The Official Zimmerman Trial Verdict Thread

What are your Initial Thoughts on the Guilt or Innocence of George Zimmerman?

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I think it's more of a racial issue.

Would this case even be here if it were two black or two hispanic men?

No, that is what brought it to national attention but since then, the issue is the right to defend yourself, especially with a gun. That is the only reason that the left hasn't moved on from this case.

Where are you seeing evidence of that ? The gun used in this case was fully legal and Zimmerman passed all the background checks for having it yet it STILL was used in a killing. Not good material for demanding gun control.
Well no.

It's because a grown man got out of his car after calling 911, chased an unarmed kid that was not involved in any criminal activity into a dark courtyard, and shot him.

Then the cops let the killer go.

Except.. that is not all that happened, and evidence shows it did not happen in the way you state...

But then again.. you are a person who loves to put out myth as fact to support your stance

That's exactly the way it happened.

cite evidence from the trial to back up your assertion
I think it's more of a racial issue.

Would this case even be here if it were two black or two hispanic men?

No, that is what brought it to national attention but since then, the issue is the right to defend yourself, especially with a gun. That is the only reason that the left hasn't moved on from this case.

I respect you, but I disagree with you a bit, Pred.

This issue became a media sensation because of the way the media distorted the facts while stirring up notions of racism. They even called Zimmerman a White-Hispanic. That has always been at the core, and even though the Martin family's attorney stated the issue wasn't about race, I'm sure it still is in the hearts of some of those who continue to hate George Zimmerman. Because of their hate for GZ, with their view of him as a racist murderer, they will grasp at any string they can to punish him. They'll accuse him of being a wuss, a wannabe cop, a bad student, a racist, and a liar. They gun issue is one means to punish him for supposedly being a racist.

They will not move from this issue, and if GZ is acquitted, there will likely be violence from some as well as great anger.
According to the origonal narative GZ was white, before he was a "white hispanic".

True, and that is why it went viral. But early on it was clear that this wasn't so, and all they have left now is the gun issue. That's why despite the fact that no whites are involved, they still fight on.

IIRC it was a month after the incident that it was even reported on.

When the reports came out they were deliberately false, intended to manipulate people and give the race hustlers an issue to run with. It's yet another example of how low leftists will go the promote racial hatred. They have no interest whatever in equality or harmony. They profit from hatred and animosity.

Yes but my point is that here they are today, well after we all found out that GZ isn't white, they are still trying to convict GZ despite the fact that tghe evidence and witness testimony says otherwise. Why then are they still arguing? It's because of the gun issue.
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If GZ was Black and TM was White, the only thing conservatives would be arguing is whether GZ should get the death penalty or not.

ig GZ was black and TM white the libs would not care

I think it has more to do with race. It fits the narative.

It certainly was viewed as a way to advance racial tension.

I'm sure there was hope for marginalizing the Castle Doctrine also, but I think the racism of the left was the primary motivation.

how you know it's not about guns is b/c Sharpton ,Jackson and the NAACP got involved
Well no.

It's because a grown man got out of his car after calling 911, chased an unarmed kid that was not involved in any criminal activity into a dark courtyard, and shot him.

Then the cops let the killer go.

Except.. that is not all that happened, and evidence shows it did not happen in the way you state...

But then again.. you are a person who loves to put out myth as fact to support your stance

That's exactly the way it happened.
Unlike you and Sarie, I actually track what's happening.

Get an adult to assist you, kid. You clearly are quite lost.


Of course. You have all kinds of time to track this trial because you don't have anything better to do, old man.

You seem to have been watching and commenting as much as anyone, lass.

But it's ok for you because you enjoy your own mindless hypocrisy.


To be fair about it, I don't mind your hypocrisy either. It amuses me greatly to watch you flop around and flail and flounder.

But, despite the investment of time you have committed to in here, you still are not up to that whole admitting reasonable doubt thing, eh?


I'm sure we all amuse you, you're such a big deal lawyer. Poor lia, you just don't have much to do anymore, do you.
I think it's more of a racial issue.

Would this case even be here if it were two black or two hispanic men?

No, that is what brought it to national attention but since then, the issue is the right to defend yourself, especially with a gun. That is the only reason that the left hasn't moved on from this case.

