The Official Zimmerman Trial Verdict Thread

What are your Initial Thoughts on the Guilt or Innocence of George Zimmerman?

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First class thug!
Zimmerman: Screaming In 911 Call ?Doesn?t Even Sound Like Me? [Audio] | Axiom Amnesia

Recording #6 – Timestamp 16:54

(9-1-1 Call Starts)

Serino: You hear that voice in the background?

Zimmerman: No, Sir.

(Starts call over)

Serino: That’s you.

(Call continues)

Serino: You hear yourself?

Zimmerman: That doesn’t even sound like me.

Wow, this is the smoking gun that proves Zimmerman guilty and thanks to Marc for posting it. The detective plays the tape of the screaming @16:50, and Zimmerman himself denies it was himself screaming. If you had been screaming for your life, it is easily beyond a reasonable doubt that you would remember you screamed in that way, without having to somehow have to go through some process to recognize it. Bam!

That means it's proven that Trayvon was screaming, and therefore there is no argument that GZ should have feared for his life, since the screams show obviously that GZ was the one in absolute control.

That has nothing to do with the presumption of innocence and the written law for 245 years in this country THAT THE DEFENDANT HAS TO PROVE NOTHING.
Please tell us oh wise one how that proves each and every element of the PROSECUTION'S case.
When will you mental midgets go and read THE LAW AND THE UNITED STATES CONSTITUTION on the rights of the accused and the burden of proof that is on the government?
That in no way has anything to do with the government's entire burden of proof in this case.

EVERY time I hear myself on a recording, I think that that voice does not sound like mine and have often said so. I know it is my voice, but it still doesn't sound like my voice does to me.

The question is can you identify yourself screaming in an instance when only one person screamed? Why couldn't Zimmerman? There was only one reason. Zimmerman began a long string of stories and lies to cover his knowledge of culpability.
Did A scream or did B scream? Only one of them did.

A knows B screamed.

A knows he didn't scream.

Question to A (Zimmerman), Who screamed?: Well I can't say it was me.


It must have been B who screamed. Who was B?
Angela Corey, the special prosecutor who struck out going after George Zimmerman, has not taken defeat well. At Red State, streiff catalogues her outrageous behavior in an article that should be read in its entirety:

I think everyone can now agree on one thing, Angela Corey was possibly the worst possible choice for a high profile prosecution.

She has a sense of entitlement that is so typical of small people promoted to jobs that are well above their level of competency but who lack the self-awareness to recognize what everyone else knows. (You need look no further than her bizarre post-verdict press conference that she treated as though it was an Academy Awards acceptance rather than a repudiation to see that she occupies a different reality than most.) In Angela Corey's world, criticism of her is a basis for legal action. She has threatened to sue Harvard if it did not fire Alan freakin Dershowitz after he pointed out her lack of legal acumen and ethics. In Florida she is something of a legend for threatening her critics.

Her lack of concern for the rule of law was almost immediately apparent. Shortly after she received the case she gave a press conference in which she disclosed that she was not seeking justice, but "justice for Trayvon":

Corey: The first thing my team and I did upon being appointed was to meet with Trayvon's family and pray with them. "We opened our meeting with prayer." Also, Ms. Corey thanked "all those people across this country who have sent positive energy and prayers our way," and she asked them to continue to pray for Trayvon's family and for her team. "Remember, it is Trayvon's family that are our constitutional victims...."

Blog: Zimmerman prosecutor Angela Corey may face a reckoning
Zimmerman: Dad worked as magistrate

Magistrate - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

A magistrate is an officer of the state; in modern usage, the term usually refers to a judge.

But in useage of the state of Virginia, a Magistrate is little more than a clerk empowered to issue summons and warrants. The closest they come to that is conducting bail hearings for minor offense. They have no trial court jurisdiction whatsoever and they are hired and fired by the the Virginia Supreme Court. One need not be a lawyer to be magistrate and the primary qualifications are a bachelor's degree from an accredited institution of higher education.

LIS > Code of Virginia > 19.2-37

To be a real judge in the state of Virginia, you must be a member of the stae bar (ie a Virginia lawyer) for a minimum of 5 years.

Judicial Selection in the States - Methods of Judicial Selection - Virginia

So while Wiki is an excellant resource, it can not be relied upon for the specific duties of a magistrate under Virginia law.
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Praying at a state sanctioned meeting? Off with her head! Where is the outrage from the Left over separation of church and state?
Zimmerman: Dad worked as magistrate

Magistrate - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

A magistrate is an officer of the state; in modern usage, the term usually refers to a judge.

But in useage of the state of Virginia, a Magistrate is little more than a clerk empowered to issue summons and warrants. The closest they come to that is conducting bail hearings for minor offense. They have no trial court jurisdiction whatsoever and they are hired and fired by the the Virginia Supreme Court. One need not be a lawyer to be magistrate and the primary qualifications are a bachelor's degree from an accredited institution of higher education.

LIS > Code of Virginia > 19.2-37

To be a real judge in the state of Virginia, you must be a member of the stae bar (ie a Virginia lawyer) for a minimum of 5 years.

