The Official Zimmerman Trial Verdict Thread

What are your Initial Thoughts on the Guilt or Innocence of George Zimmerman?

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11 news.

Pissed off all over again

West: Violates his FL Constitutional rights and US Constitutional rights

Can we just. have. a. fair. trial.

That is all.
The vast majority of the time, the prosecution wins at murder trials, unless their presentation or case is extremely weak. In this case, a weak case is true for murder but won't matter since the argument for manslaughter is very strong. We just can't have a number of loose cannons running around the streets.

Speaking at a news conference, lawyer Benjamin Crump said: "Mr Zimmerman is a neighbourhood watch loose cannon."

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I don't believe I said today how much I hate Nancy Sourgrapes so consider it done.
I don't get why anyone would be on her show. Unless it's all scripted and they all go out for drinks after she insults them all on national tv..and insulting watchers who have common sense.
I don't believe I said today how much I hate Nancy Sourgrapes so consider it done.
I don't get why anyone would be on her show. Unless it's all scripted and they all go out for drinks after she insults them all on national tv..and insulting watchers who have common sense.

Oh don't even get me started on that crazy bitch. She is disgusting liar, and attention whore
well I hope there aren't any Best Buys located near any "Non-White" neighborhoods, the acquittal of Zimmerman will be their excuse to start stealing flat screen TV's,,,,kinda like what they did during the Hurricane that Bush caused in 2005.
Trayvon was not screaming. It was Z screaming. Trayvon was busy pounding Z's head to the concrete and Z was able to use his gun in self-defense.
You can not scream and do something with your hands?
Z was screaming FOR HELP. He reached for his gun as he did not want to die and help wasn't coming anytime soon.

You can create the most unlikely story possible, but that doesn't hold any weight. If you've gained control enough to shoot someone in the heart, for sure you would stop screaming if only for a second or two to fire the shot.

In the story you've engineered so carefully, then why does the screaming stop the second Trayvon is hit? I'm sure you can come up with another carefully crafted reason.

it holds absolutely perfect weight. you obviously do not hold concealed carry and are basing your "knowledge" on movies ( which is ridiculous) otherwise you would know that an absolute, 100% rule of pulling the gun in self defense is ONLY if nothing else worked.

Your response here doesn't seem to apply in anyway to what I said.

Z asked the eye-witness to help him and he ran to call 911 instead.
If he would wait more - he'll be dead.

There is absolutely no evidence or indication that Trayvon was going to kill Zimmerman.

Screaming for help didn't work so he pulled the gun.
That's why he was so happy when police tricked him that everything was on the camera.
and if you hit somebody with your bullet there is no need to scream anymore - are you stupid or what?

Again, direct evidence is powerful and belittling it wouldn't fly in real deliberation. Shooting someone in the heart is powerful evidence of motive or opportunity.

Listening to the tape, it is impossible to escape the greatest likelihood that the bullet did the silencing, since the timing was so perfect. If like you say it was a "lucky" shot, then why would he instantaneously become unafraid and silent? Possible of course, but much less likely than the obvious that the bullet silenced Trayvon's screams. Direct evidence is the key. You can make all the excuses and "what ifs" you want, but they don't necessarily count.
If some of this stuff comes in, then Zimmerman's history comes in, too. Then it's a new kind of trial. Mudslinging.

LOL mudslinging. The entire prosecution's argument was based on defacing Zimmerman's character. They got his college records, and that backfired. Tried to paint him as a racist, witnesses blew that out of the water. Tried to prove a depraved mind, that failed.

So if they can bring in Zimmerman's records, Trayvon's phone messages and facebook posts should be fair game. I already don't like this judge, if she disallows the evidence then it will prove that she is impartial. Shes already pissed off Don West tonight...

I was looking for the post that you quoted asking me where in Scotland I was, but couldn't find it, plus I didn't look very hard.

I just wanted to say I'm not ignoring you, I just remembered it and wanted to respond with;

I don't live in Scotland but that's where my ancestor's are from, I live in Indiana.
The judge, if she refuses the text messages, has opened the door REALLY wide for appeal.

How does it help the jury understand GZ's frame of mind at the time of the killing?

Z didn't know his propensity for fighting. All he got was a bloody nose and a couple of cuts on his head. George shot him before he could really take any beating. Help me understand.

Okay, Dr. Rao said that the next blow or the next could have been potentially fatal. Thats her testimony.

