The Official Zimmerman Trial Verdict Thread

What are your Initial Thoughts on the Guilt or Innocence of George Zimmerman?

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In other news, Detroit has filed for bankruptcy.

I wonder how they're going to pay the clean up costs after $harpton's rally on Saturday?

Does anyone still live in Detroit?

The one guy at the rally needs to pick up behind himself.

Sad, isn't it? A friend of mine that works there (but lives in Ohio, imagine THAT commute. :eek: ) told me there are plans to bulldoze half the city and let it return to nature in an effort to cut costs.
In other news, Detroit has filed for bankruptcy.

I wonder how they're going to pay the clean up costs after $harpton's rally on Saturday?

Does anyone still live in Detroit?

The one guy at the rally needs to pick up behind himself.

Sad, isn't it? A friend of mine that works there (but lives in Ohio, imagine THAT commute. :eek: ) told me there are plans to bulldoze half the city and let it return to nature in an effort to cut costs.

It is very. I have a cousin that was a career manager at GM in Detroit, retired a few years ago. He talks about "how it used to be" but referring to when a city was there. Very disturbing and odd conversations.

I didn't even find out about Detroit until a couple years ago - some Discovery special or something - I thought the thing was still there. I mean it's an entire city, for Pete's sake.

Nope, just an American thriving huge, city - poof gone off the map.

Edit for - I heard they are going to move everything into a centralized location and doze everything. Needed to do that when they still had the money to pay for the bulldozer. Can a state get bulldoze Fed funding for one of it's ex-cities? Just asking.
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Does anyone still live in Detroit?

The one guy at the rally needs to pick up behind himself.

Sad, isn't it? A friend of mine that works there (but lives in Ohio, imagine THAT commute. :eek: ) told me there are plans to bulldoze half the city and let it return to nature in an effort to cut costs.

It is very. I have a cousin that was a career manager at GM in Detroit, retired a few years ago. He talks about "how it used to be" but referring to when a city was there. Very disturbing and odd conversations.

I didn't even find out about Detroit until a couple years ago - some Discovery special or something - I thought the thing was still there. I mean it's an entire city, for Pete's sake.

Nope, just an American thriving huge, city - poof gone off the map.

as in NO MO TOWN ?
I'm curious, what's your take on this person?

Confirmation that our justice system is working as intended and Blackstone's admonishment remains in effect:

"It is better that ten guilty persons escape than that one innocent suffer."

In essence, both Zimmerman and the State of Florida were on trial, and the jury found the State guilty of failing to make its case.
The president has spoken.
Law, along with the verdict of a jury, must be held high.

Unless the criminal is a United states terrorist who was "just following orders".
Then they get him out of the country fast and refuse to send him back to face punishment for his crimes.

Italy: Convicted ex-CIA chief in Milan has been arrested -

ROME -- A former CIA base chief in Italy who was convicted in absentia in the kidnapping of an Egyptian extremist cleric from the streets of Milan, has been arrested, an Italian Justice Ministry official said Thursday.

The official, who spoke on condition of anonymity, declined to say where and when Robert Seldon Lady's arrest took place.

An American criminal has finally been arrested for his crimes. I hope he's the first of many.
Forget my Fed funding question - they're blowing their budget on the 1-800-WITCH-HUNT hotline for Zimmerman.
Follow up: What do you think of Stephanie and CrusaderFrank?

Two morons desperate for attention, IMO.

As for B-37 I agree with Lakhota, she had an agenda going in, and that agenda had nothing to do with trying to determine the truth.

In this case, as with so many, the truth cannot be known – as its sole proprietor is the defendant.

Consequently justice is the only appropriate outcome of such a trial, and the verdict of not guilty indeed served justice, as we wisely place the greatest burden upon the state when one’s liberty or life are in jeopardy.
Eugene Robinson: Teen black males denied the right to be young -

Justice failed Trayvon Martin the night he was killed. We should be appalled and outraged, but perhaps not surprised, that it failed him again Saturday night with a verdict setting his killer free.

