The Official Zimmerman Trial Verdict Thread

What are your Initial Thoughts on the Guilt or Innocence of George Zimmerman?

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What's great about that, is the photos before the EMT's got there show no smearing.

Additionally, Martin must of been sorta super with all the punching and head banging and holding Zimmerman's mouth..didn't do much damage to his hands.
Look at the pictures again. There is a blood smear on the left side of his face. Small, yes, but he WAS laying on his back so the blood would have been running down the back of his sinus cavity and down his throat,
If you don't understand, grab any 3rd grade science book and read up on "gravity". You CAN read, I assume?

You look at them.

The blood from his nose seems to come from 2 pin holes at the tip and not the nostrils. Also the blood patterns on the back of his head are pretty weird, like he was upside down. The small abrasions are inconsistent with someone getting their head pummeled against concrete as well.

And I am wondering how much of Zimmerman's blood is on Trayvvon's clothing.

Because if it's not a lot then it's another major inconsistency.
That's what you want to see. It's not what the first police officer on scene, the first civilian witness and the paramedic that examined him saw. All 3 said his nose was bleeding.

This is not an audience participation game where the audience gets to decide the outcome... Well at least not you, OK? The jury is actually listening to the evidence and testimony presented and hopefully they came into this without a preconceived outcome in mind.
It makes more sense that Martin ran home..then went back, Skittles and drink in hand to confront Zimmerman..or lay in wait with the same "weapons of death" to jump the guy following him.

You bring up a good point!

Question for anyone:

Is there a crime scene photo of the skittles or the ice tea can?

Yes, it's on him and there's photos and the EMT testified on pulling out the tea, feeling the skittles.

if he, TM, was on the bottom why didn't they fall out?

on top, they are in the pocket and hanging down......

I was just curious. In the interrogation video Z is left handed but he wore his holster on the right side.

Would Wyatt Earp do that?

Screw Wyatt Earp...


Batman would try to get his utility belt back from that female detective that stole it.
Someone give a prize to [MENTION=43021]legaleagle_45[/MENTION]

Speaking of 45's.
[MENTION=43893]25Caliber[/MENTION] now that JoJo is over, perhaps you should get a more manly name. That's like having BBGun for your name.

ummm @ 357 - ??

You know I'm just fucking with you xo
News reports are coming in that Serino may have been pressured into making an arrest by the Sanford PD.

It is in a letter from the FBI where he names names of people who pressured him to bring unwarranted charges.

Would you happen to know where to find it?

Law of Self Defense ? Zimmerman Trial: Evidentiary Flashback: Investigator Serino Tells FBI He Was Pressured to Bring Charges
This is very damning for the prosecution, and for the Sanford PD. It looks like to me there was some collusion going on. I will demostrate:

"Serino is concerned that many of the leaks in this case are coming from within the Sanford Police Department. He lists Sgt AUTOR BARNS, REBECCA VILLANOVE (phonetic), and TREKELL PERKINS as all pressuring him to file charges against ZIMMERMAN after the incident. Serino did not believe he had enough evidence at the time to file charges. Serino also stated the Barns is friendly with TRACY MARTIN and Barns asked Serino for Martin's phone number but ended up getting the phone number from another source. Serino believed that after his conversation with Tracy Martin regarding the death of his son, Tracy Martin left the police station understanding why charges against ZIMMERMAN had not been filed. Serino was not sure why or when Tracy Martin changed his views and Martin now believes the shooting was racially motivated."

-Page 2 of FBI Transcript

Yes, it's on him and there's photos and the EMT testified on pulling out the tea, feeling the skittles.

So why does Trayvon have his snacks in his pockets?

side note-every time I see a testarosa post I am reminded I need a pedicure

Oh no! Do my toes look bad?

This testimony is coming back around when the Actual Defense presents it's case not the Prosecution's Defense.

Remember what 'Tude DD said on the stand.

No, mine do!
Hey M...I like you...if you are ever in the area...drinks are on me...the first couple of rounds anyway...:eusa_angel:

I dont believe that the holster or gun was visible.

It is the reaching that I am concerned with and the hindsight information that a gun was there.

Trayvon didnt know a gun was there until he was on the ground...but hes from Miami...remember...reaching for your right side could be a considerable threat.

I would love to see GZ answer my question in front of jury...I dont think the jury would buy...or at least I would do my damndest to make sure they didnt buy that GZ was reaching for a phone that wasnt there. ;)

Yeah, I grow on a fungus...:)

You're ok in my book, 25...appreciate the offer.

I don't think reaching for ones pocket is a threatening gesture.

99 times out of 100, it's going to be a phone.

You can't assault people for reaching for a phone.

Gotcha...fair enough. But (I hate if he doesnt know he was reaching for a gun, then he doesnt know he is reaching for a phone either. However, we do know that a gun was there and a phone wasnt.

Let's explore this logically.

If Martin doesn't know the gun is there...and he never sees's like it really isn't there.

So, let's make it disappear.

Zimmerman has no gun.

He reaches for his cell phone and Martin attacks him.

Was he negligent?


Did Martin assault Zimmerman?


Who is in the wrong?

Martin, he is the first to engage in an illegal act.

Gun there/gun not there...if Martin never saw it...for all intents and purposes it wasn't there.

And Martin would have never seen it had he not attacked Zimmerman.

That's the way I see it.
You are correct....but the problem is for now, the prosecution is not showing negligence...they could with the following and the reaching for the "phone"...but they arent doing that yet. They fell into the bait of the race card and it has clouded the judgment of thier case, imo.

GZ could be found for manslaughter, but not the way the prosecution is presenting its case...IMHO...its sad.

LOL. There's that objectivity! NOT!

Your opinion is dead to me. Your heavy bias clouds your judgment.

Your BiaS is so thick, I can smell your Depends!

Meanwhile you fabricate that Zimmerman reached for his weapon( or was that his phone) before the fight ever started. I say fabricated because NO ONE has said that happened. Not Zimmerman and not a single witness. Then after creating from whole cloth an event that never happened you go on to explain how this justified Martin attacking Zimmerman.
LOL. There's that objectivity! NOT!

Your opinion is dead to me. Your heavy bias clouds your judgment.

Your BiaS is so thick, I can smell your Depends!

Meanwhile you fabricate that Zimmerman reached for his weapon( or was that his phone) before the fight ever started. I say fabricated because NO ONE has said that happened. Not Zimmerman and not a single witness. Then after creating from whole cloth an event that never happened you go on to explain how this justified Martin attacking Zimmerman.

Stay out of the individual scuffles...its good advice. GZ said he reached and that he was punched immediately after...he says phone...but no phone there...gun was your mind and dont take all of his words so literally...thats too easy. It was to his benefit to say he was reaching for a phone and not a gun at that moment...and he knew that as soon as it happened.

I gave you the police tape...did you watch it? Youre a marine and you buy that?...what do you do in war when the enemy goes reaching that you wait to see if hes gonna pull out a phone? Or maybe hes reaching for a Tootsie pop, so you can be

Think a little deeper...youre a is my brother and he aint buying the "phone" reach either...and hes a Z supporter. Im neither as of yet...but I have made cases for each side based on drawing my own conclusions...not taking everything Mr Z says literally in every circumstance.
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