The Official Zimmerman Trial Verdict Thread

What are your Initial Thoughts on the Guilt or Innocence of George Zimmerman?

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It's possible. My kids have borrowed my phone and vice versa from time to time .. usually after a few min the other person figures it out.

Oh come ON, RKM. You don't seriously think this bogus shit is what happened do you? I mean, REALLY? Even if Trayvon himself sat up in his coffin and SAID he attacked Z first, you would STILL argue Zimmerman is a murderer deliberately?

You missed the memo.. I was teetering to the defense yesterday when I heard the .5 out of 1-10 thing from the guy who knows how good a fighter GZ was. But I switched sides completely, after seeing the "real" photos today that actually showed the beating GZ received.

That said. There is nothing stopping kids from laying their phone on the counter, kids txting messages on other kids phones. I've physically seen it done dozens of times. Remember I used to coach youth sports a few years back. I have a kid in HS right now. One just out of nursing school and another getting a double E. They mess around with the phones it happens. Sometimes they do a few then say who it is.

They don't all use pass codes to open up their phones.

West said thousands of photos and thousands of texts though. I'm more inclined to believe hundreds of both, but still, you can expect a kid with his phone locked just to open it and another lock to open this app where these were found to have someone else make hundreds of texts or take hundreds of photos without him knowing.

As for this app, I don't know what it is but I believe it's something to hide stuff from parents and to give a false sense of security from police if the phones owner is ever arrested.
The judge, if she refuses the text messages, has opened the door REALLY wide for appeal.

How does it help the jury understand GZ's frame of mind at the time of the killing?

Z didn't know his propensity for fighting. All he got was a bloody nose and a couple of cuts on his head. George shot him before he could really take any beating. Help me understand.

He looked beat up to me AND the jury.
when George walks scott free, the left, Al and Jesse will claim it's payback for letting OJ Free., and how come some blacks want to riot when they don't get their way? yet, no one rioted when Casey got off. This shows that Whites will not riot/throw stones thru glass windows/pull drivers out of their vehicles and beat them senseless when they weren't happy with a jury's decision.

Yeah, well, duh, but that doesn't help my daughter and her family coming into Baltimore by train and we having to pick her up in the worst area! Well, not THE worst, but all Baltimore is effectively a no-go area.

I am hoping there will be no riots, but not because GZimmerman wasn't convicted.
What the prosecution needs to argue and bring the point home is that is it acceptable for their kid to die under those exact same circumstances?

If they're able to get the jury to put their own kid in the place of Trayvon...Zimmerman is TOAST!

Let's see what this almost all-white, all-female cast does.

It is not acceptable for Trayvon Martin to die.
That does not make it murder under the law.
To you this is a cast just like a movie, a TV reality show and you want to see things handled that way.
Emotion is what brought this case to trial as murder.
Emotion is not justice. Justice is weighing the facts of the case. Emotion is what causes problems, violence and wrong doing.
I am shocked you would want the jury to convict based on emotion alone.
But not that shocked as there really is nothing other than emotion to convict Zimmerman for murder.

Emotion is what brought this case to trial as murder.

Angela Corey - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Angela Corey

On April 11, 2012, Corey charged George Zimmerman with murder in the second degree. Corey held a globally broadcast press conference to explain her decision. She stated, "I can tell you we did not come to this decision lightly. This case is like a lot of the difficult cases we have handled for years here in our circuit. And we made this decision in the same manner. Let me emphasize that we do not prosecute by public pressure or by petition. We prosecute based on the facts of any given case, as well as the laws of the state of Florida." When asked by a reporter about the issue of race and justice in the case, Corey stated, "Those of us in law enforcement are committed to justice for every race, every gender, every person, of any persuasion whatsoever. They are our victims. We only know one category as prosecutors, and that’s a V. It's not a B, it’s not a W, it’s not an H. It’s V, for 'victim'. That’s who we work tirelessly for."

