The Official Zimmerman Trial Verdict Thread

What are your Initial Thoughts on the Guilt or Innocence of George Zimmerman?

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the Bernster's case:

But possibly IT WAS C

It sounds like he's arguing reasonable doubt to me. But what do I know.

Skittles he didn't even steal.
TM can be upset and scared that GZ was following. Crackers always up in his grille like dat.

But, then again, being upset is not the same thing as being allowed to then pummel the cracker.
GZ is only 5'7" and pudgy and he's expected to beat-up a 5'11" buff African-American? That's a weak case by Bernie. And TM is in a fight club and presumably much more experienced (though, that was unconstitutionally not allowed into evidence).
Let's say, for example, that I'm walking home from the store. I notice some guy stalking me. I think he's stopped, finally, but then I see him again. I do not know what he's up to, and I'm doing nothing wrong.

I want to know why he's following me. I think he's creepy, and I'm getting pissed. So I duck behind some bushes to see if he's still coming after me.

When he pops up AGAIN, I jump his creepy ass--because (1) I'm pissed, (2) he's a threat, and (3) I hope to teach him not to stalk people.

And then he shoots me dead as I'm pounding his creepy dumb ass.

I'd say that the creep should see some jail time. When creepy dumb asses look for trouble and find it--well, that isn't self defense. It's stupidity.

OK, so you are the aggressor and want the victim, defended himself from your aggression, to serve jail time. You dont KNOW he was stalking you. He could have been going the same direction. Did you confront him in a nonaggressive manner and ask him?


Youre the aggressor here, so you did not defend yourself. You dont know he's a threat, you assumed and then acted.

(1) Stalking can be quite obvious at times. In this Florida case, it sounds as if the stalker were being obvious. (I do not know if he did this intentionally or not.)

(2) Uninvited stalking is an agressive act.

(3) And, yes, a person does have a right to defend himself/herself against an aggressor. It is not the defendant's fault if the stalker is a pussy.
Grass on GZ shoes :eek:

Did the dumba$$ forget he just told us he straddled TM after shooting him?
Didn't say it was a crime. But what happened after that? Did Martin who has no history of violence really just attack him? Seems a bit unlikely. He did kill Martin, that we know.

Yes, he went to see where Martin went to. he didnt find him and went back towards his car. And martin appeared all of a sudden and confronted him.
All teh evidence is consistent with that story. Nothing contradicts it. So why do you not want to believe it?

You mean that is what might have happened. But as I've mentioned it seems very odd Martin first runs away, but then comes out of nowhere and attacks him? That doesn't seem very weird to you given Marten has no history of violence?
OK. So we know that Martin ran away, because Zimmerman said so. I think there was testimony to that effect as well.
So how did the two end up encountering each other again?
1) Zimmerman ran after Martin and caught up to him and confronted him. Unlikely given the physical disparity.
2) Zimmerman laid in wait for martin and confronted him when he re-appeared. Unlikely. Zimmerman had no idea where Martin was going or whether he would be back that way.
3) Martin doubled back to confront Zimmerman. The official story. Seems the most likely. Why? To teach Zimmerman a lesson. To cover his tracks because he was n fact casing the house. To intimidate Zimmerman so he wouldn't finger Martin in a later break in. To get even with Zimmerman because he dissed him by looking at him. Lots of possibilities here. But all of them point to Martin initiating the second fatal contact.
I turned it off. Way to much sarcasm and over-exaggeration for me. I won't listen to the Defense closing either but will check back here on this thread every once in a while.

Off to WoW land for me!

WoW land is more realistic than Bernie's scenarios. :thup:

Van Morrison--'Brown Eyed Girl' and now he sounds something like Bruce Springsteen. I never noticed that before.

Concerned that I have misplaced 'Blue Moon'--by the Marcels. Doo wop. I had to really search for that one. Organizing CD's--a good weekend project.
I know in the Zimmerman case, they are claiming that his life was in no danger. I'd like to know how a person determines that at the time or even after the fact. People die every day from head injuries. I say if you're being attacked and you didn't start it, don't assume you're just in for a good beating, fight back with whatever you've got.

No. The prosecution is NOT saying that Zimmerman's ass wasn't being thrashed, but the political right wing somehow believes it is important to emphasize how badly Zimmerman was getting his ass kicked.

That is not the issue at all. It isn't even relevant.

The central fact is that Zimmerman killed an innocent person due to his own idiocy, cockiness, and stupidity. Call it manslaughter.

If Zimmerman had not had a gun, he would not have stalked that kid.
Lots of doubt being raised by state's closing.

Lots of straws being grabbed at. I at least try to be objective when listening to the defense and at least don't ridicule the whole thing.

Lots of we don't know what happened and isn't it possible by the person with the burden of proof means doubt. Kind of like your "wouldn't you agree" line.

Wouldn't you agree the defense eats worms for breakfast? Doubtful.
Walking up to someone isn't a reason to jump someone and threaten to kill them. End of story...Now if Zimmerman started the fight or came up being pushy that is quite another thing.

What would you do if you tried to avoid someone and they walked upon on you in what your perceived was a threatening manner, like maybe he was going to rob you or beat your ass? In my opinion, there are only three things to do; stand there and wait for him to do something or not do something (taking a chance), run (smart), or fight (depending on the circumstance smart or dumb)?
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