The Official Zimmerman Trial Verdict Thread

What are your Initial Thoughts on the Guilt or Innocence of George Zimmerman?

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there are a few things missing in this photo


his crack pipe, burglary tools, stolen property/jewelry and a bag of doobies :up:
There won't be a conviction. As many of you have said, and I agree, the prosecution witnesses were turned into defense witnesses. This is not a stellar prosecution team. It does not measure up to the defense.

I'll give you this much, you are honest. Rare quality around these parts.

No. He's setting up the "Zimmerman was guilty as hell but the prosecutors were incompetent" meme. I've mentioend this before. After the acquittal you'll see all over these boards the following:
Zimmerman was guilty but the prosecutor was incompetent
The jury was all white women, including one white hispanic woman. They were racist, is why Zimmerman walked.
The prosecutor over0charged the case.
ANd that discounts the whackier statements about bribery, perjury, and Zimmerman's self inflicted wounds on the back of his head.

I'm not setting anything up. I began as murder2. I've thrown that out. I'm laboring on manslaughter because no one can give me a definitive scenario of what took place.

Z decided that TM was suspicious. That's my first problem. What made M suspicious? He followed him and I think he continued to do so after being told to stand down. He could have driven to the mail boxers and all would have been well. But he didn't. Second problem.

So he got out of his truck and somehow Z and M met up. Did M surprise Z or did Z come up to M? Don't know. But an altercation ensued. Why in the hell did he get out of his truck? He already had a meeting place for the police. Third problem.

I assume M was on top of Z. But how did Z get his gun out of his pocket if M's legs were on his sides closing his pockets? Maybe Z was on top and M saw the gun and he yelled help? But a witness said he saw the light colored man on the bottom? Was it too dark to see?

I did not hear about the witness testimony about the fight, so I am at a loss about this part.

So. I am on manslaughter unless someone can convince me beyond a reasonable doubt that there was a good reason to follow M and Z was fighting for his life.
It is so wrong to identify this case with the OJ Simpson case! I wonder how many are doing just that?

Me, for one. Will the jury convict Zimmerman because he's not black, like the O.J. jury aquitted O.J. simply because he was black and they could?

There are similarities. The gross dishonesties purely based on PC race issues of the worst kind.

I can imagine the jury convicting Zimmerman purely because they want to stick it to whitey and the whole of the white part of the nation aghast at the obvious injustice and the black part cheering and laughing as they did when O.J. got off.

I don't think the danger of riot was as great with the O.J. trial, though.

The Jury in the OJ case had no choice but to acquit, I watched that trial and the prosecution failed every step of the way proving he had anything to do with the murders.

Now if you did not watch the trial and depended on the MSM for your facts you got a completely different picture. I would just shake my head in bewilderment at night after watching the Court room. The defense would totally hammer the prosecution on point after point and the evening news would ignore it and report that something else happened.

Simple things like the fact a 18 year police veteran illegally carried OJ's blood around for a whole day going to the crime scene and OJ's house. The fact that the crime lab accidentally sprayed OJ's blood across the lab while evidence was out.

The fact that Furman lied about knowing OJ and that he had a personal vendetta against him. Furman supposedly found a glove on OJ's property, He claimed he found it UNDER an air conditioning unit. Yet the claim was that OJ accidentally dropped it while going home.

The fact that not once but twice the police lied to a Judge for a search warrant. The fact that the police initially claimed they feared for OJ's life and simply wanted to conduct a search to find out if he was ok. Then when they knocked on his daughter's door they did not ask once if she saw him, if he was ok, but asked repeatedly to search for shoes.

The fact that the supposed spot of blood on the car was so miniscule that it was physically impossible to have seen it in the dark.

The gloves were a fiasco.

And of course the fact that AFTER the veteran officer had "accidentally" carried OJ's blood to the crime scene they magically found new blood evidence on the back gate.

It goes on and on.
Could it be that O.J. had absolutely nothing to do with that unfortunate woman's murder?!??
Exactly! Can you imagine everyone walking around thinking that the slightest argument or altercation will immediately lead to death in one, two or three blows. Our nation would become a huge walking mental hospital.

You are speculating.

