The Official Zimmerman Trial Verdict Thread

What are your Initial Thoughts on the Guilt or Innocence of George Zimmerman?

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TM was trespassing, not only by simply being in a private neighborhood, but by "cutting through" private lots.
He was noticed by member of the community (who has every right to question the trespasser)
TM assaulted the member of the community (GZ)
GZ defended himself.

9 grams of lead can do a lot to protect private property and exercise self defense.
That's what happened.

Pinkos hate that there is "private property"
Pinkos hate it when people "defend themselves"

TM was trespassing, not only by simply being in a private neighborhood, but by "cutting through" private lots.
TM was not trespassing. He was visiting his fathers girlfriend. As for walking of the path, that could mean he walked off the sidewalk. Theis was a condo area, where all of the lots meshed together, with a sidewalk going down the middle. Everyone would have to "trespass" at some time to get to their mailboxes.

He was noticed by member of the community (who has every right to question the trespasser) Wo was technically trespassing himself!

TM assaulted the member of the community (GZ)And just who saw the initial assault? Link please.

GZ defended himself. Or, Z was hit, got mad and pulled out his gun and shot M. M saw the gun, yelled for help before Z shot M

You seem to be completely ignorant of property law.
According to testimony, he was "staying". Most renters agreements conclude that any resident of the rental property must be registered with the landowner, I would bet that neither TM's father nor himself were. It would be interesting if the defense team brought this forth...

TM was not a resident of the private community, GZ was. Simple as that, ya' pinko.

I bet that you really-really hate the fact that there are gated communities don't ya'?
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Like I just posted, there is no hard evidence of who started the altercation. I believe Zimmerman pulled the gun, and Trayvon fearing for HIS life tried to wrestle it away from GZ.

And without hard evidence who started the altercation then what do we have?

We have the eye witness and forensic evidence showing that Trayvon was on top of Zimmerman attacking him.

Read the whole sentence. He was trying to avoid getting shot. TRAYVON was acting in self-defense IMO

Which means that Zimmerman was justified in acting in self defense. There is reasonable doubt.

Are you simply contradicting me?

Until there is evidence otherwise, that's pretty much the case. The Prosecution has the burden. They haven't met it.

I don't know, but I do know that GZ stalked Trayvon. That is obvious. That's a good portion of the evidence needed for conviction.

[ If anything happened other than what the evidence presented says, then we have to trust God to take care of meeting out justice.

I predict Zimmerman will be found guilty of either murder or manslaughter.
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Might be, but you are also free to show some respect. I slapped someone else two nights ago for being a smart alec.

WTF are you talking about? I never supported Zimmerman. Just because I have stated I don't believe he's guilty of murder but I believe he is guilty of manslaughter is not support. Manslaughter is still a very serious charge. That is the only "support" I gave Zimmy. You won't find any other.

You don't realize how freaking annoying and dishonest that is. Don't like it? Well that's tough.

Stick to one side of the story or the other.

It's annoying that I believe GZ shouldn't be convicted of murder? LMAO

Bingo! You think that Zimmerman started the fight. You also still believe he should be tried for some sort of crime. Come now, do you really take me for a fool? You are convinced he should be punished, even if he did act in self defense. You should drop the charade, Quick.

And how is Zimmerman starting the fight self-defense. Hint. It isn't.

WTF are you talking about? I never supported Zimmerman. Just because I have stated I don't believe he's guilty of murder but I believe he is guilty of manslaughter is not support. Manslaughter is still a very serious charge. That is the only "support" I gave Zimmy. You won't find any other.

It's annoying that I believe GZ shouldn't be convicted of murder? LMAO

Bingo! You think that Zimmerman started the fight. You also still believe he should be tried for some sort of crime. Come now, do you really take me for a fool? You are convinced he should be punished, even if he did act in self defense. You should drop the charade, Quick.

And how is Zimmerman starting the fight self-defense. Hint. It isn't.

You are a troll and a retread. Already negged, now ignored. I should have known....
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Are you denying that you said Zimmerman had a broken nose?

The initial police report indicated that he was bleeding form the nose... Broken or not,he had blood coming out of his nose so DNA was on the front and back of his head. Any more stupid questions? I'm still waiting for that link to my non existent "theory."

