The Official Zimmerman Trial Verdict Thread

What are your Initial Thoughts on the Guilt or Innocence of George Zimmerman?

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If some of this stuff comes in, then Zimmerman's history comes in, too. Then it's a new kind of trial. Mudslinging.

LOL mudslinging. The entire prosecution's argument was based on defacing Zimmerman's character. They got his college records, and that backfired. Tried to paint him as a racist, witnesses blew that out of the water. Tried to prove a depraved mind, that failed.

So if they can bring in Zimmerman's records, Trayvon's phone messages and facebook posts should be fair game. I already don't like this judge, if she disallows the evidence then it will prove that she is impartial. Shes already pissed off Don West tonight...

I must have missed something. College records? I don't believe there was much to those. It really did backfire! He had glowing reports from the teachers! lol.

Racist, yes when he called TM an AH and a FP, the defense lamely tried to paint that as terms of endearment and I think they looked foolish on that one. If the prosecution tried to prove a depraved mind, I agree, they missed again.

I have to say, West pissed off the judge when she repeated again and again, NOTHING BUT THE EVIDENCE on the cell phone stuff and forget the's all on the CD. No, he wanted to do HIS way! He was going to do it, she kept stopping him and repeating, NO! Just the evidence and then when the witness came in, he did the credentials! I had to laugh.


No. He used the plural term "fucking punks" not "fucking *******" or something to that extent. Calling him an "asshole" does not imply racism. It is a vulgar name but it isn't racist. I suggest you look up "urban dictionary" on Google.

The judge is afraid. She knows that her career and personal safety are on the line
if she does anything that helps the defense. I missed that part since I had to go to the store, but the phone records and the facebook posts are damning evidence for Martin, and for the prosecution. I don't like where this is going, I (as you) fear she will deny admission of this evidence.

The upside that if this results in a conviction, it will be easily overturned on appeal.
Essentially, that is the same as saying the first blow could have killed him as well. Which is possible, correct?

Remember what Dr. Di Maio referred to as the "cumulative stun effect"? It can get to the point where you can knock someone unconscious. If he had succeeded in doing so, Martin could have gone for the gun with ease, and shot Zimmerman. If you are hitting him from side to side, you can go for the temples, if you hit someone there just right, you can kill them.

I study human anatomy as well, I study a lot of subjects frankly, including comparative anatomy. So to be frank with you, the first blow is not likely to kill, its the successive blows afterwards that have a chance.

Then I would guess successive blows could do it, stun him into submission and the gun could be useless.

Damn, Jackson, you don't even care if you're wrong. You can kill a guy with a punch if you were concerted enough! For the love of Peter, James and John, you are dense! The gun would be easy pickings!
LOL mudslinging. The entire prosecution's argument was based on defacing Zimmerman's character. They got his college records, and that backfired. Tried to paint him as a racist, witnesses blew that out of the water. Tried to prove a depraved mind, that failed.

So if they can bring in Zimmerman's records, Trayvon's phone messages and facebook posts should be fair game. I already don't like this judge, if she disallows the evidence then it will prove that she is impartial. Shes already pissed off Don West tonight...

I must have missed something. College records? I don't believe there was much to those. It really did backfire! He had glowing reports from the teachers! lol.

Racist, yes when he called TM an AH and a FP, the defense lamely tried to paint that as terms of endearment and I think they looked foolish on that one. If the prosecution tried to prove a depraved mind, I agree, they missed again.

I have to say, West pissed off the judge when she repeated again and again, NOTHING BUT THE EVIDENCE on the cell phone stuff and forget the's all on the CD. No, he wanted to do HIS way! He was going to do it, she kept stopping him and repeating, NO! Just the evidence and then when the witness came in, he did the credentials! I had to laugh.


No. He used the plural term "fucking punks" not "fucking *******" or something to that extent. Calling him an "asshole" does not imply racism. It is a vulgar name but it isn't racist. I suggest you look up "urban dictionary" on Google.

The judge is afraid. She knows that her career and personal safety are on the line
if she does anything that helps the defense. I missed that part since I had to go to the store, but the phone records and the facebook posts are damning evidence for Martin, and for the prosecution. I don't like where this is going, I (as you) fear she will deny admission of this evidence.

