The Official Zimmerman Trial Verdict Thread

What are your Initial Thoughts on the Guilt or Innocence of George Zimmerman?

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I don't think the animation is going to come in but I didn't watch the end of the session to get my take on the judge about the cell phone material, so I'll have to wait until tomorrow morning. The defense is talking about resting on Wednesday.

the judge will announce her ruling in the AM
It's hilarious! Who woulda thought we'd have such great nighttime entertainment...

It's more socially inappropriate than Kathy Griffin! LOLOLOL
You can't speculate on what the user intended so you have to keep it like that.

So in other words, Martin was a 17 year old illiterate punk.

Naw, he hasn't "Breed" enough for me"

Or maybe, Martin was a homosexual?

It's his words, right?
and ever since this debacle began, I have heard my share of "The Uniformed" discredit any obvious proof of the sequence of events leading up to the shooting. enough already! they all know Trayvon tried to kill George, this is just like when Johnny Cockroran knew OJ killed his wife, yet had to keep making up lies to send OJ walking home scott free.
Every now and then I hear--'The jury will consider lesser charges such as manslaughter which are included in the 2nd degree murder charge...'

True, but every element of the lesser included charge must be proved by the prosecution including disproving self defense beyond a reasonable doubt. You get a conviction for a lesser included charge when an element of 2nd deg murder such as "hatred" is not proved beyond a reasonable doubt, but the crime of manslaughter which is identical to 2nd deg murder but without the element of "hatred" is proved.

ok--'including disproving self defense beyond a reasonable doubt'.

En route back to the computer this was just being discussed with Anderson Cooper.

Some are saying if the defense rests on Thursday then perhaps a verdict by Friday. It would certainly take me a lot longer to sift through all that has been presented.
Anything is possible?

It looks like the Andrea Schneiderman case will be the next televised case. July 29th. I have little interest in this case even though it is local.

I am interested in what is going on with the Fort Hood trial. The accused has chosen to represent himself. I think that is a military trial--I should refresh my memory.
MMPPQQ-I don't know how she said that without LOLing.
She's gotta be punch drunk by now!
Yes it's definitely guns. To me this is an example how things can go really wrong if your carrying a gun. Clearly Martin wasn't doing anything wrong until he was confronted. After that I guess we don't know what happened. If they were fighting after Zimmerman confronted him it seems really wrong that Martin ends up dead. Seems like he was minding his own business and Zimmerman brought about the confrontation. If Martin did attack him I don't think he was going to kill him, should have just been a fight. But instead it's a death thanks to the gun. All that said Zimmerman probably had good intentions that went really bad. Again probably thanks to the gun. So yes the politics is because of the gun.

Clearly Martin wasn't doing anything wrong until he decided to assault Zimmerman for no reason.

Pred, you are a self confessed "tough guy";what would you do if you were walking down the street and some asshole was following you in his vehicle even after you tried to avoid him, and then he got out of his vehicle to try to find you? :lol:

Probably just go home.
and ever since this debacle began, I have heard my share of "The Uniformed" discredit any obvious proof of the sequence of events leading up to the shooting. enough already! they all know Trayvon tried to kill George, this is just like when Johnny Cockroran knew OJ killed his wife, yet had to keep making up lies to send OJ walking home scott free.

It is so wrong to identify this case with the OJ Simpson case! I wonder how many are doing just that?

I wonder too, how many made up their minds as soon as Sharpton and Jackson showed they ugly thug faces to get their headlines and declare that Martin was a victim that needed a voice? The Martin family did need a voice. Where was LE? But I wish someone other than those two prostitutes came to help.
and to think crimes of this nature probably occur on a weekly basis in South Chicago (as I mentioned in this or another post), and do they have trials over those murders? why isn't Al Sharpton having a cow over Blacks killing Blacks?

Because Sharpton has made a LIVING for four solid decades out of black against white racism and he doesn't have any skills or know how to do anything else to make money.

He doesn't care if blacks kill blacks, anymore that we care if Iraqis kill Iraqis. All that matters is if Iraqis kill Americans, or if blacks kill whites or whites kill blacks. That's how he makes the money he makes: he can't do anything else, it's his economic niche.
Every now and then I hear--'The jury will consider lesser charges such as manslaughter which are included in the 2nd degree murder charge...'

