The Official Zimmerman Trial Verdict Thread

What are your Initial Thoughts on the Guilt or Innocence of George Zimmerman?

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I would like to preface this by saying I am not a lawyer...I am not a cop....I am not an investigator...

BUT...I do play one on the internet and I did stay in a Holiday in last night...:eusa_angel:

So here we go...stay with me.

First of all lets put out a couple of things that I think we can all agree on....that sounds like fun. THINKING CAPS!

1) We can all agree that if when GZ was asked by Trayvon: "Do you have a problem?"...that if in that instant, GZ whipped out his gun, shot and killed him, that would be murder...correct?

2) We can also agree that if the struggle proceeds to the ground and GZ is getting beat to a pulp, getting his head slammed against concrete multiple times that he is within his right to fear severe injury...correct?

ARE YOU WITH ME? Here comes the $64,000 question:

IF when Trayvon says "Do you have a problem"? And GZ reaches for his pockets (his own words) or his right side (where his gun is) there any way to prove that by Trayvon punching GZ at that moment (GZs own words) that Trayvon wasn't preventing in his mind scenario number 1 from happening?

Okay...GO...let me have it!:eek:

Quit confusing z's supporters with facts.:razz:
There were three street in the area in question.

Z lived in the neighborhood.

He was on the neighborhood vigilante org for three years yet did not know the name of the street he was on, duh, duh, duh,.

Careful your bias is showing

My facts are biased?

These facts were stated by Z.

Warped b u.

It is a neighborhood watch group.

He called it a neighborhood vigilante group?
You're believing that Zimmerman actually stopped pursuit.

I don't think he did. He wanted to "collar" the guy. I think he ran to the T caught up with Martin and initiated contact. He may have even tried to grab Martin which led to the first punch. Remember, Zimmerman went from having Martin come out of the bushes to coming out of the darkness. And by Zimmerman's account..he was walking toward him and talking. It's not far fetched to think Zimmerman caught up to Martin, who turned around to and asked him, "Why are you following me?" To which Zimmerman responded "What are you doing here?" That sounds more like what a cop would do.

And that's what Zimmerman was doing. Playing cop.

The 911 tape proves GZ stopped running as soon as dispatch said "we don't need you to do that". It is clear as he is talking that he lost TM. There is absolutely no evidence Zimmerman attacked Martin. Watching, reporting, following & asking a question are not attacking or illegal. Prosecutors must prove beyond reasonable doubt that GZ struck or attempted to strike TM. They also must prove beyond reasonable doubt that TM was not continuing to attack a subdued person & that GZ had no reason to fear serious injury or death. So far the prosecutors haven't even come close on any of that.

What has been proven beyond reasonable doubt is that TM was an aggressive hate filled racist full of rage & beat a subdued person begging for help that had never harmed him.
OK, you're be the prosecutor and I'll be George Zimmerman.



25, if you're going to prosecute, throw all the bullshit out, flip it on him and go straight for manslaughter to get a conviction - even do involuntary WHOOPSIE! manslaughter.


Exactly, for involuntary manslaughter. Thanks Testa.

If they weren't so busy posturing, media-ing, agending, stopping Sanford from burning with M2, and were thinking, they could get a conviction.

Makes the dog and pony show pretty transparent to go about it this way.

Or they're just that dum.
I don't think he did. He wanted to "collar" the guy. I think he ran to the T caught up with Martin and initiated contact.

The problem with that scenario is that for 1 minute 39 seconds GZ is clearly not chasing Martin and has lost sight of Martin. He is not running. during this time. At the 2:24 mark of the police phone call, he is advised "OK, we don't need you to do that". GZ slows down and at the 2:28 mark has clearly stopped running and he is clearly not running for the remainder of the tape.. The tape continues until the full length of the cal is 4 minutes 7 seconds. That means that TM had at least 1 minute and 39 seconds at a minimum to get home, totally uninterrupted by GZ. There is absolutely no way GZ could have run to catch up with him... unless TM was hiding in the bushes or if TM had decided to double back.


