The Official Zimmerman Trial Verdict Thread

What are your Initial Thoughts on the Guilt or Innocence of George Zimmerman?

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The ENTIRE USMB RW squad was on the "Stand your ground choir" until the lawyer realized that shat wasn't flying and went another direction...which was mere months ago.

It's only then have you started singing the new "Self-defense" song.

Too funny. :lol:

SYG is a component of self-defense which allows summary judgment at a pre-trial immunity hearing.
I just want you to realize that the entire case changed least as far as the Zimmerman supporters are concerned.

By waiving pre-trial immunity ? Come on now.
He truly doesn't care about AA kids as he says nothing about the slaughter within our inner-cities. He's just hates WHITES. You see if he can smear it in our faces he will.

Fuck the evidence within his mind.
Every post I've made has been pertaining to the facts of this case.

Yet, here you are bringing up what OTHER people are doing elsewhere.

Things that make me go, "Hmmm.....!!"

Your avatar gives you away. Malcolm X is extremely racist.

Now you've moved on to my avatar...

This is RICH!!!
Doubled-back ? Wut ?

Do you know why being so threatened and all he only traveled less than 100 yard over 4 minutes and didn't go home ? What would a reasonable person do in that situation ?
You're back to suppositions again. Which is what you're entire defense is all about. Throw everything against the wall and see what sticks.

Let's see if that gets, the killer, George Zimmerman off the hook.

The location of the truck, the distance traveled, elapsed time and the location Trayon's corpse are not suppositions, but fact.

How did Trayvon end up dead so close to the truck encounter with so much time to get away ? He was threatened ? You can't answer that.
It is not possible that when Trayvon disappeared from Zimmerman's sight that he was hiding in the bushes near the truck and waited for Zimmerman to return from his walk?
Fair enough. However it was me whole case would be built around his we disagree here.

For example..."we dont need you to do that" does not mean to keep pursuing in the same direction that trayvon ran.

So Mr GZ...what does "we dont need you to do that" mean to you?

GZ: Well it means they dont need me to follow him or that they dont want me to follow him.

Okay....does it mean to keep pursuing in the same direction you saw him headed in the dark and rain?

GZ: Well no, but I did stop following...I was looking for an address so that I could meet the police.

Understandable...but what impression are you giving to the person you are following?

GZ: Well I guess he would assume I am following him...but I wasnt.

I would be making the case that he was negligent in continuing to travel in the path of the "suspect"..."we dont need you to do that" means just that...not keep traveling in the same direction looking for an apt number. He was meeting at the mailboxes and clubhouse...thats enough...the dispathers got it.

OK, you're be the prosecutor and I'll be George Zimmerman.



25, if you're going to prosecute, throw all the bullshit out, flip it on him and go straight for manslaughter to get a conviction - even do involuntary WHOOPSIE! manslaughter.


Exactly, for involuntary manslaughter. Thanks Testa.
Case closed on a cotton-pickin' OPINION!?!?


Too funny.

You don't seem to mind relying upon your opinions, you halfwit. You already had him convicted from DAY ONE.

So shut you mouth, you mentally unstable hypocrite.
List one opinion that I've propositioned as fact please?

"HE'S TOAST!!!" You said. How did you come to that conclusion? Your opinion of Zimmerman? Because you hold inherent biases due to yourself being black? What is it?
Every post I've made has been pertaining to the facts of this case.

Yet, here you are bringing up what OTHER people are doing elsewhere.

Things that make me go, "Hmmm.....!!"

Your avatar gives you away. Malcolm X is extremely racist.

Now you've moved on to my avatar...

This is RICH!!!
Avatars reveal something about a poster's character. I'm just an old son of a bitch DOG! :lol:

You worship whom you like.
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There were three street in the area in question.

Z lived in the neighborhood.

