The Official Zimmerman Trial Verdict Thread

What are your Initial Thoughts on the Guilt or Innocence of George Zimmerman?

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FYI on the "height" issue. Puleze this fight was on the ground, height is not an advantage in a wrestling match. Ever see a supper tall wrestler? If GZ was not defending himself it was probably because he was cowering and emotionally incapable of defending himself. Another nail in the coffin for involuntary manslaughter.

And another nail in the coffin for M2. I guess we're left with acquittal.

Is that Ebonics?
Remember when all you Zimmerman supporters were SWEARING on the stand-your-ground law?

Turns out that the defense determined that that shat wouldn't fly, so they went another route.

Now you folks are swearing about Trayvon being the attacker, although NOBODY IN COURT, or in the media has said or even asserted this.

Yet you think you're winning.

When you boil it down to the actual FACTS of the case, Zimmerman is in big, big trouble.

He's TOAST!!!


One doesnt need to use stand your ground when normal self defense defense works.

Have you been listening to the witnesses? All of them who were actually there have said they saw Trayvon on top being the aggressor.

Do you understand the law at all?
Have some sense about you Avatar. You don't get to be the VICTIM AFTER you've PROVOKED and INSTIGATED a fight.

Just like how RWers are acting as if the world began on Jan 1, 2009 and blaming Obama for everything since then, the RWers are acting as if everything began AFTER the fight started.

It just doesn't work that way Avatar. Get a clue.
Someone give a prize to [MENTION=43021]legaleagle_45[/MENTION]

Speaking of 45's.
[MENTION=43893]25Caliber[/MENTION] now that JoJo is over, perhaps you should get a more manly name. That's like having BBGun for your name.

ummm @ 357 - ??

You know I'm just fucking with you xo

How about "Foaty foe"?

Hay, that was part of Trayvon's sail foam numba...

foe fi foe - foaty foe fiddy fi
"HE'S TOAST!!!" You said. How did you come to that conclusion? Your opinion of Zimmerman? Because you hold inherent biases due to yourself being black? What is it?
My bad if I had to specify that that's my opinion based on the facts.

I'll concede that one though...I can see how that can be seen as me stating it as fact, but it's just my opinion based on the facts.

Haha, nice try Marc. Did it take you over an hour and a half to come up with that response? Your facts are far from the facts the rest of us have seen being laid out. You continue to derive your facts based on your opinion. Selective memory application as it were.

You are a funny fellow...I didn't realize how funny you were.'re good for a chuckle or two or three.

I like that. :thup:
Meanwhile you fabricate that Zimmerman reached for his weapon( or was that his phone) before the fight ever started. I say fabricated because NO ONE has said that happened. Not Zimmerman and not a single witness. Then after creating from whole cloth an event that never happened you go on to explain how this justified Martin attacking Zimmerman.

Stay out of the individual scuffles...its good advice. GZ said he reached and that he was punched immediately after...he says phone...but no phone there...gun was your mind and dont take all of his words so literally...thats too easy. It was to his benefit to say he was reaching for a phone and not a gun at that moment...and he knew that as soon as it happened.

I gave you the police tape...did you watch it? Youre a marine and you buy that...what do you do in war when the enemy goes reaching that you wait to see if hes gonna pull out a phone? Or maybe hes reaching for a Tootsie pop, so you can be

Think a little deeper...youre a is my brother and he aint buying the "phone" reach either...and hes a Z supporter. Im neither as of yet...but I have made cases for each side based on drawing my own conclusions...not taking everything Mr Z says literally in every circumstance.

It doesn't matter. Have you not figured this out yet?

I have figured out that both sides have such a heavy bias that neither one can see thru the trees and use their own common sense. Yeah, I figured that out.

Its either looking at the situation solely from GZs eyes or Solely from Trayvons eyes. Thats no fun to me...I like to look at all of it and let the chips fall where they may.

Right now the defense is winning...the prosecution is horrid.
Remember when all you Zimmerman supporters were SWEARING on the stand-your-ground law?

Turns out that the defense determined that that shat wouldn't fly, so they went another route.

Now you folks are swearing about Trayvon being the attacker, although NOBODY IN COURT, or in the media has said or even asserted this.

Yet you think you're winning.

When you boil it down to the actual FACTS of the case, Zimmerman is in big, big trouble.

He's TOAST!!!


One doesnt need to use stand your ground when normal self defense defense works.

Have you been listening to the witnesses? All of them who were actually there have said they saw Trayvon on top being the aggressor.