Did you watch the trial today? We already knew it was raining, which could easily have washed any DNA off of Martin's hands, or are you going to try to rewrite the weather? It also came out that the ME did something that only happens on TV shows, they stored the wet clothes from both Zimmerman and Martin in sealed plastic bags. I will leave it to you to do some basic research on why you do not store organic material in plastic bags.

It was not a downpour! From what I have seen It was drizzling! The first police officer arrived on the scene in less than a minute after the shooting. That being said, she might have been able to preserve any fragile evidence that would have been washed away in the rain if not for securing GZ first! The 2nd officer arrived seconds later and performed CPR on Martin so the preservation of evidence was not his top priority either.

As far as your plastic bags: K.I.S.S. M.Y. A.S.S. I'll leave that acronym up to you to figure out!
Bingo! You think that Zimmerman started the fight. You also still believe he should be tried for some sort of crime. Come now, do you really take me for a fool? You are convinced he should be punished, even if he did act in self defense. You should drop the charade, Quick.

And how is Zimmerman starting the fight self-defense. Hint. It isn't.

You are a troll and a retread. Already negged, now ignored. I should have known....

Gave MarcATL jr. the same treatment earlier. When facts don't matter to someone you can't reason with them.
How do you think Z got his gun if he was lying on top of it being beat?

Also, why didn't his medical exam uncover some nasty bruising on his lower back?

It's called adrenaline. How do you think little women pick cars up off of their children. I don't know, my guess is because they didn't bother to look. The one thing that has struck me about this case is how poorly the investigation was done. From the beginning there was no real attempt to do a good job. Even the prosecutions medical examiner never bothered to physically inspect GZ. She based her opinions on photographs. That's stupid.

Whenever I testify in a case I know BOTH sides stories inside out. I study every aspect of the case before me. To do otherwise is simply stupid. I value my reputation far too much to ever cut corners. The prosecution cut almost every corner there is. They believed (IMO) they could crucify GZ in the media so felt they could get away with a shoddy job. That's why their case is so weak.
I don't think adrenaline would prevent his lower back from bruising if he was lying on his gun while getting beaten. I also would point out that if he had that much adrenaline he would still have to thrown Martin off of him to access his gun.

Sorry it took so long to respond Ravi, we were down in Reno for some culture! Now to your observations. I don't know what the surface was that they were on but I agree there most likely would have been some bruising to GZ's back. Did anyone bother to look and or photograph it?

To get access to his pistol he would have needed to arch his back enough to get his hand to the pistol and pull it. That's all. He would not have needed to toss TM off of him. Also certain pistols are easier to draw from an inside the pants holster. Revolvers are an absolute pain, while semi-auto's are much easier and they can be further "defanged" as the pistolero's call it, where all sharp edges are polished down.

I have no idea if GZ's handgun was customized in that way however.
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Hey, I'm still not far off from negging you, Quick. Don't WTF me. Trayvon is guilty of foolishness.

One, you seem to be thinking that Zimmerman could have averted an altercation. So there is no "slightest' to it. It was Martin who thought just being followed warranted beating a man senseless over. Hey, he wanted to be the tough guy, remember? Were you not watching the trial tonight?

Like I just posted, there is no hard evidence of who started the altercation. I believe Zimmerman pulled the gun, and Trayvon fearing for HIS life tried to wrestle it away from GZ.

Clearly the utterance by Martin "you're going to die tonight, motherfucker" slipped past those ears of yours apparently. Like I said in my previous post, you are being dishonest. There was not an iota of fear from Trayvon. None. Tonight's developments prove it.

think you are getting played
Like I just posted, there is no hard evidence of who started the altercation. I believe Zimmerman pulled the gun, and Trayvon fearing for HIS life tried to wrestle it away from GZ.

Clearly the utterance by Martin "you're going to die tonight, motherfucker" slipped past those ears of yours apparently. Like I said in my previous post, you are being dishonest. There was not an iota of fear from Trayvon. None. Tonight's developments prove it.

think you are getting played

I know. That's why I put him on my ignore list.
You are a troll and a retread. Already negged, now ignored. I should have known....

Gave MarcATL jr. the same treatment earlier. When facts don't matter to someone you can't reason with them.

Sigh, just about as bad as those idiots punking the court on Skype last week.

I have been on this board for going on 3 weeks now, and it is concerning how many people really don't know what they are legally entitled to do. Also how many people seem to think that emotion and screaming somehow trump logic and reason is concerning.
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Gave MarcATL jr. the same treatment earlier. When facts don't matter to someone you can't reason with them.