The upside that if this results in a conviction, it will be easily overturned on appeal.

There won't be a conviction. As many of you have said, and I agree, the prosecution witnesses were turned into defense witnesses. This is not a stellar prosecution team. It does not measure up to the defense.
The defense wants sensible people to believe that the killer, George Zimmerman, was a wanna-be cop, gun-toting neigborhood watchman that took MMA fighting lessons for a year, but somehow couldn't fight.

They want us to FURTHER believe that a man with a history of beating his wife, so much so that she had to get a restraining order out on him, and getting into fights with REAL cops was incapable of violence.

They want to put that record up against a high-schooler who's been suspended and had a little bit of weed in his system to relax him.


Too funny!

Poor Marc, so many non black people, so little time.

There is no eveidnce to support your do know that that is why the prosecution is losing?
Who says so? I didn't know the jury was out. WHO?!?!

They want to put that record up against a high-schooler who's been suspended and had a little bit of weed in his system to relax him.


Too funny!

This is the kid who had all that stolen jewelry in his backpack and was kicked out of school? And was smoking dope?

Uh-huh. This was a rotten kid headed for a life in and out of prison, like way too many.

Why make excuses for this kind of behavior?
Post a link confirming that conviction. In fact, I'd even settle for a link to the arrest.

Okay, Dr. Rao said that the next blow or the next could have been potentially fatal. Thats her testimony.

Essentially, that is the same as saying the first blow could have killed him as well. Which is possible, correct?

Exactly! Can you imagine everyone walking around thinking that the slightest argument or altercation will immediately lead to death in one, two or three blows. Our nation would become a huge walking mental hospital.

You are speculating. If any of those altercations goes too far, someone is asking to be killed. There are hundreds of millions of gun owners in America, so you tell me? If some ganxsta thug wannabe tries to mug a gun owner, someone is bound to get shot dead.
I must have missed something. College records? I don't believe there was much to those. It really did backfire! He had glowing reports from the teachers! lol.

Racist, yes when he called TM an AH and a FP, the defense lamely tried to paint that as terms of endearment and I think they looked foolish on that one. If the prosecution tried to prove a depraved mind, I agree, they missed again.

I have to say, West pissed off the judge when she repeated again and again, NOTHING BUT THE EVIDENCE on the cell phone stuff and forget the's all on the CD. No, he wanted to do HIS way! He was going to do it, she kept stopping him and repeating, NO! Just the evidence and then when the witness came in, he did the credentials! I had to laugh.


No. He used the plural term "fucking punks" not "fucking *******" or something to that extent. Calling him an "asshole" does not imply racism. It is a vulgar name but it isn't racist. I suggest you look up "urban dictionary" on Google.

The judge is afraid. She knows that her career and personal safety are on the line
if she does anything that helps the defense. I missed that part since I had to go to the store, but the phone records and the facebook posts are damning evidence for Martin, and for the prosecution. I don't like where this is going, I (as you) fear she will deny admission of this evidence.

The upside that if this results in a conviction, it will be easily overturned on appeal.

There won't be a conviction. As many of you have said, and I agree, the prosecution witnesses were turned into defense witnesses. This is not a stellar prosecution team. It does not measure up to the defense.

I'll give you this much, you are honest. Rare quality around these parts.
What is being ignored is that Martin had every right to be walking back from the store, every right to be where he was.

Incorrect, TM had no "right" to trespass on private property.

Though I do agree that TM trespassing private property through private property is being ignored.

What the hell are you talking about? He was invited by HIS FATHER. Are you kidding me? He is invited, but he can be killed for tresspassing?

Jesus Christ Zimmerman defenders, this is representing you. Sorry.

Mr. Martin, the "father", was not a landowner nor a renter. He had no right to "invite" anyone to the property.

I suspect that the renter, Martin's "girlfriend", had not registered neither Martins as occupants. Therefore it is a simple case of TRESPASSING.

I know you pinko's hate that there is a such a thing as trespassing (meaning private property), but it is here to stay.
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No. He used the plural term "fucking punks" not "fucking *******" or something to that extent. Calling him an "asshole" does not imply racism. It is a vulgar name but it isn't racist. I suggest you look up "urban dictionary" on Google.

