The Official Zimmerman Trial Verdict Thread

What are your Initial Thoughts on the Guilt or Innocence of George Zimmerman?

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Not really. Should it?

I don't tend to give people a reason to shoot me. Not to mention I know enough to try to persuade them to not point it at me if they for some reason started aiming it at me.

The last thing I would do is punch a guy with a gun. And if I was going to punch a guy with a gun, my first priority would be to take it out of his hand, not pound him onto the ground. Probably dodge to the side pushing the gun away, kicking his knee out from under him and controlling the firearm so if it fires it either goes away from me or at him.

Sorry, but if Zimmerman is flashing a gun at Trayvon, it doesn't make sense to attack him. Which Trayvon was clearly doing based on the eye witness and forensic evidence.

Do you normally fear people walking up to you with a gun?

Sorry, but you're not getting anywhere trying to prove who started the fight. You can't take one argument and then build your case on top of it.

I was answering your question and inviting you to think about what you are actually suggesting. Please provide any evidence whatsoever that Zimmerman started the fight. That's your problem. There isn't any. The forensic evidence, the eye witness evidence, heck even Trayvons gf indicate Trayvon started the fight.

Trayvon never knew he dad that gun till Zimmerman got it out and shot in him in the last seconds of his life. And the only way Zimmerman could have gotten his gun is if Trayvon was in the porcess of retreeting when Zimmerman got at it and shot him. The way Zimmerman desicribed Trayvon being on him niether could have reached the gun.

Rachel was not Trayvon's girlfrienf she was his bestfriend. She is very insistant that Trayvon said get off get off and the end of that phone call.
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Zimmerman: Screaming In 911 Call ?Doesn?t Even Sound Like Me? [Audio] | Axiom Amnesia

Recording #6 – Timestamp 16:54

(9-1-1 Call Starts)

Serino: You hear that voice in the background?

Zimmerman: No, Sir.

(Starts call over)

Serino: That’s you.

(Call continues)

Serino: You hear yourself?

Zimmerman: That doesn’t even sound like me.

Wow, this is the smoking gun that proves Zimmerman guilty and thanks to Marc for posting it. The detective plays the tape of the screaming @16:50, and Zimmerman himself denies it was himself screaming. If you had been screaming for your life, it is easily beyond a reasonable doubt that you would remember you screamed in that way, without having to somehow have to go through some process to recognize it. Bam!

That means it's proven that Trayvon was screaming, and therefore there is no argument that GZ should have feared for his life, since the screams show obviously that GZ was the one in absolute control.
Like I said you want Zimmerman to be guilty of something so bad, that you will grab onto a string that is barely seen, even if that string isn't going to hold the weight in the end, and this once you grabbed onto it out of desperation.

You have never had your voice recorded I take it, where as when you heard it back, it didn't even sound like you ? Zimmerman probably couldn't believe he was screaming like a girl, and figured it couldn't' have been him screaming in that tone on the playback, so he became embarrassed at the time where as he was ashamed to admit that he was on the bottom taking a whooping and screaming like a girl..... What would you have done or said when confronted with a recorded voice that was you, but you didn't recognize it, because you have never heard yourself recorded before like that ? A recorded voice is always going to throw you when you hear it back, because it almost never sounds like the person who was recorded, even though it was that person who was recorded.

Who was screaming was one of the most important pieces of potential evidence in the trial, and to dismiss it is stupid. Anyone asked to determine whether a wrongful death occurred would state yes or no, if it was him when there were only two possibilities. If Zimmerman didn't know who screamed, he is obviously lying and means it was Trayvon screaming.
Follow up: What do you think of Stephanie and CrusaderFrank?

Two morons desperate for attention, IMO.

As for B-37 I agree with Lakhota, she had an agenda going in, and that agenda had nothing to do with trying to determine the truth.

