The Official Zimmerman Trial Verdict Thread

What are your Initial Thoughts on the Guilt or Innocence of George Zimmerman?

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No that is not harassment. I'd suggest learning the legal definitions of these things before spouting more shit.
Martin had run off. Zimmerman got out of his truck to see which way he went. Martin was walking on the grass, peering into houses and such. He wasnt walking like someone wanting to gt out of the rain.
So ZImmerman did not harass Martin. You made that up.

I've noticed the less intelligent posters here tend to fill in gaps in their own knowledge with words, terms, and descriptions that aren't in evidence but represent merely their own feelings. It marks them as having inferior intelligence.

Where's the evidence and testimony that supports his alleged "peering into houses"? Where's the evidence and testimony that supports that he wasn't "walking like someone who wants to get out of the rain"?

It's Zimmerman's statements on the matter.
Do you have something to contradict those statements?
Where are those statements? You made that bogus assertion, YOU NEED to back it up, not me. Where did zimmerman state that Martin was "Martin was walking on the grass, peering into houses and such."? :)
No finding of TM DNA on gun swab is NOT "inconsistent," Bernie, you dishonest hack.

Absence of evidence is not evidence of absence.

TM could have touched the gun yet still not left epithelial cells on the gun, you jerk-off.
Joan Baez--I have that one. 'The Night that Burnt Ol Dixie Down'. I like her voice--I cannot help myself. I had no idea of her politics.

What will happen to that juror--replaced?

No those guys are in the courtroom observing the jurors.

grain of salt.

so some freedom exists?

If the prosecution learns of this--I suppose they can use that.

Who knows. Sick of thinking about the past. Let expletives flow freely ---if one person can use them should we all? Thinking about all the expletives that were used to describe me--and other things.

I don't live far from the home of MLK and the Carter Center. Somebody needs to get on top of this---once and for all.

Nah. nothing will come of it. just an observation.
If GZ was bleeding (especially if it was profusely) he might -- oh, I don't know -- swallow before screaming out for help.

But he may not yet have been bleeding profusely.

Jose the liar lawyer

I know. This is my form of civil disobedience.

Woodstock. 70's --non violence. We tried if nothing else can be said for the Boomers.

ABBA is now singing 'SOS'.

Woodstock? Don't tell me you were there too?

um--All Boomers must speak fondly of Woodstock.

At my rural college--we preferred soul music and beach music. I was proud that a recent graduate designed this years T shirt for the Atlanta Road Race. High Five--WGC--suitcase college. :)
Walking up to someone isn't a reason to jump someone and threaten to kill them. End of story...Now if Zimmerman started the fight or came up being pushy that is quite another thing.

And unfortunately the criminal and liar, Zimmerman, is the only one who knows how the fight really started.

Lmao! After all the evidence and testimony corroborates his story, you still call him a criminal and a liar. Negged.
Otoh, West has done a lot of WORK and may be too tired. Soo much for poor Don to do, he needs to get some rest.

I know, right?

They all have worked hard, like lawyers really work anyhow.

I feel bad for the jury...they need to go home.
Hopefully the jury only takes 5 minutes to deliberate and find Zimmerman guilty.
and at the break, the score is...

Assholes = 9 (7 verbal, 1 screen, 1 tape)
Fucking punks = 7 (6 verbal, 1 tape)
Walking up to someone isn't a reason to jump someone and threaten to kill them. End of story...Now if Zimmerman started the fight or came up being pushy that is quite another thing.

And unfortunately the criminal and liar, Zimmerman, is the only one who knows how the fight really started.

Lmao! After all the evidence and testimony corroborates his story, you still call him a criminal and a liar. Negged.

Zimmerman was arrested 3 times prior to this incident. He also lied in his bond hearing. Why should anyone believe his word?
Let me pose a few questions.

If Zimmerman gets off or is acquitted (depending on your point of view), would Black people be justified in "fearing for their lives" when they're out walking at night? And based on that fear, would they be able to mount a successful stand your ground self-defense case if and when a rash of lone black or Hispanic youths killed a white man?

And would conservatives defend them? Maybe that's the real question when all is said and done.

To your first question:

Is that a joke?

To your followup questions:

Was that the punchline?

Do you mock everything?
Say you are walking home from buying a bag of Skittles and someone starts following you so you run off. Say you think you got away and suddenly, you hear "You punks always get away" so you turn around. Then they shoot you in the chest and you die. Guess you didn't get the chance to defend yourself.

apparently you did not do a good job defending yourself when those Footballers Tea Bagged you in HS......just sayin....
Walking up to someone isn't a reason to jump someone and threaten to kill them. End of story...Now if Zimmerman started the fight or came up being pushy that is quite another thing.

And unfortunately the criminal and liar, Zimmerman, is the only one who knows how the fight really started.

What makes him a liar, moron? You people really are stupid. :evil: I am sad that I have to live within the same country as a idiot.
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