The judge is afraid. She knows that her career and personal safety are on the line
if she does anything that helps the defense. I missed that part since I had to go to the store, but the phone records and the facebook posts are damning evidence for Martin, and for the prosecution. I don't like where this is going, I (as you) fear she will deny admission of this evidence.

The upside that if this results in a conviction, it will be easily overturned on appeal.

There won't be a conviction. As many of you have said, and I agree, the prosecution witnesses were turned into defense witnesses. This is not a stellar prosecution team. It does not measure up to the defense.

I'll give you this much, you are honest. Rare quality around these parts.

Even though I'm dense?

No. He used the plural term "fucking punks" not "fucking *******" or something to that extent. Calling him an "asshole" does not imply racism. It is a vulgar name but it isn't racist. I suggest you look up "urban dictionary" on Google.

The judge is afraid. She knows that her career and personal safety are on the line
if she does anything that helps the defense. I missed that part since I had to go to the store, but the phone records and the facebook posts are damning evidence for Martin, and for the prosecution. I don't like where this is going, I (as you) fear she will deny admission of this evidence.

The upside that if this results in a conviction, it will be easily overturned on appeal.

There won't be a conviction. As many of you have said, and I agree, the prosecution witnesses were turned into defense witnesses. This is not a stellar prosecution team. It does not measure up to the defense.

I'll give you this much, you are honest. Rare quality around these parts.

No. He's setting up the "Zimmerman was guilty as hell but the prosecutors were incompetent" meme. I've mentioend this before. After the acquittal you'll see all over these boards the following:
Zimmerman was guilty but the prosecutor was incompetent
The jury was all white women, including one white hispanic woman. They were racist, is why Zimmerman walked.
The prosecutor over0charged the case.
ANd that discounts the whackier statements about bribery, perjury, and Zimmerman's self inflicted wounds on the back of his head.
There won't be a conviction. As many of you have said, and I agree, the prosecution witnesses were turned into defense witnesses. This is not a stellar prosecution team. It does not measure up to the defense.

I'll give you this much, you are honest. Rare quality around these parts.

Even though I'm dense?

Hey, I was being honest too. You make some of your claims without even doing any research on the trial and/or witness testimony. Dense is when you reject reality and... ahem.. substitute your own.

But in the end, you reach the same conclusion the rest of us do, Zimmerman is going to walk. I give you credit where credit's due.
Essentially, that is the same as saying the first blow could have killed him as well. Which is possible, correct?

Exactly! Can you imagine everyone walking around thinking that the slightest argument or altercation will immediately lead to death in one, two or three blows. Our nation would become a huge walking mental hospital.

You are speculating.

A metaphor isn't speculation. :tongue:

If any of those altercations goes too far, someone is asking to be killed.

That's not what I said. Did you miss the word "slightest"? Slight doesn't imply going "too far."

There are hundreds of millions of gun owners in America, so you tell me? If some ganxsta thug wannabe tries to mug a gun owner, someone is bound to get shot dead.

Are you saying Trayvon is guilty of an attempted mugging? WTF
The vast majority of the time, the prosecution wins at murder trials, unless their presentation or case is extremely weak. In this case, a weak case is true for murder but won't matter since the argument for manslaughter is very strong. We just can't have a number of loose cannons running around the streets.

Speaking at a news conference, lawyer Benjamin Crump said: "Mr Zimmerman is a neighbourhood watch loose cannon."

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of course he did, he is the Martin family attorney.
The judge, if she refuses the text messages, has opened the door REALLY wide for appeal.

How does it help the jury understand GZ's frame of mind at the time of the killing?

Z didn't know his propensity for fighting. All he got was a bloody nose and a couple of cuts on his head. George shot him before he could really take any beating. Help me understand.

Okay, Dr. Rao said that the next blow or the next could have been potentially fatal. Thats her testimony.

"The next blow, or the next"?

How many blows, exactly, would it take to render Zimmerman unconscious? Or can't she say?
Incorrect, TM had no "right" to trespass on private property.

Though I do agree that TM trespassing private property through private property is being ignored.

What the hell are you talking about? He was invited by HIS FATHER. Are you kidding me? He is invited, but he can be killed for tresspassing?

Jesus Christ Zimmerman defenders, this is representing you. Sorry.