Sigh, just about as bad as those idiots punking the court on Skype last week.

I have been on this board for going on 3 weeks now, and it is concerning how many people really don't know what they are legally entitled to do. Also how many people seem to think that emotion and screaming somehow trump logic and reason is concerning.

I've dealt with those kinds of attitudes on other boards. It's normal, and it's something I gleefully ignore. People who are ignorant are most likely ignorant because they choose to be. There is absolutely no reasoning with them, I argue to some extent with them, so I can get them to out themselves. By tonight I knew Quick was a troll. Only four months here, but 2 years elsewhere posting on boards. Had 14,880 posts on my local political forum, happened to be the most prolific poster there until I moved on. The trolls are all the same.
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I'm not the racist, you scum sucking asshole. You are.

And you are so massively stupid that you STILL think this case has anything to do with "stand your ground." :cuckoo:

It does not.

Meanwhile, you shit stain cock sucker, it is STILL true that following somebody is NOT starting anything in the way of a physical altercation.

If A follows B causing B to be concerned, B may inquire of A. But B is NOT allowed to assault A over the mere "provocation" of having been followed or being "offended" by being followed.

You are a racist shit heel motherfucking, cock-sucking, asshole-licking moron.

Ok, get Limbaugh's testicles out of your eyes so you can read this:

This case HAS EVERYTHING TO DO WITH STAND YOUR GROUND. That is exactly what Martin did. Zimmerman was the THREAT, not Martin! TM stood his ground to neutralize that threat. Sadly, the aggressor had a gun and used it, apparently when he was getting his ass whipped!

Now; after you have finished swallowing the juice you sucked out of Hannity's underpants,
this ought to go down real easy for ya:

In regard to STALKING:

After reviewing the Florida Statues I noticed that 784.048 (1) (b,) seems to define "repeatedly" as applicable to Florida state law:

“Course of conduct” means a pattern of conduct composed of a series of acts over a period of time, however short, evidencing a continuity of purpose. "

Interpretation is crucial here. Perhaps the Florida Supreme Court would be the ultimate authority to decide if GZ's actions warrants the application of the above rule. The writers of this law included the phrase "however short" in the law and thereby invalidated any necessity to violate the statute by following or harassing someone for days or weeks.

I think it would be reasonable to say that the series of acts instigated by GZ on the night he shot and killed Trayvon Martin would satisfy the legal definition of the word "repeatedly."

1. Spotting and trailing Martin in his vehicle.

2. Getting out of his vehicle to follow Martin further.

3. Chasing Martin.

4. Approaching Martin , engaging and shooting him.

Suffice it to say, JQPubic, that your ignorance knows no bounds.

The case has ZERO to do with "stand your ground."

You have lapped up the uninformed blather of the silly main stream lolberal media.

Stand your ground means you are not required to run away if you are able to do so in safety.

But when some guy is ON TOP of you, pounding you, the question of running away is utterly moot.

You remain entirely wrong.

Laughably so.

My "ignorance" has bounds alright The "bounds" are the four corners of your square head.
If it escapes that tight confine then I might be concerned.

Do you have any link to back up that knee jerk definition you just coughed up! Keep in mind that we are talking about Florida law not any other state.

If I am wrong give me something to prove I am wrong. I am not interested in your gut feelings or excerpts from the KKK debate team's perspective on this matter!~
Came across some interesting reading if anyone is interested. Sounds pretty familiar doesn't it?????

Orlando Sentinel

This is interesting... very interesting.. one punch can critically injure someone. Whodathunkit?

Did you see the charges?

charge of aggravated battery with great bodily harm/domestic violence

30 mins away from Sanford

One punch

Well, it makes all those CSI wannabes wrong! :D
Judge Debra Nelson needs to learn her case law again, by reading State of Florida v. Lumarque, 44 So.3d 171 (2010) which was decided by the Third District Court:

The language of Lumarque is quite specific that to authenticate a text message does not require an ID by the author of the message. It cites U.S. v. Caldwell, 776 F.2d 989, 1001-02 (11th Cir.1985) in that authentication of evidence merely requires a finding that the evidence is what it purports to be. It does not require an ID. Debra Nelson is out of line as of tonight. She has opened herself up wide to an appeal on this issue, and I know for sure she is going to deny this evidence into admission.
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