The Official Zimmerman Trial Verdict Thread

What are your Initial Thoughts on the Guilt or Innocence of George Zimmerman?

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The problem with that scenario is that for 1 minute 39 seconds GZ is clearly not chasing Martin and has lost sight of Martin. He is not running. during this time. At the 2:24 mark of the police phone call, he is advised "OK, we don't need you to do that". GZ slows down and at the 2:28 mark has clearly stopped running and he is clearly not running for the remainder of the tape.. The tape continues until the full length of the cal is 4 minutes 7 seconds. That means that TM had at least 1 minute and 39 seconds at a minimum to get home, totally uninterrupted by GZ. There is absolutely no way GZ could have run to catch up with him... unless TM was hiding in the bushes or if TM had decided to double back.

Trayvon Martin was was not familiar with the area, he could have easily got confused on where he was that night.

The problem with that scenario is that Dee Dee says that Martin reached the fiances residence and was by it.

More DD to come!!

And then some.

Everyone been practicing their Ebonics?

FTR, this is Zimmerman's holster...I have one a lot like it for my .22 revolver.

ALL the fabric part AND the gun go between your pants and your skin...only the clip is outside the pants and clips to the pants behind the belt.

That is where the right handed, left handed, cross draw confusion comes from.

Everything but the clip is hidden, it must be concealed AT ALL TIMES...even when you reach in your pocket, open your jacket or remove your jacket.
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Look at the pictures again. There is a blood smear on the left side of his face. Small, yes, but he WAS laying on his back so the blood would have been running down the back of his sinus cavity and down his throat,
If you don't understand, grab any 3rd grade science book and read up on "gravity". You CAN read, I assume?

You look at them.

The blood from his nose seems to come from 2 pin holes at the tip and not the nostrils. Also the blood patterns on the back of his head are pretty weird, like he was upside down. The small abrasions are inconsistent with someone getting their head pummeled against concrete as well.

And I am wondering how much of Zimmerman's blood is on Trayvvon's clothing.

Because if it's not a lot then it's another major inconsistency.



I be's fin dat fo ya. :) is my QUESTION.

I would like to preface this by saying I am not a lawyer...I am not a cop....I am not an investigator...

BUT...I do play one on the internet and I did stay in a Holiday in last night...:eusa_angel:

So here we go...stay with me.

First of all lets put out a couple of things that I think we can all agree on....that sounds like fun. THINKING CAPS!

1) We can all agree that if when GZ was asked by Trayvon: "Do you have a problem?"...that if in that instant, GZ whipped out his gun, shot and killed him, that would be murder...correct?

2) We can also agree that if the struggle proceeds to the ground and GZ is getting beat to a pulp, getting his head slammed against concrete multiple times that he is within his right to fear severe injury...correct?

ARE YOU WITH ME? Here comes the $64,000 question:

IF when Trayvon says "Do you have a problem"? And GZ reaches for his pockets (his own words) or his right side (where his gun is) there any way to prove that by Trayvon punching GZ at that moment (GZs own words) that Trayvon wasn't preventing in his mind scenario number 1 from happening?

And yes...Involuntary Manslaughter would be my charge.
Okay...GO...let me have it!:eek:

Do you have pics of Zimmerman wearing his holster?

My understanding is it is an Uncle Mikes inside-the-waistband model.

That shouldn't is under the shirt.


at 9:03 to 10:something.

Zimmerman's holster:


You are the prosecutor, ask away.

Hey M...I like you...if you are ever in the area...drinks are on me...the first couple of rounds anyway...:eusa_angel:

I dont believe that the holster or gun was visible.

It is the reaching that I am concerned with and the hindsight information that a gun was there.

Trayvon didnt know a gun was there until he was on the ground...but hes from Miami...remember...reaching for your right side could be a considerable threat.

I would love to see GZ answer my question in front of jury...I dont think the jury would buy...or at least I would do my damndest to make sure they didnt buy that GZ was reaching for a phone that wasnt there. ;)
Look at the pictures again. There is a blood smear on the left side of his face. Small, yes, but he WAS laying on his back so the blood would have been running down the back of his sinus cavity and down his throat,
If you don't understand, grab any 3rd grade science book and read up on "gravity". You CAN read, I assume?

You look at them.

The blood from his nose seems to come from 2 pin holes at the tip and not the nostrils. Also the blood patterns on the back of his head are pretty weird, like he was upside down. The small abrasions are inconsistent with someone getting their head pummeled against concrete as well.

And I am wondering how much of Zimmerman's blood is on Trayvvon's clothing.

Because if it's not a lot then it's another major inconsistency.


You ever been in a fight?

Even if you "win" you lose.

Your hands get really messed up. And if the other person bleeds? It gets all over you.

