The Official Zimmerman Trial Verdict Thread

What are your Initial Thoughts on the Guilt or Innocence of George Zimmerman?

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Zimmerman may have kept his blows less than full-strength, knowing he had the gun.
Kidding right ? What planet are you from again(?), because it sure isn't from this one... Have you ever been in a fight ? People are killed everyday from getting into fights, even some come back after the fight, to premeditatedly after the heat of the circumstances (not enough cool down period) or from their pride being hurt beyond repair according to them, to murder someone after they escaped from a fight, so until you understand that the fight is only half of the usual event in which causes tempers to flare way out of control, then you cannot understand what happened in this situation. Who knows what angst was built up in Trayvon because of his troubles in life, and whether or not he was going to take that angst out on someone finally, and that Zimmerman may have felt that he was in a situation where he knew there was more to this fight than met the eye. Hey if you want to speculate to try and find answers, then so can everyone else in a take off of your speculating, but remember it's only speculation, and that doesn't cut it in a court of law.

Zimmerman verdict exonerates vigilantes - Opinion - The Boston Globe

Vigilantes' license to kill

THE EXONERATION of George Zimmerman cemented America as the land of the free and the home of the paranoid. Vigilantism was not merely vetted by a six-woman jury in Sanford, Fla. It was lifted to an exalted status where the overzealous can put themselves above the police with fatal consequences — and no consequence. ...

That dude hit me! Look I got a scratch. It's time to start (half) punching back, sucker!

If someone who is in a fight does so half-heartedly and doesn't cause injuries, it could easily be because they know they'll get the final blows or have a gun ready in a second's notice like Zimmerman to shoot to kill.
OMG, kidding me right ? You are a hopeless desperate human being it appears, that undoubtedly thinks you are way smarter than most when playing a game like you play, but it's funny because it is just that "a thought of yours", in which has no credibility at all in the way that you are speaking or attempting to rationalize your thoughts here.
It is a safe bet that you would sing a different tune if the verdict had been more to your liking.

I think not. Whenever a juror brings attention upon themselves I would be suspicious of the motives. The fact that four members of the jury have distanced themselves from her speaks volumes. Note I have not and will not comment on any of the other jurors who have not sought profit or other benefits from doing their civic duty.


ALL the people who were supposed to KNOW, distanced themselves from Galileo, who had the courage to say that the Earth is not the center of the Universe. All the people who were supposed to KNOW, said that nothing heavier than air could ever fly. All the people who were supposed to be for civil rights opposed Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.

The fact that she had to back off speaks volumes of those who had the intention of besmirch her.

Laugh out loud. What a ridiculous attempt at an analogy.
In this case, as with so many, the truth cannot be known – as its sole proprietor is the defendant.

Consequently justice is the only appropriate outcome of such a trial, and the verdict of not guilty indeed served justice, as we wisely place the greatest burden upon the state when one’s liberty or life are in jeopardy.

True and well 'said'; however (you knew that was coming, huh?) IMO GZ is not innocent. He is not a victim. When one chooses to carry deadly weapon they have already decided to be judge, jury and executioner. In law they may be exonerated; morally they remain culpable unless their actions meet the standard outlined for a just war.

First, war must occur for a good and just purpose rather than for self-gain (for example, "in the nation's interest" is not just) or as an exercise of power. (Proper Authority is first: represents the common good: which is peace for the sake of man's true end—God.)

Second, just war must be waged by a properly instituted authority such as the state. (Just Cause: for the sake of restoring some good that has been denied. i.e., lost territory, lost goods, punishment for an evil perpetrated by a government, army, or even citizen population.)

Third, peace must be a central motive even in the midst of violence.[13] (Right Intention: an authority must fight for the just reasons it has expressly claimed for declaring war in the first place. Soldiers must also fight for this intention.)

Not innocent and not guilty.

Zimmerman clearly created an unsafe situation and his pursuit of Martin was unwarranted and reckless; hence Florida law that prohibits wrongful death civil suits in situations concerning SYG/castle doctrine/self-defense.

He was found not guilty because of self defense. There will be no civil trial and if there is the Martin's will be paying for Zimmerman's lawyer when it is done.

The preponderance of the evidence still falls to Zimmerman. Most witnesses testified Zimmerman was on the bottom calling for help. I think the prosecution only had one witness claim otherwise.

The damage to Zimmerman's nose and head support his story. The fact that the police lied to him and said there was a video and he said he was glad will come in as well as the fact he took 2 lie detector tests and passed both.