On March 22, 2012, Florida governor Rick Scott appointed Angela Corey as Special Prosecutor to investigate the killing of Trayvon Martin by George Zimmerman.

It’s V, for 'victim'. That’s who we work tirelessly for.

no, to be exact it was the Special Prosecutor appointed by the Governor, Angela Corey who brought the charge of Murder against G Zimmerman.
The judge, if she refuses the text messages, has opened the door REALLY wide for appeal.

How does it help the jury understand GZ's frame of mind at the time of the killing?

Z didn't know his propensity for fighting. All he got was a bloody nose and a couple of cuts on his head. George shot him before he could really take any beating. Help me understand.

he got quite a beating. blood flowing from your nose and chocking you is very frightening ( it flows mostly to your stomach if you swallow but you can easily aspirate - and that is extremely frightening, believe me

and if you want to experience how the pummeling of your head to the concrete feels like - you may ask somebody to do it for you.

You guys are extremely uneducated and do not want to listen to those who know ( the expert today).
Well, then, maybe a known to you story will ring some bells - Natasha Richardson died from epidural hemorrhage in hours( she was brain dead) - and she just fell on the SNOW, not a concrete - there were no abrasions at all. She wasn't even skiing at the moment, just fell.
One can be killed because of intracranial bleeding just from ONE blow - remember a recent death of a referee from a fist of a 17 yo?

so, please, stop this nonsense about " he was not beaten enough".

Enough to fear for his life.
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I'm afraid there will be civil unrest when and if Z goes free, also. But LE I hope will be ready for them and give them stiff sentences, for the tvs they looted and harm they do, they'll pay a steep price.

Naaaah, they'll carry off everything not nailed down if they riot. Reminds me of the great new-style "reality" movie, Cloverfield. It's a Godzilla in New York, brilliant film work. After it all starts happening, a monster is looming about in NYC eating people, Our Heroes pass an electronics store -------------------------- and they show, in the teeth of PC, blacks zooming out of there loaded with looted boxes as fast as they can go. They don't get any good out of this since the Army evacuates Manhattan and then does Operation Hammer.....I'll let you guess, but it's not condusive to electronics survival (or anyone/anything else). I was amazed even an off-Hollywood director dared to show what everyone KNOWS happens as soon as any riot starts, black looting.

They won't play a stiff price, except they'll burn all their own shops and houses down. Like in "Do the Right Thing" by Spike Lee. The blacks burn everything, including the Italian-owed pizza place that pretty much sustains and feeds the area. Well, then, it's gone! That's the last scene. Hmmmmmmm. The End.

I am NOT hoping for riots. I have a commuting husband and relatives coming in by train. I would hope blacks keep it together, but have no faith they will after so many riots in the '60s through the '90s. Well, we'll see.
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I'm busy puking injustice. I don't know if I can do this anymore. This goes against the grain of every fiber of my entire being.
Oh come ON, RKM. You don't seriously think this bogus shit is what happened do you? I mean, REALLY? Even if Trayvon himself sat up in his coffin and SAID he attacked Z first, you would STILL argue Zimmerman is a murderer deliberately?

You missed the memo.. I was teetering to the defense yesterday when I heard the .5 out of 1-10 thing from the guy who knows how good a fighter GZ was. But I switched sides completely, after seeing the "real" photos today that actually showed the beating GZ received.

That said. There is nothing stopping kids from laying their phone on the counter, kids txting messages on other kids phones. I've physically seen it done dozens of times. Remember I used to coach youth sports a few years back. I have a kid in HS right now. One just out of nursing school and another getting a double E. They mess around with the phones it happens. Sometimes they do a few then say who it is.

They don't all use pass codes to open up their phones.

West said thousands of photos and thousands of texts though. I'm more inclined to believe hundreds of both, but still, you can expect a kid with his phone locked just to open it and another lock to open this app where these were found to have someone else make hundreds of texts or take hundreds of photos without him knowing.

