The Official Zimmerman Trial Verdict Thread

What are your Initial Thoughts on the Guilt or Innocence of George Zimmerman?

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[While I apologize to the state of Virginia, does that mean I can't refer to Robert Zimmerman as a judge? No.

Daily Kos: Judge Robert Zimmerman

Sorry, went to your Daily Kos link and it is worse than worthless. You really want to rely upon that?

Yep the key word is "magistrate" who are appointed by the Virginia Supreme Court which is why they are called Virginia Supreme Court Magistrate

All that proves is you can not judge a book by its cover or a story by its headline. If you actually read the story it states:

Robert Zimmerman interview - FOX 35 News Orlando

Robert Zimmerman, a former magistrate judge and Vietnam War veteran, said he has never had to deal with anything of this magnitude.

The key passage is a former magistrate judge .

As I told you a magistrate in Virginia is a glorified clerk who does not even have to be a lawyer. A real judge in Virginia must be a member of the Virginia Bar for a minimum of 5 years. I can post plenty of articles which refer to Simon Cowell as a judge or Paula Abdul as a judge... That does not mean they have any judicial power as that term is employed in a court of law. Anything else?

How about you let the readers judge just how much of a judge he was?

Robert J. Zimmerman, Trayvon shooter's dad, a magistrate in Virginia court system | theGrio

George Zimmerman’s father served as a Supreme Court magistrate in the Virginia court system until five years ago, serving as a court officer who dealt with criminal cases.

The Virginia court system is subdivided into supreme and circuit courts, lower courts and magistrates, who perform judicial functions such as conducting “probable cause” hearings on criminal complaints brought by police and determining whether a person who has been arrested is eligible for bail.

From the Virginia judicial website, it’s clear that Zimmerman’s duties had much to do with dealing with people under arrest:

In many instances, a citizen’s first contact with Virginia’s Judicial System comes through the office of the magistrate. A principal function of the magistrate is to provide an independent, unbiased review of complaints of criminal conduct brought to the office by law enforcement or the general public. Magistrate duties include issuing various types of processes such as arrest warrants, summonses, bonds, search warrants, subpoenas, and certain civil warrants. Magistrates also conduct bail hearings in instances in which an individual is arrested on a warrant charging him or her with a criminal offense. Magistrates provide services on an around-the-clock basis, conducting hearings in person or through the use of videoconferencing systems.

The magistrate system for the Commonwealth (of Virginia) is divided into eight regions, and each magistrate is authorized to exercise his or her powers throughout the magisterial region for which he or she is appointed. Each region is comprised of between three and five judicial districts. There are magistrate offices located throughout Virginia, including at least one in each of Virginia’s 32 judicial districts.

Clearly, I showed before that people are calling him different titles, magistrate, magistrate judge.

So now we find officer is ok too. How about just not being so picky, especially since Wikipedia says that in common language the terms magistrate and judge are interchangeable? I'll probably refer to Robert Zimmerman as magistrate or magistrate judge now, but I'm not going to promise anything.

A former magistrate judge and Vietnam War veteran, Robert Zimmerman says this is one of the hardest things he has ever been through.

So when Fox also here says "magistrate judge," that rules out saying judge. I don't quite get your reasoning there. Saying solely judge is an abbreviated version.
Zimmerman: Screaming In 911 Call ?Doesn?t Even Sound Like Me? [Audio] | Axiom Amnesia

Recording #6 – Timestamp 16:54

(9-1-1 Call Starts)

Serino: You hear that voice in the background?

Zimmerman: No, Sir.

(Starts call over)

Serino: That’s you.

(Call continues)

Serino: You hear yourself?

Zimmerman: That doesn’t even sound like me.

Wow, this is the smoking gun that proves Zimmerman guilty and thanks to Marc for posting it. The detective plays the tape of the screaming @16:50, and Zimmerman himself denies it was himself screaming. If you had been screaming for your life, it is easily beyond a reasonable doubt that you would remember you screamed in that way, without having to somehow have to go through some process to recognize it. Bam!

That means it's proven that Trayvon was screaming, and therefore there is no argument that GZ should have feared for his life, since the screams show obviously that GZ was the one in absolute control.
Like I said you want Zimmerman to be guilty of something so bad, that you will grab onto a string that is barely seen, even if that string isn't going to hold the weight in the end, and this once you grabbed onto it out of desperation.

You have never had your voice recorded I take it, where as when you heard it back, it didn't even sound like you ? Zimmerman probably couldn't believe he was screaming like a girl, and figured it couldn't' have been him screaming in that tone on the playback, so he became embarrassed at the time where as he was ashamed to admit that he was on the bottom taking a whooping and screaming like a girl..... What would you have done or said when confronted with a recorded voice that was you, but you didn't recognize it, because you have never heard yourself recorded before like that ? A recorded voice is always going to throw you when you hear it back, because it almost never sounds like the person who was recorded, even though it was that person who was recorded.

