The Official Zimmerman Trial Verdict Thread

What are your Initial Thoughts on the Guilt or Innocence of George Zimmerman?

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Gee, I just had an epiphany too. Most Conservatives had already decided before the trial began that GZ was innocent. Why? First, because concealed carry folks are never ever wrong even when they stalk kids buying skittles. Second, because the dead kid is black, therefore a thug who had it coming.

They can't stand the thought that GZ might have overstepped his bounds and needlessly killed another person. If anybody had a right to stand his ground, it was TM to defend himself against a stalker. Too bad he didn't have a gun, but I doubt you will hear the NRA types saying "if only he had a gun, he could have protected himself".

Maybe the right doesn't care so much about right and wrong either. It's all about winning, no matter the cost.

Let the trial play out.

Again, bull shit. The majority of us were clearly stating that we needed to wait until the trial. None of us were there so we can't know what happened. Of course not all were saying that, just as not all lefties were saying the opposite. But your generalization is complete bull shit. The only people who weren't interested in facts and a trial were the lefties.

You clearly haven't read the other Zimmerman threads, to make a statement like that.

Hey nit wit, here's a clue for you: I'm talking about before the trial, before any real evidence came out. When the left was saying he's guilty before they even knew anything other than his name. It's a different story now that the trial is almost done and the evidence is public knowledge.

Jesus Christ you guys are ignorant.
Why is the Zimmerman case devided so sharply along partisan lines? With only a very few exceptions the lefties here believe GZ is guilty and the conservatives wait until the trial is over. I couldn't understand why, since GZ isn't white, the lefties were so ready to string him up.

Moments ago, it hit me.

It's only partially about race. True, if TM was white or hispanic, no one would care, but race isn't the real reason they want GZ to fry. It's guns.

GZ defended himself with a gun and a black man is dead. They cannot stand the thought that GZ might have legally used a gun to defend himself. It's about guns, and self-defense and even Stand-Your-Ground.

If GZ is convicted, they can use this case to revive their efforts to take away our rights and that is THE issue.

The left never ever cares about right and wrong, they only care about winning.

guns is just part of the issue here with this case.

What a load of fucking partisan bullshit. They both care about winning you moron.
If GZ was Black and TM was White, the only thing conservatives would be arguing is whether GZ should get the death penalty or not.

ig GZ was black and TM white the libs would not care

I think it has more to do with race. It fits the narative.

It certainly was viewed as a way to advance racial tension.

I'm sure there was hope for marginalizing the Castle Doctrine also, but I think the racism of the left was the primary motivation.
It's Zimmerman's contention that he defended himself. If events didn't unfold in exactly the way Zimmerman says, he certainly has a motivation to lie, though, doesn't he? Who doesn't understand that?

I remember when I was a kid and did something that I just KNEW would get me in trouble. As a consequence, I lied to my parents in an effort to avoid that possibility. In fact, something I read about 20 years ago stated that trying to avoid punishment is the overwhelming main reason why ALL people lie. That includes adults who screw up something and no they're going to catch hell if the truth be told.

Now, conservatives like to say that they see the world how it is instead of through rose-colored glasses like they seem to believe liberals see the world. Well, are conservatives here going to tell me that they don't believe that someone who commits a crime isn't inclined to lie his ass off if he thinks it will make the difference between going to prison and going free?

This question here is why are conservatives so willing to believe Zimmerman when there is so much about his story that just doesn't ring true.

You're missing the point. The point is the question of why the lefties were so convinced that GZ was guilty even before they heard ANY evidence, ANY witnesses, and way before there was a trial?

It's because a man defended himself with a gun.

Well no.

It's because a grown man got out of his car after calling 911, chased an unarmed kid that was not involved in any criminal activity into a dark courtyard, and shot him.

Then the cops let the killer go.

Don't you feel the least bit embarrassed by lying ?
The left is rabid over the fact that the evidence in the case doesn't match the evidence in their heads.
Again, bull shit. The majority of us were clearly stating that we needed to wait until the trial. None of us were there so we can't know what happened. Of course not all were saying that, just as not all lefties were saying the opposite. But your generalization is complete bull shit. The only people who weren't interested in facts and a trial were the lefties.

