The Official Zimmerman Trial Verdict Thread

What are your Initial Thoughts on the Guilt or Innocence of George Zimmerman?

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Of course it would.

Can you be more specific? Wouldn't you agree that GZ is at least a loser? You'd have to be to follow people around to try and feel self-important and spend half of your adult life calling the police on people for any reason.

No. I think you're a pathetic fucking loser, flinging crap comments that contradict each other with no foundation other than your "feelings."

Nobody's perfect, and people make mistakes. That shows I'm human unlike how you come off in your personal attack.

How does one mistake all of a sudden make my comments contradict? That doesn't even make sense.
My feed cut out, did I hear M O'M say there won't be any rebuttal and this will go to summations and the closing?

Did I get that right?

I don't like the State starting Friday with summation rebuttal. I think closing arguments and jury instructions should all be done the same day.

I thought she said state's closing on Thursday, then Defense closing and state's rebuttal on Friday.

Wait! I thought she said state and defense tomorrow then rebuttal Friday?

Hell I need to get my facts restraightened up. Too much emotion and tequila.


You've been drinking at work????
I'm not sure what Florida's procedural code says. But I do know the ABA Code of Professional Conduct says that an attorney cannot put a person on the stand he KNOWS is going to commit perjury. It also says some things about perpetrating a fraud upon the court. Deep stuff.

I don't even know that much.

Zimmerman just doesn't seem like he would be articulate enough to impress jurors.

I was surprised to learn his father is a magistrate judge? His uncle a sheriff's deputy.

That would impress me or influence me as a juror. He really didn't need to say anything.

I think he is plenty articulate. Apparently he is very well liked and respected and appreciated by his neighbors who know him well, but on camera he is not that sympathetic a person. He is probably very lovable once you get to know him. But on camera, he just isn't somebody who looks adorable either in his appearance or by his demeanor. He just isn't one of those people you are automatically drawn to and feel immediate rapport or sympathy with. And that could go against him under antagonistic interrogation by the Prosecution. I'm sure his defense team knows that too.

Someone--I don't know who--remarked that he had an unusually interesting and accomplished group of friends.

I haven't thought much about his appearance--under such circumstances anyone who can sit stoically through hours and hours of the legal process gets a pass from me.

'They' thought the woman called as a final witness was a good choice and it clarified to me that he has a genuine interest in his community. That is how I would respond to her testimony.
Far too emotional myself to serve on this jury and perhaps on any jury.

Why he couldn't have hit TM over the head with the gun--but I don't know. Self defense.

Having never engaged in a physical altercation it is difficult to judge what thoughts or feelings might be involved. Adrenaline---but that is the jury's job to decide.
In a time of apathy and selfishness, someone cares enough about the neighborhood that they live in to volunteer their time to try and keep that neighborhood safe by joining a Neighborhood Watch, but you call him a "loser"? What makes George Zimmerman a loser in your eyes? The fact that he cared? That's the OPPOSITE of a sociopath!

I didn't call him a loser.

Ah, you just did in that post! When you ask someone to agree that GZ is a're CALLING him a loser. Don't make statements like that and then run from them...that makes YOU a loser!

Is English your second language?

I asked the replier if they would at least call him a loser. I made it clear then what I thought he was.
My wife made a pot roast tonight for dinner. Well, she's been cooking it all day, but we had it for dinner. Anyway, I thought I would try a little BBQ Sauce on it and DAMN WAS IT GOOD! After 25 years, I don't know why I never tried it before. The same goes for Meatloaf and A-1 Steak Sauce, which is mighty tasty I must say.

As for the Prosecutions rebuttal witnesses, all I have to say is, "Oh man, where did you get your law degree, Bob's online law school and typewriter repair?" holy crap!

I'm cooking my beef stew today...

Yesterday I cut up some beef short rib meat and bagged bones and all in a large freezer bag with apple juice (martinellis), garlic, and table wine over night.

The marinade was tossed into a crockpot, then the meat braised and tossed into the crockpot on low first thing this morning.

At about the four hour mark (lunch) I added frozen green beans, some carrots, and some more wine and apple juice.

At snack time I lightly stir fried some fresh cut potatoes, mushrooms, and onions in wine and apple juice till the wine an apple juice have reduced and the veggies start getting a little brown and caramelized.. they were then tossed into the pot and I again topped off the liquid level in the pot with juice and wine.