Further in a civil trial Martin's past comes in. he was a thug and a criminal. This supports Zimmerman not Martin.

Any same judge would dismiss the case at the go.
[While I apologize to the state of Virginia, does that mean I can't refer to Robert Zimmerman as a judge? No.

Daily Kos: Judge Robert Zimmerman

Sorry, went to your Daily Kos link and it is worse than worthless. You really want to rely upon that?

Orlando's FOX News channel interviewed retired Virginia Supreme Court Magistrate Judge Robert Zimmerman and asked him to say what happened that night when his son...

Yep the key word is "magistrate" who are appointed by the Virginia Supreme Court which is why they are called Virginia Supreme Court Magistrate

All that proves is you can not judge a book by its cover or a story by its headline. If you actually read the story it states:

Orlando's FOX News channel interviewed retired Virginia Supreme Court Magistrate Judge Robert Zimmerman

Robert Zimmerman interview - FOX 35 News Orlando

Robert Zimmerman, a former magistrate judge and Vietnam War veteran, said he has never had to deal with anything of this magnitude.

The key passage is a former magistrate judge .

As I told you a magistrate in Virginia is a glorified clerk who does not even have to be a lawyer. A real judge in Virginia must be a member of the Virginia Bar for a minimum of 5 years. I can post plenty of articles which refer to Simon Cowell as a judge or Paula Abdul as a judge... That does not mean they have any judicial power as that term is employed in a court of law. Anything else?
7 Mind Blowing Moments From Zimmerman Juror B37's First Interview | ThinkProgress

1. Martin was responsible for his own death.

JUROR: It was just hard, thinking that somebody lost their life, and there’s nothing else that could be done about it. I mean, it’s what happened. It’s sad. It’s a tragedy this happened, but it happened. And I think both were responsible for the situation they had gotten themselves into. I think both of them could have walked away. It just didn’t happen.

2. Juror felt just as sorry for Zimmerman.

COOPER: Do you feel sorry for Trayvon Martin?

JUROR: I feel sorry for both of them. I feel sorry for Trayvon, in the situation he was in. And I feel sorry for George because of the situation he got himself in.

3. Zimmerman should continue to serve as a neighborhood watchman because he has learned his lesson about going too far.

COOPER: Is George Zimmerman somebody you would like to have on a neighborhood watch in your community?

JUROR: If he didn’t go too far. I mean, you can always go too far. He just didn’t stop at the limitations that he should have stopped at.

COOPER: So is that a yes or — if he didn’t go too far. Is he somebody prone, you think, to going too far? Is he somebody you would feel comfortable —

JUROR: I think he was frustrated. I think he was frustrated with the whole situation in the neighborhood, with the break-ins and the robberies. And they actually arrested somebody not that long ago. I — I mean, I would feel comfortable having George, but I think he’s learned a good lesson.

COOPER: So you would feel comfortable having him now, because you think he’s learned a lesson from all of this?

JUROR: Exactly. I think he just didn’t know when to stop. He was frustrated, and things just got out of hand.

4. Verdict hinged on “Stand Your Ground” law, even though Zimmerman did not use it in his defense.

COOPER: Because of the two options you had, second degree murder or manslaughter, you felt neither applied?

JUROR: Right. Because of the heat of the moment and the Stand Your Ground. He had a right to defend himself. If he felt threatened that his life was going to be taken away from him or he was going to have bodily harm, he had a right.

5. Zimmerman was only guilty of using poor judgment and was “egged” on to follow Martin by the 9/11 operator.

COOPER: Do you think he’s guilty of something?

JUROR: I think he’s guilty of not using good judgment. When he was in the car and he called 911, he shouldn’t have gotten out of that car. But the 911 operator also, when he was talking to him, kind of egged him on.

6. Race played absolutely no factor in Zimmerman’s profiling of Martin.

JUROR: I think just circumstances caused George to think that he might be a robber, or trying to do something bad in the neighborhood because of all that had gone on previously. There were unbelievable, a number of robberies in the neighborhood.

COOPER: So you don’t believe race played a role in this case?

JUROR: I don’t think it did. I think if there was another person, Spanish, white, Asian, if they came in the same situation where Trayvon was, I think George would have reacted the exact same way.

COOPER: Why do you think George Zimmerman found Trayvon Martin suspicious then?

JUROR: Because he was cutting through the back, it was raining. He said he was looking in houses as he was walking down the road. Kind of just not having a purpose to where he was going. He was stopping and starting. But I mean, that’s George’s rendition of it, but I think the situation where Trayvon got into him being late at night, dark at night, raining, and anybody would think anybody walking down the road stopping and turning and looking, if that’s exactly what happened, is suspicious. And George said that he didn’t recognize who he was.