A metaphor isn't speculation. :tongue:

If any of those altercations goes too far, someone is asking to be killed.

That's not what I said. Did you miss the word "slightest"? Slight doesn't imply going "too far."

There are hundreds of millions of gun owners in America, so you tell me? If some ganxsta thug wannabe tries to mug a gun owner, someone is bound to get shot dead.

Are you saying Trayvon is guilty of an attempted mugging? WTF

Hey, I'm still not far off from negging you, Quick. Don't WTF me. Trayvon is guilty of foolishness.

One, you seem to be thinking that Zimmerman could have averted an altercation. So there is no "slightest' to it. It was Martin who thought just being followed warranted beating a man senseless over. Hey, he wanted to be the tough guy, remember? Were you not watching the trial tonight?
Okay, Dr. Rao said that the next blow or the next could have been potentially fatal. Thats her testimony.

Essentially, that is the same as saying the first blow could have killed him as well. Which is possible, correct?

Remember what Dr. Di Maio referred to as the "cumulative stun effect"? It can get to the point where you can knock someone unconscious. If he had succeeded in doing so, Martin could have gone for the gun with ease, and shot Zimmerman. If you are hitting him from side to side, you can go for the temples, if you hit someone there just right, you can kill them.

I study human anatomy as well, I study a lot of subjects frankly, including comparative anatomy. So to be frank with you, the first blow is not likely to kill, its the successive blows afterwards that have a chance.

It would be easier to convince a jury that GZ had a gun on Trayvon before any fight started since GZ admitted to being the aggressor. It's easier or just as easy to argue that GZ had a gun on him before than that Martin attacked Zimmerman. There are no witnesses to prove either way conclusively.
Essentially, that is the same as saying the first blow could have killed him as well. Which is possible, correct?

Remember what Dr. Di Maio referred to as the "cumulative stun effect"? It can get to the point where you can knock someone unconscious. If he had succeeded in doing so, Martin could have gone for the gun with ease, and shot Zimmerman. If you are hitting him from side to side, you can go for the temples, if you hit someone there just right, you can kill them.

I study human anatomy as well, I study a lot of subjects frankly, including comparative anatomy. So to be frank with you, the first blow is not likely to kill, its the successive blows afterwards that have a chance.

It would be easier to convince a jury that GZ had a gun on Trayvon before any fight started since GZ admitted to being the aggressor. It's easier or just as easy to argue that GZ had a gun on him before than that Martin attacked Zimmerman. There are no witnesses to prove either way conclusively.

GZ never admitted to being anything. Where did you get that he "admitted to being the aggressor"? Zimmerman had a gun on him because he was properly trained and licensed to use it. He didn't just go hunting people like a crazed maniac, Quick. He flunked his MMA training, and was no match for a 17 year old buck with an ego the size of his ex girlfriend, who in his last hour, decided to administer a smack down. He died.
You are speculating.

A metaphor isn't speculation. :tongue:

That's not what I said. Did you miss the word "slightest"? Slight doesn't imply going "too far."

There are hundreds of millions of gun owners in America, so you tell me? If some ganxsta thug wannabe tries to mug a gun owner, someone is bound to get shot dead.

Are you saying Trayvon is guilty of an attempted mugging? WTF

Hey, I'm still not far off from negging you, Quick. Don't WTF me. Trayvon is guilty of foolishness.

One, you seem to be thinking that Zimmerman could have averted an altercation. So there is no "slightest' to it. It was Martin who thought just being followed warranted beating a man senseless over. Hey, he wanted to be the tough guy, remember? Were you not watching the trial tonight?

Like I just posted, there is no hard evidence of who started the altercation. I believe Zimmerman pulled the gun, and Trayvon fearing for HIS life tried to wrestle it away from GZ.

TM was trespassing, not only by simply being in a private neighborhood, but by "cutting through" private lots.
He was noticed by member of the community (who has every right to question the trespasser)
TM assaulted the member of the community (GZ)
GZ defended himself.

9 grams of lead can do a lot to protect private property and exercise self defense.
That's what happened.

Pinkos hate that there is "private property"
Pinkos hate it when people "defend themselves"
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Hey, I'm still not far off from negging you, Quick. Don't WTF me.