True, but every element of the lesser included charge must be proved by the prosecution including disproving self defense beyond a reasonable doubt. You get a conviction for a lesser included charge when an element of 2nd deg murder such as "hatred" is not proved beyond a reasonable doubt, but the crime of manslaughter which is identical to 2nd deg murder but without the element of "hatred" is proved.

The prosecution in this case can only go to sleep and dream..............
and to think crimes of this nature probably occur on a weekly basis in South Chicago (as I mentioned in this or another post), and do they have trials over those murders? why isn't Al Sharpton having a cow over Blacks killing Blacks?

Because Sharpton has made a LIVING for four solid decades out of black against white racism and he doesn't have any skills or know how to do anything else to make money.

He doesn't care if blacks kill blacks, anymore that we care if Iraqis kill Iraqis. All that matters is if Iraqis kill Americans, or if blacks kill whites or whites kill blacks. That's how he makes the money he makes: he can't do anything else, it's his economic niche.

Circe, I applaud you for being so courteous about it. I am generally more composed, but I just can't be when it comes to those two. I think my problem with those two is that they have the gall to call themselves "Reverend" and would never dream of helping a white child or family.
and ever since this debacle began, I have heard my share of "The Uniformed" discredit any obvious proof of the sequence of events leading up to the shooting. enough already! they all know Trayvon tried to kill George, this is just like when Johnny Cockroran knew OJ killed his wife, yet had to keep making up lies to send OJ walking home scott free.

It is so wrong to identify this case with the OJ Simpson case! I wonder how many are doing just that?

Me, for one. Will the jury convict Zimmerman because he's not black, like the O.J. jury aquitted O.J. simply because he was black and they could?

There are similarities. The gross dishonesties purely based on PC race issues of the worst kind.

I can imagine the jury convicting Zimmerman purely because they want to stick it to whitey and the whole of the white part of the nation aghast at the obvious injustice and the black part cheering and laughing as they did when O.J. got off.

I don't think the danger of riot was as great with the O.J. trial, though.
Why is the Zimmerman case devided so sharply along partisan lines? With only a very few exceptions the lefties here believe GZ is guilty and the conservatives wait until the trial is over. I couldn't understand why, since GZ isn't white, the lefties were so ready to string him up.

Moments ago, it hit me.

It's only partially about race. True, if TM was white or hispanic, no one would care, but race isn't the real reason they want GZ to fry. It's guns.

GZ defended himself with a gun and a black man is dead. They cannot stand the thought that GZ might have legally used a gun to defend himself. It's about guns, and self-defense and even Stand-Your-Ground.

If GZ is convicted, they can use this case to revive their efforts to take away our rights and that is THE issue.

The left never ever cares about right and wrong, they only care about winning.
Without any investigation that would have told him Mr. Zimmerman has a great-grandfather of African descent, President Obama jumped all over the case by saying Trayvon Martin could've been his son.

Oh, snap. That did it! Sharpton and Jackson were in the area in a heartbeat, condemning the white-on-black crime, because they failed to check also. The black community, also who failed to check, decided this case was their chance to call the ghost of Christmases past to the séance and plead God damn America if Zimmerman is not burnt on the stake for daring to do a white-on-black "crime," regardless of the details that would come forward in the trial. Right now, it's blood in the eyes and foam in the mouth, even though the forensics expert told exactly why the evidence collected at the scene proved that it WAS Trayvon on top beating up on Zimmerman, and that the blood was collected INSIDE Trayvon's shirt, which bloused out when he was leaning over Zimmerman, beating his brains out, when he was stopped with the bullet Zimmerman saved his life by shooting.

The truth is not important for the evil the black community has planned to burn stores in their own neighborhoods and scream inanities to make other people afraid of them. They want trial by mob, not trial by the truth that comes out when all the evidence is shown.


Barack Obama basically set the stage for this theater with his vicious, unbridled racism against an African man he thought was a pure white Hispanic, if that makes any sense. In short, he broached Mr. Zimmerman's civil rights by lying through ignorance of the true facts, which he neglected to peruse nor acknowledge.

We have government and justice by chaos if evil people continue on this pursuit rather than letting justice prevail, if it can under the circumstances.

I'm getting a little sick of President Obama's modus operandi. He shows zero respect for other human beings he hasn't welcomed into his little pyramid scheme universe of unrighteousness rewarded, righteousness condemned based on failure to be showing all black skin color.

We were better off with equal justice.
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