The Official Zimmerman Trial Verdict Thread

What are your Initial Thoughts on the Guilt or Innocence of George Zimmerman?

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I would like to preface this by saying I am not a lawyer...I am not a cop....I am not an investigator...

BUT...I do play one on the internet and I did stay in a Holiday in last night...:eusa_angel:

So here we go...stay with me.

First of all lets put out a couple of things that I think we can all agree on....that sounds like fun. THINKING CAPS!

1) We can all agree that if when GZ was asked by Trayvon: "Do you have a problem?"...that if in that instant, GZ whipped out his gun, shot and killed him, that would be murder...correct?

2) We can also agree that if the struggle proceeds to the ground and GZ is getting beat to a pulp, getting his head slammed against concrete multiple times that he is within his right to fear severe injury...correct?

ARE YOU WITH ME? Here comes the $64,000 question:

IF when Trayvon says "Do you have a problem"? And GZ reaches for his pockets (his own words) or his right side (where his gun is) there any way to prove that by Trayvon punching GZ at that moment (GZs own words) that Trayvon wasn't preventing in his mind scenario number 1 from happening?

And yes...Involuntary Manslaughter would be my charge.
Okay...GO...let me have it!:eek:

People! The gun was not visible to Trayvon...its the reaching and what was ultimately found to be there.

But you raise a good do we know that GZ didnt show it as a means of trying to deter the crime and that Trayvon acted quickly? Do you think that GZ would tell the cops that he threatened with a gun first? No he wouldnt, because that would justify being punched by the person you were following.

BUT we dont KNOW this information...we just have GZs words. My problem is with the gun and the it negligent to continue down a path after being advised not to with a pistol in the dark and rain following a person who has committed no crime? Its all legal I presume...but was it negligent in hindsight?
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I was just curious. In the interrogation video Z is left handed but he wore his holster on the right side.

Would Wyatt Earp do that?


Around and around we go.

[MENTION=42969]jon_berzerk[/MENTION] please come tell me about your bows again, not because of Snook's post, I just want to hear it one more time.


If Daryl dies, we riot.


It makes more sense that Martin ran home..then went back, Skittles and drink in hand to confront Zimmerman..or lay in wait with the same "weapons of death" to jump the guy following him.

Because when you fight someone? You want to make sure you have snacks, just in case.

It's totally inconceivable to you folks that Zimmerman was searching for..and surprised Martin..who never hid in the bushes..or never made it home.

Got it.



Play it Rat!

Hey rat.
The former lead detective testified that he was basically forced out by politically correct political pressure. This is sure to make an impression on the jury.
There you go projecting again you Texas Faggot.

Last time I was in a Texas Airport (I wouldn't bother to leave, that place is such a crap hole), I saw unbelievably obese people there.

How the fuck do you mount your boyfriend with all that belly fat? Just curious you fag.

Please stay out of my state. And you would more then likely get our ass kicked if you left the airport. We dont like your kind around here. Left wing pussy.

By who, You? You fucking faggot? :lol:

I do my best not to get to the craphole because it's populated with racist and treasonous fuckwads like yourself.

[ame=]Texas Sovereignty or Secession Rally - Larry Kilgore - YouTube[/ame]

Hate the American flag eh?

Fuck all of you fat bastards.

I'm not racist at all. I hate all liberal dumbfucks,color doesnt enter in to the equation.
You know I used to think secession was a bad idea. But pricks like you make it sound better all the time.
We could stop metrosexuals such as yourself at the border.
I was just curious. In the interrogation video Z is left handed but he wore his holster on the right side.

Would Wyatt Earp do that?

I've seen a new theory developing from the camp of the Martin Supporters discussing George's gun holster and the fact that George is left handed. The theory pretty much questions how Zimmerman was able to successfully draw his weapon, as a left handed person, from a holster that's left handed. It's only a matter of time until some news agency latches hold of this theory to try and railroad George some more, They love to do that.

So here's what those people don't know. Most people, Left and Right handed, shoot with their left hand. George Zimmerman had a permit to carry his weapon concealed. The most common way to carry your firearm concealed is an inside waistband holster. George had an inside waistband holster. It appears to the untrained that it is a left handed holster and that if the weapon were on his right side he would have to cross draw. Not at all. George's firearm was tucked neatly into his pants on the right side of his body where he drew his firearm with his right hand as trained to do in his CC course.

Below is a video that explains the different types of concealed carry holsters. Pay attention to the holster at 9:03=10:10 to understand how Zimmerman used his firearm in conjunction with his holster. Hopefully, Discussion of this now will spur the media from trying to latch on to this theory.


[ame=]Concealed Carry Holster Reviews - YouTube[/ame]
It's been established that Trayvon felt threatened.

He described a creepy man following him, his friend suggested he run away, he pondered it and chose to continue walking and not running.

Being in situations where I was followed before, or felt like I was followed, in the moment you're thinking if you try to run, for sure you're in soup, because that will excite the follower. I didn't, nor would I, run either. I would do exactly as he did, and continue walking, of course with more pep in my step.

Zimmerman was the aggressor.

1. No, it has not been established.
2. Z was not an aggressor - all the witnesses and all the evidence actually points to the contrary

3. T should have simply go home - not run, just plain go home - he was few steps from there. That is what reasonable people do.
Jeantel established that Trayvon felt threatened by, the killer, Zimmerman who was following him, after he was told not to by the 911 dispatcher.

