The Official Zimmerman Trial Verdict Thread

What are your Initial Thoughts on the Guilt or Innocence of George Zimmerman?

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They were out of tasty court water in the pitchers today.

Undo witness stress.

did i miss much today


The prosecution needs to buy their witnesses from the place the defense gets them.

"gun med expert" kicked the crap out of Bernster - or possibly Bernster kicked the crap out of himself. Bernster changed the prosc story and said the tree beat up Z. D witness laughed at Shipping because a forensic ME is supposed to never leave the dead man that cannot walk's body, it's his responsibility. Plus you could understand what he was saying and his "demos"

Neighbor witness in bed sick on Skype (black) testified to 911 begin Z and charactered Z being a nice guy yet again from a (black) nice lady neighbor.

Hearing hearing hearing
Napoleon the City Manager (not short but very hostile at being called to the stand for the politics he helped start) testified to 911 being played in Mayor's office - started touching on the politics thing.

Can't remember what else, I'm numb and poked an eardrum out at 6:30

animation-----you left out animation
They were out of tasty court water in the pitchers today.

Undo witness stress.

did i miss much today


The prosecution needs to buy their witnesses from the place the defense gets them.

"gun med expert" kicked the crap out of Bernster - or possibly Bernster kicked the crap out of himself. Bernster changed the prosc story and said the tree beat up Z. D witness laughed at Shipping because a forensic ME is supposed to never leave the dead man that cannot walk's body, it's his responsibility. Plus you could understand what he was saying and his "demos"

Neighbor witness in bed sick on Skype (black) testified to 911 begin Z and charactered Z being a nice guy yet again from a (black) nice lady neighbor.

Hearing hearing hearing
Napoleon the City Manager (not short but very hostile at being called to the stand for the politics he helped start) testified to 911 being played in Mayor's office - started touching on the politics thing.

Can't remember what else, I'm numb and poked an eardrum out at 6:30

I thought Charlie Brown said that - ??

I am not old enough to know for sure.

It is better to remain silent and be thought a fool, than to open your mouth and remove all doubt . -- George Eliot

Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak out and remove all doubt.-- Abraham Lincoln (also attr. Confucius)

It is better to keep your mouth closed and let people think you are a fool than to open it and remove all doubt.-- Mark Twain (1835-1910)

Even a fool, when he holdeth his peace, is counted wise: and he that shutteth his lips is esteemed a man of understanding. -- Bible, 'Proverbs' 17:28.

Do not believe all the quotes you read on the Internet ~ Abraham Lincoln - 1863

True that, Abe. My Wikipedia page is loaded with bullshit quotes ~ George Washington - 1776

You think just like me - T

So it was three rounds? - Witness with no tasty court water

I'm sorry I am so f'ing distracted by the witness reading the transcript.


This is unreal! I'm listening to a coupla honkies...crackahs, if you will...trying to re-enact TM's text messages as they were written!

OMG! This is like the Twilight Zone!
Too bad didn't warn M that he had a gun. All he had to do is say, "I've got a gun." I M continued to fight, shoot. If not, he saved a life. The cops were already on the way.

All he had was a bloody nose and a couple cuts on his head.

he didn't have to tell anything. if he would have warned T about the gun, he would be dead now - one does not loose his chance to survive in warning the attacker
So he isn't just a cold blooded murderer, he's a moron as well..

He wasnt charged for cold blooded murder. Even if he was found guilty of the crime he is accused of: Second Degree murder. He wont have been convicted of cold blooded murder. Second degree murder is heat of the moment murder.

You were told this before, yet you continue to pretend otherwise. Why?
Looks like you do not know anatomy at all

shooting from a close distance almost guarantees hitting the heart if one knows where it is located :D

most concealed carry permit holders do know where

And Trayvon knew that which explains why he was screaming.

In your scenario, Zimmerman knows he's going to fire a fatal shot. Then why the hell would GZ be screaming at that exact second? It doesn't make any sense.

Trayvon was not screaming. It was Z screaming. Trayvon was busy pounding Z's head to the concrete and Z was able to use his gun in self-defense.
You can not scream and do something with your hands?
Z was screaming FOR HELP. He reached for his gun as he did not want to die and help wasn't coming anytime soon.

You can create the most unlikely story possible, but that doesn't hold any weight. If you've gained control enough to shoot someone in the heart, for sure you would stop screaming if only for a second or two to fire the shot.

In the story you've engineered so carefully, then why does the screaming stop the second Trayvon is hit? I'm sure you can come up with another carefully crafted reason.
I thought Charlie Brown said that - ??

I am not old enough to know for sure.

It is better to remain silent and be thought a fool, than to open your mouth and remove all doubt . -- George Eliot

Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak out and remove all doubt.-- Abraham Lincoln (also attr. Confucius)

It is better to keep your mouth closed and let people think you are a fool than to open it and remove all doubt.-- Mark Twain (1835-1910)

Even a fool, when he holdeth his peace, is counted wise: and he that shutteth his lips is esteemed a man of understanding. -- Bible, 'Proverbs' 17:28.

Maybe even quoted by Oscar Wilde, George Bush, Silvan Engel, Lisa Simpson & now you say Charlie Brown.

Do not believe all the quotes you read on the Internet ~ Abraham Lincoln - 1863

True that, Abe. My Wikipedia page is loaded with bullshit quotes ~ George Washington - 1776

(SMH) Naaaaawww! - Sarah G told me they can't put anything on the internet that isn't true.


This is unreal! I'm listening to a coupla honkies...crackahs, if you will...trying to re-enact TM's text messages as they were written!

OMG! This is like the Twilight Zone!


Santy I can't find your quote so I'm screwy the quotey thing.

LOL This is WHACKED OUT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I'm freaking laying on the floor. Please someone pull that transcript for Rat. There is so much material here I can't stand it.
The most important consideration is that Zimmerman created the confrontation leading to the death and Martin was only trying to continue on his way. That is the definition of manslaughter. I don't agree with the murder charge.
We knew the FB/Tweet thing was coming and I just got my ebonics reading skills up, but I forgot to think they'd be reading it verbatim.

I don't think the animation is going to come in but I didn't watch the end of the session to get my take on the judge about the cell phone material, so I'll have to wait until tomorrow morning. The defense is talking about resting on Wednesday.
And Trayvon knew that which explains why he was screaming.

In your scenario, Zimmerman knows he's going to fire a fatal shot. Then why the hell would GZ be screaming at that exact second? It doesn't make any sense.

Trayvon was not screaming. It was Z screaming. Trayvon was busy pounding Z's head to the concrete and Z was able to use his gun in self-defense.
You can not scream and do something with your hands?
Z was screaming FOR HELP. He reached for his gun as he did not want to die and help wasn't coming anytime soon.

You can create the most unlikely story possible, but that doesn't hold any weight. If you've gained control enough to shoot someone in the heart, for sure you would stop screaming if only for a second or two to fire the shot.

In the story you've engineered so carefully, then why does the screaming stop the second Trayvon is hit? I'm sure you can come up with another carefully crafted reason.

it holds absolutely perfect weight. you obviously do not hold concealed carry and are basing your "knowledge" on movies ( which is ridiculous) otherwise you would know that an absolute, 100% rule of pulling the gun in self defense is ONLY if nothing else worked.
Z asked the eye-witness to help him and he ran to call 911 instead.
If he would wait more - he'll be dead.
Screaming for help didn't work so he pulled the gun.
That's why he was so happy when police tricked him that everything was on the camera.
and if you hit somebody with your bullet there is no need to scream anymore - are you stupid or what?
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