He was on the neighborhood vigilante org for three years yet did not know the name of the street he was on, duh, duh, duh,.
What's interesting, and actually funny to me is, that how you people can use the calculation of the position of the car at a certain time to assert that Trayvon IN FACT doubled-back to attack Trayvon. Yet, even though you have the testimony, that has never wavered, from Jeantel, that states that Trayvon was very concerned about the "creepy" man that was following him, and on top of that had an exchange with her on how to deal with it, whether to run away or what.

Clearly he wasn't comfortable. Which means he felt threatened.

But you don't like those details, so you discard it.

But you accept the made up scenario of him doubling-back and attacking Zimmerman, because you like that. Although NO WHERE IN COURT has that been asserted, much-less established.

Too funny. :lol:

It does not matter. What matters is the use of deadly force justified - and it actually does not matter who started the fight ( yes, it does not). If you feel that you might be killed by somebody who is pounding your head to the concrete ( those are established FACTS) you might be justified in using the deadly force.

p.s. I don't understand what is so funny for you? the death of a 17 yo? I know you do not care about a poor AA kid, but do not make it so obvious
See how easily you discard what you've been BUILDING AS YOUR MAIN CASE, once it's been totally DEBUNKED as hokum?

What ELSE will you discard when it's shown to be nothing but lies and garbage...HMMMM!!?!???

please, provide MY QUOTES where I have been "building the case"

If you won't, you will be caught lying and called liar by me ever since. Or you can apologize ( highly unlikely)

Though I simply think you are too dumb to understand that this case is a case in a criminal justice system, not in a media circus... if you can grasp the difference...
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I don't think he did. He wanted to "collar" the guy. I think he ran to the T caught up with Martin and initiated contact.

The problem with that scenario is that for 1 minute 39 seconds GZ is clearly not chasing Martin and has lost sight of Martin. He is not running. during this time. At the 2:24 mark of the police phone call, he is advised "OK, we don't need you to do that". GZ slows down and at the 2:28 mark has clearly stopped running and he is clearly not running for the remainder of the tape.. The tape continues until the full length of the cal is 4 minutes 7 seconds. That means that TM had at least 1 minute and 39 seconds at a minimum to get home, totally uninterrupted by GZ. There is absolutely no way GZ could have run to catch up with him... unless TM was hiding in the bushes or if TM had decided to double back.
At the end of the persecution's case, the Defense will file a motion to dismiss based on the persecution not havinh a prima facie case.

I think the Judge denies it and moves into the Defense's case and lets the Jury decide.

Which they will -- Not guilty.

There will be a minor league stink about it but not much. This is Florida. We'll body-slam those race-baiting punks into next week if they try their shit. And they know it.

Then this will fade into History and dimocrap scum will find something else to lie about.

Remember the kid that got busted for his NRA T-Shirt?

Remember how he was gonna go to prison, how the State was going to make an example of him? How bad he was, how evil, how criminal, how insensitive.....

How all the libtards were swearing to Gott In Himmel that he would be indicted, tried and convicted of -- Something. Anything. Even if they had to make it up.

dimocrap scum dropped the case. On Friday. Know why they did it on Friday? It's called a 'Friday News Dump'. It's when you don't want people to pay attention to it because, well because you're ashamed of it.

A thread got started in here on it --

Charges dropped against the kid arrested for wearing a NRA shirt to school
Today 11:34 AM
by OriginalShroom
0 49

See the responses?

Zero. Nada. Zip. None.

So you know what dimocrap scum? Eat shit. We're hip to your game. You're diseased, pathological liars. Every one of you.

'Z' is not only Not Guilty, he is innocent.

And St Skittles?

Just another statisitc
Is it possible that Trayvon felt threatened by, the killer, George Zimmerman? IYO that is.

of course it is "possible"

is it possible he did not feel threatened?
It's been established that Trayvon felt threatened.

He described a creepy man following him, his friend suggested he run away, he pondered it and chose to continue walking and not running.

