The Official Zimmerman Trial Verdict Thread

What are your Initial Thoughts on the Guilt or Innocence of George Zimmerman?

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Judge Debra Nelson needs to learn her case law again, by reading State of Florida v. Lumarque, 44 So.3d 171 (2010) which was decided by the Third District Court:

The language of Lumarque is quite specific that to authenticate a text message does not require an ID by the author of the message. It cites U.S. v. Caldwell, 776 F.2d 989, 1001-02 (11th Cir.1985) in that authentication of evidence merely requires a finding that the evidence is what it purports to be. It does not require an ID. Debra Nelson is out of line as of tonight. She has opened herself up wide to an appeal on this issue, and I know for sure she is going to deny this evidence into admission.

I could obviously be wrong, but I don't think the defense wants to use any of this stuff. I think they are arguing to get all of these things admitted to hedge their bets. Kind of calling Nelson's bluff. Either admit it when you don't want to, or we will overturn the conviction on appeal.
Are you denying that you said Zimmerman had a broken nose?

The initial police report indicated that he was bleeding form the nose... Broken or not,he had blood coming out of his nose so DNA was on the front and back of his head. Any more stupid questions? I'm still waiting for that link to my non existent "theory."

Did you watch the trial today? We already knew it was raining, which could easily have washed any DNA off of Martin's hands, or are you going to try to rewrite the weather? It also came out that the ME did something that only happens on TV shows, they stored the wet clothes from both Zimmerman and Martin in sealed plastic bags. I will leave it to you to do some basic research on why you do not store organic material in plastic bags.

Quick question..................have you ever washed blood off of YOUR hands?

Even when I've only had my own blood on my hands, it was pretty hard to wash off.

Sorry....................but your "theory" doesn't really hold water.
Judge Debra Nelson needs to learn her case law again, by reading State of Florida v. Lumarque, 44 So.3d 171 (2010) which was decided by the Third District Court:

The language of Lumarque is quite specific that to authenticate a text message does not require an ID by the author of the message. It cites U.S. v. Caldwell, 776 F.2d 989, 1001-02 (11th Cir.1985) in that authentication of evidence merely requires a finding that the evidence is what it purports to be. It does not require an ID. Debra Nelson is out of line as of tonight. She has opened herself up wide to an appeal on this issue, and I know for sure she is going to deny this evidence into admission.

I could obviously be wrong, but I don't think the defense wants to use any of this stuff. I think they are arguing to get all of these things admitted to hedge their bets. Kind of calling Nelson's bluff. Either admit it when you don't want to, or we will overturn the conviction on appeal.

She didn't mind citing case law which allowed her to call it an "authentication issue." I think they need to slap her with this. Make her know that she can't just run people over in the courtroom.
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Judge Debra Nelson needs to learn her case law again, by reading State of Florida v. Lumarque, 44 So.3d 171 (2010) which was decided by the Third District Court:

The language of Lumarque is quite specific that to authenticate a text message does not require an ID by the author of the message. It cites U.S. v. Caldwell, 776 F.2d 989, 1001-02 (11th Cir.1985) in that authentication of evidence merely requires a finding that the evidence is what it purports to be. It does not require an ID. Debra Nelson is out of line as of tonight. She has opened herself up wide to an appeal on this issue, and I know for sure she is going to deny this evidence into admission.

I could obviously be wrong, but I don't think the defense wants to use any of this stuff. I think they are arguing to get all of these things admitted to hedge their bets. Kind of calling Nelson's bluff. Either admit it when you don't want to, or we will overturn the conviction on appeal.

She didn't mind citing caselaw which allowed her to call it an "authentication issue" I think they need to slap her with this. Make her know that she can't just run people over in the courtroom.

She can really do whatever she wants, but that doesn't mean it can hold up. I think that by not granting, or at least considering the Judgment of Acquittal that she opened up reversible error. Along with the 5 pending unprofessional conduct hearings related to the prosecution after the case is over. Plus Mr. Crump may end up disbarred over this. Saw O'Mara on CNN the other night and he has a hard on for Crump. He will follow up on charges.
I could obviously be wrong, but I don't think the defense wants to use any of this stuff. I think they are arguing to get all of these things admitted to hedge their bets. Kind of calling Nelson's bluff. Either admit it when you don't want to, or we will overturn the conviction on appeal.

She didn't mind citing caselaw which allowed her to call it an "authentication issue" I think they need to slap her with this. Make her know that she can't just run people over in the courtroom.