As the last ingredients I just added canned diced tomato, basil, oregano, garlic, salt and pepper to taste.

Dinner will be ready in around two hours when the potatoes are just right, the meat is already fork tender. My dogs will get the beef short rib bones. All will be happy at the Brown's house tonight.
This bugs me. No offense. But how did GM misread anything?

Only if TM went home and nothing happened would that be the case.

The accusation that GZ is guilty of anything is just more bs propaganda


He misread the situation in that Trayvon had every right to be there.

I don't recall any statement of Zimmerman's to the effect that li'l Trayvon didn't have the right to be there, just that he didn't have the right to assault and batter Zimmerman while he was where he had the right to be. As did Zimmerman, BTW, since it was common ground for use of all the residents.

The whole thing only happened because GZ was suspicious of TM.
TM was going about his lawful business.
GZ misread the situation.
I don't see how that can be argued against.
I'm not saying there was. I'm saying if she had not asked HIM, it would have looked as though his lawyer could not put him on the stand for ethical reasons.

If I were Zimmerman I wouldn't want to testify either. I would be a wreck. I think I have been in some key places to see the kind of emotional turmoil people go through when there is a criminal accusation against them. I have also seen the fools who won't settle for probation but rather want their 'name cleared' and end up in the pen.

Clarification. Under Florida statutory law and the law of many states, the Judge must ask the accused these questions... informing them that they have a rigtht to testify even if there lawyer tells them not to, because it is the accused right to testify and the accused's lawyer can not make that decision for the accused.


Whether the jury heard it or not, I think it was a good thing. She will likely make it known to the jury that HE made the decision.

Standard jury instruction will be given. I can pull it for you if you want, but basically it states that the Defendant has voluntarily decided not to testify and that he has a constitutional right to do so and that the jury should not presume anything for his failure to testify.

Yes, all defendants have the right to speak for themselves. However, the lawyer also may not perpetrate a fraud upon the court.

I know that jury instructions will include that they should not consider the defendant's failure to testify. But, most people I know are not lawyers or judges and most of them think the defendant not testifying means he is guilty and CANNOT be allowed to testify. Even in this thread, there has been speculation about whether he will testify. I think early on it was told he would. But now he had chosen not to. I was glad he chose not, because, IMO, the evidence for the defense is overwhelming in and of itself. If he got baited or went to pieces he could undo that.

Here is an interesting TN case. There was a time when TN had some really squirrelly rules:

FindLaw | Cases and Codes
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He misread the situation in that Trayvon had every right to be there.

I don't recall any statement of Zimmerman's to the effect that li'l Trayvon didn't have the right to be there, just that he didn't have the right to assault and batter Zimmerman while he was where he had the right to be. As did Zimmerman, BTW, since it was common ground for use of all the residents.

The whole thing only happened because GZ was suspicious of TM.
TM was going about his lawful business.
GZ misread the situation.
I don't see how that can be argued against.

What law says that you cannot be suspicious of someone?

I think the testimony this afternoon gave good reason for him to be suspicious.
I don't even know that much.

Zimmerman just doesn't seem like he would be articulate enough to impress jurors.

I was surprised to learn his father is a magistrate judge? His uncle a sheriff's deputy.

That would impress me or influence me as a juror. He really didn't need to say anything.

I think he is plenty articulate. Apparently he is very well liked and respected and appreciated by his neighbors who know him well, but on camera he is not that sympathetic a person. He is probably very lovable once you get to know him. But on camera, he just isn't somebody who looks adorable either in his appearance or by his demeanor. He just isn't one of those people you are automatically drawn to and feel immediate rapport or sympathy with. And that could go against him under antagonistic interrogation by the Prosecution. I'm sure his defense team knows that too.

Someone--I don't know who--remarked that he had an unusually interesting and accomplished group of friends.

I haven't thought much about his appearance--under such circumstances anyone who can sit stoically through hours and hours of the legal process gets a pass from me.

'They' thought the woman called as a final witness was a good choice and it clarified to me that he has a genuine interest in his community. That is how I would respond to her testimony.
Far too emotional myself to serve on this jury and perhaps on any jury.

Why he couldn't have hit TM over the head with the gun--but I don't know. Self defense.

Having never engaged in a physical altercation it is difficult to judge what thoughts or feelings might be involved. Adrenaline---but that is the jury's job to decide.

When a man says, 'I'm cooking my.................' (stew, roast, steak, spaghetti, whatever) I know I am going to have to take an anti emetic to be able to keep it down.

