The Official Zimmerman Trial Verdict Thread

What are your Initial Thoughts on the Guilt or Innocence of George Zimmerman?

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I could have, if i had no clue what a straw man is. But I do, so I didn't.

The trial is all about guns and whether we have a right to self defense.

There's the strawman. The trial is about does someone have the right to get out of his car, follow a teen, and kill him with impunity? It is also about the stand your ground law, which should have applied to Martin since he was the one being followed and reported on when he had done nothing wrong.

Amazing isn't it.

In Florida you can follow a kid in the dark, shoot him for no reason, tell the coppers you are part of the neighborhood watch and they let you go.

Great place.

really? cite one example where this happened.
The trial is both equal parts race and guns.

Please understand there are only two groups of "supervictims." Blacks and Jews. Anyone doing anything against either group, or individual of either group is a racist.

If Zimmy was Jewish---at least a liberal democrat with connections--- this never would have made it further than the 3rd page on the local paper.

The leftists in the major news media and governments are absoulety opposed to stand your ground laws. For the power elite like mayor Bloomberg and Obama, it is allowable for your own personal bodyguards to shoot people threating you, but for simple common people----they are too unworthy of this right.

I agree that race is a factor but I don't agree that they are equal factors. There are no white people involved in this.

According to the origonal narative GZ was white, before he was a "white hispanic".

True, and that is why it went viral. But early on it was clear that this wasn't so, and all they have left now is the gun issue. That's why despite the fact that no whites are involved, they still fight on.
You clearly haven't read the other Zimmerman threads, to make a statement like that.

Quite so. Most righties had their panties in a twist that it was even going to trial in the first place.

Some yes, just as some lefties sided with us. it doesn't change the fact that your post was complete partisan bull shit.

After all the reporting hashed out most of the facts, and the threats to riot motivated the State of Fla to press charges I was plucking the wadded panties out of my ass.

I have no problem admitting that.

This trial is complete bullshit. The fact that it took threats of civil unrest to even make it happen, and now that it has happened, GZ should be getting compensated by the state and the media.

He is a victim of liberal mobs.
Good afternoon all! Did I miss anything important this morning?

The pros needs to rethink their experts. And the politic part just started.

I heard the Bonaparte testimony, so I'm up to speed on the political climate today.

I missed most of the pathologist's testimony, which is a bummer for me. I spend a lot of time with doctors, and enjoy their testimony, even though most think it to be dry.

The ME wasn't bad IMHO. He cracked me up when he was asked some questions and he'd get this incredulous look on his face like .." are you serious ? "
The question is, do they believe Martin deserved to die because he was black? Because they certainly are convinced he deserved to die and they believed that waaaaaaaaay before the trial started.

How many times would you allow your head to be slammed into concrete before your feared for your life? Simple question, how about you answer it.
The evidence does not support his head being slammed into the concrete.

are you sure about that?

Di Maio also testified that lacerations to the back Zimmerman's head were consistent with his head striking a concrete sidewalk.

Forensic expert: Gunshot wound indicates Trayvon was atop Zimmerman | Fox News
I think it's more of a racial issue.

Would this case even be here if it were two black or two hispanic men?

No, that is what brought it to national attention but since then, the issue is the right to defend yourself, especially with a gun. That is the only reason that the left hasn't moved on from this case.
Unlike you and Sarie, I actually track what's happening.

Get an adult to assist you, kid. You clearly are quite lost.


Of course. You have all kinds of time to track this trial because you don't have anything better to do, old man.

Old man--that's cute. I managed to get in 18 holes of golf this morning while you were slaving away here. Thanks for your efforts--you seem to have the crowd appropriately riled up.

You're welcome.
Quite so. Most righties had their panties in a twist that it was even going to trial in the first place.

Some yes, just as some lefties sided with us. it doesn't change the fact that your post was complete partisan bull shit.

After all the reporting hashed out most of the facts, and the threats to riot motivated the State of Fla to press charges I was plucking the wadded panties out of my ass.

I have no problem admitting that.

This trial is complete bullshit. The fact that it took threats of civil unrest to even make it happen, and now that it has happened, GZ should be getting compensated by the state and the media.

He is a victim of liberal mobs.

What really sucks for him is that no matter what happens in this case, his life is over.
There's the strawman. The trial is about does someone have the right to get out of his car, follow a teen, and kill him with impunity? It is also about the stand your ground law, which should have applied to Martin since he was the one being followed and reported on when he had done nothing wrong.

Amazing isn't it.

In Florida you can follow a kid in the dark, shoot him for no reason, tell the coppers you are part of the neighborhood watch and they let you go.

Great place.

really? cite one example where this happened.

George Zimmerman.
It's Zimmerman's contention that he defended himself. If events didn't unfold in exactly the way Zimmerman says, he certainly has a motivation to lie, though, doesn't he? Who doesn't understand that?