Calls for speculation not based on facts of the case

You mouth-breathers can't imagine the possibility of an Individual having their own point of view.
The mere thought of not walking lockstep with your fellow lemmings terrifies you

Nah...not terrified, shocked if your kind every posted anything beyond the basic ad hominem (as you have done here).
The White House and Eric Holder don't like the verdict and they're investigating to see if they can bring federal charges against Zimmerman.

They don't want to pursue charges against blacks, but they do want to pursue charges against someone they consider to be white.

Guess the President and the Department of Justice don't believe in equal justice for everyone.

not a chance of it
[ame=]PJTV: George Zimmerman Is Not White, Unless You Are Liberal (Warning: Graphic Images) - YouTube[/ame]
For people who are trying to retry the case on the internet when they didn't watch the actual trial, I present this video:

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Sanford police. City of Sanford. Perhaps GZ.

Remember, OJ was found not guilty yet was found in the civil suit to be responsible for the deaths. No reason to think GZ is off the hook.

Much different set of circumstances. While it is easier to get a decision that goes against Zimmerman in civil court, I don't see it happening. In fact, I see things getting very ugly for the parents of Trayvon Martin and their son will be exposed for the thug he was rather than this sweet boy the media tried to sell us on. Last of all, Zimmerman might even counter sue. As it is, Zimmerman is likely to have many lawsuits going on. I'm just waiting for the lawsuit against Angela Corey and the state of Florida for malicious prosecution.


The truth hurts, doesn't it? Apparently you are just another left winger who can never see anything other than the propaganda that you are fed. The same shit happens on the right with many issues. I suppose you consider being called a creepy ass cracker normal coming from a black person. I don't. It tells me the kid was a punk. BTW, there is plenty of evidence that did not come out at trial that also indicates this kid was a punk. Want to keep ignoring facts?
Sorry, but you're not getting anywhere trying to prove who started the fight. You can't take one argument and then build your case on top of it.

I was answering your question and inviting you to think about what you are actually suggesting. Please provide any evidence whatsoever that Zimmerman started the fight. That's your problem. There isn't any. The forensic evidence, the eye witness evidence, heck even Trayvons gf indicate Trayvon started the fight.

Trayvon never knew he dad that gun till Zimmerman got it out and shot in him in the last seconds of his life. And the only way Zimmerman could have gotten his gun is if Trayvon was in the porcess of retreeting when Zimmerman got at it and shot him. The way Zimmerman desicribed Trayvon being on him niether could have reached the gun.

Rachel was not Trayvon's girlfrienf she was his bestfriend. She is very insistant that Trayvon said get off get off and the end of that phone call.

Have you seen the interviews that Diamond Eugene has done since the trial? She says that TM thought GZ was a cop, and that she believes he threw the first punch. You're right she wasn't his girlfriend. She wasn't 16. Her name wasn't Dee Dee. All of those things were made up by Ben Crump, the Martin family attorney.
Zimmerman: Screaming In 911 Call ?Doesn?t Even Sound Like Me? [Audio] | Axiom Amnesia

Recording #6 – Timestamp 16:54

(9-1-1 Call Starts)

Serino: You hear that voice in the background?

Zimmerman: No, Sir.

(Starts call over)

Serino: That’s you.

(Call continues)

Serino: You hear yourself?

Zimmerman: That doesn’t even sound like me.

Wow, this is the smoking gun that proves Zimmerman guilty and thanks to Marc for posting it. The detective plays the tape of the screaming @16:50, and Zimmerman himself denies it was himself screaming. If you had been screaming for your life, it is easily beyond a reasonable doubt that you would remember you screamed in that way, without having to somehow have to go through some process to recognize it. Bam!

That means it's proven that Trayvon was screaming, and therefore there is no argument that GZ should have feared for his life, since the screams show obviously that GZ was the one in absolute control.
Like I said you want Zimmerman to be guilty of something so bad, that you will grab onto a string that is barely seen, even if that string isn't going to hold the weight in the end, and this once you grabbed onto it out of desperation.