George Zimmerman's acquittal was set in motion Feb. 26, 2012, before Martin's body was cold. When Sanford, Fla., police arrived on the scene, they encountered a grown man who acknowledged killing an unarmed 17-year-old boy. They did not arrest him or test for drug or alcohol use. They conducted a less-than-energetic search for forensic evidence.

Only a national outcry forced authorities to investigate the killing seriously. Even after six weeks, evidence was found to justify arresting Zimmerman, charging him with second-degree murder. But the chance of dispassionately and definitively establishing what happened that night was probably lost. The only complete narrative was Zimmerman's.

Jurors knew that Zimmerman was an overeager would-be cop with a loaded gun. They were told that he profiled Martin -- young, black, hooded sweatshirt -- as a criminal. They heard that he stalked Martin despite the advice of a 911 operator; that the stalking led to a confrontation; and that, in the confrontation, Zimmerman fatally shot Martin in the chest.

To me, and to many who watched the trial, that Zimmerman recklessly initiated the tragic encounter was enough to establish, at a minimum, guilt of manslaughter. The six women on the jury disagreed. ...

I'm wondering if Zimmerman's dad, the judge, didn't have the last laugh. He wanted a half-hearted attempt at prosecution and maybe a 2nd degree murder charge too, knowing that would mean a not-guilty verdict and would protect his son from justice out of double jeopardy.
Eugene Robinson: Teen black males denied the right to be young -

Justice failed Trayvon Martin the night he was killed. We should be appalled and outraged, but perhaps not surprised, that it failed him again Saturday night with a verdict setting his killer free.

George Zimmerman's acquittal was set in motion Feb. 26, 2012, before Martin's body was cold. When Sanford, Fla., police arrived on the scene, they encountered a grown man who acknowledged killing an unarmed 17-year-old boy. They did not arrest him or test for drug or alcohol use. They conducted a less-than-energetic search for forensic evidence.

Only a national outcry forced authorities to investigate the killing seriously. Even after six weeks, evidence was found to justify arresting Zimmerman, charging him with second-degree murder. But the chance of dispassionately and definitively establishing what happened that night was probably lost. The only complete narrative was Zimmerman's.

Jurors knew that Zimmerman was an overeager would-be cop with a loaded gun. They were told that he profiled Martin -- young, black, hooded sweatshirt -- as a criminal. They heard that he stalked Martin despite the advice of a 911 operator; that the stalking led to a confrontation; and that, in the confrontation, Zimmerman fatally shot Martin in the chest.

To me, and to many who watched the trial, that Zimmerman recklessly initiated the tragic encounter was enough to establish, at a minimum, guilt of manslaughter. The six women on the jury disagreed. ...

I'm wondering if Zimmerman's dad, the judge, didn't have the last laugh. He wanted a half-hearted attempt at prosecution and maybe a 2nd degree murder charge too, knowing that would mean a not-guilty verdict and would protect his son from justice out of double jeopardy.

His dad was not a judge, you dolt. He was just a local magistrate.

As for your post, you don't even acknowledge that it is without ANY basis in fact. The entirety of your post was your purely dopey and baseless speculation. Putrid shit.

Why do you bother posting when you have NOTHING to offer? Ever.
So, that is all this issue was, fodder for the media? Not to mention grist for all the civil rights crackpots or gun rights whack jobs? I don't follow cable TV or follow FOX or MSNBC. All I know is an innocent kid died, and for WHAT? And his murderer was found NOT GUILTY even though he clearly was guilty. Strange. We are left to figure out what the moral of the story is.
10 questions police should have asked Zimmerman |

Vinnie Politan, former prosecutor and host of HLN’s Now in America and HLN After Dark, argues the details of that night are important, because they reveal what led to the altercation between Zimmerman and Martin. Politan says the details are what make Zimmerman’s story believable – or not. The problem in this case is that the jury may never know these details, making them irrelevant to the jury’s decision.

Politan says that since police failed to ask Zimmerman several critical questions immediately after he shot an unarmed teenager, there are too many details about that night that we will most likely never know – details Zimmerman won’t be held accountable for.

