The Official Zimmerman Trial Verdict Thread

What are your Initial Thoughts on the Guilt or Innocence of George Zimmerman?

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btw: I'd wager a king's ransom that Zimmerman is a first rate shitstain and a coward and never would've been following Tray Tray if he wasn't packing heat...

...but none of that makes him guilty of murder or manslaughter as long as he fired his weapon in self-defense.

And that's all that matters here. :thup:

It does in Floriduh if stand your ground laws have any validity.

I don't follow.

Stand your ground law at its best means that if you feel threatened you can be proactive in defusing the threat. I don't think anyone can make a case that Martin did not feel threatened. Therefore, IF he started the fight, he had every right to do it out of self-defense.

This is a likely reason Z did not use stand your ground to get his case dismissed because it would have begged the question, what about Martin's stand your ground rights?
It's called adrenaline. How do you think little women pick cars up off of their children. I don't know, my guess is because they didn't bother to look. The one thing that has struck me about this case is how poorly the investigation was done. From the beginning there was no real attempt to do a good job. Even the prosecutions medical examiner never bothered to physically inspect GZ. She based her opinions on photographs. That's stupid.

Whenever I testify in a case I know BOTH sides stories inside out. I study every aspect of the case before me. To do otherwise is simply stupid. I value my reputation far too much to ever cut corners. The prosecution cut almost every corner there is. They believed (IMO) they could crucify GZ in the media so felt they could get away with a shoddy job. That's why their case is so weak.
I don't think adrenaline would prevent his lower back from bruising if he was lying on his gun while getting beaten. I also would point out that if he had that much adrenaline he would still have to thrown Martin off of him to access his gun.

Sorry it took so long to respond Ravi, we were down in Reno for some culture! Now to your observations. I don't know what the surface was that they were on but I agree there most likely would have been some bruising to GZ's back. Did anyone bother to look and or photograph it?

To get access to his pistol he would have needed to arch his back enough to get his hand to the pistol and pull it. That's all. He would not have needed to toss TM off of him. Also certain pistols are easier to draw from an inside the pants holster. Revolvers are an absolute pain, while semi-auto's are much easier and they can be further "defanged" as the pistolero's call it, where all sharp edges are polished down.

I have no idea if GZ's handgun was customized in that way however.
I'll let it slide this time ;)

The medical report detailed Z's injuries and nothing was mentioned or noted about his lower back being bruised.

Your scenario of arching one's back is possible but it sounds unlikely.
guycocoa said:
The defense should subpoena the meta-data for TM’s phone from the NSA to determine if the texts were sent at a time and place where TM was known to be

It's really hard to see why anyone could gloat over this, no matter the outcome.
An unarmed kid, going about his business is dead.
The guy that killed him had a gun and misread the situation.
That's the guts of it.

It's fucking sad is what it is.
The initial police report indicated that he was bleeding form the nose... Broken or not,he had blood coming out of his nose so DNA was on the front and back of his head. Any more stupid questions? I'm still waiting for that link to my non existent "theory."

Did you watch the trial today? We already knew it was raining, which could easily have washed any DNA off of Martin's hands, or are you going to try to rewrite the weather? It also came out that the ME did something that only happens on TV shows, they stored the wet clothes from both Zimmerman and Martin in sealed plastic bags. I will leave it to you to do some basic research on why you do not store organic material in plastic bags.

Quick question..................have you ever washed blood off of YOUR hands?

Even when I've only had my own blood on my hands, it was pretty hard to wash off.

Sorry....................but your "theory" doesn't really hold water.

What if the rain made sure that the blood never got on your hands?
Zimmerman said that while he was trying to move down enough to get his head off the concrete, his jacket and shirt pulled up to expose the gun.

Movement verified by John Good testimony


I want to know what Trayvon has to say about all this. Pity the only real witness in this is dead.
Did you watch the trial today? We already knew it was raining, which could easily have washed any DNA off of Martin's hands, or are you going to try to rewrite the weather? It also came out that the ME did something that only happens on TV shows, they stored the wet clothes from both Zimmerman and Martin in sealed plastic bags. I will leave it to you to do some basic research on why you do not store organic material in plastic bags.