COOPER: Well, was that a common belief on the jury that race was not — that race did not play a role in this?

JUROR: I think all of us thought that race did not play a role. [...]

COOPER: It didn’t come up, the question of, did George Zimmerman profile Trayvon Martin because he was African-American?

JUROR: No, I think he just profiled him because he was the neighborhood watch, and he profiled anyone who came in acting strange. I think it was just circumstances happened that he saw Trayvon at the exact time that he thought he was suspicious.

7. Zimmerman’s history of reporting black men to the police and his decision to follow Martin played no role in the verdict.

COOPER: So whether it was George Zimmerman getting out of the vehicle, whether he was right to get out of the vehicle, whether he was a wannabe cop, whether he was overeager, none of that in the final analysis, mattered. What mattered was those seconds before the shot went off, did George Zimmerman fear for his life?

JUROR: Exactly. That’s exactly what happened.

I find nothing shocking about any of these comments. She followed the jury instructions and the evidence provided. I dont see any agenda or racist "tones" displayed in her commentary. I do think that people with agendas regarding race baiting like to throw anything they can at the wall and hope something sticks.

As for the other jurors distancing themselves, I would too. People are receiving death threats from the mob of hate that desperately wants this to be racially charged.

For about an hour I thought it sounded reasonable.

What a surprise.

I can't keep trying to wear different hats.

Fetch forth the crystal ball and let us see where we are this time next year. As 2013 began--Sandy Hook before it reached midpoint Boston bombing. What else can be in store for the remainder of the year?
Angela Corey, the special prosecutor who struck out going after George Zimmerman, has not taken defeat well. At Red State, streiff catalogues her outrageous behavior in an article that should be read in its entirety:

I think everyone can now agree on one thing, Angela Corey was possibly the worst possible choice for a high profile prosecution.

She has a sense of entitlement that is so typical of small people promoted to jobs that are well above their level of competency but who lack the self-awareness to recognize what everyone else knows. (You need look no further than her bizarre post-verdict press conference that she treated as though it was an Academy Awards acceptance rather than a repudiation to see that she occupies a different reality than most.) In Angela Corey's world, criticism of her is a basis for legal action. She has threatened to sue Harvard if it did not fire Alan freakin Dershowitz after he pointed out her lack of legal acumen and ethics. In Florida she is something of a legend for threatening her critics.

Her lack of concern for the rule of law was almost immediately apparent. Shortly after she received the case she gave a press conference in which she disclosed that she was not seeking justice, but "justice for Trayvon":

Corey: The first thing my team and I did upon being appointed was to meet with Trayvon's family and pray with them. "We opened our meeting with prayer." Also, Ms. Corey thanked "all those people across this country who have sent positive energy and prayers our way," and she asked them to continue to pray for Trayvon's family and for her team. "Remember, it is Trayvon's family that are our constitutional victims...."

Blog: Zimmerman prosecutor Angela Corey may face a reckoning

Corey is the one who needs to be investigated for civil rights violations against Zimmerman AND Marissa Alexander. Alexander needs to be released and compensated for the things Corey did to her with her malicious prosecution of a case that should NEVER have been brought.
I attempted to send a question to koshergrl but she will not accept PM's. I now understand why. She, like others who post here like to hit and run. Cowards they be. So, I suggest that the powers (Cereal Killer) sanction anyone who will not accept PM's when they give Negative Reps.

American jurisprudence always allows the accused to confront their accusers. Seems 'American' that we be allowed to question our accusers. or they ought not to be allowed to cowardly hide behind their keyboards.
This is what George Zimmerman looked like at the scene where his face was "bashed".


This is what George looked like a few minutes later after cleaning up his face. He is still wearing the same clothes. Notice the back of his head? What would you estimate? Two band aids worth of scratches?


This is Rihanna after Christ Brown beat her up:


And here her face has been "cleaned up". Like George.


How she normally looks:


This is what your face looks like after a "pounding":


Now this is George right after the shooting at the police station. Jacket's not wet so it wasn't cleaned and it may be red, but not "blood red".


And remember, the gun was behind his back, down his pants, covered by that shirt and jacket. George tells us exactly where it was:


So let's review:

Face pounded:




Laying on gun:


Face Pounded:


George right after face pounding and head smashed against cement:


Can gullible right wingers possibly understand what the problem is here? How do you educate such people?

You don't. They have lied from the very first day. And, they will keep right on lying.