You're wasting your time man. Quick doesn't even realize that his "smoking gun" was covered in testimony in front of the jury. Didn't sway them, but what do they know. They actually were around for the whole trial not the last two days.

Covered in testimony doesn't mean it was presented to the jury correctly. Post a link to testimony or give arguments why you believe I'm wrong there.
That has nothing to do with the presumption of innocence and the written law for 245 years in this country THAT THE DEFENDANT HAS TO PROVE NOTHING.
Please tell us oh wise one how that proves each and every element of the PROSECUTION'S case.
When will you mental midgets go and read THE LAW AND THE UNITED STATES CONSTITUTION on the rights of the accused and the burden of proof that is on the government?
That in no way has anything to do with the government's entire burden of proof in this case.

It appears you are admitting that George admitted he didn't scream. I don't know what other conclusion can be made, when presented with the screams, GZ denies that's himself screaming.

If Trayvon was screaming for a long period of time, it is proof that the injury to Zimmerman had long before stopped and Zimmerman had no reason to fear for his life or claim self-defense. If Trayvon was screaming, why couldn't Zimmerman have easily backed out of the fight at that point? Since when is someone screaming bloody murder the one inflicting injury? I was beaten up by a man screaming in fear. How could that make sense?

Nothing I, George or anyone admitted about the scream is any evidence in the case.
As evidenced by the Judge's charge to the jury and the evidence introduced at trial and the witness testimony which resulted in a not guilty verdict.
You just do not get it do you Moe?
If this and if that and maybe because it might have been is all you have because you are too stupid to understand the concept of PRESUMED INNOCENT UNDER THE LAW.
George Zimmerman DOES NOT HAVE TO PROVE ANYTHING you moron.
How many times do we have to explain that to you?
BTW, I dig that bike of yours. Used to ride often but as a result of investigating 100 or so mudercycle accidents over the last 31 years in my work gave that up years ago.

If it could have been shown conclusively that Trayvon was the one screaming, they would have convicted Zimmerman along with the other prominent evidence against him. Just because the prosecution didn't do that properly makes them the morons not me. It looks plain to me.
Like I said you want Zimmerman to be guilty of something so bad, that you will grab onto a string that is barely seen, even if that string isn't going to hold the weight in the end, and this once you grabbed onto it out of desperation.

You have never had your voice recorded I take it, where as when you heard it back, it didn't even sound like you ? Zimmerman probably couldn't believe he was screaming like a girl, and figured it couldn't' have been him screaming in that tone on the playback, so he became embarrassed at the time where as he was ashamed to admit that he was on the bottom taking a whooping and screaming like a girl..... What would you have done or said when confronted with a recorded voice that was you, but you didn't recognize it, because you have never heard yourself recorded before like that ? A recorded voice is always going to throw you when you hear it back, because it almost never sounds like the person who was recorded, even though it was that person who was recorded.

You're wasting your time man. Quick doesn't even realize that his "smoking gun" was covered in testimony in front of the jury. Didn't sway them, but what do they know. They actually were around for the whole trial not the last two days.

Covered in testimony doesn't mean it was presented to the jury correctly. Post a link to testimony or give arguments why you believe I'm wrong there.

They showed the interrogation where he was asked if he could identify his voice. The officer that was doing the interrogation was on the stand. The prosecutor asked him if he could hear GZ say that it didn't sound like his voice. He said that he could hear that and that he did in fact say it. He also said that he felt like it meant that he couldn't believe it was his voice, not that it wasn't his voice.
[ame=]Chris Serino FULL Testimony 7/1/2013. George Zimmerman Trial - YouTube[/ame]
You're wasting your time man. Quick doesn't even realize that his "smoking gun" was covered in testimony in front of the jury. Didn't sway them, but what do they know. They actually were around for the whole trial not the last two days.

Covered in testimony doesn't mean it was presented to the jury correctly. Post a link to testimony or give arguments why you believe I'm wrong there.

They showed the interrogation where he was asked if he could identify his voice. The officer that was doing the interrogation was on the stand. The prosecutor asked him if he could hear GZ say that it didn't sound like his voice. He said that he could hear that and that he did in fact say it. He also said that he felt like it meant that he couldn't believe it was his voice, not that it wasn't his voice.

If Trayvon was the only one screaming how could there even be ANY ambivalence? Why wouldn't GZ just own up to it?
Covered in testimony doesn't mean it was presented to the jury correctly. Post a link to testimony or give arguments why you believe I'm wrong there.

They showed the interrogation where he was asked if he could identify his voice. The officer that was doing the interrogation was on the stand. The prosecutor asked him if he could hear GZ say that it didn't sound like his voice. He said that he could hear that and that he did in fact say it. He also said that he felt like it meant that he couldn't believe it was his voice, not that it wasn't his voice.

If Trayvon was the only one screaming how could there even be ANY ambivalence? Why wouldn't GZ just own up to it?