He also says Sanford police should have demanded more details from Zimmerman regarding exactly what happened that night, because unfortunately, Zimmerman is the only living person who knows the whole story. Without having one clear and fully detailed explanation from Zimmerman immediately following the incident, Zimmerman may not be held accountable for any inconsistencies or gaps in his story.

Here’s what Politan thinks police should have asked Zimmerman immediately after Martin’s death:

1. Where did you go for two minutes after hanging up with police?
2. Why did you need to get out of the car to find a street address?
3. Why did you say in court that you thought Trayvon Martin was your age, when you described him as a teenager and a "kid" in the call to police?
4. Why did you think Martin was breaking into neighbor Frank Taaffe's house when the person responsible for all of the burglaries in the community was arrested three weeks prior?
5. Which one of Martin’s hands grabbed the gun? And how could he grab it if he was straddling you? And how could his hand slide across your chest to the gun if he was straddling you?
6. How was he smashing your head into the concrete? Did he grab your hair or your ears?
7. Where are the bushes Martin jumped out of?
8. Do you always forget you are carrying your gun?
9. Why were you carrying your gun to Target? Didn’t you get it to protect yourself from the neighborhood stray dog?
10. How close to Martin were you when you were following him in your car?

The details are very important, while GZ supporters in this thread have repeatedly said all that matters is self-defense, self defense.
So, that is all this issue was, fodder for the media? Not to mention grist for all the civil rights crackpots or gun rights whack jobs? I don't follow cable TV or follow FOX or MSNBC. All I know is an innocent kid died, and for WHAT? And his murderer was found NOT GUILTY even though he clearly was guilty. Strange. We are left to figure out what the moral of the story is.

The moral of the story is...

If you're being followed by a creepy ass cracka late at night who you believe is intent on raping you, hang up on your girlfriend and use your sail foam to snitch on him to the po-po, instead of turning back to do some "whoop-ass" on him.
stice failed Trayvon Martin the night he was killed. We should be appalled and outraged, but perhaps not surprised, that it failed him again Saturday night with a verdict setting his killer free.

George Zimmerman's acquittal was set in motion Feb. 26, 2012, before Martin's body was cold. When Sanford, Fla., police arrived on the scene, they encountered a grown man who acknowledged killing an unarmed 17-year-old boy. They did not arrest him or test for drug or alcohol use. They conducted a less-than-energetic search for forensic evidence.

Only a national outcry forced authorities to investigate the killing seriously. Even after six weeks, evidence was found to justify arresting Zimmerman, charging him with second-degree murder. But the chance of dispassionately and definitively establishing what happened that night was probably lost. The only complete narrative was Zimmerman's.

Jurors knew that Zimmerman was an overeager would-be cop with a loaded gun. They were told that he profiled Martin -- young, black, hooded sweatshirt -- as a criminal. They heard that he stalked Martin despite the advice of a 911 operator; that the stalking led to a confrontation; and that, in the confrontation, Zimmerman fatally shot Martin in the chest.

To me, and to many who watched the trial, that Zimmerman recklessly initiated the tragic encounter was enough to establish, at a minimum, guilt of manslaughter. The six women on the jury disagreed. ...

I'm wondering if Zimmerman's dad, the judge, didn't have the last laugh. He wanted a half-hearted attempt at prosecution and maybe a 2nd degree murder charge too, knowing that would mean a not-guilty verdict and would protect his son from justice out of double jeopardy.

His dad was not a judge, you dolt. He was just a local magistrate.

GZ used the word "judge," and I cannot. :badgrin:

Zimmerman: Dad worked as magistrate

We obtained a copy of George Zimmerman’s application to join the Seminole County Sheriff’s Office Citizens Law Enforcement Academy.

In it, Zimmerman writes that his “father is a retired Magistrate Judge for the supreme court (sic) of Virginia.”

A magistrate is an officer of the state; in modern usage, the term usually refers to a judge.

As for your post, you don't even acknowledge that it is without ANY basis in fact. The entirety of your post was your purely dopey and baseless speculation. Putrid shit.

Why do you bother posting when you have NOTHING to offer? Ever.

Are you talking about my quote or my comment? You can't please all the people all the time.
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