Notice too that GZ let his skinhead hair "do" grow out for the trial.
Based on the posts by you in various forums, you are obviously a liberal/Democrat.

So, your reference to "millions of nuts, clinically fucked up people, with guns in America" implies that those who threaten the jurors are those law-abiding citizens who believe and honor the Second Amendment.

Would they be those who live in the home town of the President and use those guns with great pleasure and abandon? Those whose spokesmen rally them to demonstrate, to dissent and heaven knows what else?

I am socially liberal and fiscally rational as well as a registered Democrat.

Do you know what gun violence costs to local communities, annually?

"Between 2005 and 2009, youth gun violence cost society about $234 million in San Mateo County. And local governments spend $57,000 to $856,000 per firearm crime"

Link: Officials Reveal High Cost of Youth Gun Violence - Government - San Mateo, CA Patch

I have no objection to those who legally own guns and honor that right; I completely reject the NRA and it's foolish policy preventing any efforts to regulate the ownership, possession or custody and control of guns.

You carefully ignore how many lives have been saved and how much property was not lost because of guns.

Typical short-sighted liberal.

Prove it. Post critical numbers over a period of time wherein property and lives were saved vis a vis lives and property lost by gun violence. Do so or be proved a liar.
True and well 'said'; however (you knew that was coming, huh?) IMO GZ is not innocent. He is not a victim. When one chooses to carry deadly weapon they have already decided to be judge, jury and executioner. In law they may be exonerated; morally they remain culpable unless their actions meet the standard outlined for a just war.

First, war must occur for a good and just purpose rather than for self-gain (for example, "in the nation's interest" is not just) or as an exercise of power. (Proper Authority is first: represents the common good: which is peace for the sake of man's true end—God.)

Second, just war must be waged by a properly instituted authority such as the state. (Just Cause: for the sake of restoring some good that has been denied. i.e., lost territory, lost goods, punishment for an evil perpetrated by a government, army, or even citizen population.)

Third, peace must be a central motive even in the midst of violence.[13] (Right Intention: an authority must fight for the just reasons it has expressly claimed for declaring war in the first place. Soldiers must also fight for this intention.)

Not innocent and not guilty.

Zimmerman clearly created an unsafe situation and his pursuit of Martin was unwarranted and reckless; hence Florida law that prohibits wrongful death civil suits in situations concerning SYG/castle doctrine/self-defense.

He was found not guilty because of self defense. There will be no civil trial and if there is the Martin's will be paying for Zimmerman's lawyer when it is done.

The preponderance of the evidence still falls to Zimmerman. Most witnesses testified Zimmerman was on the bottom calling for help. I think the prosecution only had one witness claim otherwise.

The damage to Zimmerman's nose and head support his story. The fact that the police lied to him and said there was a video and he said he was glad will come in as well as the fact he took 2 lie detector tests and passed both.

Further in a civil trial Martin's past comes in. he was a thug and a criminal. This supports Zimmerman not Martin.

Any same judge would dismiss the case at the go.

You don’t understand, likely because you didn’t read or comprehend our posts – instead you incorrectly inferred in knee-jerk fashion that we’re disagreeing with the verdict.

We’re not talking about the trial, nor are we rehashing the evidence, testimony, or events. The verdict was rendered and the trial has ended.

The discussion has moved on to the nature of American criminal jurisprudence and the greater burden placed upon the state to ensure individual liberty and limited government authority, even if that requires the 'non-innocent' to be set free, such as Zimmerman.

Indeed, the verdict was a victory for the rights enshrined in the 5th and 6th Amendments and a resounding repudiation of potential tyranny.
Can anyone explain why there is a secrecy about the identity of jurors?

I was under the impression that serving jury duty is a civil obligation and having served jury duty is something to be proud of.

Yet, time after time, I see jurors hiding behind anonymity. Are they ashamed? Are they afraid? Is their identity protected/hidden under some law? If so, why?

Are you serious?.....
Maybe it's to protect them against retaliation for their verdict on a trial.

I can't believe you asked this question.
Follow up: What do you think of Stephanie and CrusaderFrank?

Two morons desperate for attention, IMO.

As for B-37 I agree with Lakhota, she had an agenda going in, and that agenda had nothing to do with trying to determine the truth.

Calls for speculation not based on facts of the case

You mouth-breathers can't imagine the possibility of an Individual having their own point of view.
The mere thought of not walking lockstep with your fellow lemmings terrifies you
[While I apologize to the state of Virginia, does that mean I can't refer to Robert Zimmerman as a judge? No.