It was not a downpour! From what I have seen It was drizzling! The first police officer arrived on the scene in less than a minute after the shooting. That being said, she might have been able to preserve any fragile evidence that would have been washed away in the rain if not for securing GZ first! The 2nd officer arrived seconds later and performed CPR on Martin so the preservation of evidence was not his top priority either.

As far as your plastic bags: K.I.S.S. M.Y. A.S.S. I'll leave that acronym up to you to figure out!

Did I say downpour?

Every single prosecution witness said it was raining fairly heavy. The alleged girlfriend even managed to here the phone drop on wet grass. You should call the state prosecutor up and tell him to go back and discredit the testimony of all his witnesses about the weather because your infinite wisdom has shown you that it was only a drizzle. That might make it even harder for him to prove that Zimmerman was wrong, but it should make you feel better.

Does your acronym mean you are too stupid to look up and see that storing wet clothing in plastic bags causes mildew?

It would not have completely washed away stains.

The fact remains..that Martin's sleeves had no blood on them.

Not the hoodie. Not the shirt.
Did you watch the trial today? We already knew it was raining, which could easily have washed any DNA off of Martin's hands, or are you going to try to rewrite the weather? It also came out that the ME did something that only happens on TV shows, they stored the wet clothes from both Zimmerman and Martin in sealed plastic bags. I will leave it to you to do some basic research on why you do not store organic material in plastic bags.

Quick question..................have you ever washed blood off of YOUR hands?

Even when I've only had my own blood on my hands, it was pretty hard to wash off.

Sorry....................but your "theory" doesn't really hold water.

Quick question, do you normally use sand to clean your hands? Martin was left in the rain for who knows how long before the ME carried him off, and he was then washed down by a lab assistant before the ME began the autopsy, Want to explain why I should consider your claim that you do not know how to wash your hands in light of the reality that most people can get blood off their hands in less than a minute?

[ame=]Washing blood from my hands - YouTube[/ame]

The police were there 15 seconds after Martin was killed.
This one was new to me.

Zimmerman's holster was "really" a concealed carry type. Meaning it was worn on the inside of his pants. And according to the video, he wore it in back above his buttocks on his left side.

Which almost completely destroys another part of Zimmerman's story. That Martin saw the gun.

It would mean that either Martin had xray night vision..or that's another inconsistency.


This is how you wear an IWB holster. Police routinely spot these things under jackets even if they are in front of the person wearing them because they are designed to be able to draw the weapon without breaking your arm. You really need to stop watching movies and thinking the real world works the same way.



Thanks man.

Just completely reinforced what I posted.

He was wearing it behind his back.
NO, but the evidence does not support that anything like that happened.

The law does say that when a thug is cracking your head on the concrete and trying to kill you that you can shoot him.

You lefties just cannot admit that TM was a trouble maker and a thug. He was probably going to end the same way in some gang bang shootout or drug deal gone sour.

No evidence? I guess it was Martin following Zimmerman around then.

Even if we completely ignore the evidence that Zimmerman was walking back to his car and assume you are correct that he was following TM. Following someone is not harassment.

Zimmerman himself says in his 911 call that Martin's first reaction is to run away. Clearly Zimmerman keeps following him even after the police tell him not to. Martin's first reaction was to run away from the confrontation and he had no criminal history of violence. Yet you really believe Zimmerman turned his back and was attacked? :cuckoo:
Why is the Zimmerman case devided so sharply along partisan lines? With only a very few exceptions the lefties here believe GZ is guilty and the conservatives wait until the trial is over. I couldn't understand why, since GZ isn't white, the lefties were so ready to string him up.

Moments ago, it hit me.

It's only partially about race. True, if TM was white or hispanic, no one would care, but race isn't the real reason they want GZ to fry. It's guns.

GZ defended himself with a gun and a black man is dead. They cannot stand the thought that GZ might have legally used a gun to defend himself. It's about guns, and self-defense and even Stand-Your-Ground.

If GZ is convicted, they can use this case to revive their efforts to take away our rights and that is THE issue.

The left never ever cares about right and wrong, they only care about winning.

No, it's race.

They got their marching orders from racist black leaders and jumped the gun, :lol:, and once they found out the truth, they can't admit they were wrong, so the had to go full steam ahead.

taking our guns is the win win, it's an add to their racism

I disagree. I think race was what initiated it but since GZ isn't white that became a lesser factor. Now the reason the lefties want GZ to fry so badly is guns, and self defense.
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