Mr. Martin, the "father", was not a landowner nor a renter. He had no right to "invite" anyone to the property.

I suspect that the renter, Martin's "girlfriend", had not registered neither Martins as occupants. Therefore it is a simple case of TRESPASSING.

I know you pinko's hate that there is a such a thing as trespassing (meaning private property), but it is here to stay.

Incorrect, TM had no "right" to trespass on private property.

Though I do agree that TM trespassing private property through private property is being ignored.

What the hell are you talking about? He was invited by HIS FATHER. Are you kidding me? He is invited, but he can be killed for tresspassing?

Jesus Christ Zimmerman defenders, this is representing you. Sorry.

Mr. Martin, the "father", was not a landowner nor a renter. He had no right to "invite" anyone to the property.

I suspect that the renter, Martin's "girlfriend", had not registered neither Martins as occupants. Therefore it is a simple case of TRESPASSING.

I know you pinko's hate that there is a such a thing as trespassing (meaning private property), but it is here to stay.


Trespassing? He wasn't trespassing. The police haven't said so nor has the press reported that he was.
How does it help the jury understand GZ's frame of mind at the time of the killing?

Z didn't know his propensity for fighting. All he got was a bloody nose and a couple of cuts on his head. George shot him before he could really take any beating. Help me understand.

Okay, Dr. Rao said that the next blow or the next could have been potentially fatal. Thats her testimony.

"The next blow, or the next"?

How many blows, exactly, would it take to render Zimmerman unconscious? Or can't she say?

there is no exact answer to that. It would depend on the strength of the hit as well as the area hit, etc. I have received a concussion twice just from whiplash - never hitting a thing. I take that back, once I hit the back of my seat. But no blood, etc.
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A record involves arrests, convictions, jail know.

Actual crimes.

Feel free.

Post it..along with links.

Because he's a juvenile there are privacy laws to protect him. However it was reported he had been suspended from school more than once. He posted on his twitter page that he punched out a bus driver and before they started sanitizing his page there were various admissions of drinking under age, possessing a weapon, and pot cultivation.

There are different types of records. Criminal record are only one. He has a disciplinary record at school. I figure if he had lived he would have a criminal record after this dust up with Zimmerman.

If he had a "rap" would be public. They couldn't even identify him because there were no fingerprints on record.

Sallow, your good points are lost on this crowd! They can't HANDLE THE TRUTH!

SO what if Trayvon's facebook page had a lot of embellishments to make himself look big to his teen buddies. If he had done half those things, he would have been arrested and likely sent to a juvenile facility. Trayvon was just a normal masculine boy who was NOT sissified.
From what I know about him he was the type who would meet trouble head on instead of running from it. I'm sorry that he was killed but I am proud of the way he a man!
How does it help the jury understand GZ's frame of mind at the time of the killing?

Z didn't know his propensity for fighting. All he got was a bloody nose and a couple of cuts on his head. George shot him before he could really take any beating. Help me understand.

Okay, Dr. Rao said that the next blow or the next could have been potentially fatal. Thats her testimony.

"The next blow, or the next"?

How many blows, exactly, would it take to render Zimmerman unconscious? Or can't she say?

Were you not watching the trial? I will not coddle you. Go Google Dr. Rao's testimony.

It's still nice to see you, though Noomi!

The vast majority of the time, the prosecution wins at murder trials, unless their presentation or case is extremely weak. In this case, a weak case is true for murder but won't matter since the argument for manslaughter is very strong. We just can't have a number of loose cannons running around the streets.

Speaking at a news conference, lawyer Benjamin Crump said: "Mr Zimmerman is a neighbourhood watch loose cannon."

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of course he did, he is the Martin family attorney.

Someone had to say it first. Does it matter who or make it any less true because of who said it?
The vast majority of the time, the prosecution wins at murder trials, unless their presentation or case is extremely weak. In this case, a weak case is true for murder but won't matter since the argument for manslaughter is very strong. We just can't have a number of loose cannons running around the streets.

Yahoo! News UK & Ireland - Latest World News & UK News Headlines

of course he did, he is the Martin family attorney.

Someone had to say it first. Does it matter who or make it any less true because of who said it?

there is motive there, ya know.
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