You have never had your voice recorded I take it, where as when you heard it back, it didn't even sound like you ? Zimmerman probably couldn't believe he was screaming like a girl, and figured it couldn't' have been him screaming in that tone on the playback, so he became embarrassed at the time where as he was ashamed to admit that he was on the bottom taking a whooping and screaming like a girl..... What would you have done or said when confronted with a recorded voice that was you, but you didn't recognize it, because you have never heard yourself recorded before like that ? A recorded voice is always going to throw you when you hear it back, because it almost never sounds like the person who was recorded, even though it was that person who was recorded.

Who was screaming was one of the most important pieces of potential evidence in the trial, and to dismiss it is stupid. Anyone asked to determine whether a wrongful death occurred would state yes or no, if it was him when there were only two possibilities. If Zimmerman didn't know who screamed, he is obviously lying and means it was Trayvon screaming.

I would regonized my voice instantly.
[While I apologize to the state of Virginia, does that mean I can't refer to Robert Zimmerman as a judge? No.

Daily Kos: Judge Robert Zimmerman

Sorry, went to your Daily Kos link and it is worse than worthless. You really want to rely upon that?

Yep the key word is "magistrate" who are appointed by the Virginia Supreme Court which is why they are called Virginia Supreme Court Magistrate

All that proves is you can not judge a book by its cover or a story by its headline. If you actually read the story it states:

The key passage is a former magistrate judge .

As I told you a magistrate in Virginia is a glorified clerk who does not even have to be a lawyer. A real judge in Virginia must be a member of the Virginia Bar for a minimum of 5 years. I can post plenty of articles which refer to Simon Cowell as a judge or Paula Abdul as a judge... That does not mean they have any judicial power as that term is employed in a court of law. Anything else?

How about you let the readers judge just how much of a judge he was?

Robert J. Zimmerman, Trayvon shooter's dad, a magistrate in Virginia court system | theGrio

George Zimmerman’s father served as a Supreme Court magistrate in the Virginia court system until five years ago, serving as a court officer who dealt with criminal cases.

The Virginia court system is subdivided into supreme and circuit courts, lower courts and magistrates, who perform judicial functions such as conducting “probable cause” hearings on criminal complaints brought by police and determining whether a person who has been arrested is eligible for bail.

From the Virginia judicial website, it’s clear that Zimmerman’s duties had much to do with dealing with people under arrest:

Clearly, I showed before that people are calling him different titles, magistrate, magistrate judge.

So now we find officer is ok too. How about just not being so picky, especially since Wikipedia says that in common language the terms magistrate and judge are interchangeable? I'll probably refer to Robert Zimmerman as magistrate or magistrate judge now, but I'm not going to promise anything.

George Zimmerman's father claims Trayvon Martin beat his son, threatened his life | Fox News

A former magistrate judge and Vietnam War veteran, Robert Zimmerman says this is one of the hardest things he has ever been through.

So when Fox also here says "magistrate judge," that rules out saying judge. I don't quite get your reasoning there. Saying solely judge is an abbreviated version.

I believe that Magistrate is a British term for judge. All I'm telling you is that in Virginia a Magistrate isn't a judge in the way you seem to think. Most don't have law degrees. As I said before it's essentially a Justice of the Peace...something that Virginia doesn't have. The position of Magistrate fills many of the same roles that a JP would have elsewhere. By the by...Quick? Relying on Wiki for facts is dicey...some of what you find there is factual but some is simply wrong.
It's being reported by the Los Angeles Times. The article states that ""It's a very tough, tough case to sell" because of the lack of witnesses and "In most of these [hate crime] cases, you have someone who had made racial statements or you have a group who goes looking to attack a person based on their race." The FBI ruled that there was no evidence that George Zimmerman acted out of racial bias.