It makes more sense that Martin ran home..then went back, Skittles and drink in hand to confront Zimmerman..or lay in wait with the same "weapons of death" to jump the guy following him.

Because when you fight someone? You want to make sure you have snacks, just in case.

It's totally inconceivable to you folks that Zimmerman was searching for..and surprised Martin..who never hid in the bushes..or never made it home.

Got it.

Serino the Detective testifies he feels Zim is telling the truth.
He still has prosecution's redirect questions to answer. I'm betting they will not be as well crafted as the defense questioning, but will likely be aimed at casting doubt.
Because of the ineptness of the Florida statute; manslaughter could be a valid conviction if the prosecution proves culpable negligence. For some reason the "without lawful justification" part doesn't apply if it's a minor.

I would say that statute violates the second amendment. He has the right to bear arms to protect himself. The idea that he's 15 shouldn't mean shit.

Statutes & Constitution :View Statutes : Online Sunshine

Zimmerman is claiming self defense. manslaughter would not fly if they can not prove Zimmerman was not in fear for his life.

That's for murder; which implies intent to kill. Man slaughter is negligent actions that lead to someone else's death.

Reread your own quoted post it states that lawful killings are not covered by manslaughter, self defense is a lawful killing.

Then lets lay it out:

7:09:34 - 7:13:41 — George Zimmerman calls the Sanford Police Department (SPD) from his truck; total time of the call is 4 minutes 7 seconds

7:13:10 — Zimmerman says he does not know where Martin is.

7:13:41- Zimmerman's call to Sanford police ends

7:16:11 — First 911 call from witness about a fight, calls for help heard

7:16:55 — Gunshot heard on 911 call

7:17:40+ — Officer Smith arrives at crime scene

I did not put any of the Dee Dee phone calls in because the times do not sync with the other times pursuant to testimony. They are based upon TMobile records which are off by about 30 seconds and what wili has is based upon one minute intervals of time. even though they may only last 15 seconds.

Between the time of the police phone call ends and the confrontation between Martin and Zimmerman is about 2 minutes 30 seconds. What occured in those 2:30 seconds is the key to this entire case.
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What evidence suggests that his mouth was covered the entire time?
In Z's own words, when asked how long his nose and mouth were covered, It seemed like hours.

What's great about that, is the photos before the EMT's got there show no smearing.

Additionally, Martin must of been sorta super with all the punching and head banging and holding Zimmerman's mouth..didn't do much damage to his hands.
Look at the pictures again. There is a blood smear on the left side of his face. Small, yes, but he WAS laying on his back so the blood would have been running down the back of his sinus cavity and down his throat,
If you don't understand, grab any 3rd grade science book and read up on "gravity". You CAN read, I assume?
He may walk..but his troubles won't be over.

Because if this trial goes south.. and it just might, because the Jury is 5/6ths white and DA over charged.. the Feds will get their mitts on this (next?) .

I had to comment on this post, so here it is - Now why is it that people like you can't seem to get off the government teet ever? Otherwise what I mean in this is why is it that you have to have them back you up right on and on and on as you go about your life in this nation, yet others in this nation learn how to take care of themselves without the government being called upon in almost every situation they encounter, and therefore they can handle their business without the government being looked upon as a big brother whom takes care of them always.

Do you love the government for whom you feel you now control in your favor, because you feel that they will wield un-ending power and treasury towards you just by your asking no matter what you would ask of them ? Otherwise is this in order to help you win at all cost in life no matter what ? It is an entrenched problem and attitude held by many I think these days, and you just confirmed this problem in your post yet once again as written in your words above.

What would the government have that this court doesn't have in facts there of already ? So state courts can't be trusted at all anymore is what you think, so we all are to just get through this little tap dance, and then it is to be started all over again at the federal level ? Why doesn't the feds have someone represent them in this court now, if that is what the people think or want, and this instead of taking it all to a whole different level afterwards ? Wouldn't this make more sense ?
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