The Official Zimmerman Trial Verdict Thread

What are your Initial Thoughts on the Guilt or Innocence of George Zimmerman?

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<blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p><a href=";src=hash">#zimmermantrial</a> Juror B29 won't make eye contact with BDLR. She's a hispanic nurse.</p>&mdash; Andrew Branca, LOSD (@LawSelfDefense) <a href="">July 11, 2013</a></blockquote>
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Um, that post may have not gone as planned, pete.
Bernie's conmspiracy theory is that GZ cleverly got over on the police.

Bernie must be pissed at the cops, I surmise.

For let's be real here. THEY didn't make the arrest. The official appointed State persecutor made that call. The cops had made the contrary call.

So, if GZ tried to get over on those cops and it worked, they must be not nearly as smart as Bernie the Attorney.

Nah. nothing will come of it. just an observation.

then I will allow myself to be encouraged.

Well that did come from Bozo.

It's an all star packed courtroom for closing.

I will give him a point for that. One of the 'luckiest' attorneys ever--

at one point in time I worked as a legal assistant--civil. I can't handle criminal--that is clear to me.

O'Mara says that he doesn't write out his closing arguments--keeps it in his head, knows what he wants to say. He should be busy tonight--plenty of revisions I would think.

They seem fit--maybe they are working out. I would need an hour or two with the punching bag.
Let me pose a few questions.

If Zimmerman gets off or is acquitted (depending on your point of view), would Black people be justified in "fearing for their lives" when they're out walking at night? And based on that fear, would they be able to mount a successful stand your ground self-defense case if and when a rash of lone black or Hispanic youths killed a white man?

And would conservatives defend them? Maybe that's the real question when all is said and done.

To your first question:

Is that a joke?

To your followup questions:

Was that the punchline?

It's a serious question. I think minorities could make a compelling case that Martin's shooting death and the trial that set Zimmerman free made them fear for their lives whenever they were alone on the street.

If a few white kids got shot and black defendants went free, you would find that the Florida State Legislature would be willing to repeal the stand your ground law in short order.

Black people are already in fear of their lives when they walk on the street at night. Generally they are in fear of other black people because statistically that is who will attack them.
If white kids started punching black kids for no reason adn bashing their heads into the pavement and the black kid pulled out his authorized weapon and shot him I'd have no trouble with that at all.
The right believes they should have the right to kill anyone, why? Even innocent people walking through a neighborhood.
More proof that anti-gun loons can only argue from emotion, ignorance and/or dishonesty.
I own a gun as does my wife and kids, so try again. Also have bows and arrows, knives, traps and hunting dogs. I bought 43 acres to hunt.
Nothing here in any way negates my post - you are arguing from emotion, ignorance and/or dishonesty.
No way around it.
I turned it off. Way to much sarcasm and over-exaggeration for me. I won't listen to the Defense closing either but will check back here on this thread every once in a while.

Off to WoW land for me!
Please show evidence that Zimmerman committed a crime if he "followed Martin." What crime was that again? Hello?

Didn't say it was a crime. But what happened after that? Did Martin who has no history of violence really just attack him? Seems a bit unlikely. He did kill Martin, that we know.

Yes, he went to see where Martin went to. he didnt find him and went back towards his car. And martin appeared all of a sudden and confronted him.
All teh evidence is consistent with that story. Nothing contradicts it. So why do you not want to believe it?

You mean that is what might have happened. But as I've mentioned it seems very odd Martin first runs away, but then comes out of nowhere and attacks him? That doesn't seem very weird to you given Marten has no history of violence?
So, according to GZ's testimony, after he made the 911 call, GZ was actually walking back towards his truck. And guess what? The defense is not making any great argument against that! Turns out that the stalking argument was media bull shit!
Poll: Not Guilty (63%, 242 Votes) Guilty - Manslaughter (30%, 116 Votes) Guilty - Second Degree Murder (7%, 29 Votes)
My mother was just convicted of three frivolous charges because her car insurance had lapsed for FOUR days back in October (2010), and the manner in which the evidence was procured was unconstitutional (and they discovered this in May 2013).

Now she has probation, license terminated and had to pay $680.

I had shown her how I had been acquitted (and she knew) three times in court for far more serious "offenses" and had my cases dismissed eight times before they even reached the court.

I had informed her of all the motions we could file, challenging the jurisdiction, constitutionality and the cause and nature of the accusations, and everything else. She also had the right to a trial by jury.

SHe decided that it was "too frightening" to go Pro Se and have a jury trial, and instead hired an attorney and took the advice of her daughter (my sister). Now she has probation, can't drive ever again and paid over $600 in fines, not including lawyer fees and the other fees she paid prior to the trial.

Had she followed my advice, the case would have been dismissed before it even reached trial.

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<blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p><a href=";src=hash">#zimmermantrial</a> Juror B29 won't make eye contact with BDLR. She's a hispanic nurse.</p>&mdash; Andrew Branca, LOSD (@LawSelfDefense) <a href="">July 11, 2013</a></blockquote>
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Um, that post may have not gone as planned, pete.

Don't know how to embed twitter posts. Sorry. What it says is that juror B29 the Hispanic nurse has not made eye contact with BDLR during his closing arguments. Usually means that they are not buying it.
It's only when he reaches for the gun that I go for the gun.

Right, Bernster.

Thank you
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