Do you understand the law at all?
Have some sense about you Avatar. You don't get to be the VICTIM AFTER you've PROVOKED and INSTIGATED a fight.

Just like how RWers are acting as if the world began on Jan 1, 2009 and blaming Obama for everything since then, the RWers are acting as if everything began AFTER the fight started.

It just doesn't work that way Avatar. Get a clue.

There is no evidence that zimmerman provoked and instigated a fight and the eye witness testimony has established he was being attacked.
Remember when all you Zimmerman supporters were SWEARING on the stand-your-ground law?

Turns out that the defense determined that that shat wouldn't fly, so they went another route.

Now you folks are swearing about Trayvon being the attacker, although NOBODY IN COURT, or in the media has said or even asserted this.

Yet you think you're winning.

When you boil it down to the actual FACTS of the case, Zimmerman is in big, big trouble.

He's TOAST!!!


One doesnt need to use stand your ground when normal self defense defense works.

Have you been listening to the witnesses? All of them who were actually there have said they saw Trayvon on top being the aggressor.

Do you understand the law at all?
Have some sense about you Avatar. You don't get to be the VICTIM AFTER you've PROVOKED and INSTIGATED a fight.

Just like how RWers are acting as if the world began on Jan 1, 2009 and blaming Obama for everything since then, the RWers are acting as if everything began AFTER the fight started.

It just doesn't work that way Avatar. Get a clue.

as i said before, you're entitled to your opinions, but stop passing them off as facts.

FACT: under FL law you can be a victim after you've provoked and instigated a fight
It's been established that Trayvon felt threatened.

He described a creepy man following him, his friend suggested he run away, he pondered it and chose to continue walking and not running.

Being in situations where I was followed before, or felt like I was followed, in the moment you're thinking if you try to run, for sure you're in soup, because that will excite the follower. I didn't, nor would I, run either. I would do exactly as he did, and continue walking, of course with more pep in my step.

Zimmerman was the aggressor.

how many times do i need to remind you that your opinion is not fact?
Trayvon knew the stranger was following him, he described him as creepy, he discussed running away from him with his friend on the phone. Those three facts combined would be seen as a plausible and reasonable threat from Trayvon's perspective.

Let's see how the jury sees it.

why do you leave out his full statement? creepy....what? finish the statement and i will respond to the rest of your post.
One doesnt need to use stand your ground when normal self defense defense works.

Have you been listening to the witnesses? All of them who were actually there have said they saw Trayvon on top being the aggressor.

Do you understand the law at all?
Have some sense about you Avatar. You don't get to be the VICTIM AFTER you've PROVOKED and INSTIGATED a fight.

Just like how RWers are acting as if the world began on Jan 1, 2009 and blaming Obama for everything since then, the RWers are acting as if everything began AFTER the fight started.

It just doesn't work that way Avatar. Get a clue.

There is no evidence that zimmerman provoked and instigated a fight and the eye witness testimony has established he was being attacked.
There's also evidence that Zimmerman FOLLOWED Trayvon for no reason other than in his demented mind. AFTER being told that he didn't have to do that.

So it's six of one, and half-a-dozen of the other.
Gone most of the day. Only caught the very last of Serina's testimony before recess. Man! I see the prosecution is still defending this case. :eek:
Have some sense about you Avatar. You don't get to be the VICTIM AFTER you've PROVOKED and INSTIGATED a fight.

Just like how RWers are acting as if the world began on Jan 1, 2009 and blaming Obama for everything since then, the RWers are acting as if everything began AFTER the fight started.

It just doesn't work that way Avatar. Get a clue.

There is no evidence that zimmerman provoked and instigated a fight and the eye witness testimony has established he was being attacked.
There's also evidence that Zimmerman FOLLOWED Trayvon for no reason other than in his demented mind. AFTER being told that he didn't have to do that.

So it's six of one, and half-a-dozen of the other.

There is now testimony under oath in court that the lead investigator and first interrogator saying that they felt like GZ acted in self-defense. That kinda sounds like reasonable doubt. Wouldn't you agree?
Well now damn! I gotta go cook a late dinner...grilling chops tonight...youre all invited!

What a fun day.

Good day.

Appreciate the invite, but I've got left overs from last nights smoke session to finish...

You are correct....but the problem is for now, the prosecution is not showing negligence...they could with the following and the reaching for the "phone"...but they arent doing that yet. They fell into the bait of the race card and it has clouded the judgment of thier case, imo.

GZ could be found for manslaughter, but not the way the prosecution is presenting its case...IMHO...its sad.