The mouth is like the dirtiest thing in the world. I split my knuckle on a tooth once and my hand blew up like a balloon. is my QUESTION.

I would like to preface this by saying I am not a lawyer...I am not a cop....I am not an investigator...

BUT...I do play one on the internet and I did stay in a Holiday in last night...:eusa_angel:

So here we go...stay with me.

First of all lets put out a couple of things that I think we can all agree on....that sounds like fun. THINKING CAPS!

1) We can all agree that if when GZ was asked by Trayvon: "Do you have a problem?"...that if in that instant, GZ whipped out his gun, shot and killed him, that would be murder...correct?

2) We can also agree that if the struggle proceeds to the ground and GZ is getting beat to a pulp, getting his head slammed against concrete multiple times that he is within his right to fear severe injury...correct?

ARE YOU WITH ME? Here comes the $64,000 question:

IF when Trayvon says "Do you have a problem"? And GZ reaches for his pockets (his own words) or his right side (where his gun is) there any way to prove that by Trayvon punching GZ at that moment (GZs own words) that Trayvon wasn't preventing in his mind scenario number 1 from happening?

And yes...Involuntary Manslaughter would be my charge.
Okay...GO...let me have it!:eek:
I suppose, if a gun was visible at that point, a stupid person might attack. A smart one would either wait to see what happened next, or immediately become compliant.

Consider Zimmerman's jacket if you will. It was long enough to come down several inches below his waist. The gun was holstered in his waist band butting the grips well above the bottom of the jacket. If, as Zimmerman claims, he was going for his phone, the gun never came into view.
Right. We only have Zimmerman's word, but we have no reason to doubt him or any evidence to prove him wrong. What we do have, are a bunch of people who want Zimmerman to go to prison because a black kid died.
I was just curious. In the interrogation video Z is left handed but he wore his holster on the right side.

Would Wyatt Earp do that?
I don't think he did. He wanted to "collar" the guy. I think he ran to the T caught up with Martin and initiated contact.

The problem with that scenario is that for 1 minute 39 seconds GZ is clearly not chasing Martin and has lost sight of Martin. He is not running. during this time. At the 2:24 mark of the police phone call, he is advised "OK, we don't need you to do that". GZ slows down and at the 2:28 mark has clearly stopped running and he is clearly not running for the remainder of the tape.. The tape continues until the full length of the cal is 4 minutes 7 seconds. That means that TM had at least 1 minute and 39 seconds at a minimum to get home, totally uninterrupted by GZ. There is absolutely no way GZ could have run to catch up with him... unless TM was hiding in the bushes or if TM had decided to double back.


It makes more sense that Martin ran home..then went back, Skittles and drink in hand to confront Zimmerman..or lay in wait with the same "weapons of death" to jump the guy following him.

Because when you fight someone? You want to make sure you have snacks, just in case.

It's totally inconceivable to you folks that Zimmerman was searching for..and surprised Martin..who never hid in the bushes..or never made it home.

Got it.



Play it Rat!
It makes more sense that Martin ran home..then went back, Skittles and drink in hand to confront Zimmerman..or lay in wait with the same "weapons of death" to jump the guy following him.

You bring up a good point!

Question for anyone:

Is there a crime scene photo of the skittles or the ice tea can?

Yes, it's on him and there's photos and the EMT testified on pulling out the tea, feeling the skittles.

That big heavy can of tea likely made TM hoodie hang out like a fat man when he was bent over ground pounding GZ. TM was taller & that bagging hoodie made him appear larger than GZ to the shadow witnesses.
The problem with that scenario is that for 1 minute 39 seconds GZ is clearly not chasing Martin and has lost sight of Martin. He is not running. during this time. At the 2:24 mark of the police phone call, he is advised "OK, we don't need you to do that". GZ slows down and at the 2:28 mark has clearly stopped running and he is clearly not running for the remainder of the tape.. The tape continues until the full length of the cal is 4 minutes 7 seconds. That means that TM had at least 1 minute and 39 seconds at a minimum to get home, totally uninterrupted by GZ. There is absolutely no way GZ could have run to catch up with him... unless TM was hiding in the bushes or if TM had decided to double back.

Trayvon Martin was was not familiar with the area, he could have easily got confused on where he was that night.

The problem with that scenario is that Dee Dee says that Martin reached the fiances residence and was by it.

She said he was by the house , that could mean anything and she told him to keep running. And someone mentioned he would have left his skittles in the house and been seen by his friend.
MarcATL has solved this crime!
In his own words:

What's interesting, and actually funny to me is, that how you people can use the calculation of the position of the car at a certain time to assert that Trayvon IN FACT doubled-back to attack Trayvon. Yet, even though you have the testimony, that has never wavered, from Jeantel, that states that Trayvon was very concerned about the "creepy" man that was following him, and on top of that had an exchange with her on how to deal with it, whether to run away or what.