The only man cooking I can tolerate is that of the ones who have been to culinary school.
I don't recall any statement of Zimmerman's to the effect that li'l Trayvon didn't have the right to be there, just that he didn't have the right to assault and batter Zimmerman while he was where he had the right to be. As did Zimmerman, BTW, since it was common ground for use of all the residents.

The whole thing only happened because GZ was suspicious of TM.
TM was going about his lawful business.
GZ misread the situation.
I don't see how that can be argued against.

What law says that you cannot be suspicious of someone?

I think the testimony this afternoon gave good reason for him to be suspicious.

There isn't one as far as I'm aware.
I'm sorry though, I missed your point.
I didn't call him a loser.

Ah, you just did in that post! When you ask someone to agree that GZ is a're CALLING him a loser. Don't make statements like that and then run from them...that makes YOU a loser!

Is English your second language?

I asked the replier if they would at least call him a loser. I made it clear then what I thought he was.

You asked The Rabbi, "Wouldn't you agree that GZ is at least a loser?", because The Rabbi wouldn't go all the way and agree with you that Zimmerman looked sociopathic. Who would The Rabbi be agreeing with about him being a "loser" other than you?

Quit being disingenuous.

Nevermind, forgot for a second who I was talking to.
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The whole thing only happened because GZ was suspicious of TM.
TM was going about his lawful business.
GZ misread the situation.
I don't see how that can be argued against.

What law says that you cannot be suspicious of someone?

I think the testimony this afternoon gave good reason for him to be suspicious.

There isn't one as far as I'm aware.
I'm sorry though, I missed your point.

That GZ was not doing anything illegal either and that if TM attacked him, that would be an illegal thing for TM to do, and if TM was on top of him bashing his skull to the concrete, GZ had the right to defend himself and that if you can not prove that this sequence of events just described is false beyond a reasonable doubt, GZ should walk.
My wife made a pot roast tonight for dinner. Well, she's been cooking it all day, but we had it for dinner. Anyway, I thought I would try a little BBQ Sauce on it and DAMN WAS IT GOOD! After 25 years, I don't know why I never tried it before. The same goes for Meatloaf and A-1 Steak Sauce, which is mighty tasty I must say.

As for the Prosecutions rebuttal witnesses, all I have to say is, "Oh man, where did you get your law degree, Bob's online law school and typewriter repair?" holy crap!

I'm cooking my beef stew today...

Yesterday I cut up some beef short rib meat and bagged bones and all in a large freezer bag with apple juice (martinellis), garlic, and table wine over night.

The marinade was tossed into a crockpot, then the meat braised and tossed into the crockpot on low first thing this morning.

At about the four hour mark (lunch) I added frozen green beans, some carrots, and some more wine and apple juice.

At snack time I lightly stir fried some fresh cut potatoes, mushrooms, and onions in wine and apple juice till the wine an apple juice have reduced and the veggies start getting a little brown and caramelized.. they were then tossed into the pot and I again topped off the liquid level in the pot with juice and wine.

As the last ingredients I just added canned diced tomato, basil, oregano, garlic, salt and pepper to taste.

Dinner will be ready in around two hours when the potatoes are just right, the meat is already fork tender. My dogs will get the beef short rib bones. All will be happy at the Brown's house tonight.

That sounds good.

I don't know how my wife makes anything, I just get to the table when she says it's ready. All I know is she put the roast on about an hour before we left for her doctor appointment and she told our daughter what to do while we were gone.

The best thing my wife makes is Salisbury Steak and Cube Steak with the Cube Steak being the best thing I have ever tasted. She also makes mean chili and vegetable soup as well, but we aren't allowed to eat that until the third day. Oh, and my mom taught her how to make Potato Salad and not that crap that comes in a container either, but made with bacon, mustard, bacon grease, potatoes, egg and whatever else she puts in it.

I'm getting hungry again. It's amazing I'm not over 200 pounds, lol.
1. It isn't illegal to come up to someone to ask a question
2. It is assault to attack someone(trayvon )
3. It is within Zimmermans rights to defend his self when trayvon is screaming I am going to kill you mother fucker.

How much more clear does it need to be?

