The Official Zimmerman Trial Verdict Thread

What are your Initial Thoughts on the Guilt or Innocence of George Zimmerman?

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She's full of shit saying these are not TM's texts.

Kids guard their phones like we guard our diamonds. Judge be stoopid now. Just stop.

Passwords are good enough for banking & taxes. They should be good enough if corroborated by person on the other end of the conversation. The jury can take text fraud into consideration.
Me, for one. Will the jury convict Zimmerman because he's not black, like the O.J. jury aquitted O.J. simply because he was black and they could?

There are similarities. The gross dishonesties purely based on PC race issues of the worst kind.

I can imagine the jury convicting Zimmerman purely because they want to stick it to whitey and the whole of the white part of the nation aghast at the obvious injustice and the black part cheering and laughing as they did when O.J. got off.

I don't think the danger of riot was as great with the O.J. trial, though.

The Jury in the OJ case had no choice but to acquit, I watched that trial and the prosecution failed every step of the way proving he had anything to do with the murders.

Now if you did not watch the trial and depended on the MSM for your facts you got a completely different picture. I would just shake my head in bewilderment at night after watching the Court room. The defense would totally hammer the prosecution on point after point and the evening news would ignore it and report that something else happened.

Simple things like the fact a 18 year police veteran illegally carried OJ's blood around for a whole day going to the crime scene and OJ's house. The fact that the crime lab accidentally sprayed OJ's blood across the lab while evidence was out.

The fact that Furman lied about knowing OJ and that he had a personal vendetta against him. Furman supposedly found a glove on OJ's property, He claimed he found it UNDER an air conditioning unit. Yet the claim was that OJ accidentally dropped it while going home.

The fact that not once but twice the police lied to a Judge for a search warrant. The fact that the police initially claimed they feared for OJ's life and simply wanted to conduct a search to find out if he was ok. Then when they knocked on his daughter's door they did not ask once if she saw him, if he was ok, but asked repeatedly to search for shoes.

The fact that the supposed spot of blood on the car was so miniscule that it was physically impossible to have seen it in the dark.

The gloves were a fiasco.

And of course the fact that AFTER the veteran officer had "accidentally" carried OJ's blood to the crime scene they magically found new blood evidence on the back gate.

It goes on and on.

The fact that Furman had said "******" was a biggie.

As it was with Paula Deen.

Who that knows how to speak English hasn't EVER said the word?
She's full of shit saying these are not TM's texts.

Kids guard their phones like we guard our diamonds. Judge be stoopid now. Just stop.

maybe the defense could start calling in the folks that martin sent texts to

DD is still under oath; let her be up there again!

She's been tweeting again. Several new ones on July 7th.
Why is the Zimmerman case devided so sharply along partisan lines? With only a very few exceptions the lefties here believe GZ is guilty and the conservatives wait until the trial is over. I couldn't understand why, since GZ isn't white, the lefties were so ready to string him up.

Moments ago, it hit me.

It's only partially about race. True, if TM was white or hispanic, no one would care, but race isn't the real reason they want GZ to fry. It's guns.

GZ defended himself with a gun and a black man is dead. They cannot stand the thought that GZ might have legally used a gun to defend himself. It's about guns, and self-defense and even Stand-Your-Ground.

If GZ is convicted, they can use this case to revive their efforts to take away our rights and that is THE issue.

The left never ever cares about right and wrong, they only care about winning.

Nah. As an Alaskan, I am very pro-gun rights and yet I believe GZ needs to be held accountable for killing this kid. One reason is that he is the kind of bozo that will jeopardize gun rights for all of us. Cop wannabe following people around in the dark and then shooting 17-year-old kids. Good God, what if everybody started doing that! It would be like the Wild West again.

No, I'm pro guns, but against Zimmerman. He needs to be held accountable. A 17-year-old kid didn't get to live his life because of that asshole.

P.S. I'm white, I'm a woman and I don't label myself as either conservative or liberal. I'm some of both, depends on the issue.
So that means right now they are "opening the door" for Z's history. Otherwise this would be against trial procedure.
Put both histories up. It appears that defense is asking that Trayvon's phone and Facebook records be admitted to show that he
  • knew how to fight
  • was proud of it
  • was seeking an illegal firearm

It looks to me like Zimmerman took a future thug and killer off the streets.

It's too late to put Z's history in. The prosecution is done.