George Zimmerman unlikely to face federal charges -

WASHINGTON — George Zimmerman is unlikely to face federal charges for killing black teenager Trayvon Martin because it would be difficult to prove he acted out of racial bias, Justice Department officials said Tuesday.

federal prosecution of Zimmerman would require clear evidence that he set out to attack the unarmed Martin because he was black.

So far, prosecutors have not shown evidence that Zimmerman acted out of racial bias.

That's weird. According to the left here, Zimmerman was out hunting blacks to kill.....go figure.

According to some on the right here the killing was just a happy little accident

Eat shit, whore. I don't know one single person that was happy about that kid dying.

You libtards are fucking schyzo.
Like I said you want Zimmerman to be guilty of something so bad, that you will grab onto a string that is barely seen, even if that string isn't going to hold the weight in the end, and this once you grabbed onto it out of desperation.

You have never had your voice recorded I take it, where as when you heard it back, it didn't even sound like you ? Zimmerman probably couldn't believe he was screaming like a girl, and figured it couldn't' have been him screaming in that tone on the playback, so he became embarrassed at the time where as he was ashamed to admit that he was on the bottom taking a whooping and screaming like a girl..... What would you have done or said when confronted with a recorded voice that was you, but you didn't recognize it, because you have never heard yourself recorded before like that ? A recorded voice is always going to throw you when you hear it back, because it almost never sounds like the person who was recorded, even though it was that person who was recorded.

Who was screaming was one of the most important pieces of potential evidence in the trial, and to dismiss it is stupid. Anyone asked to determine whether a wrongful death occurred would state yes or no, if it was him when there were only two possibilities. If Zimmerman didn't know who screamed, he is obviously lying and means it was Trayvon screaming.

I would regonized my voice instantly.

You know what? I paid a bill online today and at one point you have to say your name. When what I'd said was repeated to me on a recording I was struck by how strange my voice sounded. I don't hear myself often. I also didn't think it sounded like me.
I was answering your question and inviting you to think about what you are actually suggesting. Please provide any evidence whatsoever that Zimmerman started the fight. That's your problem. There isn't any. The forensic evidence, the eye witness evidence, heck even Trayvons gf indicate Trayvon started the fight.

Trayvon never knew he dad that gun till Zimmerman got it out and shot in him in the last seconds of his life. And the only way Zimmerman could have gotten his gun is if Trayvon was in the porcess of retreeting when Zimmerman got at it and shot him. The way Zimmerman desicribed Trayvon being on him niether could have reached the gun.

Rachel was not Trayvon's girlfrienf she was his bestfriend. She is very insistant that Trayvon said get off get off and the end of that phone call.

Have you seen the interviews that Diamond Eugene has done since the trial? She says that TM thought GZ was a cop, and that she believes he threw the first punch. You're right she wasn't his girlfriend. She wasn't 16. Her name wasn't Dee Dee. All of those things were made up by Ben Crump, the Martin family attorney.

Who's Diamond Eugene? That's ridiculous that Trayvon thought he was a cop. If Zimmerman was a trained cop he would be trained to go right up to Trayvon and identify himself and ask him if he coulsd help him and I do not know a street cop who does not were a uniform. Cops do not follow people thorugh the neighborhood.
Zimmerman said he was screaming for help in EVERY interview that he gave. Mr. Goode's testimony was that it was the man on the bottom who was screaming...the man he identified as George Zimmerman.

There is a REASON the jury felt the screams were George Zimmerman.
Zimmerman said he was screaming for help in EVERY interview that he gave. Mr. Goode's testimony was that it was the man on the bottom who was screaming...the man he identified as George Zimmerman.

There is a REASON the jury felt the screams were George Zimmerman.

