The Official Zimmerman Trial Verdict Thread

What are your Initial Thoughts on the Guilt or Innocence of George Zimmerman?

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Hate to bust folks bubble here but the one thing that appears to be set in stone in the mind of the jury is that there is a strong possibility based on eye witness testimony and Zimmerman's account that Trayvon Martin attacked Zimmerman.
That is what the jury knows is Zimmerman's defense and a witness stated he saw Martin on top of him.
That and the whacky, tacky street girl friend that does not know how to read as she admitted on the stand she does not know how to read. She lied her ass off all the way through this case. And the jury believes the Martin family lawyer Crump coached that girl from the start.
A very ugly case as it is a damn shame the Martin family has to see the truth in front of TV cameras and such.
I'm really amazed so many people seem to be defending Zimmerman.

I'm listening to the 911 call now and he clearly states that Martin ran away. So there is no question that Zimmerman continues after him even after the police told him they didn't need him to do that. So Martin has some guy stalking him around the neighborhood even after he ran.

I guess we also know that Zimmerman caught up to him again and got out of his car. Why would he do that? What was said between the two? Clearly we don't know as we are only getting one side of the story. But we know Zimmerman said some very negative things on the 911 call. Did he repeat those to Martin when he got out of the car?

Martin has no criminal history of violence. Was he really going to attack some guy without a reason? Seems unlikely to me, but we don't know.

Some scuffle clearly occurs as Zimmerman does have some wounds. For me Zimmerman is the adult and clearly was chasing this kid around the neighborhood. If some scuffle occurs it's his fault, he should have let him go as he was advised by the police.

I don't know what Zimmerman is guilty of, but this altercation is completely his fault yet Martin is the one who is dead. Zimmerman was playing policeman with his gun and picked somebody who was doing nothing wrong. Now that somebody is dead. Carrying a gun is a huge responsibility. I think he should have left this to the police. It seems wrong that he can instigate the incident and kill someone and people support that.

You need to do some research on this case and also learn about personal responsibility.
Do you think that Z will be convicted? I don't. I think he will be acquitted or a hung jury. I think there will be a mother who believes the way I have believed that Z started this whole thing by following M and not standing down when he was told to. He should have gone to the mail boxes and met police, but he was a police wannabe.

Very possibly. I hung a jury once. I hated to do it, but I did it. Middle-aged women: the defense loves us. [:) Good analysis by you, IMO. I hope Zimmerman will get off, but I was around for the O.J. trial, and EVERYONE (black and white) KNEW he did it, but the jury let him off ------ because they were black, and they could. So now I don't have any security that things will be as they should be if blacks are involved.

And "Assholes and Fucking Punks" are not terms of endearment as much as the defense tries to make believe they are.

Oh, you think? [:)

I am not quite sure how I would vote if I was on the jury. I would have to get past the fact that Z started this mess and then concentrate on the altercation. I would not think about the gun or fighting history unless it was allowed in by the judge.

I'd set Zimmerman free "doot squat" as my father-in-law used to say, from WWII in France. This is one jury I would not hang.
Time to subpoena the people TM was texting to get context & meaning of the ebonics texts. That will make for some entertaining testimony. :lol:
FYI for anyone who is still tuned in.

Behind defense is media starting 2 rows back. WAT is sitting there.

Jury watchers are behind prosc. starting 2 rows back.

First two rows are family/lawyer support.

Right is media
Left spectators

I'm just filling dead air.
when George walks scott free, the left, Al and Jesse will claim it's payback for letting OJ Free., and how come some blacks want to riot when they don't get their way? yet, no one rioted when Casey got off. This shows that Whites will not riot/throw stones thru glass windows/pull drivers out of their vehicles and beat them senseless when they weren't happy with a jury's decision.
The prosecution didn't go into Z's history, but the defense is trying to go into Trayvon's history right now.

So that means right now they are "opening the door" for Z's history. Otherwise this would be against trial procedure.
Put both histories up. It appears that defense is asking that Trayvon's phone and Facebook records be admitted to show that he
  • knew how to fight
  • was proud of it
  • was seeking an illegal firearm

It looks to me like Zimmerman took a future thug and killer off the streets.

It's too late to put Z's history in. The prosecution is done.

The fact that TM knew how to fight and he was proud of it and he was seeking an illegal gun has nothing to do with the fight or the walking in the compound. That is a history. Just like Z"s not so pretty history is not relevant.

You may even be right about taking a questionable person off the street. But GZ was never meant to be cop, judge and executioner. I'm sure you agree with that.
'Judge Alex'--not familiar with him, fwiw, just told Anderson Cooper that it will all come down to whether the jury believes Zimmerman was in fear of his life. Overstating the obvious for most posters--sorry.

I believe he then went on to say that today's expert testimony on the impact of the wounds to his head supported the 'in fear of his life'. That was about the only thing I understood today.

Wondering how the all female jury will deal with that. Perhaps some have been in fights or their husbands, sons, friends, etc have shared stories.

Other than that--once again I heard that FL needs to reevaluate 'Stand Your Ground'.
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