Sorry MarcATL, was too funny to pass up. :eusa_angel:

Like a dog chasing his own tail. :lol:
Look at the pictures again. There is a blood smear on the left side of his face. Small, yes, but he WAS laying on his back so the blood would have been running down the back of his sinus cavity and down his throat,
If you don't understand, grab any 3rd grade science book and read up on "gravity". You CAN read, I assume?

You look at them.

The blood from his nose seems to come from 2 pin holes at the tip and not the nostrils. Also the blood patterns on the back of his head are pretty weird, like he was upside down. The small abrasions are inconsistent with someone getting their head pummeled against concrete as well.

And I am wondering how much of Zimmerman's blood is on Trayvvon's clothing.

Because if it's not a lot then it's another major inconsistency.


Its WAT?

There I fixed it for you... ;)
So you can't answer how Trayvon went less than 100 yards in 4 minutes from a creepy ass cracka who was stalking him ?

Trayvon was staying another 300 yards further down the same sidewalk he died trying to bash Zim's head into.
What's interesting, and actually funny to me is, that how you people can use the calculation of the position of the car at a certain time to assert that Trayvon IN FACT doubled-back to attack Trayvon. Yet, even though you have the testimony, that has never wavered, from Jeantel, that states that Trayvon was very concerned about the "creepy" man that was following him, and on top of that had an exchange with her on how to deal with it, whether to run away or what.

Clearly he wasn't comfortable. Which means he felt threatened.

But you don't like those details, so you discard it.

But you accept the made up scenario of him doubling-back and attacking Zimmerman, because you like that. Although NO WHERE IN COURT has that been asserted, much-less established.

Too funny. :lol:

Jeantel also said that Martin made it by his home. So how did Martin get back to the T?

The problem with that scenario is that for 1 minute 39 seconds GZ is clearly not chasing Martin and has lost sight of Martin. He is not running. during this time. At the 2:24 mark of the police phone call, he is advised "OK, we don't need you to do that". GZ slows down and at the 2:28 mark has clearly stopped running and he is clearly not running for the remainder of the tape.. The tape continues until the full length of the cal is 4 minutes 7 seconds. That means that TM had at least 1 minute and 39 seconds at a minimum to get home, totally uninterrupted by GZ. There is absolutely no way GZ could have run to catch up with him... unless TM was hiding in the bushes or if TM had decided to double back.


It makes more sense that Martin ran home..then went back, Skittles and drink in hand to confront Zimmerman..or lay in wait with the same "weapons of death" to jump the guy following him.

Because when you fight someone? You want to make sure you have snacks, just in case.

It's totally inconceivable to you folks that Zimmerman was searching for..and surprised Martin..who never hid in the bushes..or never made it home.

Got it.



Play it Rat!

It makes more sense that Martin ran home..then went back, Skittles and drink in hand to confront Zimmerman..or lay in wait with the same "weapons of death" to jump the guy following him.

You bring up a good point!

Question for anyone:

Is there a crime scene photo of the skittles or the ice tea can?

Yes, it's on him and there's photos and the EMT testified on pulling out the tea, feeling the skittles.

So why does Trayvon have his snacks in his pockets?

side note-every time I see a testarosa post I am reminded I need a pedicure
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The scale in favor of George Zimmerman is getting heavier.
I don't think he did. He wanted to "collar" the guy. I think he ran to the T caught up with Martin and initiated contact.

The problem with that scenario is that for 1 minute 39 seconds GZ is clearly not chasing Martin and has lost sight of Martin. He is not running. during this time. At the 2:24 mark of the police phone call, he is advised "OK, we don't need you to do that". GZ slows down and at the 2:28 mark has clearly stopped running and he is clearly not running for the remainder of the tape.. The tape continues until the full length of the cal is 4 minutes 7 seconds. That means that TM had at least 1 minute and 39 seconds at a minimum to get home, totally uninterrupted by GZ. There is absolutely no way GZ could have run to catch up with him... unless TM was hiding in the bushes or if TM had decided to double back.


It makes more sense that Martin ran home..then went back, Skittles and drink in hand to confront Zimmerman..or lay in wait with the same "weapons of death" to jump the guy following him.

Because when you fight someone? You want to make sure you have snacks, just in case.

It's totally inconceivable to you folks that Zimmerman was searching for..and surprised Martin..who never hid in the bushes..or never made it home.

Got it.


Or it's likely as possible that Dee Dee called him a coward for not giving the creepy azz crackah a beat down and he decided to go back and become a "man".

At least as plausible.
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