You clearly haven't read the other Zimmerman threads, to make a statement like that.

Quite so. Most righties had their panties in a twist that it was even going to trial in the first place.

Some yes, just as some lefties sided with us. it doesn't change the fact that your post was complete partisan bull shit.
The trial is both equal parts race and guns.

Please understand there are only two groups of "supervictims." Blacks and Jews. Anyone doing anything against either group, or individual of either group is a racist.

If Zimmy was Jewish---at least a liberal democrat with connections--- this never would have made it further than the 3rd page on the local paper.

The leftists in the major news media and governments are absoulety opposed to stand your ground laws. For the power elite like mayor Bloomberg and Obama, it is allowable for your own personal bodyguards to shoot people threating you, but for simple common people----they are too unworthy of this right.

I agree that race is a factor but I don't agree that they are equal factors. There are no white people involved in this.

According to the origonal narative GZ was white, before he was a "white hispanic".
It's Zimmerman's contention that he defended himself. If events didn't unfold in exactly the way Zimmerman says, he certainly has a motivation to lie, though, doesn't he? Who doesn't understand that?

I remember when I was a kid and did something that I just KNEW would get me in trouble. As a consequence, I lied to my parents in an effort to avoid that possibility. In fact, something I read about 20 years ago stated that trying to avoid punishment is the overwhelming main reason why ALL people lie. That includes adults who screw up something and no they're going to catch hell if the truth be told.

Now, conservatives like to say that they see the world how it is instead of through rose-colored glasses like they seem to believe liberals see the world. Well, are conservatives here going to tell me that they don't believe that someone who commits a crime isn't inclined to lie his ass off if he thinks it will make the difference between going to prison and going free?

This question here is why are conservatives so willing to believe Zimmerman when there is so much about his story that just doesn't ring true.

You're missing the point. The point is the question of why the lefties were so convinced that GZ was guilty even before they heard ANY evidence, ANY witnesses, and way before there was a trial?

It's because a man defended himself with a gun.

Well no.

It's because a grown man got out of his car after calling 911, chased an unarmed kid that was not involved in any criminal activity into a dark courtyard, and shot him.

Then the cops let the killer go.

Except.. that is not all that happened, and evidence shows it did not happen in the way you state...

But then again.. you are a person who loves to put out myth as fact to support your stance
Norton Bonaparte. How ironic his name, for this is the Liberal's Battle at Waterloo. I detected partiality towards the Martin family when he granted them "courtesy" by not playing the tape in the presence of law enforcement.


He is obviously Haitian.

Where the only racial genocide in the Western Hemisphere occurred. In 1804 when Haitians rebelled against their French overlords and killed every white person, every man, woman and child of white heritage, on the Island

How telling...
You should quit eating those shrooms. You're hallucinating again.

Unlike you and Sarie, I actually track what's happening.

Get an adult to assist you, kid. You clearly are quite lost.


Of course. You have all kinds of time to track this trial because you don't have anything better to do, old man.

Old man--that's cute. I managed to get in 18 holes of golf this morning while you were slaving away here. Thanks for your efforts--you seem to have the crowd appropriately riled up.
Good afternoon all! Did I miss anything important this morning?

The pros needs to rethink their experts. And the politic part just started.

I heard the Bonaparte testimony, so I'm up to speed on the political climate today.

I missed most of the pathologist's testimony, which is a bummer for me. I spend a lot of time with doctors, and enjoy their testimony, even though most think it to be dry.
We have laws like that in Texas too.

It's an effort to keep insipid parasites like you out.

Gotta love it.

Bet you are a "right to lifer" too.


Nope. I'm %100 pro-abortion.

Christian Conservatives generally tend not to have abortions.

Bed wetting athiests tend to have abortions.

I want a place that has more conservatives than parasites like you.

So if parasites like you are having your offspring sucked down a drain, the genepool is better off.

It's not too late BTW bed wetter, you could always give yourself a retroactive abortion...

For the children of course.

I think it's more of a racial issue.

Would this case even be here if it were two black or two hispanic men?
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