Judicial Selection in the States - Methods of Judicial Selection - Virginia

So while Wiki is an excellant resource, it can not be relied upon for the specific duties of a magistrate under Virginia law.

While I apologize to the state of Virginia, does that mean I can't refer to Robert Zimmerman as a judge? No.

Daily Kos: Judge Robert Zimmerman

Orlando's FOX News channel interviewed retired Virginia Supreme Court Magistrate Judge Robert Zimmerman and asked him to say what happened that night when his son...

Robert Zimmerman, a former magistrate judge and Vietnam War veteran, said he has never had to deal with anything of this magnitude.
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Praying at a state sanctioned meeting? Off with her head! Where is the outrage from the Left over separation of church and state?

yeah, where is the lawsuit from ACLU and all those crazy atheists fighting with Christmas trees?
Jesse is boycotting Florida -

Bummer. Florida yearns for his presence.

with video:
Jesse Jackson: 'Inclination' To Treat Florida As 'Apartheid State'

How will you ever get over the pain of knowing that Jumpin' Jesse will never come to visit you? :dunno:

What are you saying?

Jesse isn't going to Florida?

Hush yo mouth!

Sorry bout that,

1. He isn't going to Florida
2. I know that will be painful
3. But you are strong
4. And will get over it


Sir Rattus Of Mozzarella
Zimmerman: Screaming In 911 Call ?Doesn?t Even Sound Like Me? [Audio] | Axiom Amnesia

Recording #6 – Timestamp 16:54

(9-1-1 Call Starts)

Serino: You hear that voice in the background?

Zimmerman: No, Sir.

(Starts call over)

Serino: That’s you.

(Call continues)

Serino: You hear yourself?

Zimmerman: That doesn’t even sound like me.

Wow, this is the smoking gun that proves Zimmerman guilty and thanks to Marc for posting it. The detective plays the tape of the screaming @16:50, and Zimmerman himself denies it was himself screaming. If you had been screaming for your life, it is easily beyond a reasonable doubt that you would remember you screamed in that way, without having to somehow have to go through some process to recognize it. Bam!

That means it's proven that Trayvon was screaming, and therefore there is no argument that GZ should have feared for his life, since the screams show obviously that GZ was the one in absolute control.
Like I said you want Zimmerman to be guilty of something so bad, that you will grab onto a string that is barely seen, even if that string isn't going to hold the weight in the end, and this once you grabbed onto it out of desperation.

You have never had your voice recorded I take it, where as when you heard it back, it didn't even sound like you ? Zimmerman probably couldn't believe he was screaming like a girl, and figured it couldn't' have been him screaming in that tone on the playback, so he became embarrassed at the time where as he was ashamed to admit that he was on the bottom taking a whooping and screaming like a girl..... What would you have done or said when confronted with a recorded voice that was you, but you didn't recognize it, because you have never heard yourself recorded before like that ? A recorded voice is always going to throw you when you hear it back, because it almost never sounds like the person who was recorded, even though it was that person who was recorded.
Jesse!! Come back! We cannot do without your awe inspiring words of wisdom

What to do what to do.

No Jesse to tell us what to think.

Zimmerman: Screaming In 911 Call ?Doesn?t Even Sound Like Me? [Audio] | Axiom Amnesia

Recording #6 – Timestamp 16:54

(9-1-1 Call Starts)

Serino: You hear that voice in the background?

Zimmerman: No, Sir.

(Starts call over)

Serino: That’s you.

(Call continues)

Serino: You hear yourself?

Zimmerman: That doesn’t even sound like me.

Wow, this is the smoking gun that proves Zimmerman guilty and thanks to Marc for posting it. The detective plays the tape of the screaming @16:50, and Zimmerman himself denies it was himself screaming. If you had been screaming for your life, it is easily beyond a reasonable doubt that you would remember you screamed in that way, without having to somehow have to go through some process to recognize it. Bam!

That means it's proven that Trayvon was screaming, and therefore there is no argument that GZ should have feared for his life, since the screams show obviously that GZ was the one in absolute control.
Like I said you want Zimmerman to be guilty of something so bad, that you will grab onto a string that is barely seen, even if that string isn't going to hold the weight in the end, and this once you grabbed onto it out of desperation.

You have never had your voice recorded I take it, where as when you heard it back, it didn't even sound like you ? Zimmerman probably couldn't believe he was screaming like a girl, and figured it couldn't' have been him screaming in that tone on the playback, so he became embarrassed at the time where as he was ashamed to admit that he was on the bottom taking a whooping and screaming like a girl..... What would you have done or said when confronted with a recorded voice that was you, but you didn't recognize it, because you have never heard yourself recorded before like that ? A recorded voice is always going to throw you when you hear it back, because it almost never sounds like the person who was recorded, even though it was that person who was recorded.

You're wasting your time man. Quick doesn't even realize that his "smoking gun" was covered in testimony in front of the jury. Didn't sway them, but what do they know. They actually were around for the whole trial not the last two days.
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