Daily Kos: Judge Robert Zimmerman

Sorry, went to your Daily Kos link and it is worse than worthless. You really want to rely upon that?

Yep the key word is "magistrate" who are appointed by the Virginia Supreme Court which is why they are called Virginia Supreme Court Magistrate

All that proves is you can not judge a book by its cover or a story by its headline. If you actually read the story it states:

Robert Zimmerman interview - FOX 35 News Orlando

Robert Zimmerman, a former magistrate judge and Vietnam War veteran, said he has never had to deal with anything of this magnitude.

The key passage is a former magistrate judge .

As I told you a magistrate in Virginia is a glorified clerk who does not even have to be a lawyer. A real judge in Virginia must be a member of the Virginia Bar for a minimum of 5 years. I can post plenty of articles which refer to Simon Cowell as a judge or Paula Abdul as a judge... That does not mean they have any judicial power as that term is employed in a court of law. Anything else?

A magistrate in Virginia is the same thing essentially as a Justice of the Peace is NOT the same as a judge.
The world according to Al Sharpton:

A battle was lost, but the war's not over ... Al Sharpton says he WILL NOT REST until justice is served for Trayvon Martin's death -- after yesterday's not guilty verdict for the man who pulled the trigger.

Our photographer spotted Rev. Sharpton at LaGuardia Airport Sunday -- and asked if he was disappointed that 6 jurors acquitted Zimmerman of all charges. His answer ... a resounding YES.

However, Al says this is not the end ... "We always had a plan B. We now go to the Justice Department seeking civil rights charges." He adds, "We're not gonna stop until we get justice."

FYI -- this closely mirrors the OJ Simpson trial regarding the death of Nicole Brown Simpson. OJ was acquitted of criminal charges, but then sued in civil court for wrongful death ... and ordered to pay $33.5 million to the families of NBS and Ronald Goldman.

Zimmerman could face a similar future.

Read more: Celebrity Gossip | Entertainment News | Celebrity News |

How much of the 33 mil did they collect?
After attorneys fess and costs less than 200K.
Zimmerman: Screaming In 911 Call ?Doesn?t Even Sound Like Me? [Audio] | Axiom Amnesia

Recording #6 – Timestamp 16:54

(9-1-1 Call Starts)

Serino: You hear that voice in the background?

Zimmerman: No, Sir.

(Starts call over)

Serino: That’s you.

(Call continues)

Serino: You hear yourself?

Zimmerman: That doesn’t even sound like me.

Wow, this is the smoking gun that proves Zimmerman guilty and thanks to Marc for posting it. The detective plays the tape of the screaming @16:50, and Zimmerman himself denies it was himself screaming. If you had been screaming for your life, it is easily beyond a reasonable doubt that you would remember you screamed in that way, without having to somehow have to go through some process to recognize it. Bam!

That means it's proven that Trayvon was screaming, and therefore there is no argument that GZ should have feared for his life, since the screams show obviously that GZ was the one in absolute control.

That has nothing to do with the presumption of innocence and the written law for 245 years in this country THAT THE DEFENDANT HAS TO PROVE NOTHING.
Please tell us oh wise one how that proves each and every element of the PROSECUTION'S case.
When will you mental midgets go and read THE LAW AND THE UNITED STATES CONSTITUTION on the rights of the accused and the burden of proof that is on the government?
That in no way has anything to do with the government's entire burden of proof in this case.

It appears you are admitting that George admitted he didn't scream. I don't know what other conclusion can be made, when presented with the screams, GZ denies that's himself screaming.

If Trayvon was screaming for a long period of time, it is proof that the injury to Zimmerman had long before stopped and Zimmerman had no reason to fear for his life or claim self-defense. If Trayvon was screaming, why couldn't Zimmerman have easily backed out of the fight at that point? Since when is someone screaming bloody murder the one inflicting injury? I was beaten up by a man screaming in fear. How could that make sense?

Nothing I, George or anyone admitted about the scream is any evidence in the case.
As evidenced by the Judge's charge to the jury and the evidence introduced at trial and the witness testimony which resulted in a not guilty verdict.
You just do not get it do you Moe?
If this and if that and maybe because it might have been is all you have because you are too stupid to understand the concept of PRESUMED INNOCENT UNDER THE LAW.
George Zimmerman DOES NOT HAVE TO PROVE ANYTHING you moron.
How many times do we have to explain that to you?
BTW, I dig that bike of yours. Used to ride often but as a result of investigating 100 or so mudercycle accidents over the last 31 years in my work gave that up years ago.
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