She can really do whatever she wants, but that doesn't mean it can hold up. I think that by not granting, or at least considering the Judgment of Acquittal that she opened up reversible error. Along with the 5 pending unprofessional conduct hearings related to the prosecution after the case is over. Plus Mr. Crump may end up disbarred over this. Saw O'Mara on CNN the other night and he has a hard on for Crump. He will follow up on charges.

And she has already accused Donelly of "violating his sequestration twice." This can't get any more damning for the state, this Judge was showing her true colors last night...

Mr. O'Mara is oh so good. I think I have a man crush... :eek:
And let me add an excerpt from Caldwell, since I heard her citing Rule 901 (Federal Statutes) for Authenticating or Identifying Evidence:

“Authentication 1002*1002 or identification under rule 901 merely involves the process of presenting sufficient evidence to make out a prima facie case that the proffered evidence is what it purports to be. Once that prima facie showing has been made, the evidence should be admitted, although it remains for the trier of fact to appraise whether the proffered evidence is in fact what it purports to be."
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The initial police report indicated that he was bleeding form the nose... Broken or not,he had blood coming out of his nose so DNA was on the front and back of his head. Any more stupid questions? I'm still waiting for that link to my non existent "theory."

Did you watch the trial today? We already knew it was raining, which could easily have washed any DNA off of Martin's hands, or are you going to try to rewrite the weather? It also came out that the ME did something that only happens on TV shows, they stored the wet clothes from both Zimmerman and Martin in sealed plastic bags. I will leave it to you to do some basic research on why you do not store organic material in plastic bags.

It was not a downpour! From what I have seen It was drizzling! The first police officer arrived on the scene in less than a minute after the shooting. That being said, she might have been able to preserve any fragile evidence that would have been washed away in the rain if not for securing GZ first! The 2nd officer arrived seconds later and performed CPR on Martin so the preservation of evidence was not his top priority either.

As far as your plastic bags: K.I.S.S. M.Y. A.S.S. I'll leave that acronym up to you to figure out!

Did I say downpour?

Every single prosecution witness said it was raining fairly heavy. The alleged girlfriend even managed to here the phone drop on wet grass. You should call the state prosecutor up and tell him to go back and discredit the testimony of all his witnesses about the weather because your infinite wisdom has shown you that it was only a drizzle. That might make it even harder for him to prove that Zimmerman was wrong, but it should make you feel better.

Does your acronym mean you are too stupid to look up and see that storing wet clothing in plastic bags causes mildew?
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Ok, get Limbaugh's testicles out of your eyes so you can read this:

This case HAS EVERYTHING TO DO WITH STAND YOUR GROUND. That is exactly what Martin did. Zimmerman was the THREAT, not Martin! TM stood his ground to neutralize that threat. Sadly, the aggressor had a gun and used it, apparently when he was getting his ass whipped!

Now; after you have finished swallowing the juice you sucked out of Hannity's underpants,
this ought to go down real easy for ya:

In regard to STALKING:

After reviewing the Florida Statues I noticed that 784.048 (1) (b,) seems to define "repeatedly" as applicable to Florida state law:

“Course of conduct” means a pattern of conduct composed of a series of acts over a period of time, however short, evidencing a continuity of purpose. "

Interpretation is crucial here. Perhaps the Florida Supreme Court would be the ultimate authority to decide if GZ's actions warrants the application of the above rule. The writers of this law included the phrase "however short" in the law and thereby invalidated any necessity to violate the statute by following or harassing someone for days or weeks.

I think it would be reasonable to say that the series of acts instigated by GZ on the night he shot and killed Trayvon Martin would satisfy the legal definition of the word "repeatedly."

1. Spotting and trailing Martin in his vehicle.

2. Getting out of his vehicle to follow Martin further.

3. Chasing Martin.

4. Approaching Martin , engaging and shooting him.

Suffice it to say, JQPubic, that your ignorance knows no bounds.

The case has ZERO to do with "stand your ground."

You have lapped up the uninformed blather of the silly main stream lolberal media.

Stand your ground means you are not required to run away if you are able to do so in safety.

But when some guy is ON TOP of you, pounding you, the question of running away is utterly moot.

You remain entirely wrong.

Laughably so.

My "ignorance" has bounds alright The "bounds" are the four corners of your square head.
If it escapes that tight confine then I might be concerned.

Do you have any link to back up that knee jerk definition you just coughed up! Keep in mind that we are talking about Florida law not any other state.

