The Official Zimmerman Trial Verdict Thread

What are your Initial Thoughts on the Guilt or Innocence of George Zimmerman?

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and ever since this debacle began, I have heard my share of "The Uniformed" discredit any obvious proof of the sequence of events leading up to the shooting. enough already! they all know Trayvon tried to kill George, this is just like when Johnny Cockroran knew OJ killed his wife, yet had to keep making up lies to send OJ walking home scott free.

It is so wrong to identify this case with the OJ Simpson case! I wonder how many are doing just that?

Me, for one. Will the jury convict Zimmerman because he's not black, like the O.J. jury aquitted O.J. simply because he was black and they could?

There are similarities. The gross dishonesties purely based on PC race issues of the worst kind.

I can imagine the jury convicting Zimmerman purely because they want to stick it to whitey and the whole of the white part of the nation aghast at the obvious injustice and the black part cheering and laughing as they did when O.J. got off.

I don't think the danger of riot was as great with the O.J. trial, though.

Do you think that Z will be convicted? I don't. I think he will be acquitted or a hung jury. I think there will be a mother who believes the way I have believed that Z started this whole thing by following M and not standing down when he was told to. He should have gone to the mail boxes and met police, but he was a police wannabe.

And "Assholes and Fucking Punks" are not terms of endearment as much as the defense tries to make believe they are.

I am not quite sure how I would vote if I was on the jury. I would have to get past the fact that Z started this mess and then concentrate on the altercation. I would not think about the gun or fighting history unless it was allowed in by the judge.
I'm really amazed so many people seem to be defending Zimmerman.

I'm listening to the 911 call now and he clearly states that Martin ran away. So there is no question that Zimmerman continues after him even after the police told him they didn't need him to do that. So Martin has some guy stalking him around the neighborhood even after he ran.

I guess we also know that Zimmerman caught up to him again and got out of his car. Why would he do that? What was said between the two? Clearly we don't know as we are only getting one side of the story. But we know Zimmerman said some very negative things on the 911 call. Did he repeat those to Martin when he got out of the car?

Martin has no criminal history of violence. Was he really going to attack some guy without a reason? Seems unlikely to me, but we don't know.

Some scuffle clearly occurs as Zimmerman does have some wounds. For me Zimmerman is the adult and clearly was chasing this kid around the neighborhood. If some scuffle occurs it's his fault, he should have let him go as he was advised by the police.

I don't know what Zimmerman is guilty of, but this altercation is completely his fault yet Martin is the one who is dead. Zimmerman was playing policeman with his gun and picked somebody who was doing nothing wrong. Now that somebody is dead. Carrying a gun is a huge responsibility. I think he should have left this to the police. It seems wrong that he can instigate the incident and kill someone and people support that.
Circe, I applaud you for being so courteous about it. I am generally more composed, but I just can't be when it comes to those two. I think my problem with those two is that they have the gall to call themselves "Reverend" and would never dream of helping a white child or family.

Thank you --- I know what you mean. We were flipping through channels the other night and came across what apparently is a regular program, is that even possible? of Al Sharpton doing race violence inciting about this Zimmerman trial. It was horrible! That grating voice, eager to foment trouble, to cause violence -- made me sick.

He is one of the truly bad public figures of my lifetime. Just a rotten person.

I was around when he was doing that terrible lying about that young black woman who claimed to be gang-raped by whites and there was nothing to it as she later confessed, and he KNEW it and yet, he ran with it to get where he is now. I remember it well. A total lie got him where he is now! And that's all right with a lot of people, because he's black, so any amount of moral degradation is just fine with them.

And he even ran for president, and they couldn't keep him out though he was an embarrassment to the campaign.
What the prosecution needs to argue and bring the point home is that is it acceptable for their kid to die under those exact same circumstances?

If they're able to get the jury to put their own kid in the place of Trayvon...Zimmerman is TOAST!

Let's see what this almost all-white, all-female cast does.

It is not acceptable for Trayvon Martin to die.
That does not make it murder under the law.
To you this is a cast just like a movie, a TV reality show and you want to see things handled that way.
Emotion is what brought this case to trial as murder.
Emotion is not justice. Justice is weighing the facts of the case. Emotion is what causes problems, violence and wrong doing.
I am shocked you would want the jury to convict based on emotion alone.
But not that shocked as there really is nothing other than emotion to convict Zimmerman for murder.
That blonde, behind the blonde with the glasses who's behind West is driving me crazy and she just sat down! Ever time she looks down then back up, she does a hair flip thing like a blood elf.
If Crump doesn't take a hit for the cover, I am OUT FOREVER of the justice system.

Two rights make a wrong. No rights make just wrong wrong wrong wrong.
I heard yesterday that they were only going to beat up on Trayvon if the prosecution went at GZ's history and GZ's history of violence hadn't been introduced.

The prosecution didn't go into Z's history, but the defense is trying to go into Trayvon's history right now.

So that means right now they are "opening the door" for Z's history. Otherwise this would be against trial procedure.
Put both histories up. It appears that defense is asking that Trayvon's phone and Facebook records be admitted to show that he
  • knew how to fight
  • was proud of it
  • was seeking an illegal firearm

It looks to me like Zimmerman took a future thug and killer off the streets.
A$$ passed out and is laying on the floor behind the podium from the digital magic so Guy had to take over.
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