It's a free country. :)

Might be, but you are also free to show some respect. I slapped someone else two nights ago for being a smart alec.

Hey I like you, but don't push me. I neg at will. I am giving you more chances than I have anyone here, since you are new, and you are nobody elses alternate account. You waver too much, first you support Zimmerman, then find ways to support Martin. You don't realize how freaking annoying and dishonest that is. Don't like it? Well that's tough.

Stick to one side of the story or the other.
You still haven't explained how the broken nose you claim Zimmerman had fits into your theory that Zimmerman had his gun out and shot MArtin before he could do anything.

Provide the permalink where I made such a correlation and I will address it!

Are you denying that you said Zimmerman had a broken nose?

The initial police report indicated that he was bleeding form the nose... Broken or not,he had blood coming out of his nose so DNA was on the front and back of his head. Any more stupid questions? I'm still waiting for that link to my non existent "theory."
Like I just posted, there is no hard evidence of who started the altercation. I believe Zimmerman pulled the gun, and Trayvon fearing for HIS life tried to wrestle it away from GZ.

And without hard evidence who started the altercation then what do we have?

We have the eye witness and forensic evidence showing that Trayvon was on top of Zimmerman attacking him. Which means that Zimmerman was justified in acting in self defense. There is reasonable doubt.

Until there is evidence otherwise, that's pretty much the case. The Prosecution has the burden. They haven't met it. If anything happened other than what the evidence presented says, then we have to trust God to take care of meeting out justice.
What the hell are you talking about? He was invited by HIS FATHER. Are you kidding me? He is invited, but he can be killed for tresspassing?

Jesus Christ Zimmerman defenders, this is representing you. Sorry.

Mr. Martin, the "father", was not a landowner nor a renter. He had no right to "invite" anyone to the property.

I suspect that the renter, Martin's "girlfriend", had not registered neither Martins as occupants. Therefore it is a simple case of TRESPASSING.

I know you pinko's hate that there is a such a thing as trespassing (meaning private property), but it is here to stay.


Trespassing? He wasn't trespassing. The police haven't said so nor has the press reported that he was.

Of course the police haven't charged him with trespassing, he's DEAD!

However the reality of trespassing is exactly what the pinko "press" is attacking, that is what this whole debacle appears to be attacking (you included). He was trespassing. Present evidence to the contrary please.
Again, pinkos hate "private property".
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Provide the permalink where I made such a correlation and I will address it!

Are you denying that you said Zimmerman had a broken nose?

The initial police report indicated that he was bleeding form the nose... Broken or not,he had blood coming out of his nose so DNA was on the front and back of his head. Any more stupid questions? I'm still waiting for that link to my non existent "theory."

Did you watch the trial today? We already knew it was raining, which could easily have washed any DNA off of Martin's hands, or are you going to try to rewrite the weather? It also came out that the ME did something that only happens on TV shows, they stored the wet clothes from both Zimmerman and Martin in sealed plastic bags. I will leave it to you to do some basic research on why you do not store organic material in plastic bags.
A metaphor isn't speculation. :tongue:

That's not what I said. Did you miss the word "slightest"? Slight doesn't imply going "too far."

Are you saying Trayvon is guilty of an attempted mugging? WTF

Hey, I'm still not far off from negging you, Quick. Don't WTF me. Trayvon is guilty of foolishness.

One, you seem to be thinking that Zimmerman could have averted an altercation. So there is no "slightest' to it. It was Martin who thought just being followed warranted beating a man senseless over. Hey, he wanted to be the tough guy, remember? Were you not watching the trial tonight?

Like I just posted, there is no hard evidence of who started the altercation. I believe Zimmerman pulled the gun, and Trayvon fearing for HIS life tried to wrestle it away from GZ.

Clearly the utterance by Martin "you're going to die tonight, motherfucker" slipped past those ears of yours apparently. Like I said in my previous post, you are being dishonest. There was not an iota of fear from Trayvon. None. Tonight's developments prove it.

TM was trespassing, not only by simply being in a private neighborhood, but by "cutting through" private lots.
He was noticed by member of the community (who has every right to question the trespasser)
TM assaulted the member of the community (GZ)
GZ defended himself.