It wasn't TM screaming! You dip shit. That doesn't even sound like me is not the same as it is not me. Watch the interrogation where he says it and then hear the inflection of his voice. You can't get that from reading it in articles. Keep digging. It is something different every fucking day. If you weren't lazy as fuck you could actually watch these things and not rely on blogs.
The leftist seem to want to make gang members and thugs the roll models of our children.

Fuck you quick and all you fuckers!

Trayvon is not a thug so your comment is invalid.

You're right. These tweets sound like they come from a choir boy.

The Daily Caller obtains Trayvon Martin?s tweets | The Daily Caller

There were a lot of texts attributed to Martin that were never authenticated. Are these authenticated? If not, they are meaningless.
Trayvon is not a thug so your comment is invalid.

You're right. These tweets sound like they come from a choir boy.

The Daily Caller obtains Trayvon Martin?s tweets | The Daily Caller

There were a lot of texts attributed to Martin that were never authenticated. Are these authenticated? If not, they are meaningless.

His account and the tweets stopped after his death. Good enough for me. I can't authenticate anything you say, and it is definitely meaningless, so I know what you mean.
Perjury by Contradiction

If a witness in the course of testimony offers contradicting facts, that witness can be charged with a third-degree felony. When two contradicting statements are presented under oath, the prosecutor does not need to establish which of the two statements is false--only that the two statements cannot logically both be true.

Perjury Laws In Florida | eHow

Of course not! That would be RACIST!
They showed the interrogation where he was asked if he could identify his voice. The officer that was doing the interrogation was on the stand. The prosecutor asked him if he could hear GZ say that it didn't sound like his voice. He said that he could hear that and that he did in fact say it. He also said that he felt like it meant that he couldn't believe it was his voice, not that it wasn't his voice.

If Trayvon was the only one screaming how could there even be ANY ambivalence? Why wouldn't GZ just own up to it?

It wasn't TM screaming! You dip shit. That doesn't even sound like me is not the same as it is not me. Watch the interrogation where he says it and then hear the inflection of his voice. You can't get that from reading it in articles. Keep digging. It is something different every fucking day. If you weren't lazy as fuck you could actually watch these things and not rely on blogs.

I did listen to GZ's response were talking about. Did you? I posted it.

The revelation is that he had a chance to answer a direct and unambiguous question regarding who was screaming, and Zimmerman failed to.
A quick clarification... who is likely to be the target of the civil suit?
Sanford police. City of Sanford. Perhaps GZ.

Remember, OJ was found not guilty yet was found in the civil suit to be responsible for the deaths. No reason to think GZ is off the hook.

Much different set of circumstances. While it is easier to get a decision that goes against Zimmerman in civil court, I don't see it happening. In fact, I see things getting very ugly for the parents of Trayvon Martin and their son will be exposed for the thug he was rather than this sweet boy the media tried to sell us on. Last of all, Zimmerman might even counter sue. As it is, Zimmerman is likely to have many lawsuits going on. I'm just waiting for the lawsuit against Angela Corey and the state of Florida for malicious prosecution.

If Trayvon was the only one screaming how could there even be ANY ambivalence? Why wouldn't GZ just own up to it?

It wasn't TM screaming! You dip shit. That doesn't even sound like me is not the same as it is not me. Watch the interrogation where he says it and then hear the inflection of his voice. You can't get that from reading it in articles. Keep digging. It is something different every fucking day. If you weren't lazy as fuck you could actually watch these things and not rely on blogs.

I did listen to GZ's response were talking about. Did you? I posted it.

The revelation is that he had a chance to answer a direct and unambiguous question regarding who was screaming, and Zimmerman failed to.

Yea, I listened when it was played in court. I listened to the corresponding testimony. Obviously you weren't satisfied with reality, so continue your search for the 3rd gunman on the grassy knoll. You're a fucking joke.
You're right. These tweets sound like they come from a choir boy.

The Daily Caller obtains Trayvon Martin?s tweets | The Daily Caller

There were a lot of texts attributed to Martin that were never authenticated. Are these authenticated? If not, they are meaningless.

His account and the tweets stopped after his death. Good enough for me. I can't authenticate anything you say, and it is definitely meaningless, so I know what you mean.

We're talking about specific texts claimed to be Trayvon's. To then bring into everything "authenticate" about the trial shows a desperation on your part.
There were a lot of texts attributed to Martin that were never authenticated. Are these authenticated? If not, they are meaningless.

His account and the tweets stopped after his death. Good enough for me. I can't authenticate anything you say, and it is definitely meaningless, so I know what you mean.

We're talking about specific texts claimed to be Trayvon's. To then bring into everything "authenticate" about the trial shows a desperation on your part.

Perhaps you would be better served posting in the conspiracy theories forum. Your attempt to retry the case on the message board with evidence that everyone else has already seen and considered and weighed is very immature and embarrassing. You need to move on. Your crackpot theories have all been disproven, yet you still shout the same nonsense. If you feel you could crack the case, the DOJ has an email account setup for your legal brilliance. Please post your drivel there!
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