The Official Zimmerman Trial Verdict Thread

What are your Initial Thoughts on the Guilt or Innocence of George Zimmerman?

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Let's say, for example, that I'm walking home from the store. I notice some guy stalking me. I think he's stopped, finally, but then I see him again. I do not know what he's up to, and I'm doing nothing wrong.

I want to know why he's following me. I think he's creepy, and I'm getting pissed. So I duck behind some bushes to see if he's still coming after me.

When he pops up AGAIN, I jump his creepy ass--because (1) I'm pissed, (2) he's a threat, and (3) I hope to teach him not to stalk people.

And then he shoots me dead as I'm pounding his creepy dumb ass.

I'd say that the creep should see some jail time. When creepy dumb asses look for trouble and find it--well, that isn't self defense. It's stupidity.

OK, so you are the aggressor and want the victim, defended himself from your aggression, to serve jail time. You dont KNOW he was stalking you. He could have been going the same direction. Did you confront him in a nonaggressive manner and ask him?


Youre the aggressor here, so you did not defend yourself. You dont know he's a threat, you assumed and then acted.
No those guys are in the courtroom observing the jurors.

grain of salt.

so some freedom exists?

If the prosecution learns of this--I suppose they can use that.

Who knows. Sick of thinking about the past. Let expletives flow freely ---if one person can use them should we all? Thinking about all the expletives that were used to describe me--and other things.

I don't live far from the home of MLK and the Carter Center. Somebody needs to get on top of this---once and for all.

Nah. nothing will come of it. just an observation.

then I will allow myself to be encouraged.
He said he was suspicious because he was looking at the houses in a non-paved cut through. Then he approached GZ's car. GZ was already out of the car when the said we don't need you to do that. TM ran after approaching the car. After testimony today we understand that people who commit home invasions in that neighborhood do get away. If TM was trying to avoid, why did he start the conversation with GZ? These things are all well established facts. They have been submitted in testimony, and evidence. What are you basing your opinions off of?

Really? Here's a transcript of zimmerman's 911 call, please show me where it was stated that Martin was looking at houses.
Zimmerman 911 Call Transcript ? Trayvon Martin | Phoebe's Detention Room
It's Zimmerman's statement
Tonight, I was on my way to the grocery store when I saw a male approximately 5’11″ to 6’2″ casually walking in the rain, looking into homes.
Zimmerman?s Police Statements Are Not Consistent With Established Facts | The View From LL2

Why didn't he call the 911 emergency like he was instructed to do if Martin was allegedly "peering into houses" that would be like a peeping tom or something and well worth call 911 emergency. Why didn't he tell the dispatcher that Martin was allegedly "peering into houses"? So you are treating zimmerman's thought out statement (that was made to save his ass) like it's the truth. The non emergency call was more spur of the moment and "real time" and NOT ONCE in that call did he state that Martin was "peering into or looking into houses". :)

I know that, but wasn't there quite a bit of time between that call and the fight? All I'm saying is there is no evidence disproving Zimmerman's testimony that he was indeed walking back to his truck.

On the rest of the tape he either stood still or was already back in his truck. There is no wooshing sound from the wind in the audio, as there was when he fist got out of his truck and started following.
Let me pose a few questions.

If Zimmerman gets off or is acquitted (depending on your point of view), would Black people be justified in "fearing for their lives" when they're out walking at night? And based on that fear, would they be able to mount a successful stand your ground self-defense case if and when a rash of lone black or Hispanic youths killed a white man?

And would conservatives defend them? Maybe that's the real question when all is said and done.

To your first question:

Is that a joke?

To your followup questions:

Was that the punchline?

It's a serious question. I think minorities could make a compelling case that Martin's shooting death and the trial that set Zimmerman free made them fear for their lives whenever they were alone on the street.

If a few white kids got shot and black defendants went free, you would find that the Florida State Legislature would be willing to repeal the stand your ground law in short order.
I know in the Zimmerman case, they are claiming that his life was in no danger. I'd like to know how a person determines that at the time or even after the fact. People die every day from head injuries. I say if you're being attacked and you didn't start it, don't assume you're just in for a good beating, fight back with whatever you've got.
It is odd.

In NY, the prosecution has the burden of proof so they sum up AFTER the defense sums up. The defense then cannot reply to the prosecutor's points.

But in Florida, the Prosecution both sums up first and then, after the defense summation, gets a rebuttal summation. That should be a major STATE advantage.

So why the fuck is this persecutor spending so much time trying to "rebut" what the defense has not even been able to say?

Why not -- spit ball here with me for a moment -- MAKE YOUR CASE?

His prosecution summation is highly defensive. He comes across as a real rookie. I believe he is actually quite experienced. Whatever turned him inside out and got him all bent twisted and upside down has REALLY done a job on overcoming that experience.
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Lmao! After all the evidence and testimony corroborates his story, you still call him a criminal and a liar. Negged.

Zimmerman was arrested 3 times prior to this incident. He also lied in his bond hearing. Why should anyone believe his word?

First the charges were dropped, second the bond hearing is irrelevant, and third, witness testimony and evidence corroborate his self defense claim.

Did I leave anything out? Calling him a criminal and a liar just doesn't make it so.


If anyone else but the bizarro hero George Zimmerman had lied so egregiously concerning any court proceeding, they'd be publicly flogged.
George is surrounded by tasty court water. :thup:

But didn't he wear that suit and tie already?? I though Snoopie said they bought him new suits every day. :dunno:
so some freedom exists?

If the prosecution learns of this--I suppose they can use that.

Who knows. Sick of thinking about the past. Let expletives flow freely ---if one person can use them should we all? Thinking about all the expletives that were used to describe me--and other things.

I don't live far from the home of MLK and the Carter Center. Somebody needs to get on top of this---once and for all.

Nah. nothing will come of it. just an observation.

then I will allow myself to be encouraged.

Well that did come from Bozo.

It's an all star packed courtroom for closing.
It was politics that brought this case to trial. His experience is in trying real cases, not the sham of an obvious self defense.

He doesn't even believe his lies.
George is surrounded by tasty court water. :thup:

But didn't he wear that suit and tie already?? I though Snoopie said they bought him new suits every day. :dunno:

That's what I picked up.

What about that nice purple Mark tie though? That's a good closing for the ladies tie right there.
By history of violence I mean criminal history. Or even bringing in kids from school who say he beat them up. This hasnt happened to my knowledge.

Ok, what evidence says he did then? Since the shooting happened a good distance from the car it's clear Zimmerman followed Martin.
Please show evidence that Zimmerman committed a crime if he "followed Martin." What crime was that again? Hello?

Didn't say it was a crime. But what happened after that? Did Martin who has no history of violence really just attack him? Seems a bit unlikely. He did kill Martin, that we know.

Yes, he went to see where Martin went to. he didnt find him and went back towards his car. And martin appeared all of a sudden and confronted him.
All teh evidence is consistent with that story. Nothing contradicts it. So why do you not want to believe it?
I heard on the news channel feed from Florida (channel 9) that one of the 6 women on the jury will not even LOOK at Bernie. :cool:

And, by the way, I missed this point all together, but I think it is a good one:

Kathi Belich, WFTV @KBelichWFTV

The state see[m]s to be conceding again that Martin might have been on top and struggling over []Zimmerman[] 's guns.

I saw that on the Tweeter - that's hispanic woman
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