Essentially, that is the same as saying the first blow could have killed him as well. Which is possible, correct?
Then what exactly made the cuts on the back of his head? I don't want assumptions provide evidence.
He had an abrasion that the medical expert testified was very minor.

Does slamming someone's head into concrete produce only minor abrasions?
Blows to the head are never considered minor to a doctor. Maybe you've never heard of shaken baby syndrome in which no injury may be apparent, but the baby's brain is disconnected from the skull in a way that results in permanent brain damage.

Also, a blow to the head can shake someone's brain loose and bring upon them a condition known as dementia, which grows in severity as the brain shrinks over decades of time. If you ever had to see someone you care about perish his mind day by day, well, it's enough to make a grown man cry. :(

Head injuries can be heinous, and may not go uncovered for years until its victim can no longer hide the damages his injury has caused him.

Shaken baby would explain you.
How does it help the jury understand GZ's frame of mind at the time of the killing?

Z didn't know his propensity for fighting. All he got was a bloody nose and a couple of cuts on his head. George shot him before he could really take any beating. Help me understand.

Okay, Dr. Rao said that the next blow or the next could have been potentially fatal. Thats her testimony.

Essentially, that is the same as saying the first blow could have killed him as well. Which is possible, correct?

Remember what Dr. Di Maio referred to as the "cumulative stun effect"? It can get to the point where you can knock someone unconscious. If he had succeeded in doing so, Martin could have gone for the gun with ease, and shot Zimmerman. If you are hitting him from side to side, you can go for the temples, if you hit someone there just right, you can kill them.

I study human anatomy as well, I study a lot of subjects frankly, including comparative anatomy. So to be frank with you, the first blow is not likely to kill, its the successive blows afterwards that have a chance.
If some of this stuff comes in, then Zimmerman's history comes in, too. Then it's a new kind of trial. Mudslinging.

LOL mudslinging. The entire prosecution's argument was based on defacing Zimmerman's character. They got his college records, and that backfired. Tried to paint him as a racist, witnesses blew that out of the water. Tried to prove a depraved mind, that failed.

So if they can bring in Zimmerman's records, Trayvon's phone messages and facebook posts should be fair game. I already don't like this judge, if she disallows the evidence then it will prove that she is impartial. Shes already pissed off Don West tonight...

I must have missed something. College records? I don't believe there was much to those. It really did backfire! He had glowing reports from the teachers! lol.

Racist, yes when he called TM an AH and a FP, the defense lamely tried to paint that as terms of endearment and I think they looked foolish on that one. If the prosecution tried to prove a depraved mind, I agree, they missed again.

I have to say, West pissed off the judge when she repeated again and again, NOTHING BUT THE EVIDENCE on the cell phone stuff and forget the's all on the CD. No, he wanted to do HIS way! He was going to do it, she kept stopping him and repeating, NO! Just the evidence and then when the witness came in, he did the credentials! I had to laugh.
How does it help the jury understand GZ's frame of mind at the time of the killing?

Z didn't know his propensity for fighting. All he got was a bloody nose and a couple of cuts on his head. George shot him before he could really take any beating. Help me understand.

Okay, Dr. Rao said that the next blow or the next could have been potentially fatal. Thats her testimony.

Essentially, that is the same as saying the first blow could have killed him as well. Which is possible, correct?

Exactly! Can you imagine everyone walking around thinking that the slightest argument or altercation will immediately lead to death in one, two or three blows. Our nation would become a huge walking mental hospital.

Zimmerman was lucky. Consider what Trayvon was "armed with". And look at what Trayvon was doing. Walking down the street while black. The nerve.
Okay, Dr. Rao said that the next blow or the next could have been potentially fatal. Thats her testimony.

Essentially, that is the same as saying the first blow could have killed him as well. Which is possible, correct?

Remember what Dr. Di Maio referred to as the "cumulative stun effect"? It can get to the point where you can knock someone unconscious. If he had succeeded in doing so, Martin could have gone for the gun with ease, and shot Zimmerman. If you are hitting him from side to side, you can go for the temples, if you hit someone there just right, you can kill them.

I study human anatomy as well, I study a lot of subjects frankly, including comparative anatomy. So to be frank with you, the first blow is not likely to kill, its the successive blows afterwards that have a chance.

Then I would guess successive blows could do it, stun him into submission and the gun could be useless.

Zimmerman was lucky. Consider what Trayvon was "armed with". And look at what Trayvon was doing. Walking down the street while black. The nerve.

You keep ignoring the fact that he was beating the crap out of zimmerman.
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