The fact that TM knew how to fight and he was proud of it and he was seeking an illegal gun has nothing to do with the fight or the walking in the compound. That is a history. Just like Z"s not so pretty history is not relevant.

You may even be right about taking a questionable person off the street. But GZ was never meant to be cop, judge and executioner. I'm sure you agree with that.

The fact that he knew how to fight does have something to do with the fight.

He was pummeling Zimmerman skilfully. His skill is relevant to the credibility of Zimmerman's account -- including the essential part about Zimmerman's fear for his life.
So, the judge thinks someone stole or borrowed Martins cell phone and made thousands of texts and took thousands of pictures?

Then she storms off the bench because she was made to look like a biased fool?
Rachel is tweeting again? Doesn't surprise me...I think she is right here at USMB with a new moniker. Both sound like each other with the atrocious spelling and the mumbling on the stand.:lol:
She's full of shit saying these are not TM's texts.

Kids guard their phones like we guard our diamonds. Judge be stoopid now. Just stop.

maybe the defense could start calling in the folks that martin sent texts to

That's what West was hollering about. The state denied them time by delaying turning over the info, and the judge denied them the opportunity (time) to depose those on the messages.

It's a no brainer it's his phone.
So, the judge thinks someone stole or borrowed Martins cell phone and made thousands of texts and took thousands of pictures?

Then she storms off the bench because she was made to look like a biased fool?

I feel sorry for her husband when she gets home. She's going to take it out on the poor guy.
So, the judge thinks someone stole or borrowed Martins cell phone and made thousands of texts and took thousands of pictures?

Then she storms off the bench because she was made to look like a biased fool?

Dammit! I missed that??? DAMN my colon!!
Put both histories up. It appears that defense is asking that Trayvon's phone and Facebook records be admitted to show that he
  • knew how to fight
  • was proud of it
  • was seeking an illegal firearm

It looks to me like Zimmerman took a future thug and killer off the streets.

It's too late to put Z's history in. The prosecution is done.

The fact that TM knew how to fight and he was proud of it and he was seeking an illegal gun has nothing to do with the fight or the walking in the compound. That is a history. Just like Z"s not so pretty history is not relevant.

You may even be right about taking a questionable person off the street. But GZ was never meant to be cop, judge and executioner. I'm sure you agree with that.

The fact that he knew how to fight does have something to do with the fight.

He was pummeling Zimmerman skilfully. His skill is relevant to the credibility of Zimmerman's account -- including the essential part about Zimmerman's fear for his life.

He was so proud in fact that he left the phone on for his girlfriend to hear the fight.

So that means right now they are "opening the door" for Z's history. Otherwise this would be against trial procedure.
Put both histories up. It appears that defense is asking that Trayvon's phone and Facebook records be admitted to show that he
  • knew how to fight
  • was proud of it
  • was seeking an illegal firearm

It looks to me like Zimmerman took a future thug and killer off the streets.

It's too late to put Z's history in. The prosecution is done.

The fact that TM knew how to fight and he was proud of it and he was seeking an illegal gun has nothing to do with the fight or the walking in the compound. That is a history. Just like Z"s not so pretty history is not relevant.

You may even be right about taking a questionable person off the street. But GZ was never meant to be cop, judge and executioner. I'm sure you agree with that.
I agree with your last sentence. No person, even a real good cop should be all three. However, in defense of one's own life, deadly force is it was in this instance. Better for Zimmerman to use it than to get beat to death and Martin then have his gun.

That was years ago.

We are in a new age and if the judges/law can't bind it. It's black and white font text there in front of you.



Next election round - don't care about anything but age.

Is a signature hearsay unless the signer is able to be cross examined?
The evidence does not support his head being slammed into the concrete.

Then what exactly made the cuts on the back of his head? I don't want assumptions provide evidence.
He had an abrasion that the medical expert testified was very minor.

Does slamming someone's head into concrete produce only minor abrasions?
Blows to the head are never considered minor to a doctor. Maybe you've never heard of shaken baby syndrome in which no injury may be apparent, but the baby's brain is disconnected from the skull in a way that results in permanent brain damage.

Also, a blow to the head can shake someone's brain loose and bring upon them a condition known as dementia, which grows in severity as the brain shrinks over decades of time. If you ever had to see someone you care about perish his mind day by day, well, it's enough to make a grown man cry. :(

Head injuries can be heinous, and may not go uncovered for years until its victim can no longer hide the damages his injury has caused him.
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