I remember when I was a kid and did something that I just KNEW would get me in trouble. As a consequence, I lied to my parents in an effort to avoid that possibility. In fact, something I read about 20 years ago stated that trying to avoid punishment is the overwhelming main reason why ALL people lie. That includes adults who screw up something and no they're going to catch hell if the truth be told.

Now, conservatives like to say that they see the world how it is instead of through rose-colored glasses like they seem to believe liberals see the world. Well, are conservatives here going to tell me that they don't believe that someone who commits a crime isn't inclined to lie his ass off if he thinks it will make the difference between going to prison and going free?

This question here is why are conservatives so willing to believe Zimmerman when there is so much about his story that just doesn't ring true.

You're missing the point. The point is the question of why the lefties were so convinced that GZ was guilty even before they heard ANY evidence, ANY witnesses, and way before there was a trial?

It's because a man defended himself with a gun.

Well no.

It's because a grown man got out of his car after calling 911, chased an unarmed kid that was not involved in any criminal activity into a dark courtyard, and shot him.

Then the cops let the killer go.

you do realize even the prosecutor's witnesses do not support your claim...

or do you just enjoy lying?
Amazing isn't it.

In Florida you can follow a kid in the dark, shoot him for no reason, tell the coppers you are part of the neighborhood watch and they let you go.

Great place.

really? cite one example where this happened.

George Zimmerman.

for no reason? zimmerman claimed the reason was self defense and so far, that appears to be true.

stop lying. it really makes you look stupid.
Yes it's definitely guns. To me this is an example how things can go really wrong if your carrying a gun. Clearly Martin wasn't doing anything wrong until he was confronted. After that I guess we don't know what happened. If they were fighting after Zimmerman confronted him it seems really wrong that Martin ends up dead. Seems like he was minding his own business and Zimmerman brought about the confrontation. If Martin did attack him I don't think he was going to kill him, should have just been a fight. But instead it's a death thanks to the gun. All that said Zimmerman probably had good intentions that went really bad. Again probably thanks to the gun. So yes the politics is because of the gun.

How many blows into the concrete with your head does it take before it becomes something more than "just a fight"??????
I agree that race is a factor but I don't agree that they are equal factors. There are no white people involved in this.

According to the origonal narative GZ was white, before he was a "white hispanic".

True, and that is why it went viral. But early on it was clear that this wasn't so, and all they have left now is the gun issue. That's why despite the fact that no whites are involved, they still fight on.

IIRC it was a month after the incident that it was even reported on.

When the reports came out they were deliberately false, intended to manipulate people and give the race hustlers an issue to run with. It's yet another example of how low leftists will go the promote racial hatred. They have no interest whatever in equality or harmony. They profit from hatred and animosity.
You're missing the point. The point is the question of why the lefties were so convinced that GZ was guilty even before they heard ANY evidence, ANY witnesses, and way before there was a trial?

It's because a man defended himself with a gun.

Well no.

It's because a grown man got out of his car after calling 911, chased an unarmed kid that was not involved in any criminal activity into a dark courtyard, and shot him.

Then the cops let the killer go.

Except.. that is not all that happened, and evidence shows it did not happen in the way you state...

But then again.. you are a person who loves to put out myth as fact to support your stance

That's exactly the way it happened.
I think it's more of a racial issue.

Would this case even be here if it were two black or two hispanic men?

It is certainly about race, not guns. And about Obama's son. Once Obama tagged the dead kid as his son, the people who hate Obama wanted to see the guy who killed the kid get away with it, and the people who like Obama wanted to see the guy who killed the kid go to prison.

So the media is providing the theater the rubes crave.
You should quit eating those shrooms. You're hallucinating again.

Unlike you and Sarie, I actually track what's happening.

Get an adult to assist you, kid. You clearly are quite lost.


Of course. You have all kinds of time to track this trial because you don't have anything better to do, old man.

You seem to have been watching and commenting as much as anyone, lass.

But it's ok for you because you enjoy your own mindless hypocrisy.


To be fair about it, I don't mind your hypocrisy either. It amuses me greatly to watch you flop around and flail and flounder.

But, despite the investment of time you have committed to in here, you still are not up to that whole admitting reasonable doubt thing, eh?

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Folks, let's not argue whether GZ is guilty or not in this thread. There are plenty of threads about that. This one was started to discuss the political divide that exists in those of us watching the case, and the motivations for the two stances.
Yes it's definitely guns. To me this is an example how things can go really wrong if your carrying a gun. Clearly Martin wasn't doing anything wrong until he was confronted. After that I guess we don't know what happened. If they were fighting after Zimmerman confronted him it seems really wrong that Martin ends up dead. Seems like he was minding his own business and Zimmerman brought about the confrontation. If Martin did attack him I don't think he was going to kill him, should have just been a fight. But instead it's a death thanks to the gun. All that said Zimmerman probably had good intentions that went really bad. Again probably thanks to the gun. So yes the politics is because of the gun.

How many blows into the concrete with your head does it take before it becomes something more than "just a fight"??????

One punch can be deadly.

I take any threat of violence seriously. Any fight can become a deadly encounter.

Trial starts in 6th Street punching death |
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