As for this app, I don't know what it is but I believe it's something to hide stuff from parents and to give a false sense of security from police if the phones owner is ever arrested.
These kids do thousands of texts. Sort of like the folks who do thousands of msg posts. To the knowing point... why would they care if somone did it... there's no way to delete sent text messages. Well, you can if you have access to the logs. Per the apps.. yeah there's those new apps for ip texting and pics that don't go over the sms / mms system.
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You missed the memo.. I was teetering to the defense yesterday when I heard the .5 out of 1-10 thing from the guy who knows how good a fighter GZ was. But I switched sides completely, after seeing the "real" photos today that actually showed the beating GZ received.

That said. There is nothing stopping kids from laying their phone on the counter, kids txting messages on other kids phones. I've physically seen it done dozens of times. Remember I used to coach youth sports a few years back. I have a kid in HS right now. One just out of nursing school and another getting a double E. They mess around with the phones it happens. Sometimes they do a few then say who it is.

They don't all use pass codes to open up their phones.

West said thousands of photos and thousands of texts though. I'm more inclined to believe hundreds of both, but still, you can expect a kid with his phone locked just to open it and another lock to open this app where these were found to have someone else make hundreds of texts or take hundreds of photos without him knowing.

As for this app, I don't know what it is but I believe it's something to hide stuff from parents and to give a false sense of security from police if the phones owner is ever arrested.
These kids do thousands of texts. Sort of like the folks who do thousands of msg posts. To the knowing point... why would they care if somone did it... there's no way to delete sent text messages. Well, you can if you have access to the logs.

That's an urban legend...there are no such people.
You missed the memo.. I was teetering to the defense yesterday when I heard the .5 out of 1-10 thing from the guy who knows how good a fighter GZ was. But I switched sides completely, after seeing the "real" photos today that actually showed the beating GZ received.

That said. There is nothing stopping kids from laying their phone on the counter, kids txting messages on other kids phones. I've physically seen it done dozens of times. Remember I used to coach youth sports a few years back. I have a kid in HS right now. One just out of nursing school and another getting a double E. They mess around with the phones it happens. Sometimes they do a few then say who it is.

They don't all use pass codes to open up their phones.

West said thousands of photos and thousands of texts though. I'm more inclined to believe hundreds of both, but still, you can expect a kid with his phone locked just to open it and another lock to open this app where these were found to have someone else make hundreds of texts or take hundreds of photos without him knowing.

As for this app, I don't know what it is but I believe it's something to hide stuff from parents and to give a false sense of security from police if the phones owner is ever arrested.
These kids do thousands of texts. Sort of like the folks who do thousands of msg posts. To the knowing point... why would they care if somone did it... there's no way to delete sent text messages. Well, you can if you have access to the logs.

which is why no one believes that someone else used Trayvon's phone.
Can the defense, after this crap the judge pulled tonight, ask the judge to, what's the word, recuse herself from this trial?

Clearly, she is biased and won't overturn a jury conviction if that were to happen or she might even negate a jury acquittal and convict, if that's allowed.

No this goes to appeal.
Is a signature hearsay unless the signer is able to be cross examined?

Bad analogy.

The CONCEPT of social media
is being missed
however it is part of our culture
and should be
part of evidence and testimony

If this is inadmissible or not legally binding, then I have a new idea for becoming a drug dealer. I can send GEO Lat Long coordinates of hidden drug stash after getting paid in offshore account.

Yo Homie! Hits me some funds widt Pay-Pal to [email protected] & I let you know the Geocach coordinates to get your stash!
A question for everyone.

One of the last things O'Mara said was that they didn't have time to line up their witnesses for the morning. What will they do if none of tonight's issues are allowed in, and they have no one to call to the stand?
A question for everyone.

One of the last things O'Mara said was that they didn't have time to line up their witnesses for the morning. What will they do if none of tonight's issues are allowed in, and they have no one to call to the stand?


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