Being in situations where I was followed before, or felt like I was followed, in the moment you're thinking if you try to run, for sure you're in soup, because that will excite the follower. I didn't, nor would I, run either. I would do exactly as he did, and continue walking, of course with more pep in my step.

Zimmerman was the aggressor.

how many times do i need to remind you that your opinion is not fact?
of course it is "possible"

is it possible he did not feel threatened?
It's been established that Trayvon felt threatened.

He described a creepy man following him, his friend suggested he run away, he pondered it and chose to continue walking and not running.

Being in situations where I was followed before, or felt like I was followed, in the moment you're thinking if you try to run, for sure you're in soup, because that will excite the follower. I didn't, nor would I, run either. I would do exactly as he did, and continue walking, of course with more pep in my step.

Zimmerman was the aggressor.

how many times do i need to remind you that your opinion is not fact?
Ummmm...every time he posts?
Ahhhh....a what if? A supposition. A story that's conjured up in your mind.

Let's see how that holds up in court.

LOL!!!! :lol:

Zimmerman is TOAST!

So you can't answer how Trayvon went less than 100 yards in 4 minutes from a creepy ass cracka who was stalking him ?

Trayvon was staying another 300 yards further down the same sidewalk he died trying to bash Zim's head into.
What's interesting, and actually funny to me is, that how you people can use the calculation of the position of the car at a certain time to assert that Trayvon IN FACT doubled-back to attack Trayvon. Yet, even though you have the testimony, that has never wavered, from Jeantel, that states that Trayvon was very concerned about the "creepy" man that was following him, and on top of that had an exchange with her on how to deal with it, whether to run away or what.

Clearly he wasn't comfortable. Which means he felt threatened.

But you don't like those details, so you discard it.

But you accept the made up scenario of him doubling-back and attacking Zimmerman, because you like that. Although NO WHERE IN COURT has that been asserted, much-less established.

Too funny. :lol:

Jeantel also said that Martin made it by his home. So how did Martin get back to the T? is my QUESTION.

I would like to preface this by saying I am not a lawyer...I am not a cop....I am not an investigator...

BUT...I do play one on the internet and I did stay in a Holiday in last night...:eusa_angel:

So here we go...stay with me.

First of all lets put out a couple of things that I think we can all agree on....that sounds like fun. THINKING CAPS!

1) We can all agree that if when GZ was asked by Trayvon: "Do you have a problem?"...that if in that instant, GZ whipped out his gun, shot and killed him, that would be murder...correct?

2) We can also agree that if the struggle proceeds to the ground and GZ is getting beat to a pulp, getting his head slammed against concrete multiple times that he is within his right to fear severe injury...correct?

ARE YOU WITH ME? Here comes the $64,000 question:

IF when Trayvon says "Do you have a problem"? And GZ reaches for his pockets (his own words) or his right side (where his gun is) there any way to prove that by Trayvon punching GZ at that moment (GZs own words) that Trayvon wasn't preventing in his mind scenario number 1 from happening?

And yes...Involuntary Manslaughter would be my charge.
Okay...GO...let me have it!:eek:
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Remember when all you Zimmerman supporters were SWEARING on the stand-your-ground law?

Turns out that the defense determined that that shat wouldn't fly, so they went another route.

Now you folks are swearing about Trayvon being the attacker, although NOBODY IN COURT, or in the media has said or even asserted this.

Yet you think you're winning.

When you boil it down to the actual FACTS of the case, Zimmerman is in big, big trouble.

He's TOAST!!!


You really are dumb, aren't' you :confused:

It is a criminal case, not a CNN or HP "breaking news" story. Why on earth would a criminal defense lawyer chose a path which will jeopardize his client in the defense? SYG is a political issue and using it he will put TWO issues to defend - Z using it and the law itself. One might hate the law but still understand that using the deadly force in self-defense was justified by Z.

So why would a criminal lawyer, whose task is to make his client walk free make this task twice as hard?

Get off the reality shows for a second and put your hatred aside, maybe you can comprehend a little logic, even it is highly unlikely.
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