LOL. There's that objectivity! NOT!

Your opinion is dead to me. Your heavy bias clouds your judgment.

Your BiaS is so thick, I can smell your Depends!

You are correct. I am biased. I am biased toward the laws of the state and federal governments. And so far I have not seen one shred of evidence that Zimmerman did not act in self defense. You can make up all the shit you want on here. You don't know the law and you hate Hispanics because they are smart, they out think, and out work you. There are a lot like you. You are nothing new to the forums.
LOL. There's that objectivity! NOT!

Your opinion is dead to me. Your heavy bias clouds your judgment.

Your BiaS is so thick, I can smell your Depends!

Meanwhile you fabricate that Zimmerman reached for his weapon( or was that his phone) before the fight ever started. I say fabricated because NO ONE has said that happened. Not Zimmerman and not a single witness. Then after creating from whole cloth an event that never happened you go on to explain how this justified Martin attacking Zimmerman.

He has fabricated pages and pages of pure unadulterated bullshit. He is the one with the bias, and he will NOT be able to accept a not guilty verdict. It will make his head explode.
Stay out of the individual scuffles...its good advice. GZ said he reached and that he was punched immediately after...he says phone...but no phone there...gun was your mind and dont take all of his words so literally...thats too easy. It was to his benefit to say he was reaching for a phone and not a gun at that moment...and he knew that as soon as it happened.

I gave you the police tape...did you watch it? Youre a marine and you buy that...what do you do in war when the enemy goes reaching that you wait to see if hes gonna pull out a phone? Or maybe hes reaching for a Tootsie pop, so you can be

Think a little deeper...youre a is my brother and he aint buying the "phone" reach either...and hes a Z supporter. Im neither as of yet...but I have made cases for each side based on drawing my own conclusions...not taking everything Mr Z says literally in every circumstance.

It doesn't matter. Have you not figured this out yet?

I have figured out that both sides have such a heavy bias that neither one can see thru the trees and use their own common sense. Yeah, I figured that out.

Its either looking at the situation solely from GZs eyes or Solely from Trayvons eyes. Thats no fun to me...I like to look at all of it and let the chips fall where they may.

Right now the defense is winning...the prosecution is horrid.

YOU are the one who is biased. I know the law. I'm on the side of the law. You do not know the law. You have sat on here for days and days making shit up out of the air.
Stay out of the individual scuffles...its good advice. GZ said he reached and that he was punched immediately after...he says phone...but no phone there...gun was your mind and dont take all of his words so literally...thats too easy. It was to his benefit to say he was reaching for a phone and not a gun at that moment...and he knew that as soon as it happened.

I gave you the police tape...did you watch it? Youre a marine and you buy that...what do you do in war when the enemy goes reaching that you wait to see if hes gonna pull out a phone? Or maybe hes reaching for a Tootsie pop, so you can be

Think a little deeper...youre a is my brother and he aint buying the "phone" reach either...and hes a Z supporter. Im neither as of yet...but I have made cases for each side based on drawing my own conclusions...not taking everything Mr Z says literally in every circumstance.

It doesn't matter. Have you not figured this out yet?

I have figured out that both sides have such a heavy bias that neither one can see thru the trees and use their own common sense. Yeah, I figured that out.

Its either looking at the situation solely from GZs eyes or Solely from Trayvons eyes. Thats no fun to me...I like to look at all of it and let the chips fall where they may.

Right now the defense is winning...the prosecution is horrid.
Sunshine is right. We are biased toward the law. The law is clear in this case. We have stated it many times and for some reason you think it is irrelevant. It is not irrelevant. It is crucial.
So unless the prosecution can show that Zimmerman was not in fear of his life when he shot he will be acquitted.
There is no evidence that zimmerman provoked and instigated a fight and the eye witness testimony has established he was being attacked.
There's also evidence that Zimmerman FOLLOWED Trayvon for no reason other than in his demented mind. AFTER being told that he didn't have to do that.

So it's six of one, and half-a-dozen of the other.

There is now testimony under oath in court that the lead investigator and first interrogator saying that they felt like GZ acted in self-defense. That kinda sounds like reasonable doubt. Wouldn't you agree?

What does reasonable doubt have to do with anything here?
I have a smoking gun fact to completely dispel GZs "phone" reaching explanation.

Hint: It is entirely in his own words and has not been mentioned to date!

Surprised many of you havnt found it...

I will tell you it....right after these messages...DONT TOUCH THAT CLICKER!!
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