If I am wrong give me something to prove I am wrong. I am not interested in your gut feelings or excerpts from the KKK debate team's perspective on this matter!~

Only idiots and people who have an agenda ever mention stand your ground in reference to this case.

I will leave it to history to judge the fact that having an agenda actually requires intelligence.
The initial police report indicated that he was bleeding form the nose... Broken or not,he had blood coming out of his nose so DNA was on the front and back of his head. Any more stupid questions? I'm still waiting for that link to my non existent "theory."

Did you watch the trial today? We already knew it was raining, which could easily have washed any DNA off of Martin's hands, or are you going to try to rewrite the weather? It also came out that the ME did something that only happens on TV shows, they stored the wet clothes from both Zimmerman and Martin in sealed plastic bags. I will leave it to you to do some basic research on why you do not store organic material in plastic bags.

Quick question..................have you ever washed blood off of YOUR hands?

Even when I've only had my own blood on my hands, it was pretty hard to wash off.

Sorry....................but your "theory" doesn't really hold water.

Quick question, do you normally use sand to clean your hands? Martin was left in the rain for who knows how long before the ME carried him off, and he was then washed down by a lab assistant before the ME began the autopsy, Want to explain why I should consider your claim that you do not know how to wash your hands in light of the reality that most people can get blood off their hands in less than a minute?

[ame=]Washing blood from my hands - YouTube[/ame]
This one was new to me.

Zimmerman's holster was "really" a concealed carry type. Meaning it was worn on the inside of his pants. And according to the video, he wore it in back above his buttocks on his left side.

Which almost completely destroys another part of Zimmerman's story. That Martin saw the gun.

It would mean that either Martin had xray night vision..or that's another inconsistency.


This is how you wear an IWB holster. Police routinely spot these things under jackets even if they are in front of the person wearing them because they are designed to be able to draw the weapon without breaking your arm. You really need to stop watching movies and thinking the real world works the same way.

What Judge Nelson fails to acknowledge is that it’s the accused entitled to due process, not the jury or to herself!

Guess that would go in the don't know your rights thread too. She apparently is unaware of the 5th and 14th amendments of the constitution.

Precisely! This entire case is a farce. And this judge has an agenda. I smell it.
So if it were impossible for martin to see the weapon in the struggle, why didn't the prosecution make the point and prove the point?

It hasn't come up yet because Zimmerman hasn't testified.

That specific moment needs to come up so that the prosecution can question it.

No it doesn't, they played the videos of him in court, they could have questioned it then, Except, for some reason, every single cop they tried to get to go along with Sallow laughed in their face.
Orlando Sentinel

By Henry Pierson Curtis, Orlando Sentinel
.5:24 pm, July 8, 2013

A Mississippi tourist remains in critical condition after the disclosure of an affair during a family dinner late Sunday ended in a fight between father and son, according to the Orange County Sheriff's Office.

Shortly before 10 p.m., Taylor Dwayne Harris, 21, learned his dad was having an affair and receiving text messages from his lover while the family was eating at Dave and Buster's restaurant on International Drive, according to a sheriff's office report.

Upset, the son walked outside and his father, 52-year-old Leonard Harris, followed him into the parking lot where witnesses watched a fight begin and end with a single punch, according to sheriff's records.

"You better not come out here," the younger Harris had yelled, a report stated.

The father followed but appeared to be walking away when the son swore, pushed his dad and hit him once in the face. A witness later told deputies, "When the victim fell and hit the concrete … she could hear the victim's head hit the concrete three car lengths away," the report stated.

Moments later, a medic and his wife, a registered EMT, arriving for dinner saw the man lying motionless in the parking lot and began performing CPR after he stopped breathing and lost his pulse. A county Fire Rescue crew arrived and resuscitated Harris.

While the father was taken first to Dr. Phillips Hospital and later to Orlando Regional Medical Center's neurological intensive care unit, deputies arrested the son on a charge of aggravated battery with great bodily harm/domestic violence, the report stated.

Mary Harris had insisted her husband follow their son outside to find out why he was so upset, the report stated. Minutes later, her son came back and asked that she go check on her husband.

Taylor Harris told his mother he left the table to cool off, the sheriff's report said, but his father "got in his face and would not leave him alone, so an argument ensued."

The son remains held without bail in the Orange County Jail.

[email protected]
At this point the best thing the prosecution can do is sit down and shut up. Everytime baldy opens his mouth he makes things worse.
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