I would love to see what you would think and do if a "Trayvon Martin type" was following your ass around in a truck when you were just walking down the street and minding your business. I would like to see what you would do if he got out of his truck to look for you. See if zimmerman was a Black guy and Martin was a white kid with the same "facts" that are in this case, I can guarantee your ass would be going to the race forum and crying about "the Blacks" and how he killed an innocent white kid who was scared because "the evil Black" was following him when he simply was on his way home with skittles and a drink in his hand.

Thanks for the laugh!!! :lol:
I don't even know that much.

Zimmerman just doesn't seem like he would be articulate enough to impress jurors.

I was surprised to learn his father is a magistrate judge? His uncle a sheriff's deputy.

That would impress me or influence me as a juror. He really didn't need to say anything.

I think he is plenty articulate. Apparently he is very well liked and respected and appreciated by his neighbors who know him well, but on camera he is not that sympathetic a person. He is probably very lovable once you get to know him. But on camera, he just isn't somebody who looks adorable either in his appearance or by his demeanor. He just isn't one of those people you are automatically drawn to and feel immediate rapport or sympathy with. And that could go against him under antagonistic interrogation by the Prosecution. I'm sure his defense team knows that too.

Someone--I don't know who--remarked that he had an unusually interesting and accomplished group of friends.

I haven't thought much about his appearance--under such circumstances anyone who can sit stoically through hours and hours of the legal process gets a pass from me.

'They' thought the woman called as a final witness was a good choice and it clarified to me that he has a genuine interest in his community. That is how I would respond to her testimony.
Far too emotional myself to serve on this jury and perhaps on any jury.

Why he couldn't have hit TM over the head with the gun--but I don't know. Self defense.

Having never engaged in a physical altercation it is difficult to judge what thoughts or feelings might be involved. Adrenaline---but that is the jury's job to decide.

The prosecution showed its desperation with their new 'theory' that li'l Trayvon was on top and was trying to 'get away.' I LOL'd when I heard that one.


Literally. Because it was an exercise in pure desperation.
Ah, you just did in that post! When you ask someone to agree that GZ is a're CALLING him a loser. Don't make statements like that and then run from them...that makes YOU a loser!

Is English your second language?

I asked the replier if they would at least call him a loser. I made it clear then what I thought he was.

You asked The Rabbi, "Wouldn't you agree that GZ is at least a loser?", because The Rabbi wouldn't go all the way and agree with you that Zimmerman looked sociopathic. Who would The Rabbi be agreeing with about him being a "loser" other than you?

Quit being disingenuous.

Nevermind, forgot for a second who I was talking to.

I asked a question and never asked them to agree with anything. The "agree" thing was just a troll invention on the other guy's part or like I thought, he's a foreigner. lol

I never used the word "agree" in that way.
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The whole thing only happened because GZ was suspicious of TM.
TM was going about his lawful business.
GZ misread the situation.
I don't see how that can be argued against.

What law says that you cannot be suspicious of someone?

I think the testimony this afternoon gave good reason for him to be suspicious.
There isn't one as far as I'm aware.
I'm sorry though, I missed your point.

Yes, that was my point.
I think he is plenty articulate. Apparently he is very well liked and respected and appreciated by his neighbors who know him well, but on camera he is not that sympathetic a person. He is probably very lovable once you get to know him. But on camera, he just isn't somebody who looks adorable either in his appearance or by his demeanor. He just isn't one of those people you are automatically drawn to and feel immediate rapport or sympathy with. And that could go against him under antagonistic interrogation by the Prosecution. I'm sure his defense team knows that too.

Someone--I don't know who--remarked that he had an unusually interesting and accomplished group of friends.

I haven't thought much about his appearance--under such circumstances anyone who can sit stoically through hours and hours of the legal process gets a pass from me.

'They' thought the woman called as a final witness was a good choice and it clarified to me that he has a genuine interest in his community. That is how I would respond to her testimony.
Far too emotional myself to serve on this jury and perhaps on any jury.

Why he couldn't have hit TM over the head with the gun--but I don't know. Self defense.

Having never engaged in a physical altercation it is difficult to judge what thoughts or feelings might be involved. Adrenaline---but that is the jury's job to decide.

The prosecution showed its desperation with their new 'theory' that li'l Trayvon was on top and was trying to 'get away.' I LOL'd when I heard that one.

Literally. Because it was an exercise in pure desperation.

I wondered about that.

Did they ever decide how the jury will be charged?

I leave the room and catch the end of whatever has been discussed.

A discussion on time for closing arguments was in progress. 1PM tomorrow for the prosecution.
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