented with the screams, GZ denies that's himself screaming.

If Trayvon was screaming for a long period of time, it is proof that the injury to Zimmerman had long before stopped and Zimmerman had no reason to fear for his life or claim self-defense. If Trayvon was screaming, why couldn't Zimmerman have easily backed out of the fight at that point? Since when is someone screaming bloody murder the one inflicting injury? I was beaten up by a man screaming in fear. How could that make sense?
In other news, Detroit has filed for bankruptcy.

I wonder how they're going to pay the clean up costs after $harpton's rally on Saturday?
Was juror B37 also the jury foreman? As I recall, the voice that read the verdict sounded very similar to the voice in Anderson Cooper's interview with juror B37.
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