WHO has said that it was Trayvon that initiated the attack?

I can't wait to see this.

Nothing established that Trayvon felt threatened. He never indicated any fear that the creepy ass cracker was threatening him. Over and over again, the 911 dispatcher's voice is heard telling Zimmerman "we don't need for you to do that" and never was Zimmerman told not to follow Martin. We know that he did stop following Martin, but only because he lost him.
There are two trials here. There's the real one that the jury is listening to and there is the made up one that the left is fabricating.

It proves that all that "head trauma" isn't fatal and Ol' Zimmerman wasn't exposed to lethal force.

He doesn't have to be 'exposed to lethal force'. All that is required is that he be in fear of death or serious harm to the body.


That's not going to fly.

And it looks more and more like Zimmerman's going to be cooling his murderous heels in the big house for a few.

This comedy break brought to you by sallow.
I find it hard to believe that any one person could come up with so much stupid shit.
Mom coming down to the basement and giving you tips?
I only have two questions left on this case, and they both revolve around media coverage:

1. Is it necessary for CNN to have a program called "The N Word" during a racially sensitive trial?

2. Will Nancy Grace pull a Duke Lacrosse case and take the night off after a not guilty verdict?

1. CNN is trying to direct hatred against whites.
2. Probably...She may even riot her self.

That's what they are doing as we speak in a "special" on the N word and the crucifixion of Paula Deen. Race pimps they are.
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Hey M...I like you...if you are ever in the area...drinks are on me...the first couple of rounds anyway...:eusa_angel:

I dont believe that the holster or gun was visible.

It is the reaching that I am concerned with and the hindsight information that a gun was there.

Trayvon didnt know a gun was there until he was on the ground...but hes from Miami...remember...reaching for your right side could be a considerable threat.

I would love to see GZ answer my question in front of jury...I dont think the jury would buy...or at least I would do my damndest to make sure they didnt buy that GZ was reaching for a phone that wasnt there. ;)

Yeah, I grow on a fungus...:)

You're ok in my book, 25...appreciate the offer.

I don't think reaching for ones pocket is a threatening gesture.

99 times out of 100, it's going to be a phone.

You can't assault people for reaching for a phone.
The former lead detective testified that he was basically forced out by politically correct political pressure. This is sure to make an impression on the jury.


Politics has something to do with this trial?

Stop the NBC / ABC editing press!
Hey M...I like you...if you are ever in the area...drinks are on me...the first couple of rounds anyway...:eusa_angel:

I dont believe that the holster or gun was visible.

It is the reaching that I am concerned with and the hindsight information that a gun was there.

Trayvon didnt know a gun was there until he was on the ground...but hes from Miami...remember...reaching for your right side could be a considerable threat.

I would love to see GZ answer my question in front of jury...I dont think the jury would buy...or at least I would do my damndest to make sure they didnt buy that GZ was reaching for a phone that wasnt there. ;)

Yeah, I grow on a fungus...:)

You're ok in my book, 25...appreciate the offer.

I don't think reaching for ones pocket is a threatening gesture.

99 times out of 100, it's going to be a phone.

You can't assault people for reaching for a phone.

Gotcha...fair enough. But (I hate if he doesnt know he was reaching for a gun, then he doesnt know he is reaching for a phone either. However, we do know that a gun was there and a phone wasnt.

It makes more sense that Martin ran home..then went back, Skittles and drink in hand to confront Zimmerman..

They were in the pockets of his hoody, not in his hands.

or lay in wait with the same "weapons of death" to jump the guy following him.

Because when you fight someone? You want to make sure you have snacks, just in case.

Or was afraid and was hiding in the bushes to avoid Zimmerman. That works for your scenario as well... But that means he lied to Dee Dee or that Dee Dee lied or did not understand TM. and it still does not eliminate the possibility that TM got angry while hiding... which emboldened him and he jumped out the bushes confronted GZ and yelled at GZ "why are you following me?" Which conforms to Dee Dees testimony.

It's totally inconceivable to you folks that Zimmerman was searching for..and surprised Martin..who never hid in the bushes..or never made it home.

Got it.


Considering that GZ knew the police were on their way and that he was supposed to meet with them shortly, yeah your scenario makes no sense. You have TM wandering around for 2:30 seconds trying to locate where he was staying and you think that is plausable? :confused::doubt:
You bring up a good point!

Question for anyone:

Is there a crime scene photo of the skittles or the ice tea can?

Yes, it's on him and there's photos and the EMT testified on pulling out the tea, feeling the skittles.

So why does Trayvon have his snacks in his pockets?

side note-every time I see a testarosa post I am reminded I need a pedicure

Oh no! Do my toes look bad?

This testimony is coming back around when the Actual Defense presents it's case not the Prosecution's Defense.

Remember what 'Tude DD said on the stand.
That's for murder; which implies intent to kill. Man slaughter is negligent actions that lead to someone else's death.

You are correct....but the problem is for now, the prosecution is not showing negligence...they could with the following and the reaching for the "phone"...but they arent doing that yet. They fell into the bait of the race card and it has clouded the judgment of thier case, imo.

GZ could be found for manslaughter, but not the way the prosecution is presenting its case...IMHO...its sad.

LOL. There's that objectivity! NOT!

Your opinion is dead to me. Your heavy bias clouds your judgment.

Your BiaS is so thick, I can smell your Depends!
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