The Official Zimmerman Trial Verdict Thread

What are your Initial Thoughts on the Guilt or Innocence of George Zimmerman?

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GZ is only 5'7" and pudgy and he's expected to beat-up a 5'11" buff African-American? That's a weak case by Bernie. And TM is in a fight club and presumably much more experienced (though, that was unconstitutionally not allowed into evidence).

When I was a freshmen in college, my friend was a HS wrestling coach. I went to one of his practices. They asked if I wanted to grapple against this little Asian kid, who I had conservatively 20 pounds on (probably 35-40) and I thought, oh this is going to be cake. He had much stronger core muscles and technique and I totally lost. I don't think I was pinned, but he overpowered me. The prosecution's case is bunk.
He's got that legal training so when he spoke to get over on the cops, and the cops are as dumb as these fucking cops were, well then, by golly, you can understand that the the defendfant was just being slick and succesful.

thankfully, i am MUCH smarter than these dumb cops. My boss, in fact, is such a GENIUS that SHE brought a murder charge against this defendant.

Therefore, you MUST convict.

Thank you.

If you acquit, I lose my job and

NO SOUP for you.
Say you are walking home from buying a bag of Skittles and someone starts following you so you run off. Say you think you got away and suddenly, you hear "You punks always get away" so you turn around. Then they shoot you in the chest and you die. Guess you didn't get the chance to defend yourself.

Not what happened, does everyone you hang with lie like you do?
You must adhere strictly to the rules if you are in the neighborhood watch:

If you are watching in a GATED FUCKING COMMUNITY, members of a race with special privileges , can enter as if they were in the Cabrini projects. Say an emphatic hello and give them the master key to every house.

Take pictures of yourself hugging him and email them to Angela Corey. Afterwards give him your cell phone. That's what homies do.


You know what is ironic, if a white man (or really any race) were to walk through south central it is almost a guarantee that he is going to be killed for doing nothing. It is unlikely that anyone will be caught either. There are neighborhoods that the police won’t even enter; it is simply too damn dangerous for them. You don’t hear jack shit about that though.

Fantasy land. ahead and try it Lone, c'mon....try it.

Try and get through some of those neighborhoods.
Lots of straws being grabbed at. I at least try to be objective when listening to the defense and at least don't ridicule the whole thing.

Lots of we don't know what happened and isn't it possible by the person with the burden of proof means doubt. Kind of like your "wouldn't you agree" line.

Wouldn't you agree the defense eats worms for breakfast? Doubtful.

Yep, and it's reasonable doubt.
with a suspect here,
a suspect there,
suspect, suspect everywhere,
Trayvon Martin caught a slug,
E - I - E - I - O.

And if the cops tell you to only watch and not make physical contact with the person doing nothing wrong is wrong?

Considering that isn't at issue in the Zimmerman case, what's your point? Considering there is no evidence he initiated physical contact.

The only evidence we have is that Zimmerman saw someone suspicious and then a few minutes later was being beat against the ground with an aggressor on top, per the eye witnesses.

Making up and changing facts to somehow make Zimmerman guilty while ignoring the evidence isn't honest or just. We don't have the privilege of making things up in a court of law. In fact, we have the responsibility NOT to.

Doesn't change that we have a right to self defense.
Let's say, for example, that I'm walking home from the store. I notice some guy stalking me. I think he's stopped, finally, but then I see him again. I do not know what he's up to, and I'm doing nothing wrong.

I want to know why he's following me. I think he's creepy, and I'm getting pissed. So I duck behind some bushes to see if he's still coming after me.

When he pops up AGAIN, I jump his creepy ass--because (1) I'm pissed, (2) he's a threat, and (3) I hope to teach him not to stalk people.

And then he shoots me dead as I'm pounding his creepy dumb ass.

I'd say that the creep should see some jail time. When creepy dumb asses look for trouble and find it--well, that isn't self defense. It's stupidity.

OK, so you are the aggressor and want the victim, defended himself from your aggression, to serve jail time. You dont KNOW he was stalking you. He could have been going the same direction. Did you confront him in a nonaggressive manner and ask him?


Youre the aggressor here, so you did not defend yourself. You dont know he's a threat, you assumed and then acted.

(1) Stalking can be quite obvious at times. In this Florida case, it sounds as if the stalker were being obvious. (I do not know if he did this intentionally or not.)

(2) Uninvited stalking is an agressive act.

(3) And, yes, a person does have a right to defend himself/herself against an aggressor. It is not the defendant's fault if the stalker is a pussy.

Even if we give you the benefit of the doubt and say Zimmerman was following Trayvon. That's not stalking.

And who the heck has ever invited stalking?

If people have the right to defend themselves, than Zimmerman has to walk. Justice demands it.
Bernie is all over the map and his time line is insane. This method of playing a portion of a clip and "impeaching" it sounds worse than some threads here. Bernie is desperate.
If Zimmerman had not had a gun, he would not have stalked that kid.



IF YOU ARE WORKING IN A ***PRIVATE GATED *****COMMUNITY where you may encounter members of any race which enjoys a special privilege status, you must leave your firearm home.

You have a duty , a responsibility to die , or get a concussion , protecting the community.

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