All the more reason he should have identified the screams when the detective asked him to. He just hadn't rehearsed it yet.
She sounds racist to me. Her attempts at "rationalizing" her acquittal of Zimmerman seem to have backfired from what I've seen and heard. I heard she cancelled her book deal. I believe she had an "agenda" from the very beginning - including during jury selection. Her husband is an attorney, and I believe she really WANTED on that jury. I believe her mind was made up BEFORE the trial. Plus, 4 of the other jurors have said she doesn't speak for them.

Also, I'd really like to know if she LIED during jury selection.

She seems like a racist to you because you are a fucking despicable racist asshole dimwit that thinks anyone that disagrees with the opinion handed down by Chris Mathews should be shot.

Since she is the juror that voted guilty on 2nd degree murder her lying during voir dire would only help Zimmerman on appeal if he had been found guilty.
Trayvon never knew he dad that gun till Zimmerman got it out and shot in him in the last seconds of his life. And the only way Zimmerman could have gotten his gun is if Trayvon was in the porcess of retreeting when Zimmerman got at it and shot him. The way Zimmerman desicribed Trayvon being on him niether could have reached the gun.

Rachel was not Trayvon's girlfrienf she was his bestfriend. She is very insistant that Trayvon said get off get off and the end of that phone call.

Have you seen the interviews that Diamond Eugene has done since the trial? She says that TM thought GZ was a cop, and that she believes he threw the first punch. You're right she wasn't his girlfriend. She wasn't 16. Her name wasn't Dee Dee. All of those things were made up by Ben Crump, the Martin family attorney.

Who's Diamond Eugene? That's ridiculous that Trayvon thought he was a cop. If Zimmerman was a trained cop he would be trained to go right up to Trayvon and identify himself and ask him if he coulsd help him and I do not know a street cop who does not were a uniform. Cops do not follow people thorugh the neighborhood.

Diamond Eugene is the nickname that Rachel Jenteal gave herself. The whole "cop" thing arose out of Jenteal trying to mitigate her "Cracker" comment by telling interviewers that Cracker meant security guard or cop...something that strikes me as ridiculous and an obvious attempt at damage control for her image. I'm down in the term Cracker used a lot but never by anyone in that context.
Zimmerman said he was screaming for help in EVERY interview that he gave. Mr. Goode's testimony was that it was the man on the bottom who was screaming...the man he identified as George Zimmerman.

There is a REASON the jury felt the screams were George Zimmerman.

All the more reason he should have identified the screams when the detective asked him to. He just hadn't rehearsed it yet.

He answered didn't sound like he thought his voice sounded. Tell me that your voice sounded like you thought it did the first time you heard it on a recording...
Trayvon never knew he dad that gun till Zimmerman got it out and shot in him in the last seconds of his life. And the only way Zimmerman could have gotten his gun is if Trayvon was in the porcess of retreeting when Zimmerman got at it and shot him. The way Zimmerman desicribed Trayvon being on him niether could have reached the gun.

Rachel was not Trayvon's girlfrienf she was his bestfriend. She is very insistant that Trayvon said get off get off and the end of that phone call.

Have you seen the interviews that Diamond Eugene has done since the trial? She says that TM thought GZ was a cop, and that she believes he threw the first punch. You're right she wasn't his girlfriend. She wasn't 16. Her name wasn't Dee Dee. All of those things were made up by Ben Crump, the Martin family attorney.

Who's Diamond Eugene? That's ridiculous that Trayvon thought he was a cop. If Zimmerman was a trained cop he would be trained to go right up to Trayvon and identify himself and ask him if he coulsd help him and I do not know a street cop who does not were a uniform. Cops do not follow people thorugh the neighborhood.

Thank you for proving you don't know all the details of the case. Diamond Eugene is the name that Rachel Jeantel used to send a letter to TM's mom that she wrote. Well she didn't write it because it was in cursive and she can't read or write cursive. Rachel Jeantel/Dee Dee/Diamond Eugene said on a national interview that Trayvon thought GZ was a cop and that she believed he threw the first punch.

That you don't know this is why your opinion is taken with a grain of salt.
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