Where are you seeing evidence of that ? The gun used in this case was fully legal and Zimmerman passed all the background checks for having it yet it STILL was used in a killing. Not good material for demanding gun control.

There is rarely ANY good case to promote gun control, yet the bed wetters salivate over every chance to dance in the blood of a victim.

Of course when they have a chance to demonize a victim that protected themselves with a gun....

Well here we are.
George Zimmerman.

for no reason? zimmerman claimed the reason was self defense and so far, that appears to be true.

stop lying. it really makes you look stupid.

Swallow is too stupid to understand that she looks stupid.

It's a vicious cycle...

Ah the faggot in the conservative rears it's ugly head.

And no you fucking homo, I don't want you to swallow my man juice.

Stay in Texas you flamer.

It's the land of Beer, Steers and Queers, PeterEater.

[ame=]Beers, Steers, and Queers - YouTube[/ame]
Of course. You have all kinds of time to track this trial because you don't have anything better to do, old man.

Old man--that's cute. I managed to get in 18 holes of golf this morning while you were slaving away here. Thanks for your efforts--you seem to have the crowd appropriately riled up.

You're welcome.

you serve as a constant reminder of how much BS exists in the virtual world.
I think it's more of a racial issue.

Would this case even be here if it were two black or two hispanic men?

No, that is what brought it to national attention but since then, the issue is the right to defend yourself, especially with a gun. That is the only reason that the left hasn't moved on from this case.

Where are you seeing evidence of that ? The gun used in this case was fully legal and Zimmerman passed all the background checks for having it yet it STILL was used in a killing. Not good material for demanding gun control.

No evidence, it's pure speculation. I wasn't able to understand why the lefties were still so adamant that GZ fry for this. GZ wasn't white so I couldn't understand why they were still fighting. It's the fact that he used a gun and the Stand-Your-Ground law.

The reason it's good material for more gun control is that if he's convicted, they can trot out TM's photo and use it to garner support for elimination of one or more of these things:

1. Stand Your Ground
2. Concealed Carry
3. Armed Self Defense
Of course. You have all kinds of time to track this trial because you don't have anything better to do, old man.

You seem to have been watching and commenting as much as anyone, lass.

But it's ok for you because you enjoy your own mindless hypocrisy.


To be fair about it, I don't mind your hypocrisy either. It amuses me greatly to watch you flop around and flail and flounder.

But, despite the investment of time you have committed to in here, you still are not up to that whole admitting reasonable doubt thing, eh?


I'm sure we all amuse you, you're such a big deal lawyer. Poor lia, you just don't have much to do anymore, do you.

^ more completely transparent deflection efforts.

Still not up to admitting what you have essentially already acknowledged, eh Sarie?


Although you are pitiable and pathetic, your devotion to the cause of your own vapidity is quite amusing.
Except.. that is not all that happened, and evidence shows it did not happen in the way you state...

But then again.. you are a person who loves to put out myth as fact to support your stance

That's exactly the way it happened.

cite evidence from the trial to back up your assertion

You know he's just going to quote the prosecutions failed claim. Don't waste your time. Just point at him and laugh like the rest of us do.
True, and that is why it went viral. But early on it was clear that this wasn't so, and all they have left now is the gun issue. That's why despite the fact that no whites are involved, they still fight on.

IIRC it was a month after the incident that it was even reported on.

When the reports came out they were deliberately false, intended to manipulate people and give the race hustlers an issue to run with. It's yet another example of how low leftists will go the promote racial hatred. They have no interest whatever in equality or harmony. They profit from hatred and animosity.

Yes but my point is that here they are today, well after we all fo8und out that GZ isn't white, they are still trying to convict GZ despite the fact that tghe evidence and witness testimony says otherwise. Why then are they still arguing? It's because of the gun issue.

Good point, but you still have 2 differnt races involved, and GZ looks white enough and have a german last name. They're not focused at all on his hispanic heritage.

I don't mean to diminish your point that they're trying their damnedest to promote the notion TM would be alive had the Castle Doctrine/CHL laws not existed, and that the world would be a better place (somehow) with a violent teenage thug in prison for killing GZ.
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