9 grams of lead can do a lot to protect private property and exercise self defense.
That's what happened.

Pinkos hate that there is "private property"
Pinkos hate it when people "defend themselves"

TM was trespassing, not only by simply being in a private neighborhood, but by "cutting through" private lots.
TM was not trespassing. He was visiting his fathers girlfriend. As for walking of the path, that could mean he walked off the sidewalk. Theis was a condo area, where all of the lots meshed together, with a sidewalk going down the middle. Everyone would have to "trespass" at some time to get to their mailboxes.

He was noticed by member of the community (who has every right to question the trespasser) Who was technically trespassing himself!

TM assaulted the member of the community (GZ)And just who saw the initial assault? Link please.

GZ defended himself. Or, Z was hit, got mad and pulled out his gun and shot M. M saw the gun, yelled for help before Z shot M
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Hey, I'm still not far off from negging you, Quick. Don't WTF me.

It's a free country. :)

Might be, but you are also free to show some respect. I slapped someone else two nights ago for being a smart alec.

Hey I like you, but don't push me. I neg at will. I am giving you more chances than I have anyone here, since you are new, and you are nobody elses alternate account. You waver too much, first you support Zimmerman, then find ways to support Martin.

WTF are you talking about? I never supported Zimmerman. Just because I have stated I don't believe he's guilty of murder but I believe he is guilty of manslaughter is not support. Manslaughter is still a very serious charge. That is the only "support" I gave Zimmy. You won't find any other.

You don't realize how freaking annoying and dishonest that is. Don't like it? Well that's tough.

Stick to one side of the story or the other.

It's annoying that I believe GZ shouldn't be convicted of murder? LMAO
I know men that are in their 40's that are not in very good health that would not stand a chance in hell in a fist fight with a much younger, much stronger, much healthier male.

GZ committed no crime in following what he deemed a suspicious person. That's what a neighborhood watch does you moron!

TM started the fight, GZ ended it.

Now do yourself a favor and take off that hat you're wearing cause you're giving real cowboys a bad name.
No they don't. They are the eyes and ears for the police. Pursuit and apprehension is for the cops, not armed vigilantes.

GZ wasn't in "poor" health.

Don't like my hat? Find a cactus and sit on it.

You really are stupid.

How can a person be eyes and ears if they don't follow the suspicious person to SEE where they're going and what they're doing.

Sit on a cactus? Wow, you look much older than thirteen. Oh and it's not that hat that I have a problem with, it's the idiot wearing it.

Please post a link indicating GZ's health status.

No, you are the stupid one... First, one has to be mature enough to know what makes a person suspicious. A black teen walking in the rain with a hoodie over his head is not enough. Unless Martin was banging on doors or slipping in and out of the shadows like he was trying to burgle something, GZ should have left him the hell alone. It was none of his business to see where Martin was going if he was just walking, BTW Blacks live in that community so why was Martin's presence such a big thing for GZ? BTW, according to the initial police report it was a little after 7PM... Most people were still up at that time of night so why the concern on GZ;s part. I can see if it was 4 AM. Then it might be a bit suspicious to see someone out there walking around
It's a free country. :)

Might be, but you are also free to show some respect. I slapped someone else two nights ago for being a smart alec.

Hey I like you, but don't push me. I neg at will. I am giving you more chances than I have anyone here, since you are new, and you are nobody elses alternate account. You waver too much, first you support Zimmerman, then find ways to support Martin.

WTF are you talking about? I never supported Zimmerman. Just because I have stated I don't believe he's guilty of murder but I believe he is guilty of manslaughter is not support. Manslaughter is still a very serious charge. That is the only "support" I gave Zimmy. You won't find any other.

You don't realize how freaking annoying and dishonest that is. Don't like it? Well that's tough.

Stick to one side of the story or the other.

It's annoying that I believe GZ shouldn't be convicted of murder? LMAO

Bingo! You think that Zimmerman started the fight. You also still believe he should be tried for some sort of crime. Come now, do you really take me for a fool? You are convinced he should be punished, even if he did act in self defense. You should drop the charade, Quick.
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